The day draws to an end. It had been filled with love, and hope, with the birth of Flamewhisker's litter. It had also been clouded with grief and despair, as they all sat vigil for their lead warrior. The leader stands now on a stone near the base of the Highrock after the tom's burial, her gaze foggy and glistening with tears. How many would she continue to lose? How many would her clan continues to lose? It made her realize something...with the death of so many. They have many apprentices who have lost their mentors, one way or another. She has been mourning friends and family; she has been healing from unspeakable injuries and losses of her own life. But three ThunderClan apprentices are no longer receiving the quality of training their peers are while they wait, and right now, ThunderClan needs all the strongest apprentices and warriors they can get. Their training cannot be put off any longer, so...

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!" She calls. It feels odd to once again have to call this meeting from the base of the boulder, but with her injuries she simply can't make the climb. She waits for her clanmates to gather, their faces hollow and somber. Howlingstar draws in a shaky breath, her gaze sweeping over the crowd in front of her before she continues. "Crescentpaw, Luckypaw, and Bravepaw, come stand before the clan." Three young cats whose own mentors were lost over the past moon. When they meander to the front, she looks upon each with sympathy. To lose a mentor is an unimaginable thing; they are the cat one looks up to the most. She knows this will be a hard transition for each of them.

// there will still be an IC vigil for Flycatcher, but this would just realistically take place after!
@Crescentpaw @luckypaw! @bravepaw : ̗̀➛ have been called up to receive new mentors

March's activity shout-outs go to @HOWLINGSTAR @Flamewhisker @GENTLESTORM @BURNSTORM @ROEFLAME . @leafhusk @badgerstripe @PALEFIRE @Lightflower @Softpaw @adderpaw @DUSTPAW
Thank you all for your high activity on the board! Last month was super active with the plot, and y'all's activity was impressive!

oh, i'm sorry

Mottled caramel-apricot-and-white fur slunk into the clearing from inside the warriors' den at Howlingstar's call. Lynxroar blinked a few times, letting her eyes adjust to the bright sunlight before she made her way over to the Highrock and sitting beneath it at a distance where she could see her leader atop the rock, yet would still be able to hear her. Crescentpaw, Luckypaw, and Bravepaw were receiving new mentors? One of the thick-furred she-cat's mismatched ears twitched. Personally, Lynxroar hoped she'd be one of those new mentors, but it was unlikely. There were more warriors in ThunderClan that were older and more experienced than she was.

Her eyes narrowed to see her warrior-kits - Leopardroar, Rushstorm, and Cougarprowl - and her apprentice-kits - Tigerpaw, Lionpaw, and Pumapaw - gathering around beside their mother, and the she-cat gave a whisk of her tail, wrapping it comfortably around Pumapaw as her son pressed against her. Blinking warmly at Lionpaw as the young molly lay in front of her, Lynxroar bent her head and touched her muzzle to Lionpaw's head and began to wash her kit's ears. ''Start grooming your fur when it comes to meetings. I want you three to start looking nicer, or else the entire Clan is going to think that I birthed out mouse-brains for kits.'' The mother chided her apprentice-kits gently. A purr welled in her throat at their mews of protest.

''Hush, now, you three,'' Lynxroar fixed a stern gaze on Tigerpaw, Lionpaw, and Pumapaw. ''Howlingstar is speaking, and I'd hate for you all to be scolded by her for speaking out of turn.'' The warrior chuckled, wrapping her tail tighter around Pumapaw as she felt Tigerpaw, her other younger son pressed against her other flank. ''Great StarClan, you three are clingy!'' Lynxroar's words were just barely whispered, though her dark blue eyes sparkled with amusement and admiration for her three younger kits.

——————————————————————————————————— sorry that you love me
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𓆗 . ° ✦ What would generally be a joyous occassion was now filled with the dread and despair caused by the death of Flycatcher. Luckypaw's paranoia gnaws at his stomach at the thought of rogues stalking them from the shadows, at the thought of him potentially being the next to die. So he fakes, and he lies. Everything is fine. The brown and black tabby saunters forward as if unfazed by the gloominess surrounding his clanmates, most certainly earning a few glares from others believing he doesn't care. But that reaction only adds to his lie - helps him believe that everything is truly okay, despite all the suffering ThunderClan has gone through in the past few moons.

