he ventures high, leaps onto the rock with little precursor. he clears his throat just as eyes find him, as paws start his way.. then, cicadastar speaks, “ first and foremost, smokethroat will be tending to patrols shortly — but due to recent events on our borders, i want all to be aware of a few adjustments. “ the dark deputy included. a thin ear flicks, a tail tip twitches. his agitation marks in subtlety, in micromovements that lift his feathered chin against the greenleaf sun, “ since two of our warriors decided to treat me as an unruly kit publicly, i have decided to do just the same. until i’ve deemed them mature enough to defend and protect our borders, boneripple and lichentail are not to perform their duties unattended. they are not to leave camp alone, they are not to hunt alone, they are not to do a thing without eyes on them. “ boneripple, so eager to bring ashpaw back to camp before he or smokethroat had arrived, a kitten he’d asked for the kin of, should he have had to be prepared for their return for her. to treat them both like the same backmouthing apprentices he’d dealt with moons before, embarrassing him in front of sootstar.. a childish response to childish behavior.

the first of them, lichentail.. he could not imagine the shame of being kept from patrols unless held by the paw like an apprentice, and so soon after just receiving her freedom from back from ravensong’s den. what a pity, “ i would expect this behavior of boneripple, “ he’s known her for moons more than riverclan had existed, grew with her beyond the marshes — and even he is surprised her kits made it to birth. he thinks of willowroot, who’d not been so lucky, and the kits star - laden in the heavens above. overworking, defiance, not listening. his ears flick back, resists the urge to flick icicle eyes towards his own, pregnant mate. the phantom had made his concerns clear before the life stemming from him had been confirmed, ” but not of my lead warrior. “ blue eyes settle on lichentail amidst the crowd, towards boneripple. both risks he had begun leaning into regret, unable to ignore the rousing suspicion burning at the back of his skull. their skulking, and blessed, blessed silence ; perhaps it would be a comfort, but their undermining had been uncovered already. hyacinthbreath had sealed her fate when she’d spared one who would not have spared her — would their wishful thinking be the end of them, as well? one day they would meet a cat with not a kindling of warmth in them, calloused beyond protecting their lands. one day, they would regret showing their throats before knowing true intent.

and what did they slink and stare over now? to have been chastised like children for biting at his warmth when he was there to protect, not against ashpaw, but where she had come from. what beasts had taken her, and where were they now? and hellebore’s parents.. it keeps him awake already, wide - eyed in his nest, only lulled into sleep by the warmth at his side. ” now, to news that should have been my first, had i not have had to incline you all to kitsit my warriors. ashpaw — ashpaw has been returned to us. “ ashpaw. he remembers her fighting alongside him so vividly, remembers the confidence and water - blood slicking through their fur up to the mid limb. he remembers iciclefang returning without her, voice more lost than he’d heard in her many moons. he’d been there at her birth, had seen her grow beneath smokethroat, seen her dispondance and loss for sunrises before life hardened her again. ashpaw had been a constant since they’d travelled riverside, since she’d been nothing but a bundle of russet fluff and loud excitement. he’s a memory of her crouched over a molly he’d considered like his daughter, as red with blood as the patches of ruddy color that splashed pumpkinpaw’s unmoving figure. she’d looked up at him with wavering emerald eyes and despite his refusal to speak of her, to even acknowledge she had existed in his grief.. her name does not fall from his mouth even now, not spoken once to those closest, to smokethroat. he’d not had to.

for moons the phantom has burned beneath prying eyes and should - haves, but his jaw tightens, teeth grinding. he moves forward,, ” she had been abducted by twolegs. they are bolder during greenleaf — i ask you all to remain in large groups if wandering near the campsite. “ disgusting beasts. the thought of their filthy paws pulling her away, taking her from their land, her home. his claws unsheathe, tap at the rock below, ” the stars have found ashpaw safely home, but not all of us will be so lucky. “ the thought of losing more cats to wandering twolegs — monsters. they were savage, disruptive monsters.

a gust of breath. now, to more pressing matters, ” as i’ve said, we will be meeting with the ripple colony this evening. i will be taking @Snakeblink @willowroot @Aspenhaze and @MUDPELT with me, apprentices are welcome at your discretion, should they be able to behave themselves. “ all with a careful friendliness, warm without exposing their weaknesses. snakeblink, a tall, intimidating figure, but spoken well, calm. willowroot, maternal and open as she was, a presence easy to fall into. aspenhaze, a level, yet playful spirit. mudpelt, golden beam amidst their ranks. he holds his tongue before he can continue, before another name falls from his maw.. clearsight — he would’ve been on this patrol, the briefest thought has him turning his head, gritting his teeth. the things he deserved to see got longer each day, didnt it? it always would. he thinks briefly of bringing clayfur in his stead, but it would be for naught, ” put on your best face, and keep your eyes open. we are going under the guise of discussion, but i want you to investigate this camp as well. any strange activity, anything of note, i want reported to me. “ any signs of deceit, signs of danger.

