under gardens and calicos | beesong


i've found catharsis in every wave
Oct 17, 2022
bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)

The morning had brought a chill breeze with it - the kind to brush through your fur and nip at your nose. It wasn't cold yet, but she could feel it coming. She had spent quite some time hunting. Fishing was still something she was struggling with, but she was determined to add to the pile today. After spending the morning and greater part of the afternoon hunting, she had emerged with a full belly, and plenty of vole. Bounceheart enjoyed climbing the trees, and used that to her advantage in catching birds. Warblers were the easiest to catch - their singing gave them away to any with a trained ear.

Hunting aside, she was in search of a place to rest. Somewhere to be alone with her thoughts. That was difficult to achieve in clan life. When she was on her own, all she had was alone time. Days could pass without her finding a soul to speak to, and she eventually picked up a habit of talking to herself. More-so narrating her thoughts and actions; the internal dialogue became external. It led to her calculated silence, and subsequent unhinged comments falling off her tongue. When there was no one, she always had herself. Many of the RiverClan cats believed in StarClan - while she was open to the idea, it was not something she could put her heart into at the moment. She needed time, and reason.

The gray striped warrior had been so indecisive, that her paws had carried her all the way to the outskirts of the territory - the Sunningrocks. She picked the warmest rock she could find, and laid her belly across it as she absorbed the heat. Her eyes only opened to lazily scan the area for adders, tail flicking dismissively when she saw none. They did not enjoy the cold, either.