Nonetheless, his earlier mask breaks momentarily as he looks up at Howlingstar. A serious, almost deadpan expression on his face. His previous mentor had been killed by the wolves that ravaged the camp and took so many with them. He expects to be assigned a new one today, but with numerous lives lost, who is capable enough to train them?
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • 79674252_94adcIvL60WFoCn.png
    brown & black chimera tabby tom with sage-green eyes.

The air felt heavy around ThunderClan after the events that had transpired concerning Flycatcher's unfortunate demise, and Softpaw shared in that sadness. Flycatcher had been their former deputy and a reputable warrior, and he should have been given the chance to continue that noble life alongside Flamewhisker and their kits. But what was done was done, and Softpaw supposed that the life of a warrior was a life of many such struggles.

Sitting with her tail draped over her paws, Softpaw looked to Howlingstar as she called a meeting. There was nothing for Softpaw in particular in this meeting, but a few of her denmates and fellow apprentices were being reassigned mentors, which was interesting enough on its own. She watched curiously as Crescentpaw, Luckypaw, and Bravepaw stepped forward, wondering who their new mentors might be.

Flycatcher's death had come so unexpectedly. Lightflower had been fool enough to think they'd get a chance to grieve those they'd already lost, have a chance to celebrate the ones who came into their lives. StarClan plays a cruel joke sometimes. Played their emotions like a game. She shook her fur in an attempt to rid herself of the pressing weight. It was time for Luckypaw, Crescentpaw and Bravepaw to get new mentors. So she waited patiently while the others filed into their informally assigned seats.

Another death. Though he wouldn't approach any of them, he could sympathize with the children that Flycatcher had left behind, and it made his stomach turn a little. But after all that had happened, he was relatively passive when it came to showing most of his emotions, and he relegated himself to sitting at the edge of the group, crouched in a ball of scruffy black fur. There was nothing pertaining to him at this meeting, but he would be there for his brother's mentor reassignment.


Despite her excitement to meet her reassigned mentor, Crescentpaw couldn't help but to feel somber at the acknowledgment of Flycatcher's death. She could hardly think straight the past day or so, thoughts of mourning and loss filling the space that would have been occupied by chores and training. Although she could have easily allowed these thoughts to eat at her, she was unable to continue on as the sound of her name was called. Crescentpaw naturally perked at the call of her name, and silently stepped forward. The loss of her mentor was something that weighed heavily on the chimera she-cat, she frequently was left wondering about their whereabouts, but knew she must let go and move forward or she would be stuck forever thinking of them… Similar to her father. Even cats such as Flycatcher. Shaking the thoughts away, Crescentpaw looked up at Howlingstar with admiration and respect, awaiting whatever came next.

  • ooc…

  • Crescentpaw ☄︎ she/her, apprentice of ThunderClan.
    ➳ Sturdy, LH chocolate tabby/blue silver tabby chimera.
    ➳ Apprentice to tba.
    ➳ Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    ➳ Penned by Lav! @mimakirig0e on Discord, feel free to DM me to plot. 🤍

𓍊𓋼 Bleary-eyed and clumsy-pawed, Falconheart feels weighed down with grief and exhaustion. He isn’t ready to face a new night, a new day, without his father there to see it. Maybe he never will be. But his leader calls for the clan to gather, and green-blue eyes focus solely on the brown tabby as she forgoes ascending the Highrock to call a meeting from its base. White-capped paws drag slightly against the dirt as he trudges over to sit heavily before the Highrock, and he licks at a paw to drag it across his face, if only in an attempt to appear a bit more presentable.

