no angst ULTRAVIOLET 𖤓 sunset




the sun was beginning to dip behind the pines after a long day of shedding light upon the clans. ivorysun loved sunsets. their reliability grounded her. no matter what happened during the day, the sun would always retreat back over the horizon. a perfect, definite ending. luckily, the pale furred she-cat had left the nursery just in time to catch it. her cherished little ones had fallen victim to sleep before having a chance to see it with their own eyes, so she slipped out, leaving them under watch of a queen in their thorn protected sanctuary.

graceful steps were taken through camp, a few warm greetings being sent to those that gold eyes met. she would never have seen herself in this position, one stagnant home, surrounded by others constantly. as much as she enjoyed moving as she pleased, it was time to settle down. besides, the marsh wasn't half bad. it usually had a dark and dreary feel to it, but the blanket of snow covering it's grounds brightened up the place. ivorysun had seen worse places to live. barren and desolate ones with nothing for as far as you could see. the shadows of the territory seemed scary at times, but the trees provided cover. in vaster places, you can see the danger, but there was no hiding from it's claws.

she neared a tree with a perfect indent for her to lay as she viewed the show. a satisfied grin on her face, the queen made her way up, settling herself into the hole in the trunk. a wispy tail hung outside, appearing to float with help of the biting winds. her peaceful gaze was sent into the sky as she watched it change from blues and whites to mottled oranges and pinks. ivorysun didn't know how long she was up there, but soon the sound of paws below drew her from her trance. she stuck her head out of the hollow, and cast a grin to whoever was on the ground. "care to join me?" the queen offered, she had a beautiful view and would hate to keep it for herself only. "the sunset's beautiful from up here," she continued in hopes to plead her case a little further. as much as she loved her clanmates, she knew most of them wouldn't want to waste time peering at the sky. the molly prepared herself for a rejection, but still held hope in her grin.
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She does not know why but it still is a shock when adults speak to her. Questions directed at her that she stumbles over herself to answer. ‘I slept wrong the other night is there anything you can do?’ ‘Can you see my mother in Star clan? Can you pass along a message to her?’ Things that were out of control, some silly and some serious. Still, it has the same effect. She feels helpless.

When Ivorysun pops her head into the hollow and asks her a question Starlingheart barely registers what it is. She is totally prepared to snap, to tell the Molly that she doesn’t know or can’t but her ears flick as she registers the pale queens words. Surprise. Adults hardly ever wanted her for much. Except to ask her random medicine cat related questions and to tell her how sorry they are for her losses.

"Suh-Sure." she says, taken aback by her surprise. "Id uhm I’d luh-luh-loooove too" she eyes the trunk of the tree with suspicion. She had never climbed before but if a bunch of kittypets could do it why couldn’t she?

She sinks her claws into the base of the trunk and attempts to scrabble up it but it’s quite the spectacle and is slow going. Perhaps with a boost or someone to grab her scruff from the branch she was aiming for she could make it.
† It's impossible to miss. The wisp of pale fur against the pine's trunk, darkened from moons of muck and grime, the shadows dipping low into it's pores. Ivorysun, plainly sticks out within shadowclan. Even deep within the throng of dark, Shadowclan fur, she was a face you could always pick out. Her and Poppypaw, that is. And Poppypaw... for more than one reason.

If she were someone more cruel, she would have given it a tug, mangled it into a shape similar to her own, and in that moment, she's envious of how prettily the queen's tail laid demurely across the darkened trunk. His could never hang so carelessly. Nearly, he does dip into the cruelty he speaks against, but that wouldn't be fair. She shakes her head, and instead, mumbles a warning. "Be careful... someone might pull you down..." he mumbles,

Idly, he watches Starlingheart's attempt to climb beside the queen. He's distantly, distantly glad her climbing abilities were about as strong as her own, but did that really matter? She was the one with the confidence to even try, after all.

And if he tried to help her, he would only mess her up. It'd be best not to do anything. He likes the sunset from where he is, anyways. "It's fine from here," she says. And he knows Ivorysun wasn't speaking to him, but... maybe she felt the need to justify staying grounded. And it's an out for Starlingheart, were she to give up. Not that she should. But she could.

She means it, though. The sunset's nice either way.

starlingheart's surprised voice responds, and her head tilted ever so slightly. such a young cat with so much responsibility thrust onto her pulled at her heart. perhaps the medic needed a moment to relax more than anything. ivorysun watched her struggle up the trunk for a moment, she always seemed to forget that shadowclanner's were not usually prolific climbers. she would abandon her lying position, moving to aim for her scruff and help pull her up.

as she was doing so, sharppaw's quiet warning reached her ears. a humored smile played upon her lips. "why would someone do that?" she questioned softly, unable to help light-hearted chuckle from escaping with her words. the dark furred apprentice seemed to want no part of joining her up in the tree, she made it clear when stating it was fine from the ground. it had to be colder without the protection offered by the hollow, but ivorysun wouldn't press. "i'm sure it's just as lovely from down there, maybe i'll see for myself if i get pulled down."
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Teaselpaw was never overly sentimental, but neither was he entirely cynical. The sunset wasn't something he thought was dull, nor something he'd shrug people off for enjoying- in fact it was rather a pretty sight, but he'd not be caught dead admitting it. Eyes of similar colour to the sky were caught for a moment in a stupor, thinking of how... not-horrible the sights were. That was until he caught the discussion nearby, Sharppaw's mumbling tone pointing out amusement- and then, observation. He found himself agreeing with her... he didn't much see the point in getting up on a branch to see something you could still see from the ground.

Seemed his sister disagreed. She often did, even when he didn't voice it. Fiery eyes flickered to where the queen's tail sat, a thought of mischief in the front of his mind. He wouldn't act on it- not yet, anyway. She better watch her mouth in this sort of position. It felt- powerful, almost, to be able to choose whether she fell or whether she stayed. Why would someone do that? "Funny." he answered her question with a shrug. Pupils slipped away from her visage, impulse quashed for now. He'd watch the sunset, then.