the curl - furred leader looks down, searches the crowd to find a familiar rosetted face and blinding eyes. “ cindershade, i want you to lead your own patrol to shadow us. keep to the reed, keep upwind. you’ve seen how many there are, and i’ve not a clue how many more toil away in that mud pit. “ the phantom would not let them come unprepared. he would not let them be overpowered, should they turn hostile in their home environment. dark - furred and stealthy, razor - clawed.. he gives his lead a brief nod, of assurance, of confidence. cindershade, alongside snakeblink, the longest standing of leads upon smokethroat’s step into deputy duty.. and everything to show for it. his trust in her is not misplaced, no seed of doubt to plant in his mind, ” should anything go wrong, i will call. take who you think will serve you best. “ — cunning, stealthy cats. those with power behind their claws and enough sense to keep them hidden until the time arrives ; a test, too, he would say. how would she go about her patrol? he is eager to find out.

” those attending the gathering this moon are : @Petalnose @Aspenhaze @Poppysong @PIKESPLASH @Snakeblink @Lakemoon . and @ICICLEFANG . apprentices are, once again, welcome to attend at your discretion. “ and ravensong, of course. smokethroat would be a given as well, should he not swell each day further with life. a heavy sigh, visible slumping of thin shoulders signifies the end of disheartening news and potential threats. instead, a smile dances wolfishly onto bladed features, ” now.. let’s move on to ceromonies, shall we? “

  • i. activity shoutouts to @RAVENSONG @lichentail @Petalnose @Cindershade @Mosspaw @Aspenhaze and @Snakeblink !! you guys ROCK SO MUCH keep up the amazing work !!

    ceremonies will be next post for coherency < 3 be sure to throw in last minute ceremonies you may need to #mentor-finder in our clan discord!!

  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 50 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"
Ashpaw returning to RiverClan was a shock, but not an unwelcome one. Aspenhaze might not have had much interaction with her prior to this, but just like Mosspaw, they're happy for her safe return. Even if it did stir a bit of drama... They're not too shocked that Lichentail is one of the cats being put on blast, as they have conflicting feelings on her. She's certainly capable when she wants to be, but she's perhaps a bit too rash, even more so than their new mate. It was way earlier for them to defend Petalnose, and they can't help but laugh internally at Lichentail getting in trouble this early on. Part of them wonder if maybe they were a better pick to become lead warrior, but they don't entertain it too long. They're just happy Petalnose is proving herself a good addition more than anything; if anyone deserves it, it's her.

After that whole fiasco, something that does actually surprise them is that they're picked next to join a patrol to meet up with this Ripple Colony. After Cicadastar mentions that they're also to be on lookout, it makes a bit more sense to them. They were intimidating to a degree, but sneakily investigating was more their strong suit. They're happy to join in, and they know they trust Mosspaw to be with them as well. They're certainly taking her to the gathering too, though they know she'll probably be a bit embarrassed at how lovely dovey Aspenhaze intends to be with Petalnose. Ah well, it's not like she has to pay too much attention to them. They hope she's more comfortable at this next one, and socializes some more as well.
The moment Cicadastar leapt atop Highrock, Mosspaw turned to listen in rapt attention. She was eager to hear what her leader had to say. Lichentail and Boneripple were being punished. For some reason, that surprised her. It shouldn't, she had been there when the incident had occurred. They had both disrespected the leader, she reminded herself, and there had to be consequences for such infractions. Besides, the punishments, though embarrassing, were slight. This was all for the best. The pair would learn from this, and everything would be back to normal soon enough.

Mosspaw's eyes shone with delight as Cicadastar announced to the clan that Ashpaw she had returned. This was news worthy of a meeting. Her sister's return had been nothing more than a miracle, and she was more than thankful for it. The drama that had occurred around it was little more than a footnote to her.

Her ear flicked in acknowledgement of the announcement that her mentor would be going both on the patrol's to meet with the Ripple Colony and to the gathering. Assuming Aspenhaze took her along to both, she was going to be busy. The patrol in particularly was of interest to her. The colony had been the talk of the camp recently, and she had seen nothing of them as of yet. Her curiosity burned within her. She could not wait.​

Her leader seemed irritated, which made her brows raise as she settled close beside Aspenhaze and near Mosspaw. She would give her mate a small lick to the ear in greeting, a purr slowly rumbling through her despite her serious and focused expression towards her leader.

What could this be? Was it the silent treatment most of the camp gave him when he had announced their help to the colony?

Eyes fluttered as she quickly got a sort of explanation. Boneripple was being punished. She didn't particularly know the Molly well but she had heard the whispers among camp about her. It wasn't as much of a surprise. Then Lichentail was. A lead that was promoted alongside her and someone she couldn't quite pull an opinion about. Lichentail was reckless, maybe more than her in some situations. Although, Petalnose knew full well not to step infront of a higher authority figure intentionally. Countless times she had already made that mistake when she was a youth, but it was intentional then. It was something she vowed herself not to do as she was now matured and padded amongst the ranks herself, a reason why she pushed back the majority of her feelings when Cicadastar announced their help to the colony.

