camp UNDER THE BANNER OF HEAVEN (meeting 2/15)

Her muscles scream in protest as she mounts the Highrock, but she knows she must do it The Gathering is tonight, and she must prepare. ThunderClan has been beaten, humiliated, and weakened over the last moon. Emberstar is dead, mauled by dogs that her clan has finally rid from their territory, but not without extensive injuries to many. ShadowClan scent continues to be found on their territory even after their initial encounter with the trespassing hunting patrol. RiverClan never even cared about the dogs on their stones. ThunderClan stands on shaky legs, but when they arrive tonight they will appear strong.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!" She yowls, claws gripping the edge of the boulder. The words feel unfamiliar leaving her mouth, as if they belong to another. They belong to Emberstar. As she watches her clanmates gather, she can't help but thank StarClan above that they were all here. A full sunrise after they'd driven the dogs out, and even if some wore bandages of poultices and cobwebs. they survived.

"Patrols have confirmed that the dogs have not returned. They're gone, we're finally safe from them because of the courage you all showed. From our mightiest warriors to our injured and nursing queens, you all defended ThunderClan with your lives, and for that I am eternally grateful. I feel proud to have each of you fighting at my side for seasons to come, against any enemy we face! ThunderClan will always survive!" She pauses, hearing yowls of triumph rise up despite the disarray their camp is left in.

"I have something I need to do that should have been done the day we lost Emberstar. I cannot lead alone; I need a deputy to help ThunderClan remain strong, someone to succeed me when I am gone." She scans the crowd, lifting her chin. She had many options to choose from. All of her kits...she would trust any of them, Hollow Tree, Raccoonstripe, Little Wolf...many warriors crossed her mind as well. Sunfreckle was a trusted friend who had her back, Nightbird a reliable comrade, Fawncloud a companion to offer wisdom. But in the end, the real choice had come down to the clan's two lead warriors, who had both proven time and time again their duty to their clan and determination to keep it safe. Both would make great deputies, and really the difference had come down to two things: she had known one longer, since the birth of ThunderClan, and one had the privilege of not being kept in the nursery with the full-time job of raising kits. ThunderClan needed a full-time deputy right now more than ever, and she'd never ask a mother to hand off the raising of her kits to someone else.

"I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of ThunderClan is Flycatcher!"

She falls silent as her clanmates' voices rise up in celebration for the blue-furred tom. She meets his gaze, a smile on her maw. She had faith in him, trusted him, respected him. He would make ThunderClan stronger in the role of deputy, his kindness and courage to do what's right an asset.

"And that's not all," The tabby announces, finally breaking eye contact with the new deputy and finding the gaze of a certain red-furred warrior. "I will need more warriors on my council, and that begins today. I invite Sunfreckle to my council as a lead warrior. What do you say, friend?" She purrs, blinking at the tom who had once caused her so much aggravation with his foolery and softness. But since, he's grown on her, proven to her he was willing to put in the work to be a good warrior, willing to have her back and she knew she'd have his.

// Everyone give a big congrats to our new deputy @Flycatcher and our new lead warrior @Sunfreckle !!!!!!

Her bones ache, her mind wanted rest, and her hind leg wounded caused her to limp. But she had to go to this meeting. It was the first after driving away the dogs and right before the gathering. She wouldn’t be attending the gathering with her limp but she could be here for Howlingstar. Finding a comfortable spot to sit, the warrior looks up as the leader starts.

Hollow Tree isn’t surprised that a deputy is being selected. It was important to have a right-pawed cat. But also, Starclan forbid, if Howlingstar passed then someone needed to be ready to lead. Though, she couldn’t even bring herself to imagine such a situation. She isn’t surprised that Flycatcher is picked. He was a great lead warrior and fantastic father. Flycatcher would continue to serve Thunderclan well. And Sunfreckle was the same. The red tom deserved to be a lead warrior.

