border UNBECOMING || Thunderclan Patrol


Bad Apple
Apr 20, 2024

So let's pretend we like each other

Ugh of all places to be patroling, he got stuck with the kitty-pet clan, which made his nose wrinkle in disgust as he let the patrol to the border before pausing and narrowing his eyes slightly and looking to the others. "Lets make this quick, don't engage in any conversation, just mark and let get out" he stated coldly yet, before anything could go any further the sound of footsteps rumbled the path making his fur raise on the back of his spine as two leg kits came rushing past and a hiss formed out of his lips before he looked to the rest of the patrol. "Hide, quickly" he snapped to the others before rushing to hide in an underbrush, carefully watching as the littlings ran about with digust, awaiting for them to leave.

How did Skyclan deal with this all the time? Wrinkling his nose he gave a few more heart beats before coming back out of his hiding spot with a growl. "Two-leg loving clan... urgg..." he grumbled before flicking his tail to the others to continue marking the borders, his gaze flashing towards the horizion, hopefully they didn't run into the kitty-pet clan today, he did not need that to deal with that was for sure. His gaze flash to the others as if to say 'don't engage in small talk' if any of them do of course decide to talk to the kitty-pet loving clan... he would make sure they would get extra chores to do later on.

@doepath ࿔ @BLUESTRIDE [ @Dwindlingpaw ] @Houndshade @Tybalt [Stagstrike] , no need to wait!! ))
Likewise, Lionpaw finds himself wary around ThunderClan's borders. It is not often that he is assigned to check these borders, but as a warrior in training, he supposes he cannot avoid the oak-dwelling clan for the rest of his life. He just hopes to the stars above that he does not run into his half-brother, Skyclaw, again. He had not been happy to meet Lionpaw at last moon's gathering and, as much as it hurt to admit, Lionpaw would be better off steering clear of the warrior for both of their sakes.

The torbie point halts several lengths shy of the border, ducking chocolate-colored ears as distant foreign chatter and bipedal footsteps quickly pass through the vicinity. "Twolegs..." An utterance comes low from his lips. They were strange creatures to the forest-born cat, as much as his own parents had once pledged their loyalties and love to them. It was a strange thing to think about. Lionpaw himself could not fathom such a concept, but he does not shame other cats for having twoleg companions as long as they could still remain loyal to SkyClan.

On the other side of the scent line approaches a patrol. Blue eyes narrow cautiously, the torbie sticking close to @CROWSIGHT as now both groups regard each other. It is not as ThunderClan has ever been on bad terms with SkyClan, but Lionpaw was personally keeping his distance.

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    an apprentice of skyclan, lionpaw is seven moons and is mentored by crowsight. he is the son of doeblaze and blazestar. an amalgamation of his parents, lionpaw exhibits splashes of ginger and chocolate tabby patterns against a thick, longhaired cream pelt. 
It must be intentional.... to rip her apart from the tiny pieces of structure she had left. Her sisters scattered to the wind to keep them quiet, to keep them weak. Doepath's mind wandered anxiously to think of them, what they might be doing, if they were safe.... if she was safe. Her eyes flit between the members of her patrol, sniffing at the air every few paces to be sure she actually knew where they were heading. To ensure that it really was a trip to SkyClan's border and nothing else.

Auburn tufts and fern-splash eyes flicker into thought, hoping that maybe she might find relief in a familiar face. Maybe she could let her know... that something weird was happening in ThunderClan, something sinister. Would Blazingpaw even be out here today? Had she paid attention enough in all their mock-scuffles to recognize the way her muscles tensed now?

Yewflame demands they keep silent and all hope seems lost. Even as they scuttle into the brush to hide from a wandering Twoleg kit she is far more worried about the company she keeps. There are SkyClanners across the border now- their scent is heavy in their approach- the blind she-cat offers them a timid smile, keeping her gaze low so as not to encourage conversation.​

Sometimes Houndshade wondered what the worst thing for Skyclaws followers would be, spending late nights in her nest as the only thing that brought comfort was trying to think of what would bring them discomfort. Now that she is participating in this patrol they gathered that it must be patrolling the border shared with SkyClan. They wondered if Skyclaw would assign this to cats that fell out of favour, the look she gives Yewflame is one of assessment. Trying to decide if that's what happened here, she'd have half the mind to make a remark about it but the command to hide paired with the trampling of footsteps holds her tongue.