Petalnose cringed at their punishment to herself and shook her head lightly. She was surprised her clanmates would do such, the stern look of Cicadastar in her direction was enough to make her silent. Reckless she was with situations that only involved her own individual safety, but never would she put those paws right infront of authority and never would she ever do anything knowing it'll intentionally harm a clanmate. Why would Lichentail do such a thing? She saw the feline as intelligent and similar enough to her to assume she had the same rules to themselves about what they got their paws in. Maybe Lichentail wasn't as much as a trouble seeker as a kit as she was, maybe she didn't live most of her kithood through punishments. Hopefully, she'll learn.

Despite the lower hand Lichentail got already, she still didn't feed any ego with their friendly rivalry despite the blessings of good things seeming to fall upon her more. She didn't let herself look upon the pointed molly to give her any sense of competition. Lichentail just needed to learn, just as she had when she challenged law and authority in the past.

Petalnose instead looked down upon her mate at the mention of them going to the gathering together again, this time as mates. They didn't have to excuse their close behavior as platonic, another exciting piece of news to bring if she was bombarded by an irritating form of flirting from enemy clans. She leaned in more to Aspenhaze, feeling the warmth of their body. "They must love watching us together." She joked in a whisper, smirking in good humor. "This time I get to call you mine."

The mention of Pikesplash going as well made her wonder where he'd go off in the gathering. She searched for the fellow tabby for a moment but she didn't put as much effort as before. She only gave him a friendly nod if she had caught gazes with him. The lead wouldn't approach him this time as he seemed to want to be distant to an extent.. with the addition of her not wanting to leave Aspenhaze's side. Pike would come to her if he wanted but she didn't feel up to bully him in friendly means this time around as if she was sitting in the comfort of warm water.

She looked back upon Cicadastar for the apprentice ceremony, wondering if this time around she was trusted to raise up one of these apprentices to warriors. She hoped she proved herself worthy.

જ➶ The dark stained huntress comes to the meeting with her spine rigid. She knows not why but she feels like there is an ominous feeling about this particular meeting and she does not have to wait long to know what it is. Her eyes slowly narrow, claws pricking the ground but never truly unsheathing. So she is to be punished and watched like the outsider that they proclaim her to be. Her many moons here, her steadfast loyalty during leafbare and the events that happened after mean nothing in the face of a simple telling to be just a little bit nicer. An ego affronted on something as small as needing to be warmer to a cat that called this river home. For a moment she almost thinks to speak up but she keeps it lodged in her throat. And then her gaze widens just slightly. Mixed emotions ripple through her like a torrential wave. Expected. It was expected that she would do something like this. That alone stung her core, not expected of Lichentail but just her. Why?

Her head lifts up and she forces a breath out of her muzzle. Cool and even. Fine. If such behavior is suddenly expected of her then she will give them what they want. No matter what she does she will be seen as the snake in the high grass. The hawk waiting with talons sharp. The Shadowclanner that has infiltrated them and stains their waters black. She is who she is afterall. Only those who have gained her trust she will remain friendly to. Those who don't just see her as the clan she held from from birth. But to others, she will turn blind eyes to. No matter their plight. The woman holds her head up then, high and proud. Her choice made for her. She cares little about the punishment and will continue her duties as she has always done.

Of course he is informed of what is going on briefly-a minor note that he needs to be there to hear what had happened, but he’s surprised by the extent of it. Openly chastising your leader at the border was something only foolhardy young apprentices might do. Lichentail AND Boneripple had done so? He finds it hard to believe but he can’t imagine any reason for their leader to lie over something so trivial.
His lone orange gaze tries to find Iciclefang in the crowd at Ashpaw’s return announcement; he knows how much the loss had struck her and he hopes the guilt she’d carried for so long has been lightened somewhat. Smokethroat is inwardly a little miffed to know the ginger she-cats return had been sullied by this misbehavior.
To be taken by two-legs was often a death sentence, he’d never seen a cat come back from it alive himself and the clan had mourned and moved forward. Of course they would be wary, skeptical even, to see the ginger she-cat return alive and with a child in tow. It was fully out of line to question not only those who had grieved but to also reprimand their own leader so openly for what he expected was caution, for not reacting in a more pleasant manner to ghosts wandering upon their home.
Smokethroat can only imagine what it might have felt like being there. His own emotions were often subdued and unsure, he often lapsed off in silence when faced with the shock of his own feelings-to have someone assume the quiet was of cold indifference than just confusion was a cruelty he expected of WindClan but RiverClan had always been tight knit.
He looks for the two scolded warriors, does not see Lichentail immediately but watches at a distance as Boneripple holds her silence and says nothing. No apology for her foolishness, no protest, not a word. The silence carries more significant weight than she probably knows, an admittance of guilt most heavy. Shame. He had withheld his personal bias after Hyacinthbreath’s exile in the hope she was not the same but apparently ShadowClanner’s can not help but bare their teeth to their leader.
When his gaze wanders back to Cicadastar he catches a brief look and wrinkles his nose in reply as if offended-what was that for? Was it a warning look? What for-he hadn’t done anything. Smokethroat snorted and rolled his eye, it was probably some silent barb reminding him not to act like the dark she-cat who wandered everywhere pregnant and foolish but he didn’t need said reminder; he knew better. If this were not a meeting he might’ve made a snappy remark, ‘You carry these then.’, but jest or not it was not the place.
The colony was to be greeted with a more friendly faced group, though thankfully the phantom of tom had the foresight to consider the threat himself without any protest on his end. He’d been wary of them from the first time Cicadastar said they would ally to solve their river dilemma but so long as precaution was taken he’s fine withholding his judgment until after. Stealth was Cindershade’s specialty, he had utmost confidence she would manage her task well in case things went poorly. Was that it then? All the news to share?
As he stands to go a final call rings out and he groans quietly in response.
The gathering, ugh, he’d almost forgotten the full moon was upon them so soon. There was no way he was making the trek there like this, regardless of whether or not he actually could; it would have been embarrassing. Someone else would have to fill his spot for the time…
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Gentle steps carried the misty cat to the River King, resting somewhere not too far off from Aspenhaze and Petalnose. Her gait is a bit slow, still coming off of a midday nap in the sun. Through closed eyes Hazecloud listened to the words of Cicadastar, quiet and still. It had begun odd, but to the warriors perspective, it was becoming normal now. The last regarding the Ripple Colony, the one before recognizing Hyacinthbreath's betrayal and exile.