“Flycatcher! Sunfreckle! Flycatcher! Sunfreckle!”
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]

It is so strange not seeing Emberstar's shining and bright form atop the rock speaking down to them, while he knew Howlingstar would do well and he was happy they had such a dependable cat taking the reigns, he would always miss the sight of the fiery she-cat perched there like the rising sun. It had been Emberstar who allowed him into the clan alongside Rabbitnose, she had been there to see their kits born and was one of the first to congratulate them.
But grief had to fade eventually and ThunderClan must move forward. The announcement of the deputy is met with good cheer but no surprise.
"Flycatcher!" A hard choice only lessened by the realization the only other option was currently resting in the nursery with her new kits. Flamewhisker and Flycatcher had always been such loyal and good cats, dependable and ever-present and he smiled warmly to the pale tom in congratulations after his cry.

He hears his name and his immediate thought was 'Ah, what have I done now.' It was no secret his earlier days in the clan had been a struggle to adapt to the new culture, constantly getting in the way, being scolded by Howling Wind herself and often times lazing about with no real motivation. Sunfreckle could not tell you when he finally got himself together, but it was somewhere near his kit being buried with the clan joining in his grief, somewhere around the time he was given his own apprentice to train, when he was given less looks of reproach for his kittypet background. At some point he had stopped being just an ex-kittypet and become a ThunderClanner-but he could never tell you the exacts, he didn't know. So hearing his name spoken to offer such high praise had him flatten his ears in alarm.

Surely it was a mistake...?

Sunfreckle was many things, but an above average warrior he was not. He was decent at hunting, but not amazing. He was alright in combat, primarily defense, but most of his skill came from abusing his far larger size without much refinement; he threw his weight around and it worked for him. He was knowledgeable, but still naive in a sense when it came to some things. A prickle runs down his spine as he catches the new leader's gaze and realize she is not joking, is very serious, and he hesitates to speak for a moment before finally dredging up the words to do so, "I...I uh-" Oh, now he was making a fool of himself, "I'd be honored! To serve under you and ThunderClan." His lone forepaw scuffs the ground, an anxious shuffle of movement but he keeps his head tilted up proudly.
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He was still exhausted from the fight with the dogs. He looked up at Howlingstar with a tired smile, grief hitting him hard. Emberstar should still be here. It wasn't fair. He listened as Flycatcher was made deputy, and his smile grew brighter.

"Flycatcher! Congratulations!" He called to the newly named deputy.

A well deserved promotion! He had complete faith in him. He just.... Hoped he wouldn't be Flystar too soon. No, they couldn't handle another loss.

But what's announced next catches him by surprise! Sunfreckle, a lead warrior? His Sunny, that he had found alone in a hollow log, crying in the rain?

He bounced to his paws with newfound energy.

"Sunfreckle!!" He hopped over to Sunfreckle and pressed against him, nuzzling under his chin. "Oh, you've grown so much, I'm so proud of you, my love!!" He said, giving his cheek a lick.

A numbness had settled over Cloudypaw since she had awoken that morning. Never had she felt so tired. During the attack, adrenaline had kept her moving, kept her exhaustion at bay, and now it was all setting in at once. Muscles she had never known she had ached, and bruises she had forgotten about were sore.

More than that though, she didn't know how to feel. She had never felt as afraid as she had yesterday. Now that it was over, that the danger was gone, she should be happy. Instead she just felt tired. In the face of the pure, mind numbing terror she had felt yesterday, all her emotions felt muted and dull.

Cloudypaw padded out of the apprentice den slowly at her leader's call, her mind elsewhere. Taking a seat, she stared up at Howlingstar blankly. She wasn't really listening.

The other's yowls of triumph caught her off guard, and she blinked in surprise.