The first announcement is mentor reassignments, he assumes, and the tom frowns. Three apprentices whose mentors have died recently—Falconheart can relate to the pain of losing a mentor. Still, he can only stare at the leader, willing her to give the apprentices their new mentor assignments so that he can move on and settle back down into the nest that his parents had once shared. He isn’t going to be assigned an apprentice, far from mentor material. He should be able to go lie down immediately after this meeting is dismissed.
Grief drapes shadows over ThunderClan’s camp. Howlingstar is bone-weary, but she ascends the Highrock with her usual grace and serenity, despite the friendships she’d lost, the pain she’d endured at the talons of the eagle, the fangs of the wolf. Raccoonstripe looks upon her admirably, his chin lifted and his tail tucked around his paws. Like the rest of his Clanmates, he mourns Flycatcher—he’d been a stalwart deputy for many moons, and a competent lead warrior before and after his deputyship. ThunderClan will feel this loss. His chest aches when his eye catches Falconheart’s tawny-striped pelt, when he thinks of Flamewhisker in the nursery with a new litter of fatherless kits.

The tabby warrior tilts his face toward his mother’s, listening for the mentor reassignments that are to come. Despite it all—despite all they had lost—he still has to believe his Clan is strong enough to endure the storm. He has to help them remain strong enough to rebuild their lives from the countless tragedies that have taken so much from them.

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring none ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

the grief continues to fill the ravine. it laps at everyone’s paws, coiling around ankles to tug and pull. they’re not allowed to stop, because it’d be unfair to those that are gone, for they died serving the clan. howlingstar calls for a meeting, and leafhusk looks up towards her, to the sky. it doesn’t stop. it never will. she walks over to take a seat, curling her tail around her paws.

  • 80086491_tN0R2xbOnPV1ykB.png
    thunderclan warrior / / former kittypet・38
    mentoring adderpaw
    cis woman・she/her & bisexual
    peaceful & healing powerplay permitted・all opinions ic
    won't start fights・will try to end fights・won't kill
    excels in stealth and tracking & average at fighting
    written by maxine dogfriends. on discord
Howlingstar watches as the three apprentices gather. Their expressions vary from excited to sorrowful to neutral, and she pities them. This is not an easy thing for a young cat to go through, but it's very necessary. She breathes in, calling forth the first apprentice. "You have each lost your mentors, and they have trained you well to their final breaths. StarClan honors each of them for their courage...but your training can be put on hold no longer. Under their gazes from the stars, I give you your new mentors. Crescentpaw, your new mentor will be Falconheart. I hope he will pass down all he knows on to you." She looks to the young tom briefly, sorrow filling her eyes. The warrior has just lost his father, an unimaginable grief. She hopes, even if he does not realize it now, that this opportunity will help give purpose to his days through his grief. He himself had lost his mentor halfway through his apprenticeship and had to be reassigned to Burnstorm. In her imagination, she thinks he will use that experience to help Crescentpaw. "Falconheart, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You received excellent training from Burnstorm, and have shown yourself to be a loyal and selfless warrior. You will be the mentor of Crescentpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to her."

She waits for a moment for the two to touch noses before she shifts her attention to the next apprentice. She frowns solemnly before continuing, "Luckypaw, your new mentor will be Skyclaw. I hope he will pass down all he knows on to you." Her green eyes flick to the mottled form of her grandson, curiosity living in them. They grieve, too. The loss of Duskbird hit their family hard, and like Falconheart, she hopes this reassignment will help to pull them out of whatever pit they might find himself in. She draws in a breath, "Skyclaw, you are ready to take on an apprentice. I trained you myself and know you to be a proud and caring warrior. You will be the mentor of Luckypaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him." Again, she gives them time to touch their noses together, before her gaze shifts to the final apprentice.

Bravepaw, the apprentice of Sunfreckle. Her former lead warrior's death is still a difficult one to swallow. Sometimes, she still thinks she sees his smile in the corner of her eye, or hear his bellowing laugh somewhere in the wind. With Batwing gone, too, she can't imagine the loss the young tom feels. It is why she thinks she has the perfect mentor in mind for him. "Bravepaw, your new mentor will be Freckleflame. I hope she will pass down all she knows on to you." Sunfreckle's daughter, too, has lost so much. Howlingstar only feels it's right to give the spirited, courageous young warrior the opportunity to pick up Bravepaw's training where her father left off. "Freckleflame, you are ready to take on another apprentice. You have proven yourself to be a passionate and daring warrior, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him."

