uncertainty | yellowcough


untamed 10-04-23
Oct 1, 2022
If you don't like me, that's your problem
A rawness in her throat gives the curly furred molly pause. The rippling cough that follows suit is enough to make ice run through her veins. There were symptoms that started several days prior that she attempted to shrug off. Sore limbs and increased tiredness were just a few she chalked up to normal ailments due to training. Oh how wrong she was. An ebony paw rises to wipe the corner of her mouth. But limbs buckle and her gait teeters and sways off balance. Tornadopaw's lungs rattle with the beginnings of another coughing fit as yellow eyes narrow against the pang of her headache. Fear seizes her with the realization of her condition. Despite her best efforts sickness now clung to her like a burr and Chilledstar already made it known that the cure did not grow within shadowclan's borders. "Star-Starlingheart?" Tornadopaw called out dull eyes searching for the molly.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem
sweet like honey
———— ( ) ————
The apprentice's den was beginning to thin more than what Honeypaw considered comfortable. Even missing one Denmate quickly became uncomfortable when it was in the context of knowing she might not ever see them again. Tornadopaw's rasping cough is a painfully familiar sound, and when she pleadingly calls for Starlingheart, Honeypaw feels her paws go cold. Honeypaw feels horrid for their medicine cat, knowing that this awful coughing and pain was what she was surrounded with constantly. Honeypaw wondered, trying to silence a morbid thought in her mind, if this was the beginning of the end for Tornadopaw. "Uh, don't - Tornadopaw, don't push yourself." Honeypaw advises, watching her sway on her paws. But Honeypaw makes no move to help stabilize her - she's too afraid of getting sick herself. The molly spins on her paws, waving her tail as she jogs off, calling behind her, "I'll go find her, just stay right there! Don't move, don't hurt yourself." Without Magpiepaw, Starlingheart's burden would only continue to grow.

/fetching @STARLINGHEART !!


This sickness is a curse, determined to take and take and take until there is nothing left of her clan, of the forest. Her son was sick, her apprentice was gone. Off on some journey to who knew where to find a cure that they may or may not even return with. And now Tornadopaw, one of Starlinghearts closest friends was sick.

When Honeypaw comes to fetch her, tells her who it is, she lets out a curse between gritted teeth. She had an extra nest already made thank the stars, but she cannot help but feel a pang of heavy sadness in her chest. Was there no end to the things she would lose? She grabs the normal herbs, chickweed feverfew and honey, and she leaves her den, following the red furred apprentice until they are at the side of her smoke-colored friend.

"I'm here Tornadopaw" she says, her voice as gentle and reassuring as she can manage. "He-here eat these, they'll- they'll make you feel better" not all the way, but it would alleviate her suffering, at least a little bit. She turns a little bit to look over her shoulder, green eyes searching for her apprentice so that she may ask for his help in moving her, but then she remembers. Right. He was gone. "Can you- can you walk to my den?" she asks, turning back to her patient. She did not want to risk one of her clanmates and ask them for help. The cats who were still capable of hunting should not touch the sick.

———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
Sickness like this had been prevalent where she hailed from. Not yellowcough, otherwise she may have known the signs, but the aching bodies and the rattling cough was something that called to her past. The death were pains the whole clan felt, and when Tornadopaw wobbled, catching the corner of her vision, her head turned. Honeypaw was confirming the doubt- the slight fear- that pooled in Scalejaw's stomach. The older warrior liked to think that she was fearless, but there was no bravery without fear, right?

Scalejaw approaches, her ears twitching. "I'll support her if she cannot." Scalejaw volunteers. Her eyebrow twitched, sweeping her vision from Tornadopaw to the worried look that Starlingheart. She couldn't read her mind, but it was simply obvious what the thought was here- don't touch the sick, do not spread it. "If you can be around them often, I doubt briefly moving Tornado is going to get me sick." Scalejaw patiently explained.


[penned by dallas].
If you don't like me, that's your problem
Honeypaw's voice reaches her ears through the momentary fog, promising to fetch Starlingheart. "Thanks." Is about all she can manage in the midst of watching the orange and cream molly depart. Thankfully it did not take long for shadowclan's medic to reveal herself. With every second that ticked by she could have sworn she felt strength being sapped from her. Tornadopaw clears her throat, the miniscule movement feeling like shards of bone working its way down the length of her neck as she meets her friend's gaze. Ever gentle and kind, she knew she was in capable paws. But she regretted being another number among the sick, another body to fret over. The last thing she wanted was to be a burden.

The laperm's gaze softens as the herbs are placed before her, tumbling at her paws. "Thank you." She whispers, carefully kneeling down to lap up the bitter mixture of plant matter although the sweetness of honey helps to balance everything out. The question of whether or not she can walk arises and soon after Scalejaw offers her assistance. "No," Tornadopaw interjects hastily, stumbling forward a few steps. "It's okay, I can...walk." She mumbles after a pause, suppressing a cough eager to surge forth. "I don't want to get anyone else sick..." Not if she could help it. On shaky limbs she presses on, taking the slow trek toward Starlingheart's den.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem

the weak and frail voice of their apprentice makes them jolt back. no. they stand up, and quickly make their way over, stomach twisting in knots. this couldn't be happening. why was she sick? when did she get sick? she was getting so close to becoming a warrior... they couldn't stomach this. why couldn't it have been them instead? they can't bare the thought of her dying before she becomes her full self. she's worked so hard, made them so proud, and now they can't even help her. useless, they feel. they feel useless.

"you're gonna be okay, alright? you have to get better so I can make a proper warrior out of you, okay? okay?"

they insist, nervousness eating away at their insides. they can't even hide behind a mask of nothingness. they cared about the apprentice. they wished they'd had said it more, now, more than ever.