Sunshinekit rarely wanders too far from Sunfreckle, enjoying too much the warmth of their father. It was a simple moment, a night or two prior, where the rain fell and they found themself too engrossed in watching it crash against the ground. They got away with splashing in some of the puddles, too, before their father ushered them back inside. The attempts to warm them back up again were well made, however the damage was already done.

The mottled kitten wakes with a sneeze, ears pressing to their head as a sudden discomfort in their throat also alarms them. Sunshinekit sits up straighter, coughing once or twice, before finding that the tickle isn't leaving them as quickly as it would normally. Thankfully Sunfreckle isn't too far away - maybe he's gotten up with their siblings, and is watching them play while they slept in. Sunshinekit stands and waddles closer to their red furred father, letting out another sneeze once they're closer.

"Mmm, Da...?" they hum, opting to lean against the other's side. Their ears feel warm... they, truthfully, don't like the feeling. "I don' feel good," they admit, tailing their words with a quiet whimper.

[ pls wait for @Sunfreckle <3 ]​

The earlier rain had sent him into a tizzy, gathering up kits to get them out of it after having not realized it was starting to drizzle until the ground was thoroughly soaked; they were still much too small to be left out to play in such weather and he ushered them all back to the nursery to frantically groom and keep the heat circulating proper in each tiny body, ridding them of cold droplets and damp fur in the hopes that no illness would sink in after a proper rest. When Sunshinekit did not stir he didn't force it, let the other two out to play and kept a careful eye on them and the nursery until the tortie kit waddles out in an unsteady manner and he is rising to stand to go and check on his spotted child with worry etched across his maw, it is the quietly mewled 'I don't feel good' that has him choking down a steady rising panic. He can see it again so clearly, crumpled white kitten on the ground before him; hunched over screaming for someone to do something, anything-Cinderfrost telling him there was nothing to be done.
Sunfreckle dips his head, pushes his nose into the side of the pale earthen and gray toned pelt in a comforting gesture before raising his head back up to push his nose into a tiny triangle ear. A little warmer than usual, it was hard to say if it was the heat or anything else. He had been told once that meant sickness but he wasn't sure how true it was-either way if Sunshinekit openly admitted to feeling poorly he wasn't going to just ignore it.
"Don't feel good? Well, let's go see Berryheart then shall we? Our medicine cat will know what to do." He hoped, he desperately hoped and he also hoped the tremor in his voice was not quite so obvious.
"Emberkit, Rainbowkit, come over here. We're going to take a walk, I'm going to show you all the medicine cat den." It might be good to make sure they knew where it was in case something happened and he wasn't able to instruct them anyways. "We're going to go meet Berryheart and Lichenpaw, they are very nice cats and help us all when we're sick..." Plume of a tail ushers the other kits forward and he dips his head to secure Sunshinekit's scruff between his teeth to hoist them up to carry; a little bigger and he woudn't be able to do this as easily-they grew up fast. So fast already...

@RAINBOWKIT & @EMBERKIT. Kitten caravan on the way to @BERRYHEART & @LICHENPAW
Stormywing is happily crunching on the bones remaining after her meal when she notices the lead warrior quickly ushering his kits across camp. Her ears perk with interest, brown quirking. It looks like they’re heading towards the medicine den, which would suddenly explain the panicked gleam in Sunfreckle’s eye. Blinking her eyes wider in realization, she abandons her chewing and quickly trots to catch up with the red-furred queen. “Woah! Are the kiddos okay? Anyone hurt?” She inquires curiously, her own form of worry as her short legs stride twice as fast to keep up with the much larger warrior. She doesn’t realize how her actions may seem nosy or annoying - she wants to know if she can do anything to help! Hazel eyes shift towards to the kids toddling at his paws, minus the one swinging from his mouth. Are they all hurt?!

Illness in youth always seemed more deadly, more concerning. Berryheart had enough evidence to be worried, at least; he had seen too many kittens die young from invisible ailments than he had seen warriors felled by gore. Aware and awake, he heard the quiet buzz of conversation- and Nifty, woundless, wandering over to the mouth of his den. He glanced to his apprentice, beckoning the other tortoiseshell tom into the open, before emerging into the sunlight and settling a slightly-darkened wonky gaze upon the group of kittens.

Fidget's concerns echoed his own, aloud- a subtle nod followed, and he swept his attention over the group. Nothing overt... though, upon a patchwork child's face there was a slight disturbance. "Tell me," he murmured, simple and soft. No spike in volume to startle the kittens, no harsh inquiry- nor much of a crooning purr. Level as always- it was important not to flinch with worry, not in front of those who were easily stirred.

☼—— emberkit is playing idly near the nursery's entrance, a simple and slightly bored game of bug-catching; the insufferable heat has made its way into camp and he doesn't like to stray far from the cooling shade of his family's den. he squints into the sun occasionally as he bats at wandering insects, both admiring the lush green forest above that has risen to splendor in the greenleaf heat and frowning occasionally. it's just so hot. he doesn't want to go back inside, exactly, but the sun's warmth is settling along his shoulders and nestling itself inside the thick golden fluff of his pelt. he wishes it was raining like it was a couple sunrises ago, cooling the sun-scorched ground and giving him something fun to play with—for all of a couple moments, before his father had ushered them all back inside and washed their damp pelts.

his father calls to him and emberkit, perhaps happy for the excuse to leave the overbearing sun, pads obediently over to him. sunshinekit leans against him, his mottled sibling sneezing and whimpering as they cling to sunfreckle's red-furred leg. he sniffs at his sibling, an odd sick-scent filling his nose that he quickly huffs out, until his father tells him that they're all going to take a walk to the medicine den and meet new cats——berryheart and lichenpaw. his ears twitch curiously and he nods enthusiastically as he wobbles along at his father's urging tail, "o-okay, papa."

one of the big cats, stormywing, catches up with them and asks his papa some questions. emberkit pays the interruption little mind—cats come talk to sunfreckle a lot. emberkit has only a vague notion of what a lead warrior is, but he knows his papa's one, and perhaps that's why he has lots of friends.

they arrive in front of the new den, where a couple of cats emerge; presumably these new cats. both of them have mottled pelts like sunshinekit, albeit in different shades, and emberkit sniffs curiously at them. the two smell odd, like sweet wild honey and fragrant thick herb-scent, so he sniffs again. the big cat is talking to his papa, which emberkit doesn't exactly pick up on, but he mews cheerily enough, "hi! i'm em-emberkit." he's really getting the hang of how to talk, and he heard you're 'sposed to say your name to new cats to be 'polite'.

