UGLY DUCK // open


✟ 14/4 - 24 ✟
Jan 15, 2024

It had been a long tiresome day when he returned back to camp in the early evening. All he wanted was to retreat into the warrior den and crash in his nest for a long deserved nap after having been up and about this whole morning and noon. It was a well deserved rest he was sure. No one would complain if he took a break he hoped. Fieryheart took his tired paws to the warriors den but he paused outside when he heard giggles and talking coming from the inside between a group of mollies. He had not meant to eavesdrop but they where not exactly quiet either in their conversation.

" Hey Dreamsong!, who do you think are the most handsome looking tom in the clan?." one of the molly asked their friend as all three of them were waiting expectantly for Dreamsong to give them her answer. " Well, i think Brackenclaw is difficult not to look at." All three of them seemed to agree as they giggled and gave a teasing shove to Dreamsong's shoulder. " Well i cannot argue against that!. Having kits with him for sure would give us the most handsome looking toms in the clan." the mollies giggled again, and Fieryheart frowned in discomfort just by listening to this. He for sure felt out of place and that this was not a conversation he wanted any part of. Maybe he could sleep out in the forest instead?. It would be awkward to step in there while this four was talking about who the most handsome tom in the clan was.

Fieryheart took a step back and turned around ready to leave the mollies in peace. " Soooo, who do you guys think is the most ugly looking tom in the clan?." Dreamsong was the one who asked the group. The four looked between each other before one of them would answer. " I will have to say Fieryheart. He is not really my type at all. " one answered the other three quickly agreed. " Yeah me neither!. He is not really good looking at all!. Like this flop ears of his are just weird!, and he looks to be really fat!. Lets not forget how he never keeps his fur groomed!. I would never want to have kits with him that's for sure!. We would get like...ugly ducklings or something!." All of them giggled at the last remark as they had completely roasted Fieryheart who stood right outside without their knowledge...

Ouch. Hearing what they had to say about him really, really hurt. Fieryheart clenched his teeth before he started to walk away from there with a clumb stuck inside of his chest. Never before had he really been thinking about his apperance much but that he was ugly like a duck?.Yeah, even him could feel his pride crumble and die. It hurt to hear that he was so unattractive.

He left camp and wandered out into the forest again without any destination of where to go. Eventually he would find a frozen puddle to seat down across to look into his own reflection like he was searching after what was so wrong with his appearance. He would touch one of his folded ears with his forepaw. Never before had he felt so insecure about his own looks. It didn't felt nice at all to know that he was ugly.

Maybe that was why Jackdaw had left him because he had been to ugly to look at.

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𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 Newly invigorated by the recent successes of their hunting, Edenpaw feels basically like they are untouchable. Sure, they'd stumbled, fallen, eaten a couple scars to the face, some branding to the back but.... nothing they couldn't recover from. Flowercloud had helped in that regard... to witness someone older than them go through the same kinds of trauma and learn to cope with that change. It mattered... more than they were willing to admit at the time but. It wouldn't be forgotten.

Unfortunately, their last attempt at trying to rush after a vole had not been quite so easy and graceful as that first squirrel had been... and they had all but consigned themself to return home empty-pawed. Until... a silhouette looming over a water feature catches their gaze. "Oh hey Fieryheart," the apprentice cheers, rushing over to sit by the stream with him.

They peer down into the rippling surface, "Seen any fish? I don't think I've ever tried to catch any before but RiverClan makes it look so easy and-" a cursory glance in the warrior's direction reveals a bit more than concentration... He looks... upset?

"Hey hey!!! What's wrong?" There were plenty of reasons a SkyClanner could be upset, what with all the rampant death going around but... could this really be such a delayed reaction to that?​

"Crying won't solve any of your problems, you know." Harsh words from an acerbic tongue, slicing through the snowdrift and the subtle somber of leafbare. Even in the harshness of the hoarfrost could an irate flame be found within the camber of Chrysaliswing's heart. The day had been cold, far too cold for him to be ambling about without a care in the world. The patrol he was on had been called off early due to the snowfall, for it was quite a task to sniff through the powdery monochrome for any trace of trails or dens. He wouldn't be out here looking for wayward souls and their sorrows otherwise.

Vagrant paws, ever-moving as though the torch would snuff itself out if he were to stop his duties, elected to stay besides Fieryheart and Edenpaw. They were two cats he didn't know too well nor did he care to get to know them. Mismatched gaze rested gently upon the frozen puddle that Fieryheart cast his own face upon, as though the other stared in disbelief at his own ignominy - vanity and beauty were two things the Skyclan warrior concerned himself with the least. It was a foolish, fleet game for the fickle. Anthracite and amber tail swished behind him. Although he was present, Chrysaliswing refused to even glance in the direction of the sobbing Fiery. Ugh, pull yourself together... It's disgusting.

Oh, of course he was being approached in this awful timing when he wanted nothing more then to be left alone. Fieryheart frowned as he bite back a snappy remark because Edenpaw had done nothing this far to deserve that from him. " Yea, hi." he would gloomy greet back, suprised almost to the point of shook that the apprentice decided to seat down beside them. Okay. That was odd. When did anyone ever seek out his company?. If he not was in a such gloom mood at the moment he might have find delight in the rare company of one of his clanmates actually wishing to spend time with him.

It was difficult for him to concentrate on what Edenpaw were saying when all he could think about what the mollies had said about him. But he did tried his best to not let his thoughts drift of somewhere else. He believed as long he didn't need to talk right now he could survive this. He wouldn't have minded if Edenpaw would have rambled on forever about riverclan and their disgusting fish but that unfortunately didn't end up to be the case. Edenpaw suddenly had their focus on him, and Fieryheart felt sick inside over the fact he was being called out. Foxdang. Sometimes he wished to be better at hiding his own emotions.

" Nothing, i'm fine...really. It's just...something dumb happend that's all" he would reply without giving to much of details to it. Honestly he felt awkward to even be having this conversation with an apprentice. What was he suppose to say anyway?. That he was sad that he had been told ugly by some mollies?, and ask Edenpaw if they thought he was ugly too?. Like what would an conversation like that even lead to being anything but uncomfortable and cringe worthy?. No thank you. Fieryheart wanted to be spared from making a fool out of himself.

Chrysaliswing of course had to be one of the cats who find him right now. One he did not appreciate the company of. His harsh words to him really hit a nerve to the flame-ginger tom and oh boy was he ready to fire back at them. " I'm not crying you dumbass!!." Fieryheart snapped, his head spinning around to wherever the hell Chrysaliswing had done the displeasure of making his presence to be. " Perhaps you need some new pair of eyes since you clearly cannot see anything with the ones you already have!." He would contunie as the back of his fur started to bristle. Tch. He really couldn't stand cats like Chrysaliswing who seemed to love being a jerk for no reason and he would be damned if he let cats such like them step all over him. Oh no. This spitfire could bark and bite.


Peachpaw had already dragged her paws getting moreee moss for the elders. Not that she dislike the elders but 'the water at her two-leg's place doesn't taste like moss' she thought already halfway through camp. Peachpaw then thought of different ways to describe how moss tastes when her thoughts were cut off by a distinct yelling in camp. The cat with floppy ears with his back turned to her was certainly making it known that he was 'not crying' but sometimes when a cat says they're not crying they actually are.

She made a u turn and decided to approach the black and white apprentice sitting next to him. "Here" Peachpaw said dropping the moss "For your sad friend." Peachpaw was sure the elders could wait just a little bit longer for their moss to arrive.

"I always get thirsty after a good cry"Peachpaw said beaming.