Closed eyes open in a half-lidded stare, looking at the mottled King. Lichentail had told her what had happened with Ashpaw. How Cicadastar had reacted in the face of the blue molly's confusion. Hazecloud hadn't been there herself, but from what it sounded she assumed the Leader would have been satisfied reprimanding the Lead for whatever grievances caused and left it at that. But to punish her to camp like an apprentice?

Hazecloud blinked in slow thought. None of them found her voice, though. Her eyes rested on Boneripple and a different wave of emotion overcame her surprise. Something more smug and gratified. Then followed with guilt. Something deep within her hoped the mutual punishment would make Lichentail wary of the ex-medicine cat now. So not to be associated with one expected to defy the River King.

Then followed talks of the Ripple Colony again, snapping the misty cat back to his full attention. Part of her was thankful not to attend, wary of the strangers. At the very least she could continue fulfilling her role closer to home.
sneezefur | 30 months | demi-boy | he/him | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold #50c878
Sneezefur sit awkwardly, a hunched figure coiled like a white-furred shadow, seafoam eyes focused on their leader as he speaks. There is little new info to be gleaned - save for a meeting with the newcomers upon their territory, the ones calling themselves the ripple colony. He is not called to join the patrol, something which he is grateful for - to not speak i hard enough when surrounding by clanmates, but to be rendered silent near strangers would be awful.

It was a vicious lie, an intentional misunderstanding of her words... and a public humiliation she knew she didn't deserve. She hadn't hurt anyone... had made no threat to the validity of her leader's throne and still yet she was ostracized, brought around like a laughing stock to be blamed and berated when she'd said nothing of import. Made no slight against him... she was just an imaginary threat and would be hung out to dry like one. Her paws practically shook with frustration, angry tears clung to the corners of her eyes despite the way she willed them to stop. The way eyes glued to her back like stubborn burrs in her pelt made her sick, made her stomach churn, made her sweat under their weight.

Leave me alone.

She hadn't miss-stepped... it had been a harmless comment just to ease some of the tension... just to.... just.....

Though his pale stare lingered on her as the shining spotlight of his announcement she could not meet that ireful gaze. Even though she practically screamed in her head that this wasn't fair, that it wasn't true, all retort or begging or pleading or apology died in her throat before it ever tasted breath. He had told her not to speak over him... he had demanded her silence and she had been silent. Had listened. Had done as ordered and still stood here to be scolded like a child.

She had taken his shouting with quiet grace... and it meant nothing.​

Stop looking at me.

It only proved to be a torture, the way she could practically feel each and every sinister smirk sent her direction. They were laughing at her. It was just a huge joke with the blue lead placed as a delicate center piece. It was intentional... It had always been intentional. No kindness to be spared, no patience extended, no room to make a mistake and not a single acknowledgement that she had been completely and entirely misunderstood to begin with.

And the way Smokethroat just stood there.... Just stared with such disappointment. Did he really think her some sort of traitor? That she would dare to openly and so stupidly defy Cicadastar? Hadn't she spent just as long defending this stupid, stupid clan that just wanted to hear itself talk and-

Flattening her ears against her skull the molly knew any argument would just sign her death certificate. Even if she did apologize, she'd be directly disobeying an order from before. She'd been told not to talk when he was talking... and she'd listened. Besides. Everyone had already made up their minds (she could see the judgement in their glances, could see the way any authority or respect she had died so easily, like a flower decaying in the sun) that she was the fool.

Unable to will herself to care to hear anymore, Lichentail drew in a small, shaking breath-​

This isn't fair.

Not even promised an ounce of space or privacy to lick her wounds... A cruelty. A harshness undeserving of such a petty, stupid issue. It felt purposed, targeted.. tactically decided. Why else would she be so mischaracterized? It was with a bristling spine that she realized no one else seemed to think it was out of the ordinary for her...

