she was stressed. to say it would be an understatement, but she feels it electrify the ends of her paws, skin crawling like thousands of little ants under her fur. as the sun began to sink lower and lowe beyond the oak - ridged horizon, it becomes clear that she would not be able to sleep — the sky becomes a dying mottled of pink - blue - purple, dusk patrols still out to secure the borders for the night. she wasn’t assigned duty for that night aside from a vague patch the wall, but the wall was patched, and still she paces little circles outside the warrior den, small teeth eating away at her inner cheek with each rapidfire step. she felt sick. she felt nauseous, she felt scared, she felt like she’d give anything to pull the sun back and back and back until she was a kit again, all scraps of patchwork ginger - black fur with no knowledge of twolegs outside of the occasional precautionary kitten tale. she’d give anything to feel small and safe again, to forget each and every bad thing that had happened to their family.

she should be retiring to her nest soon, eager to sleep early and rise with the morning, like a warrior did, but she can’t. he was supposed to be in the warriors den with them. he was supposed to be resting somewhere near rabbitnose, surrounded by his clanmates with his eldest litter included. they were supposed to be sharing a den again for the first time since she was young, nestled in her fathers belly with little wolf nursing her own litter nearby. supposed to, supposed to, supposed to. life had a way of tripping her over her own paws, slamming her jaw into the dirt and giggling like a child weaving obnoxiously around her limbs — her jaw locks. she stops in her tracks, lifting her head towards where the moon begins to crescent against the sky. there was little good that would come from this, she knows, but already her paws itch to move again. thoughts shroud her like a dark cloud, a dark hound at her heels, she had to keep moving lest their whispers turn to a howling wail of her guilt. green eyes flick and, in the near distance, she sees him — a flash of tawny brown, guilt furthered by something she could have controlled.

caught in the crossfire of her grief and nerves, twisting her face into something ugly. stagstrike was.. strange, she thinks. quiet, except in moments like the one earlier that day. he’d wanted to help and whether it was truly for her father or him alone, she didn’t know — but wolfwind’s words ring loud in her ears, an occursnce becoming annoyingly common. i just want to help ; she nearly tumbles forward in her stride, pushing forward before she can dwell on it for too long. as soon as she’s close enough, freckleflame blurts, “ do you want to go hunting with me. “ it’s more of a statement than a question, eyes decidedly on the ground aside stagstrike’s paws. it feels like the edges of a rose coming up her throat, a jagged scrape of thorn that tightens the words, “ we can go towards sunningrocks. if there’s nothing out, at least th’ waters nice and calming.. “ she is not tiptoeing around the issue — she dances around it in wide, looping strides, a quiet mutter that trails a bit as she heads towards the entrance and hopes, hopes he takes pity on misery’s favorite daughter for a second time that day.

  • i. @Tybalt [Stagstrike]
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    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a thick, broad - shouldered figure.
    unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while bearing a wide, bright - eyed grin. she seems to sing confidence from every laugh, every word.. that can't all be for show, can it?

    ——— ˙⋆ — prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.

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Tybalt too, often longed to pull the sunrises back to those of his kithood. To the days before ThunderClan, before the forest. To be nestled in a wooden milk crate at his mother's belly as the sunlight began to creep into the alleyway. His father would return, sometimes with prey, other times with twoleg scraps, or sometimes with a few fresh scratches and nothing to show for it. But Tybalt would have gone hungry every day for the rest of his life, scrounging and all, for just one last moment nestled between his parents. One final goodbye.

So when Freckleflame had shouted at him, he'd swallowed back his growl. Sunfreckle would come back. He had to. For the sake of his family if no one else. He'd seen Rabbitnose trying not to cry, plastering on the same brave face that his own father had once worn as he'd led Tybalt out into the forest all those seasons ago. The same one Tybalt himself had permanently forced since a fox had taken his only remaining parent.

He could see Freckleflame now from the corner of his eye, watching him. He was silent for a moment when she asked to hunt with him--something rarely anyone asked without being assigned to do so--but gave a small nod in response. "Sure," he rumbled, padding towards the entrance. "I'm sure we'll find something.