With all three ceremonies finished, she sits back and nods her head. The ceremonies have been finished. "I want everyone to be extra cautious around the borders. With the wolves gone, we can't let our guards down. Rogues linger just outside of our territory, and I want every whiff of them reported to Raccoonstripe. Everyone is dismissed." With a flick of her tail, she disbands her clan and allows the new mentors to get to know their apprentices.

// Crescentpaw assigned to @FALCONHEART
Luckypaw assigned to @skyclaw
Bravepaw assigned to @freckleflame
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Flamewhisker's birth had given her a much needed high of delight but Howlingstar's call made reality creep in. Slowly, she joined Softpaw at their free side with a saddened look, taking in the injured tabby. Always the cat known to bare the weight of Thunderclan's hopes and losses. The leader took to the base of Highrock and the molly listened intently. Mention of reassignments made her chest constrict and her face fall further. Heartache lingered in the air with a thickness and Honeydapple could hardly breathe. So many had died and two cats she had considered friends were now gone.

One to wolves and the other to rogues. Honeydapple recalled vividly the day she met Batwing's kits and the joy of watching them. When Flycatcher had valiantly saved her from rogue's and took the brunt of their claws. Visibly she drooped in place, head hung, and eyes downcast. They couldn't imagine the pain their kin and apprentices were going through. In the small stretch of silence she prayed. Please, find comfort within the stars and watch over us all. For once she cannot find it in herself to call out a congratulatory to the new mentors. All the speckled she-cat can do is look up to each cat and nod in silence. Howlingstar's warning comes last and this time Honeydapple stiffens with nerves.

She had grown anxious about leaving camp after the hawk and so many more threats over the past few moons that had come prior. The moggy wasn't so sure when they would ever feel safe enough to travel alone. For now she would be sticking by Grizzlyjaw and Gentlestorm's sides as much as possible. Upon dismissal the pale feline stood to charcoal paws and set off towards the nursery.
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The loss of Flycatcher stung everyone deeply. Of course, Thundergleam had not the time to know him well... but as a lead warrior he had already earned her respect from the moment she had drifted into their borders. She could not imagine the pain Flamewhisker would be feeling, with the loss of her mate... but at least Flycatcher was in StarClan now. He would feel no pain, know no suffering- he would be granted eternal knowledge, would live a perfectly pleasant existence. There was no suffering, no woe in the stars. Once the grief had ebbed, Thundergleam hoped deeply that ThunderClan would feel him smiling down upon them, proud of his kin.

Apprentices were given new mentors- with one mention, Thundergleam embedded their names into her mind, etching them deeply. It was important to know them all equally, to love them all equally, to help them all equally. She was here to save them, after all... though how she did not know. Yes, she had aided Howlingstar, but it was StarClan who had saved her. Being a saviour and being a helper were quite different... though Father had claimed the answer would arrive to her in time.

The wolves, then... under Stormywing's temporary tutelage, she would be a warrior worthy of her title, and would help with the purge of this scourge, even if they were believed to be gone before she had even arrived. Blush eyes glimmering with respect blinked long and thoughtful up at the leader; caution, she commanded. And thus, Thundergleam would heed it.
penned by pin ☾

the loss in unbearable. she feels it like water, a thick tension she wades through on her slow trek through the faceless crowd. they rumble like a distant brook, babbling nonsensically around her as she finds a sun - shaded spot near their newest outsider. sunglass eyes peer surreptitiously through her peripherals, focus with heavy lids as pinkish extremities settle to listen. howlingstar's voice betrays her grief still, a new normal in the wake of such vicious beasts. she mentions them now, to keep an eye out ; they couldnt miss them. in some black, clouded pit of her mind, she imagines they would have already been back to ravage their camp again should any have survived. nothing but minced prey, falling victim to long, slobber - toothed maws and hot dog breath like her father had. like batwing, like duskbird had. no one but howlingstar could tell them how that felt, but she thinks of blood - patched dirt and the dandelion puffs of tarred orange fur sticking to muddied nursery walls and only hopes it was instant instead. often, she finds herself praying for this brief mercy, but prayer never seems to make it better.

