
Promise me it's gonna be alright
Sep 20, 2022

Yes, he had expected to be returned swiftly to his duties upon recovering from his prior injury a few moons ago, but to be given not just one but two apprentices all at once? "Blazestar either trusts my skills or hates my guts with a passion", he thought privately to himself as he weaved his way through the forest towards the usual training grounds of the sandy ravine. However, as they neared he found himself wrinkling his nose with distain. Snowmelt left the ravine wet and quite frankly unusable for the day. The scraggly looking tom exhaled a long sigh as he shook his head. "Sorry, it looks like we won't be training here today." It was a disappointing result but he wasn't about to let the youths escape without learning something today.

Turning around, he then gestured back towards the forest with the intentions of taking them east. "We'll head for the rockpile instead. I think it's time we practiced on maintaining our balance and climbing skills." Both were vital given SkyClan's love for the trees. Even an experienced warrior could mess up and lose their footing, like what had happened with himself. Now he paid the price for his past misjudgement. But that's what good mentors did, they took their mistakes and sought to ensure that the next generation did not suffer the same fate. Besides, it's not like they could do anything too extreme, not with Wildpaw bearing injuries.

Eventually the warrior arrived at the Rockpile and he peered up at it. Once again the melting snow made the site increasingly more treacherous. No backing out now, he guessed. "It's slippery here so it's important to be mindful of where you put your paws. I want you both to race to the top. But if you fall you must restart from the bottom again." He instructed as he sat himself down.

// @Bananapaw @-Wildpaw-

Training! Finally! She was half worried that Orangeblossom would have to be the one to train her and get her up to date with her skills. The little white and cream tabby bounced a few paces behind Sharpeye, splattering dirty slush every time she landed, and she had hope in those green eyes. She didn't mind that Wildpaw was also here, they shared a mentor, but it made sense. There was few warriors in Skyclan and many younger cats, so doubling up would be a way to go though she hoped it wasn't too much for her mentor. She didn't want him to burn himself out or lack in any of their training because there was two of them!

The trees were bare and their branches stretched upwards like a relaxing stretch, and the blizzard had finally ceased. The ground was wet and muddy now due to the warmth of the days increasing once more, causing the snow to melt. She pounced ona little pile of brown slush, staining her white paws, and then continued after the other two with enthusiam. Though as they came to the sandy hollow, it was a messy sight to behold. There seemed to be a lot of mud and wet sand so it was basically unusable in this condition. Unless Wildpaw and her were going to be practicing slush-fighting or something.

Sharpeye then corraled them in the eastern direction and said something about going to the rockpile. Wouldn't that be slippery as well? She narrowed her gaze a bit before following suit without an objection. When the pile of rocks came into view, Sharpeye spoke once more and declared it to be for balance as she was correct; the rocks were wet and slippery. Then stated they were to race to the top, and she blinked a few times and looked up at the rock. Start over if they fall?

Bananapaw puffed out her chest a bit in determination, before nodding in understanding to Sharpeye and bounded for the Rockpile. She judged the distance to the top of the stack before bunches up her hind legs, springing up onto the nearest rock and managed to actually stick the landing. Her claws unsheathed to grip the wet rock below and she took a few deep breaths, and narrowed her gaze for the next rock. She had this in the bag!


[penned by wolf - ]