Blindly they agreed the same. Lichentail was capable of treason. And couldn't be trusted alone.

And in one exhausted glance towards Hazecloud, the shaking stopped and defeat set in. Judge... jury... and executioner.... already decided. Already done. Facing the watchful, searing gaze of her warden, she gave only the smallest bow- one of deference. She would oblige and suffer her punishment... would be as quiet as a mouse if that's what he wanted. But her trial was over and he was ready to move on- so was she; there would be time to discuss it with Cicadastar in private and she could make amends at the very least then, even if she struggled to understand why that one silly comment amounted to this. Standing slowly, making every effort not to catch any wayward glance that might still be seeking her in the crowd, the pointed cat moved towards the warriors' den to be free of this open space, surrounded by those that took amusement in her suffering.​
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  • Crying
Reactions: Petalnose
Iciclefang sits with a stiff spine, watching Cicadastar’s movements with expressionless pale eyes. She does not turn to look at Lichentail as their leader doles out the lead warrior’s punishment, though she can’t help but give Boneripple a look laced with salt and ice meant to stick to flesh and burn. It serves you right for judging me, she thinks coldly. Those who do not know their place should keep their tongues still. She sees the blue-gray pelt of Lichentail shoulder through the crowd of Clanmates, huffily headed to the warriors’ den to sulk, she presumes. She cannot imagine she’d have liked being rebuked publicly herself, but Cicadastar has been known to do so to all of his warriors who step out of line.

He talks about Ashpaw, who had all but returned from the dead. Iciclefang searches for the sunburst-colored she-cat among their Clanmates, but should she find that curious green stare, she will avert her eyes. She still does not know how to approach Ashpaw, or if she should. Perhaps it’s best to let the other girl try… after all, what if she blames Iciclefang for her failure to protect her? For all she’s suffered in the Twolegplace?

The tortoiseshell bows her head, studying the white on her toes. She hears her name called for the Gathering and flicks a golden-brown ear to acknowledge the directive. It will be a good distraction from all that goes on in camp, at least.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white markings and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
The eyes of the medicine cat bore dully from their spot only a few paces away from his den. The first part of the meeting is a spectacle, one that has his mind reeling. He had not understood the full extent of what happened at the border—and disappointingly he was still left in the dark—in fact, with more questions than answers in large part due to the flowery euphemisms it was being presented to him. Ravensong's gaze sought Lichentail first, and then Boneripple. Both are lucky that Cicadastar had not demoted the former and banished the later. His heart almost beat a little faster, thinking it would come eventually. It did not.

Ashpaw's return is welcomed, and cats are called for the Gathering. Ravensong remains quiet and wonders about who would get their ceremony today.


Dovepaw stands at the meeting as he has gained a bit of a habit of doing so. He stands near the back of the crowd, staring dully ahead with eyes that look particularly tired as the leader prattles on about news and gatherings and upcoming ceremonies. The break from the norm is in his response to the news of Ashpaw—generally a happy one—and the news of the Ripple Colony, which he still feels deeply conflicted about in a way that makes him feel sick to his stomach. He hates it.

However, he does feel a twinge of sympathy for Lichentail and Boneripple. Quite a considerable one, really. If their great leader did not somehow recognize that hypocrisy of punishing his warriors for treating him like an "unruly kit" in the most petulant and childish display of ego—maybe he was really beyond all hope in that regard.

Blinking blearily, Dovepaw just tried to ignore the fact that he felt like he wanted to throw up for now.

some of them pout — toss glares or bristle at the sight of repercussion, with boneripple and lichentail at the head. the former lifts her head at him, and the strength would be admirable, should it be applied to to anything but spiking his fur. both of them, silent for days, weaving past apology and accountability. a simple fix, made all the worse by stubbornness and childlike petulance. a malicious compliance, and what? had he been expected to accept it? to take his silent treatment? he was not a kitten, and despite the glowering faces, not an inch of him wavers in virtue. a child’s reaction, to hold their tongue for sunrise upon sunrise, to avoid authority as if in punishment to him. a lesson in being a father, he supposed, saddling them with a bap to their wrists and a cuff over the ears when they snapped at him again anyway. he’d been thought a monster for shouting at unruly apprentices, to expect him to bow and simper at their paws to speak with him was pitiful. something to be scorned, given punishment fitting of the rank they acted.

at the least, iciclefang looks pleased, and it is a small satisfaction ; the smallest he could offer when an im sorry would never befall her mottled ginger ears. the phantom thinks briefly, of what would have happened should he have been in her position — he thinks of spilt blood, matted dark fur and fading eyes. drifting embers, he knew the terror of leaving his loved one in deaths grip. and how would he have reacted, seeing ghosts at his border? to experience their scent once more, ever - familiar eyes and a dirtied, injured state — to be told to lighten up in his agitation, to protect his borders despite the urge to parade and caw his joy. a higher purpose, a protection the two had put at risk when the former marshlander had offered to careen her through the territory and right into the heart of camp, asking nothing of the stranger’s kit at her side. they would treat him as a monster for this, the ones that duck their head and show their bellies when confronted ; and he would forget this as easily as it came, just as he would have should boneripple and lichentail had lived up to their insensitivity without intervention.

the crowd seems to glower at them, and he hopes their ears burn with it. to fight such a slight punishment would be laughable, to argue his reasoning would be laughable. the phantom could only hope they had the sense to recognize their mistakes.

but ah — ceremonies.

