private uh-oh you made a mistake // circus

Nov 10, 2022
shoelace | 18 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold red

The ragtag bunch of rogues is utterly boring. A bunch of old men and grumpy butts. Running out of patience with how dull her life has turned, she slips away the second the area is clear from the coyotes. They'll be back of course, as will she, but for now there is a brief moment of safety which she plans to take full advantage of. Her paws lead her away from the safety of the shed and into the unknown. Or well, not so unknown.

A manic grin slips onto her face as she spots a she-cat she hasn't seen before - or at the very least, one she has already forgotten meeting. Flouncing over on unstable paws, the she-cat is practically bouncing around in place as she skids to a halt before the stranger. "Hiya there!" she has no clue if this will be a friendly encounter o not, and while her smile never wanes her sharp talons dig into the earth beneath her. She's ready either way - and its absolutely thrilling. She rocks back and forth idly, fiery gaze flitting over the molly appreciatively.

// @circus!
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A happy voice.

Circus had been scraping moss off of a large rock at the moment, hoping to gather it for her nest before it was covered in snow, when a new presence suddenly bursts its way into her periphery. It was a cold day, and a gloomy day, and she had woken up on the wrong side of her nest that morning, and a sky full of clouds with the ground icy and miserable with snowmelt was not her preferred climate. So when a stranger approached, ironically with the same amount of energy that she usually put forward to make new friends on a good day, Circus was jarred.

One beat passed, and then another—a response late by one second too many—before Circus whirled around with a bombastic grin of her own. Those who knew her smiles would know that this one was made of plaster and paint and crayon wax, and was very much drawn on instead of coming from a genuine place, but to strangers, it would likely still suffice. "Hi!"

Most cats would react wither with politeness or hostility when approached by a stranger, and yet Circus responded with a friendliness that would give any onlooker the idea of an old friend. "I'm collecting moss! You wanna join me, pinecone?"

She was getting better at thinking up nicknames! Although the stranger's piercing amber eyes was the first thing Circus noticed, the second was her prickly brown fur, and the name pinecone just seemed to stick.
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shoelace | 18 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold red

Her greeting is returend cheerfully, although she can't quite gauge how sincere the other molly is. Oh well - it doesn't much matter to Shoe! The other woman gives her an offer - tacking on a nickname. Pinecone. Now that's a new one! Grin only getting sharper, she nods eagerly - "Sure thing! Though - why would ya want moss?" she doesnt really understand the appeal - did this cat want to eat it or something? Head cocks to the side, as the street cat stares unblinkingly at the other. She only breaks eye contact for a brief moment to quickly scratch at an annoying itch behind her ear, back legs stretching easily.