apprentices are to be reassigned. her fathers, bravepaw, stands out to her the most. perhaps for his hollowness, his grief ; the sullenness he wears upon the dapples of his pelt, a bright spirit doused in tragedy. a small, flickering flame. lost both his mentor and his father, now to be reassigned again, to start his training with a freshly - healed injury and a damaged heart. a part of her smolders, burns for him ; in rage, in sympathy. if she hadnt enough time with her father, what did that mean for bravepaw? its something the mulls over while luckypaw is apprenticed to skyclaw, crescentpaw to falconheart. in a brief moment in which she thinks hope someone else will take the latters battle training seriously, howlingstar calls his name. and then hers, ” oh. “ she says, because her mouth feels numb all too quick and its like two sets of star - studded eyes come to settle on her ; sunfreckle and batwing, the boy's own hero - plagued father. the child alone was a testament -- brave. it feels like a curse, something cruel and inevitable and.. oh. was she even ready anymore?

freckleflame stands, shoulders herself to stumble her way towards highrock. from the crowd behind her she feels peering eyes, feels sympathy and pity and hope.. she shakes it all anyway and focuses on him. they meet beneath the sun, beneath howlingstar and the gaze of their clanmates and she lowers her head to touch noses with a, ” i wont let you down. “ she says, voice tight and high in her throat ; and truly, she doesn't know who she's speaking to. bravepaw, with wide, tear - brimmed eyes or her father, who she knows watches her take him on from the crowd. maybe even batwing, who she knows does the same for his son. she would do her best ; a tentative conviction gleaming low in the red - tracked sclera of her eyes. i wont let any of you down.

  • i.

  • 74358446_5A10PH5FEpmGJJY.png

    she / her, eldest daughter of rabbitnose and the late sunfreckle. big, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! each and every part of her is broad ; wide in everything from her face to shoulders to her feathered tail, something reminiscent of her father’s kittypet heritage in the square of her chin and hulk of her figure. she appears illusionarily fluff - ridden at first, thickly pelted in shades of fire and soot, long & tangled, knotted with undergrowth — seeming soft and pudgy, and she is.. that figure curving into hard, hidden bulk along heavyset flanks and well - muscled limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers.
    A LARGE, ATHLETIC MOLLY. somewhat brutish in the wake of her family's staggering loss, bull - headed and hardy with something to prove, freckleflame will often find herself in border disputes as an unsurprisingly formidable opponent. a slow but hard & heavy hitter.

  • Sad
Reactions: Lightflower

Crescentpaw's icy blue eyes widened and she froze for a moment, looking first towards Howlingstar, and then to Falconheart. Her wide paws were clumsy as she moved towards the tabby tom, feeling as if the moment was surreal and almost dream-like. She couldn't deny that she admired Falconheart, but she also couldn't deny that he was mourning the loss of his father. She wondered if he was alright, she hoped she wouldn't burden him. Puffing her chest, she lifted her chin to touch her nose to his, and murmured a simple phrase. "I won't let you down." She stepped away shyly, and cocked her head towards her new mentor, a yearning to begin the journey they would soon embark on together.

  • ooc…

  • Crescentpaw ☄︎ she/her, apprentice of ThunderClan.
    ➳ Sturdy, LH chocolate tabby/blue silver tabby chimera.
    ➳ Apprentice to Falconheart.
    ➳ Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted. Please underline when attacking.
    ➳ Penned by Lav! @mimakirig0e on Discord, feel free to DM me to plot. 🤍

𓍊𓋼 "Crescentpaw, your new mentor will be Falconheart."

His heart skips a beat, and dual-toned eyes widen as he lifts his head to stare at the leader. Is she being serious? She’s giving him an apprentice? He’s wished to be assigned an apprentice since he was first made a warrior, and now, after the worst event of his life, it’s actually happening. It feels as though his stomach drops to his paws, anxiety coursing through him. His gaze flickers back and forth between Howlingstar to Crescentpaw, and then back to the dark-striped leader.

