uh oh spaghetti-os || ferm, dove


"Oh, StarClan," she whispers.

This was not how — any of this was supposed to go.

All her work done for the day, fish fished and chores chored, she'd just wanted something to do. Something to get out of the depressing-ness of camp, something to take her mind off of — all the awful stuff that's plaguing it lately. Off of him, the things he did, the past that won't leave her alone no matter how fast she tries to run from it.

So she came up with this: there was a patch of flooded river that had risen close to camp, within sight of it — close enough that you could maybe argue it was basically inside the camp — and there was some wood floating by the shore and she was like hey! Apprentices who are nearby and also bored! What if boat?

And those apprentices had been Dovepaw and Fernpaw who both loved swimming so it was really, super perfect. And then they were all on a makeshift boat. A big floating thing-that-was-maybe-once-a-log, uneven slab of wood was barely big enough for the three of them but it worked, it floated — so they got to splash their feet in the water and sunbathe for a bit and that was great but then

Then the driftwood was floating away from the shore. Deeper into the floodwater. Fine, that was fine. They could all swim.

Then there was a giant — GIANT fish circling their makeshift boat. And that was not fine. Because this thing is huge — crucially it's bigger than any of them and Ashpaw is not ready to die. "It's enormous," she whispers. "Do you think — do you think it's a predator? Do you guys know what kind it is?" It sure looks like a predator. Ashpaw's heard tales from Willowroot of sea-fish so big they'll swallow cats whole, is this one of those? She feels faint.

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • i just had this idea in my head and needed it to be real lol hope it's a good starter! @FERNPAW @dovepaw.

  • - 9 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - crushing hard on iciclepaw
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - got real fucked up as a kid so if she seems like she was fucked up as a kid, that's why
    - "speech"
    - she is on a JOURNEY

Dovepaw had only gone along with this due to his chronic tendency to be completely unable to refuse things out of a deep-seated fear of coming across as impolite. A boat sounding terrifying, but he gave a thin-lipped smile and decided to go along with it. If they died, at least it would be all three of them—that sort of tragedy would have more staying power.

Yes, Dovepaw enjoyed swimming, but the prospect of being on a slab of wood that could flip over and hit their heads and trap then underwater employed so many more issues and potential pitfalls than a regular, old-fashioned dip in the river. He was trying his best to not jitter with anxiety as he sat on their boat, knowing that doing so only made them more likely to tip over. The knowledge of that just made him want to shake even more.

Things went south quickly, though. Dovepaw had to try and stop the panic from showing on his face, and ended up with the next emotion behind that—jaded resignation. The fish was just the cherry on top.

"I—d-d-don't t-touch it," Dovepaw spoke softly through nearly-chattering teeth. He was not even sure if Ashpaw was trying to touch it, but he found it necessary to reiterate that doing so would be an absolutely terrible idea regardless.