The name Flycatcher grabbed her ear and she blinked again. Her uncle was going to be the new deputy? She sat with the thought as Sunfeckle was announced as lead warrior, shifting uncomfortably. Guiltily, she reminded herself that she was happy for him, and that she was certain he deserved it. She really was. Being the niece of a Deputy sounded like a bit too much scrutiny for her though. She tried to put the thought out of her mind as she lent her voice to the calls of his name. "Flycatcher! Sunfeckle! Flycatcher! Sunfeckle!"
The familiar words rang throughout the camp. Howlingstar was calling a still felt strange hearing the brown tabby's voice instead of Emberstar's, but she was slowly starting to get used to it. Instinctively, the red tabby rose to her paws and started padding towards the crowd, but she stopped in the entrance to the nursery. She would sit here today, with her kits. They could still easily here what was happening from back here, even if it felt so wrong not being up there.

She was choosing a deputy. Her heart flittered a bit, but she swallowed it down. Being announced deputy, successor of the clan was quite a big deal. She would be lying if she had said she wasn't interested in it. Since joining Thunderclan, ambition had slowly been growing within her. She wanted to be just like Emberstar and now Howlingstar. However...she glanced down at her paws to her kits that were playing. It was probably not happening this time.


Her mate was the deputy. It stung, but only for a moment. The red tabby would quickly jump to her paws to chant his name happily. He would serve Thunderclan well, she knew it. She would then gently nose her way through the gathered cats until she came to his side. Her head could roughly bump under his chin, and a purr would erupt from within her. "Congratulations my love."

Next, Sunfreckle was announced to Lead Warrior beside her. Her tail lifted happily, and she would join in on chanting his name was well. She was proud of her best friend too, he deserved the promotion.

Despite his recently acquired injury, Flycatcher is quick to gather when he spots Howlingstar ascend the Highrock. It's a little uncomfortable as he walks but nothing unmanageable, and so long as he doesn't do anything overly strenuous and kept a good eye on it, there was no reason why he wouldn't make a fine recovery.

Howlingstar's first call of business is to celebrate their victory over the dogs. Like many clanmates, Flycatcher raises his head and lets out a few words of triumph. The clan had seen better days and some of them - himself included - looked a little worse for wear but they had survived. ThunderClan had stood strong and defeated the dogs. He hoped that somewhere Emberstar was watching from above, smiling proudly at the clan. And next comes something which Flycatcher had been expecting. The announcement of a deputy. He always knew Howlingstar would be prompt in her decision and knew that she needed someone strong and capable to stand at her side and help lead. Many cats crossed his mind who might be promoted to deputy, and ironically, despite his status as a lead warrior, his own name did not come up. So when Howlingstar called out his name he was understandably a little taken aback, an expression of pure shock on his features as he struggled to process the news. The shouts of celebration from his clanmates and the smile of Howlingstar all made it very real for him. The appearance of Flamewhisker at his side helped steady him somewhat. He rested his head atop hers, purring alongside her. "Thank you, Howlingstar," He said, dipping his head appreciatively. There wasn't much he could bring himself to say at that moment but he made a mental note to say more to the leader when they had a chance to catch up.

After his own promotion, a second cat receives one. Sunfreckle is offered the position of lead warrior, a position the red tom happily accepted. "Sunfreckle! Sunfreckle!" He cheered. Flycatcher was certain the red tom would make a fine lead warrior and would serve the clan well.
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Pride radiates off of the powerful molly as she stands tall, watching her new deputy and newest lead warrior accept their roles graciously. She gives them each a nod, unable to stifle the purr rising in her throat. Both cats were dear friends to her and she knows she can trust them with anything, even her own life. It made sense to trust the fate of ThunderClan with them, too.

"I am proud to welcome you to my council then, Sunfreckle, and proud to call my dear friend Flycatcher my new deputy. Thank you both for your service to ThunderClan." She dips her head once more before turning her attention to three apprentices, as there is more business to be done. "Burnpaw and Frecklepaw, please step forward." Her grandson in particular causes a knot of grief to well up in her throat. He had been Emberstar's apprentice, and with her death, he'd need a new mentor. She knows just the cat for the job, one she can trust to train her kin and raise him up into a fine warrior of ThunderClan someday. "I call upon my warrior ancestors to give these apprentices new mentors. Burnpaw's mentor, Emberstar, rests in the stars, and his new mentor will be Flycatcher. Frecklepaw's mentor, Robindust (NPC), has decided to retire to the elder's den, and her new mentor will be Wolfwind." She trusts her granddaughter to take on a second apprentice; she has the energy to do it, certainly! Besides, she still thinks Wolfwind could use the extra work after Morningpaw, to help get her mind off of it. She believes both new reassignments will be beneficial.