” we’ve a few moving from the nursery this moon. silverkit — you have reached the age of four moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as silverpaw. and his victim.. pale eyes look almost apologetically towards petalnose ; a lead, and one worthy of handling the ever - buzzing energy contained within the mollys silvery body, “ your mentor will be petalnose. i know she will train you well. “ and.. her littermate, ” otterkit, you have reached the age of four moons and it is time for you to become an apprentice. from this day forth, until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as otterpaw, and will be training beneath ripplewave until smokethroat is released for duty, in which you will train alongside brightpaw. “ pikesplash had a paw of involvement in their raising, and just as he intended with silverpaw, the kitten would be trained to handle himself well. he would not inherit that ever - present quiver. ripplesnap, a large, stern blue ticked tabby, would give good headway into his training — but he was an aging tom. a full apprenticeship pushed his bones too far, despite his wisdom and experience, ” i’ve no doubt that they both will raise you into the spitting image of a riverclan warrior. i wish you luck. “

continuing on, the riverclan leader settles, adjusting his paws light amidst the heated stone, ” flutterkit, you are four months and it is time for you to begin your apprenticeship. from this day until you reach warriorhood, you will be known as flutterpaw. lakemoon will oversee your training. “ a battle - hardy molly — he nods to her where she is amongst the sea of faces, ” and darterkit. from this day until you reach warriorhood, you shall be known as darterpaw. sneezefur will be overseeing your training — may he bestow all he knows onto you. “

icicle eyes cast out towards the crowd and he sees dovepaw, moping silent about the rear of the crowd as he often did ; a vine of doubt wraps up the length of his limbs. there was little the tom could offer, he knew — voiceless and adverse to the life he’d found. kittypet lineage runs rampant within him, and it’s almost with a sigh that rumbling vocals begin, ” dovepaw. you’ve been trained well over the course of your apprenticeship, and it’s time for you to be commended as a warrior in turn. “ his tail flicks, cold eyes staring down the upward tilt of his muzzle. the crowd should let around him, and his tail flicks impatiently at the nervous curl of him, ” are you capable of upholding riverclan’s ways? of defending this clan, even at the cost of your life? “ he pauses. he pauses for a long, extended moment — before flicking an ear, ” then from now on, you will be known as dovethroat, for your politeness. “ it is not so much as a compliment as it is dropped almost pitying from his tongue, ” and perseverance. “

the next, his voice seems to audibly pick up ; a large molly, combat - hardy and eager. his ears angle forward, ” lambpaw. i’ve seen you train hard beneath the paw of your mentor, and i stand beneath the eyes of starclan to commend you a warrior in their honor. do you swear to uphold riverclan’s ways, our laws? do you swear to fight and defend this clan, even at the cost of your life? “ he lifts his head, ” then from this day forth, you will be known as lambfang — for your strength and dedication. “ and finally, prairiepaw. he knew little of the tom, but he was a spitfire in what he had seen. frigid eyes try and find him amidst the crowd, half - praying he was even present, ” and prairiepaw. do you swear to uphold our ways, to defend riverclan even at the cost of your life? “ a beat, a long, heavy beat. he continues, ” then from this day forward, you will be known as prairiesun, for your warmth and energy. “

” and finally, for those not present for his return.. “ pupils flick upward, find a lingering shadow of a tom, dull - eyed near his den. his throat clicks on a swallow, ” after conferring with the stars, ravenpaw has returned to us ravensong. murmurs erupt, and a good portion of them are pitying. the leader does his best to keep his own from bleeding through — heavy eyes and a scratching nervousness drawing thick caverns into the back of his skull. -song. had they spoken? mottled ears fight not to lower, ” a worthy name for a worthy medicine cat. “

  • i. and ceremonies !! @DOVEPAW to dovethroat ( politeness and perserverence ), @LAMBPAW. to lambfang ( strength and dedication ), @Prairiepaw to prairiesun ( warmth and energy ).

    @silverkit to @Petalnose
    @otterkit to npc ripplewave ( stern, battle hardy blue ticked tabby ) until @Smokethroat is cleared
    @Flutterpaw to @Lakemoon .
    @.DARTERPAW. to @Sneezefur.

  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 50 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"
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She gazed up at her leader plainly, watching as their eyes locked. She was given an apologetic look, fluttering her lashes in thought. She could only assume he had seen how often they interacted with each other. Some good and some on the negative side of things. Silverpaw was one of the bunch she didn't particularly have a very kind opinion upon. It was complicated.. mixed. The molly did enjoy seeing the evident fiercity within her despite being a victim in a way to it, she knew atleast Silverpaw may spring into any fight just as she would. Petalnose simply gave Cicadastar an appreciative and understanding nod as she lifted to her paws to find the bouncy kitten. It was still an honor and she knew it was even more of an honor to raise up the ones that were more of a pawful. She was trusted with that responsibility, so she didn't give any sort of dissaproval in her gaze as to being picked.