The bicolored she-cat approaches him, and he leans forward to touch his nose against hers. He can remember doing this twice; it had felt like such a huge step to enter his apprenticeship, and then again to be named the apprentice of a second warrior. Crescentpaw vows that she won’t let him down, and Falconheart feels so out of his depth that he can’t even imagine how she could ever let him down. "And I won’t let you down," the warrior echoes, nodding to the younger ThunderClanner. He can do this. It’s—Burnstorm made it seem so easy. He just has to be a decent mentor to Crescentpaw, just as good a teacher as her fallen mentor was.

He takes a step backward, bushy tail flickering nervously behind him. Should he give her a while, to adjust to the idea of being his apprentice? He doesn’t want to replace her former mentor, doesn’t want to overstep. "We can start training later today, unless you want to wait until tomorrow." He’s already considering what kind of training the apprentice could need, but he’s never mentored anyone before. What is he supposed to do? Should he ask her about what all she already knows?
Heightened emotions clung to Adderpaw's fur like heavy smog, choking him as he sulked over next to Leafhusk's side, sitting slightly behind her as ears lay against fluffy fur. Normally not one for being able to read a room, it was hard to ignore the glaring excitement and grief that filled the crowd that evening. Two events transpired today -- both completely opposite in their respective sentiments, and the aura wafting off each of his clanmates felt like a thick cloud swirling around in his throat, burning and suffocating.

An exasperated grimace laced his features as he turned his lips in a frown, standing up for a moment to shake out his pelt in order to get his tense muscles to loosen before they began to twitch at his eyelids. It was obvious that the apprentice was struggling from barely sleeping a wink during nightfall, only able to pass out in his bedding after training lessons with Leafhusk. He had been pushing himself to the point of seeing stars in his vision, doing the same well into the setting sun; dragging himself out of his groggy state to focus on whatever moves he had been taught that morning. He was behind, and determined to catch up more than ever whatever the cost, even if it was at the cost of his own mental and physical comfort.

Angling ears to Howlingstar, he spared narrowed eyes towards the apprentices who's names were called -- a yawn left his maw as slowly the leader's voice turned into nothing but a murmur as Adderpaw allowed himself to slip away into a daydream, unfocused eyes giving the appearance of false intrigue in what was occurring around him. He found it hard to sit still now during discussions of passings... choosing to shut off his mind each time something of the nature was brought up in his vicinity. He rather not think of the death plaguing their clan, despite the new life vastly outnumbering those they had lost. Blinking his eyes as she announced the apprentices' new mentors, he stood up before bowing into a stretch and making his leave. At least he wasn't in their place this time.​
. ° ✦ A new moon has begun and so Howlingstar took her stand to address her Clan. Grief-heavy paws felt like dragging stone through mud just to find his way to sit beside his friends, denmates, and he wondered if the matriarch felt the same. Her injuries gave obvious explanation to why she addressed them at ground level. Her trip to the Gathering certainly would not have eased her wounds, as he recalled Gentlestorm scolding him for moving too much in the early stages of his recovery.

Is her heart heavy, too? Bravepaw thought to himself as he watched her settle beneath the shadow of Highrock. Flycatcher's vigil had come to a close but it felt like he had only just left Batwings. It was all moving too fast, everything too sudden. What did it all mean for them, to lose so many? He found himself leaning against Cardinalpaw as Howlingstar began the meeting once the last few of their Clan scuffled forward, and rose to stand before her.

A new mentor. A severed tie between him and Sunfreckle. A final goodbye. I'm not ready to say goodbye. A shaky breath rattled his chest, shutting his eyes tightly and preparing for his reassignment as if he were awaiting punishment.

-your new mentor will be Freckleflame- ... Wide blue's opened to see his paws planted firmly into the dust like stiff roots. Freckleflame?

His head tipped up to meet the same expression he wore onto his new mentors. In a few blinks her stride has carried her in front of him and its then he realizes how much bigger he's gotten since the days they played in red wine leaves of leaf-fall. No longer a kit with a name too big for him, but instead quickly growing into it like his paws and ears.

"You... you won't." He reassured her softly, because how could she? Her father had been a hero just like his own, and now their paws would travel similar paths.

Bravepaw trusted in Freckleflame to guide and train him into a proper warrior, just as both their fathers imagined him to be.

 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.