"I would also like to formally announce that until my daughter, Little Wolf, returns to her warrior duties, I will be taking on Ragwortpaw under my wing to train alongside Sloepaw. Until then, she can relax in the nursery knowing her apprentice is receiving daily training, just like normal."

Then, finally, one last announcement. After the chants of new mentors die down, Howlingstar swishes her tail in slight agitation. "ShadowClan scent continues to be found on our territory. Even after we drove them off a quarter-moon ago, it seems they continue to come back and hunt on our land. I would like double the patrols along that border to ensure they know to stay off our land! Our prey situation is dire, and we can't risk losing even a single piece of fresh-kill. We have kits to feed, and we're about to have more. ThunderClan won't be walked all over!" She yowls in an attempt to rally her clan.

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A meeting, one without Emberstar at the helm. Sunnyday watched Howlingstar with an air of uncertainty, still unsure what the future held for the clan or for himself. Though he did try to focus on the positives, she had led them to victory over the dogs. The clan would live, that was a certainty he could be truly happy about.

The news came about Flycatcher being the new deputy and Sunfreckle achieving the well deserved rank of lead warrior, and naturally Sunnyday chanted their names when the cheers went out. He was proud of them both. As the warm cheers came to an end he settled himself back into silence as he angled his ears forward so he could continue to listen to what Howlingstar wished to say. The turmoil regarding apprentices and their mentors was sorted, so that didn't attract his attention too heavily, but news that ShadowClan were still persisting with their activities was a true worry. He had hoped that maybe their neighbours would have learned their lesson to stay away from their lands, but clearly that wasn't the case. Disappointment clouded his vision as he lowered his ears. "Maybe it's time you confronted Pitchstar directly about this." He piped up, admittedly feeling uneasy about speaking up during a meeting.

Promotions, rank shifts, silver whiskers twitch in acknowledgement. To confess it was all quite boring to Ragwortpaw, the intricacies of clan councils, but despite the bore she respected it. Flycatcher being the next leader of ThunderClan seemed fair to her, and so did Sunfreckle’s beckoning up the ladder.

Burnpaw and Frecklepaw get new mentors, she gets a temporary new mentor in Howlingstar too. Ragwortpaw nods in acknowledgement, most apprentices would likely beam at the idea of getting the leader as their mentor- but she didn’t. She failed to comprehend the honor, she bobs her head to show she heard before going back to chewing on overgrown nails when talk of ShadowClan begins.


( secondary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· RAGWORTPAW, female — she / her
╰ ‣ named for her health & strength at birth .
╰ ‣ 6 moons . ages on the first
╰ ‣ thunderclan apprentice . loner born . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, oak and maple trees , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue furred . long-hared . a very furry head, chest, and tail

· ESTJ-A ❝​
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Hufflepuff, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Kind-hearted . Honest . Loud .Justice-seeking . People-pleaser . Gullible . Empty-headed . Humorous
╰ ‣ Though she is all brawn and no brain, Ragwort tries her best and carries a bleeding heart to all whom surround her. She takes the role of "big sister" with her siblings and friends, never failing to have their backs, take care of them, and defend them when needed (sometimes even jumping the gun). While she doesn't offer the best emotional support (not due to a lack of trying) she gives the best hugs and is great at giving cats distractions with her shenanigans.
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty relating to others . wears a bleeding heart