The molly first looked to Aspenhaze at their reaction and then turned to greet her apprentice, dragging her tail across her mate's flank as she padded a few paces away. She would look down at @silverkit , bending her head and slightly bending her lanky limbs to aim to touch noses with the apprentice. Hopefully, she was happy she was the one raising her up to be a warrior. Petalnose may not have a ton of patience, but energy she did have to deal with her. Their play fights told the tale. She just hoped she didn't have to discipline the younster as much as she spent her own adolence in punishment. Silverpaw did in a way remind her a lot of how she was in her youth. She supposed it came to bite her back and teach her patience. "Once sunrise comes, I'll show you around the territory. Don't faulter too far or you won't know when we'll start the training." She warned, watching her apprentice with a slight glint of pride despite her mixed feelings, "Proud of you, kid." She wondered how Pikesplash would look upon the decision, if he trusted her with his adopted kin. Her gaze wouldn't break from her new apprentice to find him however, more interested at Silverpaws reaction to it all and supposing she wanted her undivided attention for the moment.

Mudpelt takes a seat next to his calico-furred daughter, brushing his pelt briefly against hers in greeting before his attention turns to his leader. First, he brings up punishments, and the tom can’t help but blink in surprise. Curiously, amber eyes scan the crowd for the she-cats, and when he finds them he dumbly stares. He hadn’t heard the full story of what happened at the border, and the nosy part of him almost wants to lean over and ask Iciclefang what transpired. Fortunately, he holds his tongue. Ashpaw’s home, that’s all that matters. He glances at his kin with a slightly knitted brow. He makes a mental note to try and talk to her later…he knows the two of them had been quite close before the ginger apprentice disappeared.

The meeting moves on and the warrior pricks his ears, hearing his name. Excitement and nervousness buzzes within giant paws. Immediately, Mudpelt finds Fernpaw in the crowd. He’ll absolutely take him - it’s a wonderful training opportunity in diplomacy, and also in cunning (something he himself wasn’t the best at…but still exciting!).
The Queens usher him outside their den to attend, pulling him this was and that as they groom his fur. They pluck the dried bits of cattails and reeds caught in his pelt. Otterkit didn't help by being difficult, squirming away from rasping tongues and careful paws. Though somehow, someway, they managed to make the kit look clean. At least, cleaner than he normally is.

The chimera joined beside his sister with a huff, tail lashing in short-lived agitation while he searched for his father in the crowd. Pikesplash was lost in sea of cats, so he opted for looking at the mottled leader instead.

Cicadastar had announced Silverkit's name first, and he watched with eager eyes. She's given Petalnose as her mentor, and inwardly he hoped he wouldn't be paired with someone like her.

Steady paws lift him high and he stood tall as he met Ripplewave's hard stare. Battle-worn tabby, Otterpaw wanted to be just like him. But- oh! It's not permanent... he'll have Smokethroat after he's cleared, whatever that means. His gaze found the Deputy with ease and, seeing the scars he bore, Otterpaw wanted to be just like him!

He ducked away from Ripplewave after they touched noses and dove to collide into @silverkit from the side. "We get to fight with the big kids now!" Too bad Dovethroat had to graduate. He was ready to beat the tom in a spar. ​
silverkit, too, ushered to attend alongside her brother, and she's... almost hesitant. almost afraid. almost, almost but she isn't really, because silverkit is never EVER afraid.

she hops and skips toward her place with endless nervous chatter, baring her teeth at the queens who shush her, only to fall totally silent as cicadastar speaks. she watches him with wide blue eyes, vibrating in place.

she's going to be a prentice.

and then — her name! silverkit could explode with excitement, she stands tall as she can and her eyes shine as she's granted her new name, as she's assigned petalnose. petalnose! petalnose is awesome, petalnose fights so good — silverkit is gonna learn so much fighting. her eyes shine as she meets petalnose's nose, wiggling in place eagerly.

proud of you, says petalnose, and silverkit — silverpaw (oh boy, that's gonna take some getting used to) could almost cry. this is so exciting! so so exciting!!

"i'll be the best prentice ever," she whispers to her new mentor. "i'm gonna kill so many people! when do we start killing windclan?"

to her brother she bounces three big bounces and says, "yeah! i'm gonna fight everybody! i'm gonna beat em all up!!"


  • • abandoned by the border, sibling to otterkit, adoptive daughter to pikesplash • 3 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, attentive, opinionated, LOUD!! • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! • penned by Harry Styles •

  • Love
Reactions: Petalnose
————— ✤ —————

Ah, Lambpaw's nerves have been going wild waiting for this moment. You might be able to see it on her face if you know what you're looking for; she sits with a glower, face contorted into something far angrier than her usual stare. Worried, truthfully, Lambpaw tends to glare when she's nervous. And she glares a lot.

