pafp Under the falling rain // sneaking about


in your shadow
Sep 4, 2024
//Please wait for @edenberry ?!

Enough was enough! Sitting in the nursery was utter torture and at last he was willing to endure the squelch of mud beneath his paws for the sake of a slither of freedom. The white tom boldly marched out into the camp, not caring if any queen protested. The rain sprinkled against his delicate fur and flattened it against his body, revealing just how slender he truly was. Hopping between the puddles, he soon locked onto his target; Edenberry. He caught sight of them heading for the warriors den with what seemed to be feathers and moss in their mouth. He didn’t know why exactly, but he longed to spend some time with the warrior who had discovered him first out in the wilds.

As he reached the outside of the den he instinctively crouched low and drew closer, checking over his shoulder to ensure that no other warrior was watching him. And if they were then he hoped that they wouldn’t interfere. Slipping inside the den, he then stalked towards Edenberry, using moves he had watched the apprentices practicing a few days prior. Smirking, he then attempted to bounce up behind the warrior and he tried to bat at their hind legs in a fake attack. ”Got you!”

It was the least they could do right now.. to be sure their clan-mates had comfortable, warm beds to return to at night. They had the luxury of a roof over their head to keep them dry and though the dens were carefully woven and patched with leaf litter, it wasn't hole-proof. They slide past the entrance of the den, overwhelmed by the strong scent of pine sap. The warriors spent so much time in the trees... their scents compounding in this shared space.

They drag a paw at a particularly messy nest, one that smells like spring-confessions and comfort.... They'd start with hers. Cherryblossom might not notice it, but they could sleep better knowing they'd done something to keep her happier while they weren't here. They're enraptured in their thoughts of auburn curls as a small pair of ardent paws swat at their legs- a small mrr of surprise escaping them as fern gaze turns to find their attacker.

Immediately, they soften, recognizing the pale stare of a cheerful tom-kit, matched only by his triumphant cry. "You did!" A low purr rumbles in their chest, paused for a pained moment by the memory of Spicepurr's low-toned lecture. You should stay away... They pull their lips into a smile, trying to ignore it. "Did Orangestar teach you that? Only the best of the best could've been your mentor if you're already so talented!"

  • eeb-banner.png
  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 17 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69
”I watched the older kits, they were practicing in the camp.” Snowy proclaimed proudly as he relished in a moment of smugness. He liked to think that he was a quick learner and he did find the apprentices interesting enough, and admittedly he was somewhat jealous of how they could leave the camp. In his young mind he had come to believe that he would only get that right if he became, well, better! He needed to be like them and the grown ups.

Speaking of being like the grown ups… Snowy leaned to the side so he could peer at the nest that Edenberry had been working on. ”What are you doing anyway?” He was genuinely curious, though that was mainly because it was Edenberry. If it had been anyone else then he might have moved along by now. Edenberry could quite literally be watching leaves dry and he’d still find it fascinating and would be keen to join in.


Never a fan of rain, the baby bird had been inside almost all day, lest his wings get wet. the whelp was usually a hard worker so he felt a bit bad taking it easy today (especially so close to leaf-bare), but a silent vow was made to work twice as hard tomorrow to make up for it - at least if it was dry.

a warm purr left Chickbloom as Edenberry entered the warriors den, the space feeling a bit less empty now. unfortunately for the worrywart, though, it suddenly got a lot less empty. the purr turned into a small shriek of panic as a tiny assassin infiltrated the nest with a battlecry, attacking his friend. it took a moment for the flighty tom to register what was happening and steady his breathing, but the boy was still shaken. "W-Whitekit! you - you almost gave me a h-heart attack -" A shaky laugh left the coward at the absurdity of the situation, though, his annoyance fading as fast as it had come. however, it was replaced with something else as dinner-plate eyes narrowed. "You - You should be in the n-nursery. you'll catch cold in the -" The anxious cat looked at the sprinkling outside, cutting himself short. Well, it wouldn't do Amy good to send him back, would it? Chickbloom tried to relax a little, hoping to emulate Butterflytuft.

"Well, I g-guess it's alright..." The milksop mumbled, getting to his paws and padding towards the duo. if he wasn't going to do any work in the rain, he might as well be useful in the dry. "Need any help?" Chickbloom asked Edenberry, eager to spend time with his friend, even if it was just busywork.​
They offer a small hum to note their active listening, amused the kit sought only the truth rather than the grandiose lie of being trained by Orangestar herself. No delusions of grandeur for him... Chickbloom seems to have caught the worst of it, fluffing up in agitated surprise; they softly chuckle as he starts to huff and fuss over the small kit. "It'll be okay Chick, I'll make sure to walk him back when we're done here." That should satisfy the worry-wort... though his concerns were in the right place.

They now have to tango with two sets of eyes on them as their paws shift through decaying moss, too dry now without a touch of rain to keep it alive. "If you don't mind," they slide the fresh moss they've brought towards Chickbloom's paws, fixing Snowy with their gaze as they consider how to answer his question. Do they go into the details of who this nest belongs to? What the point in doing this act of service might be? What they hope to gain from it?

"I'm fixing up Cherryblossom's nest," the bi-color cat replies, nodding as if their action needs affirming. "I'm hoping new moss will help with how grouchy she's been when she wakes up in the mornings," it's mostly a joke... generally speaking the calico she-cat is not very prickly. Just a bit of a drama-monger.

  • eeb-banner.png
  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 17 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69
”Oh! Sorry Chickbloom.” Whitekit hadn’t meant to give the other warrior a fright, though he became a little worried when the nursery was mentioned. Surely he wouldn’t be sent away so soon? Thankfully Chickbloom seemed easily swayed and the young kit let his posture relax as he basked in a moment of relief. Good, he could stay.

Snowy’s focus returned to Edenberry as they explained what they were doing and why. Unfortunately the attempt at a joke was lost on him and left him instead truly believing that Cherryblossom was a proper grouch in the mornings thanks to the state of the nest. Not wishing to sit around doing nothing, the kit then reached his forepaws into the nest to feel at the bedding. It wasn’t as plush as the nursery nests but he could feel how scratchy the old moss felt. ”So old moss out, new moss in? I’m going to help you then!” It seemed straight forward enough.

With his tongue peeking out of his mouth he focused intently on the task at hand as he felt around for the dry, uncomfortable pieces of moss. With surprising care for a kit he began to pick the pieces out.