under the starling host 𓃦 blackbird


β˜Ύβ­’ emptied hands of black hills, washed with gold.
Jul 1, 2024
speaking color is #A58B69

➾ blackkit > blackpaw > BLACKBIRD.
filler ➾ female, she/they. bisexual, polyamorous. ☾ π“…«
fillerfiller ➾ written by @DOFFERZ! 𓃦π“ƒ₯

➾ THUNDERCLAN. warrior, x moons old
➾ GEN 1. npc x npc, no known siblings. mentor: unplayed npc. mate to: x
➾ REQUEST for any relations, i am open!

➾ FUR COLOR: dark brown that shines in the sun but appears black when out of it. has lighter brown fur on her belly and on her face resembling a mask.
➾ FUR TEXTURE: light, wispy, and soft to the touch. extremely sleek and silky. though very well maintained, it is quick to tangle.
➾ SKIN COLOR: brown ears. her paw pads and nose are an even darker shade of brown.
➾ EYES: a mixture of yellow and gold, dependent on the lighting. they shimmer brightly in the sun.
➾ BUILD: tall but thin. she looks fragile but is still well built underneath her fur. she has little meat, but what she does have is mostly muscle.
➾ OTHER: throaty, gravely voice, typically spoken roughly even when not unkind. may often sound bored. dark under her eyes and almost always tired looking. long lashes. wispy strands of fur often fall in her face, covering some part of it. however, you can typically still see what’s hidden behind it with how thin the fur is. naturally large ears that appear tufted, though the left one is almost completely torn off and the right is split down the middle. scratches along the base of her shoulders. long, thin claws.

➾ ABOUT: rough spoken, realist, independent, unwelcoming to other clans, uninterested, proud/vain, motherly, confident, cruel, judgemental, fierce

➾ INDEPENDENT: out of the gate, blackbird is a very independent figure. when faced with an issue, she prefers to handle it herself, whether it’s as simple as changing out the bedding in her nest or dealing with a cat that rubs her pelt the wrong way. she doesn’t like to put her problems onto others, and in turn, she keeps things to herself... a pawful of which may be extremely important for those around her to know.
➾ STEEL-JAWED: as noted, blackbird tends to keep things to herself. if it seems like something that she could be capable of handling herself, she may refrain from disclosing it even if it could be important to those around her to know. she’s injured? why would she bother a medicine cat? she'll survive. however, her silence does have a bit of a perk: should you tell her a secret, you can trust that it will not get out… to the wrong people. blackbird typically only speaks her full mind around those she loves, and she trusts them to do well with what she says. your secrets are in good paws…. right? at the very least, they won't be spread throughout thunderclan as gossip.
➾ REALIST: she isn’t one to sugarcoat things. while her intentions may not be to come off as deliberately rude, she does have a habit of being a tad bit too blunt or having a poor delivery of her words. high hopes are irrelevant if nobody takes the steps to fulfil them. and blackbird feels that through criticism and poking holes in the flaws of things only builds the strength of a finished product. this applies to plans, relationships, training, hard work, and basically whatever may come to mind. high hopes and good wishing doesn't feed hungry maws or protect the clan.
➾ PRIDEFUL: vain. blackbird may sometimes appear to be full of herself. she has a lot of trust and faith in her own capability, hence her willingness to take her own matters into her own hands. she holds herself tall with confidence and grace, and makes sure that this is well known to those around her. especially to those outside of thunderclan.
➾ MOTHERLY: despite having a stern and rough exterior, blackbird has a surprising draw towards motherhood. while her capability may not be as kind and compassionate as a typical queen, she finds herself longing to raise kits of her own... and only her own. though she may find herself calming or entertaining an upset or bored kit, she sees them as future warriors of thunderclan... not so much as little bundles of joy. another queen's responsibility is not a responsibility of her own. perhaps it's not quite the longing of motherhood as much as it is teaching.
➾ SHALLOW-MINDED: though, particularly in the interest of anybody outside of thunderclan. blackbird is not a fan of outsiders, and so she would rather chase off an unfamiliar cat or rival clan cat than offer a penny to their thoughts. though she may not leap straight into hostility, she is not above resorting to violence should push come to shove. or even a light tap for that matter. she holds a bias for those who may not have been born into thunderclan and may not always try to hide this. however, it seems rather odd that she seems to be so comfortable when mingling at the gatherings yet so unenthused to discuss the politics when it's all said and done... it's not quite like her, is it?
➾ FIERCE: as stated, blackbird is not one to shy away from assertiveness at the borders of her clan, more than willing to bloom into aggressiveness should the need arise. and when blackbird fights, she fights to win. she is not above using foul moves and unfair tricks in order to gain the upper-hand in battle. she is willing to kill to win, whether or on not they're her own size or not. she will attack children, though she may find herself hesitant to kill kits. apprentices, on the other hand, are fair game in her eyes. while it may come off as cruel and dirty, she doesn't pay any heed. one may wonder if she even feels remorse? she has to, right?