Her warrior assessment went deceptively well, but Lambpaw still doesn't hold out hope, ever the pessimist. And yet —

"I do," breathes Lambpaw, as Cicadastar asks if she'd defend her Clan, even at the cost of her life. She would, she need not even think on it. I've seen you train hard, he says, and it softens the flickering fear just a bit, that her leader has seen, that it all meant something.

Lambfang, she's named.

A rare smile graces Lambfang's face, only further highlighting the snaggleteeth that poke from her top lips. There's a warmth in her chest. Her brother gets his name too — Prariesun. A fitting name. All bright sunlight and fiery energy. She hopes hers can be fitting to; strength and dedication, fangs turned to defend her Clan. A fierce name, a good name. She takes her place beside her brother with a light in her eyes.
————— ✤ —————

  • //

  • LAMBFANG named for her sheeplike coloration and protruding fangs.
    — she/her. 12 moons.
    — riverclan warrior.
    — stoic and unyielding. poor social skills.

    casual character, low activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 65783825_x5W8KMeJXhaF0Kc.png
A towering figure upon the river rock, jagged and rigid he stands above them all. Cindershade sees him and knows what is coming—announcements. She silently relieves herself from a previous post, what remains of a minnow left in her wake. He begins before she settles amongst the growing crowd, ears pulled forward to listen and heed his words. An announcement that is not so friendly, a public punishment of Boneripple and Lichentail. She hears of how they acted towards him in Ashpaw's return with a strange kit she picked up along her journey back home. Immediately her fur begins to prickle with unease, sleek fur now roused along her spine. An eye on them at all times? She understands Boneripple for this was not her first time stepping out of line, but Lichentail was quite the surprise and it seemed that everyone else felt the same as she did. Involuntarily her gaze flits to the younger blue point, eyeing her with an intense interest and agitation all in one. Cicadastar was well known for slapping his warrior's on the wrist to keep them in line, and as such—it was better for them to take the punishment without quarrel. He was a forgiving leader, but never forgetful. Always doubting—always suspicious of all who try to oppose him. She suppose she can not blame him since Buckgait and Hyacinthbreath. It was all too close together, and a witful mind was needed to keep on his good side as well as a careful placed together bit of words.
Just as the announcements flow, so does she—and she does not linger on them for long. They would serve their punishment till said otherwise and life would go on. She does not notice when Lichentail retreats to the warrior's den, for there was more news from Cicadastar to hear—and more of a positive note at that. Ashpaw's return. She is relieved to see the fiery coated apprentice back, tucked away in Ravensong's den. Now of the colony. The lead warrior shifts in closer with anticipation, paws kneading at the earth as he speaks. He tells them of his plan, to meet with these nomadic cats and speak further and investigate. But he is not so foolish to leave himself out numbered. Her name leaves him and instantly she raises her head up more, her undivided attention fully upon him. A second patrol he wants to take, one to linger behind in the cover of the reeds as a precaution in case of an ambush. Already she is mentally gathering the warriors she will need for this task, ones who are exceptional in stealth with a low profile and have no qualms to bear tooth and claw if the case were to arise. She nods her head in understanding, preparing herself for when the time comes. Most did not seem so intimidating, yet there wasn't many who did on her eyes. They were not trained as warriors like RiverClan. The Ripple Colony was no more than a mere cluster of felines with little guidance or discipline.
And now for the rest. She will come to chant each name as it is spoken, from new apprentice to new warriors. She chants then without much gusto, but as a formality to be polite. They were the new generation of RiverClan, soon to be refined into strong warriors. She can not help but to think of Sablepaw and how she was growing, in only a few short moons would her own warrior ceremony would come. She needed to prepare, needed to find something for her assessment. She couldn't help but to wonder—what kind of name Cindershade would bestow on her? It brings a brief smile to her face in the midst of all the eager and excited faces. She's so ready—and yet so unprepared for such a moment to come. She knows she will be as proud as Smokethroat had been when Iciclefang had been promoted. It would be such a bittersweet moment.


LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
The gossip mill was one that was ever-churning, so although the silver ghost had not been present for both Lichentail and Boneripples momentary lapse in judgement, the news had reached her rather quickly.
While one was unsurprising, the other had caught Lakemoon in a mental double-take.
Her expression doesn’t change as their punishments are announced, barely casting the two a silent glance in judgement before Cicadastar is already moving on to ceremonies.
Three kittens are called forward along with an older apprentice, and Lakemoon is just as attentive.
Lakemoon will oversee your training.
Something sparks within her chest. Excitement? Nerves? Pride? Perhaps a mix of all three.
Her emotions do not hinder her grace when the time comes for her to approach her new apprentice.
Her sharp features are impossible to soften when the long-legged warrior gazes down at @Flutterpaw , but the warrior does offer the youth a small dip of her head before bending down to touch her nose against his.
When she withdraws, she makes a subtle attempt to stop just before her full height. "We’ll start tomorrow at sunrise, be sure to eat before then." She instructs, already setting out a game plan for tomorrows tour in her mind before she’d take a step back.