Hiding under the underbrush she glances at Doepath, was the thunderous footsteps of Twoleg kits just as jarring to her as they were to them. After the excitement calms down and their heart settles they decide to wait a heartbeat more after Yewflame steps out, wanting to see how long it would take to notice that others weren't immediately following. In the end complying with the fact that she had a patrol to follow but not without a snort at the grumbling. Chewing on the inside of her cheek she greets the SkyClan patrol with a friendly flick of her tail before brushing her cheek against a stray bush on their side of the border. Surely a silent greeting wouldn't be punished, it would look absolutely terrible if ThunderClan suddenly gave the clan a cold shoulder.

She glances back at the patrol lead with curiosity but once again says nothing. Only time would tell if her theory was true, keeping in mind to try and observe as many interactions between the new ‘leader' and such a loyal follower. Maybe she could try and ask about being assigned to more SkyClan patrols, just to see how every patrol lead would feel about this. If they were going to be stuck as a prisoner here they may as well be assigned to something fun.
Tybalt ducked quickly into the brush as the twoleg kits passed, crinkling his muzzle as he watched their gangly, furless shapes stumble gracelessly past. He disliked twolegs as much as any other ThunderClan cat, and it seemed they were loud and obnoxious wherever they chose to roam. The kits appeared to take no notice of the patrolling cats as they passed, and he slinked cautiously back out into the open.

The tom turned his gaze in the direction of sunningrocks, the sound of river water faintly reaching his ears. Perhaps he could pass unnoticed by skirting the riverbank. He had done it once before, in a moment of great urgency for ThunderClan. He could do it again, when the sky was dark and the twolegs and SkyClanners had retreated to their camps. He nodded quickly to the watching SkyClan cats, but stayed quiet.

(pre-poisoning attempt, obviously)

There were few gambles greater than putting a vengeful cat in line of sight of those whom he felt vengeful towards. He didn't think he could help the way his blood burned like madness at the thought of just how much ThunderClan's warriors had threatened his home, how easy it had been for them to 'get away' with it under the guise of peace. That day, there were creatures on the borders his ears could hear, but they kept their heads down, his eyes unable to track the stalking figures until the occasional one popped their head out. His tail lashed as if greeted with a hound's maw, a huff escaping him. "Usually they say something," he mewed quietly to @EMBERPAW., ushering his apprentice along with a swift gesture. Silversmoke's attention was cast towards Lionpaw and Crowsight, noting the former's caution with bristling fur.

He didn't necessarily like to think it was an excuse to dislike ThunderClan, by all metrics of the code, Lionpaw had been in the wrong, but in a clan he believed void of fairness, it was easy to believe the punishment didn't fit the crime. He stared at ThunderClan, unblinking, angry on Lionpaw's behalf, and slipped to an even gait to keep up with the pair of SkyClanners, hoping to become a shield between the apprentice and the clan that had hurt him.

⁺₊ ☀︎ ⁺₊ Oh, two legs look strange; their fur is so colorful, but not as tall as she thought they would be. She huddled low when ordered, but her eyes were trained on them. When they left, she got to work. Dwindlingpaw wasn't sure where Yewflame went and had the idea to tell them not to talk to the Skyclan cats. She eyed the cats lingering on the other side of the border and smirked. How much could she say while not saying anything?

Dwindling yawned obnoxiously loudly and cleared her throat no less than five times in a row. Then they marched in place. Then she nudged her head in Yewflames direction before sticking her tongue out at him. Hopefully, that would get the point across.

Not that Skyclan could do anything to help their current situation. Unless they took over and everyone was tired of cats taking over. But she couldn't 'say' anything about it. Perhaps she can send a warning. Who knows what the kittype murderers that lurk in her clan would do if they had a chance to attack a can full of them?

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    Dwindlingpaw— She/Her ・ Thunderclan Apprentice・ PENNED BY @Ghostunes!
    ☀︎ A fluffy (LH) flame point cat with low white and has blue eyes
    ☀︎ Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon
distantly, a cricket chirped uncomfortably loud. you could hear a pin drop from the prolonged silence. crochet’s nose twitched from the scent pooling from the oak cats, baby blues flicking to and fro. she knew border patrols were mostly silent exchanges, waving tails dismissively to cats she’ll forget about in less than a day. but this was so… weird. the interclan politics between the oak and pine trees is unfortunately, lost on her— crochet joined after the prey theft, and she didn’t notice how lionpaw uncomfortably walked by.

the molly’s face twisted in confusion, but she trots to keep up with the skyclanners. "do they usually have sticks up their butts?" ‘they’ meaning the clan she’s struggling to remember the name of. her head quickly whips back over, obviously searching to see if they’re still looking, then back ahead.

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