➾ HISTORY: to be added/determiend

➾ OPEN TO; minor and minor nonviolent powerplay, unprovoked attack, minor injuries
➾ ASK FOR; maim, capture, major injuries
➾ CLOSED TO; major and major nonviolent powerplay, murder
➾ WHEN ATTACKING; please tag @blackbird. specifying your attack is extremely helpful.
➾ WILL; start fights, end fights, kill, attack children
➾ MAY; run away in battle
➾ WILL NOT; kill without reason, kill children

➾ OPEN TO; any sort of interactions, though she may not quite see your character as a β€˜friend’ despite being on good terms, and she will be very unlikely to make friends outside of her clan. also open to romance! i prefer things to be developed naturally through roleplay. always feel free to dm me or contact me on discord (@doffloppa) for plots!
➾ CLOSED TO; same-clan romance, cross-clan friendships
➾ ;
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𓃦π“ƒ₯ ﹏ i am the incredible shrinking man, the longer i live the smaller i stand. i was the irrelevant, misplaced son. inconsequential, awkward and undone. too short for the wishing well, oh well, you can all just go to hell. and maybe today things will go my way β€˜cause it all seems cruel when you're made to play the fool. why ask why, after all, we die. must seem like you're always wrong in a world where you don't belong.

i am the incredible melting man, becoming nothing as long as i can. i’ll be a puddle by the end of the day. wasn't much of a person anyway. too late for the dinner bell, oh well, you can all just go to hell, and maybe today things will go my way β€˜cause it all seems cruel when you're made to play the fool. why ask why, after all, we die. must seem like you're always wrong in a world where you don't belong.

it’d be fine, i’d be having a ball. don't give me grief it could happen to you each and all, but i need relief. i hurt you 'cause my mind is mush. that’s my excuse. i’m the weirdo hiding in the bush and I'm on the loose. i’m a sloppy tiny angry man hurting all the people that I can.

i am the incredibly wasted man. thought i had a promise, thought there was a plan. i am the incredulous thinking fuck. i threw away my time and i’m out of luck.

(it was as if my body had ceased to exist. there was no hunger, no longer the terrible fear of shrinking.)



  • BLACKBIRD ✩ mtf, she/they, warrior of thunderclan, 16 moons old
    tall she-cat with dark brown fur. she has lighter brown on her belly and as a mask on her face. she has thin and wispy fur, one missing ear, and one torn ear.
    β­ƒ a rough spoken and independent she-cat with a strong distaste for outsiders. she’s proud, confident, and oftentimes arrogant. nonetheless, she's a hardworking member of thunderclan and aims to help serve her clan... even if she goes about this differently than others.
    β­ƒ open to minor and minor nonviolent powerplay / / underline and tag when attacking β‡Œ see her bio here
    β­ƒ penned by @DOFFERZ! β‡Œ doffloppa on discord, feel free to dm for plots. template credit to vayle.


𓃦π“ƒ₯ ﹏ 

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β­ƒ[/COLOR] tall she-cat with dark brown fur. she has lighter brown on her belly and as a mask on her face. she has thin and wispy fur, one missing ear, and one torn ear. 
β­ƒ a rough spoken and independent she-cat with a strong distaste for outsiders. she’s proud, confident, and oftentimes arrogant. nonetheless, she's a hardworking member of thunderclan and aims to help serve her clan... even if she goes about this differently than others.
[COLOR=#A58B69]β­ƒ[/COLOR] open to minor and minor nonviolent powerplay / / [U]underline[/U] and tag when attacking β‡Œ see her bio [URL='https://tabbytales.net/threads/under-the-starling-host-%F0%93%83%A6-blackbird.15557/'][COLOR=#A58B69] here[/COLOR][/URL]
[COLOR=COLOR]β­ƒ[/COLOR] penned by [URL='https://tabbytales.net/members/dofferz.2985/'][COLOR=#A58B69]@DOFFERZ![/COLOR][/URL] β‡Œ  [COLOR=#A58B69]doffloppa[/COLOR] on discord, feel free to dm for plots. template credit to [URL='https://tabbytales.net/members/vayle.773/'][COLOR=#A58B69]vayle[/COLOR][/URL].

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