· GRIME x CINDERFROST, sister to toadpaw, prowlingpaw, hollypaw
╰ ‣ unknown sexuality.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
Bouncepaw joined in the chanting for Flycatcher and Sunfreckle. Two cats she had always looked up to. Her heart was heavy but she managed to feel happy for her clanmates. Auburnheart would want her daughter to stay strong. And she needed to be there for her father as he recovered from his injuries. As the fighting didn’t seem to be over yet. Now that Shadowclan was causing new problems. ""

Even though he is no longer a kit, Little Wolf had insisted on grooming his pelt and for once, he didn’t complain. He lost himself in the rhythm of his mothers tongue, even let himself pretend for a moment that he was a kit again, about to stand in front of the clan for the first time and receive his apprentice name. Only this time there was no Emberstar. Or Morningpaw. He would be up on a pedestal for all to see. All by himself with no siblings to stand by his side and offer words of encouragement. He misses them. Pain twists his heart as Fireflypaw, Howlpaw, Moonpaw and Morningpaw all flash in his mind. Their faces just as eager or as nervous as he felt as they anxiously wait to see who would mentor them.

He wonders who it will be this time. Secretly, he is glad his uncle Raccoonstripe already has Moonpaw. He does feel for his sister, he really does but he cannot help the selfish feeling that says “at least it isn’t me”. Maybe Howlingstar would be kind and give him someone easy like Sunfreckle. It would be nice to have a break from how hard he had been pushed by his former mentor. Thinking of her brings a fresh wave of pain. Grief. He misses their daily spars and hunts, the training was tough but so was he. She was making him stronger, better and while. He changes his mind then, he doesn’t want someone who will let him slack off. He wants someone to keep pushing him, he wants to be a warrior that when met on the battlefield cats would turn and run just from the sight of him.

He stands there now, proud and tall for the whole clan to see, piercing yellow eyes fixed on his grandmother as he listens to her words. He cheers the names of Sunfreckle and Flycatcher respectively. They were both good cats, good warriors.

And then it was his turn.

The moves feel familiar but different, as if back then he was someone else. His paws had been smaller, his voice higher pitched and his mind unjaded by the cynicism it carries now. When Howlingstar beckons him forward he moves. Ears shoved forward, not wanting to miss a single second of this.

“I call upon my warrior ancestors to give these apprentices new mentors. Burnpaw's mentor, Emberstar, rests in the stars, and his new mentor will be Flycatcher.”

Time stops and his eyes find the newly named Deputies hesitating for only a moment before he steps forward to touch noses with him. Admittedly, he is nervous about being first a leaders apprentice and now the deputies. The weight of expectation rests on his shoulders, he knows it, but he has no intentions on letting those expectations down. Challenge accepted.

When he steps back he looks back up at his grandmother who is not yet finished speaking. Her words stir something in him, as they are meant to. And he finds himself howling with the rest of the crowd, though in the back of his mind he does find himself worried that he would have to exchange blows with his friend. Quickly though, he shakes it away. He would do what he must to protect his clan. He knows he would.

// sorry this is so long I got a random really big burst of muse T.T
Howlingstar listens as yowls echo throughout the ravine, ones of praise for the named cats, ones of anger towards ShadowClan. One voice speaks up at her and she meets the sapphire gaze of Sunnyday. Her own eyes remain solemn, and she understands his concern. Nodding, she responds, "I will confront Pitchstar at the Gathering tonight. That will be his final warning."

She rakes her gaze once more across the crowd of cats, noting their skinny frames, hungry faces. Her clan is starving right in front of her. If ShadowClan continues to make their situation worse, she'll make sure there are consequences. These are her warriors to protect now, and she is determined to succeed.

Flicking her tail, she dismisses the meeting and leaps down from the Highrock.

// Activity shoutouts from the first part of February (I'm just super late giving them out, sorry!)
@Flycatcher @Flamewhisker @Sunfreckle @Sunnyday @nightbird @Hollow Tree @RACCOONSTRIPE @covecatcher @Stormchaser @Silverlightning @WILDPAW @STORMKIT
Thank you for your high activity! It does not go unnoticed!
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