under fluorescent lights | glowing twoleg encounter

Each pine bristle took on its own hue in the night-time, a melange of wind-hardy whiskers. Claws firm into the bark below, Daisyflight continued her path atop the spindle-links the great trees provided. The chill was pressed knowingly against her lungs as if tempting her to take an unsteady breath, to falter so high up. Every second step or so, a look was cast back behind her to check on Twitchpaw’s progress. Somewhere, a tree or so away, he followed her.

One glance rewarded her with something unexpected. Below, the eerie sway of bright white. The gleam of starlight, entwined with the thicket, immediately flooded her with alarm. A flair of her tail shot a warning to any nearby, cream blurred in the dim. Quick assessments to the ink-mottle landscape assured her that they were at least near the fringes of the territory.

A bark of noise split the still, huffing squeals that followed the approaching light. Enormous crashes came next- blocks of shadow striking down a nearby crop of hazel. Swill spotlight wildly blanketed the forest floor in columns, cut away by the tall, branchless trunks.

Just as the noise became too much, the false dawn almost brushing their high-up, huddled forms, the silhouette passed below them. The oily head of a twoleg roamed beneath her paws, their wiry limbs clutching a metal block that sourced the light. It puffed clouds of smoke before them, obscuring the wax-sculpt of their face.

"Why are they here?" Daisyflight hissed, as loud as she dared. Just as the twoleg thrashed into the distance and the stiffness loosened in her limbs, another, narrower beam of light fell into view. Incredulous, the calico couldn’t help but whisper out, "Another?"

/ a night time tree patrol/practice. one twoleg is chasing another out of the forest, waving phone torches all over. feel free to describe the second twoleg wearing a costume or mask or smth spooky >:) tagging @TWITCHPAW but no need to wait
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The SkyClan leader has a third of his deputy's grace among the tree tops, and he follows behind her on careful paws as every branch trembles precariously beneath his weight. With his short neck, powerful shoulders, and ungainly limbs, Blazestar is not built the way his Clanmates are, the way they will all further evolve to put power in their back limbs, but with practice and dedication, the leader has managed to at least hold his own with the others.

He glances back, searching the arcing pine needles for @butterflypaw. Daisyflight was a better teacher, a safer one, and he'd urged the tiny tortoiseshell to follow her mother's lead, but he also knows how terrified she is of the trees... he wonders if she ever even got off the ground.

His attention snaps to Daisyflight, who scans the darkness below with wide emerald eyes. Movement, unprey-like, shakes the earth beneath them. Blazestar sinks his claws into the tree, fear rinsing through him, cold as the air they're breathing. An unnatural, unholy light is burning upwards from the earth, from the strange-looking silhouettes bullying their way through the pine forest.

"Twolegs," he murmurs, sinking low to the branch he clutches. "But how are they making that light?" A dawnlike glow washes over the visage of one, and he screams despite himself. It's horrific! Twisted, blood-splashed rubber, face still in a frozen snarl! He nearly loses his grip on the branch in his shock.

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Twitchpaw's good mood was doomed from the get-go, but it had lasted a fair while. His conquest through the tree-tops was a surprise in that he found himself good at it, rather than a fumbling, quivering mess. Up in the cradle of tree-branches and leaves he felt safe, markedly more so than he did at any other point in time. The predators that slunk through the lands below could not reach them in the trees- this skill was one he had enjoyed the concept of by mere joy, and had discovered practicality in the more he thought about it.

Light, there- in the distance, but not sunlight. No, no- they hadn't been out until dawn's break. Claws clung tight to the branch he rested upon, wood splintering off- something bubbled up within him, an urge to scream, but for once he held it back. In the lull of the night it seemed almost criminal. "Duh-do they-" His voice broke, aquiver- he forced himself to swallow, levelling his tone. "Have you- never seen them do that...?" Uncertainty wracked his words- his mentor and Blazestar both had great knowledge of the Twolegs, but perhaps they possessed uncanny abilities never before seen.
penned by pin ✧
Wasp was tailing the patrol at a distance, preferring to keep to herself than be right there in the fray - not to mention, she's a bit new to this whole climbing thing. Used to scaling buildings and fences, sure, but tall trees are something else entirely. It's taking her a bit to catch on, but she's getting better day by day.

Up ahead the group stops suddenly and it's Blazestar's screech that quickens her pace. She stops along the tree he's perched on, pale eyes catching sight of the twolegs as they frolicked with strange lights in their hands below. She never quite understood them, but she did know that around this time of year, they would don creepy face coverings. It scared the shit out of her the first time she'd seen it, barely a moon old, and it was still unnerving to her. Perhaps not as unnerving as it was to Blazestar, though. She can't help but laugh at his reaction. "Strange creatures," she comments. "Never understood their weird traditions. This one is perhaps the most foolish of them all. Hope they're not hunting or their lights are going to scare away all the prey. Mouse-brains."

  • WASPFLAME —— she/her, 12 moons, skyclan warrior.
    —— a pretty, sleek red and white she-cat with blue eyes.
    —— link to bio, toyhouse. penned by regina.

"Assumedly the usual unnatural sources“ Daisyflight muttered back to Blazestar, green eyes cast emerald in the half-light. At his squeal, a trying-to-stay-quiet bluff left her, amusement clear. Twolegs were disturbing, especially in their territory, but a cry like that tickled her humour regardless.

Concern burgeoned once more as she caught sight of her apprentice’s fright, spurring her to clamber closer to him. His query was answered by the further off Wasp, the amber-fleck molly speaking confidently. It was her mention of strange traditions that had Daisyflight reassess the oddities below, now catching sight of the mask atop one of their flat snouts.

"Ah, yes! I’d forgotten… I hadn’t realised it was the time of the season yet. Those in my old haunts wore even more extravagant pelts.“ Still hushed, her musings carried through the night as the twoleg continued to pass beneath. The noise box spots she'd see were even louder, even fuller, and they’d roam the streets through the night.
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