  • ooc: ——
  • hGDbrni.png
  • ☼ emberkit — for his bright pelt & in honor of emberstar
    he/him ; amab, will come out as genderfluid ICly — thunderclan — kit — 2 ☾s
    —— emberkit is a young kit with a radiant white-splashed cream pelt and soft blue eyes. the adopted son of thunderclan's lead warrior sunfreckle and his mate rabbitnose, he is sweet, honest, and as bright as his namesake, if somewhat lacking in an attention span.
    —— smells like winter air & sweet smoke ; sounds like young bran stark ; speech in #A7CAEB, thoughts in #e98b27
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim (kitten)
    —— too young for romance ; open to friendships, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to romance, battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

“I don’ feel good.” Mousepaw lingers in the background with the other kits, stopping her tracks and the dry moss she’d been carrying to the nursery dropped unceremoniously. Anxiety glows in her green eyes as she watches Sunfreckle carry Sunshinekit to Berryheart’s den. “Dovekit,” she murmurs quietly to herself. She’d been so young—but had she really been any younger than Sunshinekit? Fear prickles her paw pads, and she almost numbly trails behind Emberkit as he prances toward the medicine cat’s den.

Emberkit, we mustn’t distract Berryheart and Lichenpaw,” she says quietly, her pastel tail snaking about the other kit. “Let’s go find Rainbowkit and play a game, okay? I’ll… I’ll let you all paint me with berries and mud. How ‘bout that?

  • mousekit . mousepaw
    — she/they, apprentice of thunderclan
    — pansexual ; single
    — long-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai

"They said they don't feel good." The red tabby says once he has set Sunshinekit down to stand on their own, wobbly and uncertain. His eyes widen and he tries not to let the panic rise up until he has allowed the medicine cat the time to properly assess, "Was a little sniffly this morning, didn't want to wake up so I let them rest a bit more." Maybe he should've brought Sunshinekit here immediately, maybe he should've given into his immediate instinct to scruff them along to the healer without waiting to see if it was just a little morning bleariness. Despite his personal feelings, Sunfreckle nudged his kit closer to Berryheart and stepped back to not be so in the way so there was room for him and Lichenpaw to examine. His tail flicked out and down, looping around Emberkit who crept close to introduce himself in his polite way; he hoped his smile did not look so strained when he regarded his son. They were already so good at having normal little conversations, less mewling and slurring words now and more actual sentences; he wished time were not so hasty.

"This is Berryheart, if you ever feel bad and you can't find me you should go see him. He will take good care of you." A lesson he wished had come later, but one he knew was necessary all the same; Sunfreckle hated that he was already warning the kits of how the world was not always so kind. "He makes sure every cat in the clan is healthy and he is teaching Lichenpaw to do the same."
When Mousepaw arrives he can already see she is just as frazzled as he is and graciously dips his head to his eldest as she encourages Emberkit to run off and play as well, "I just wanted you to see where the den was, Emberkit. Why don't you and Mousepaw go play then?"
It can't be put into words the terror Sparkpaw felt upon hearing the words 'I don't feel good' come from one of his younger siblings. He was almost afraid to look over, as if doing so would have him reliving the worst moment of his life. He'll never forget it.

He stands frozen as he struggles to pull his mind away from the doom his thoughts were feeding him.

With a breath, he looks to the medicine den where everyone is gathered. He can't seem to get himself to move, as if one wrong step and Sunshinekit will fall over.

His thoughts become static, and the look of alarm is frozen on his face as he waits for Berryheart to do his plant magic..... Or for history to repeat itself.​
Some expressions don't have definitions yet. Whilst Sunshinekit can parse someone's happy from their sad, they cannot quite determine the deeper roots that either emotion may pull. Suffice it to say that while the mottled kitten can garner that their father is upset with the notion his child puts forth, fear is not an immediate modifier. Sunshinekit simply offers a wordless mewl as Sunfreckle hoists them into the air, promising new faces and some help.

Their tail swings helplessly on the short stroll to the medicine den, and almost comedically does the child sneeze upon arrival. The herb-scent must tickle their nose, though they can't smell it too clearly. Their red furred father places them down on the ground and nudges them forward - only then do they notice Berryheart, in all of the tortie's slanted jawed glory. They almost forget why they're here, at all, but are quickly reminded as their throat pains before they've even the chance to speak.

Sunfreckle starts to speak for them, however the information he gives is too little. Sunshinekit can't blame him given they hadn't had the chance to explain why they don't feel well, before they were whisked away. "Umm..." they roll the hum in the back of their throat, eyes narrowing to a squint. A paw rests about where the soreness is at it's strongest, before pitching, "My... back-mouth hurts," there should be a better word for that. They part their jaws in a pained yawn before sliding their paws forward to lay down, as if exhausted from the ten minutes they've been awake.​

Another small figure- Frond-fur of Nifty's newest brood, whom he recognised instantly as the one his mother had found- toddled up to him. As he politely greeted him, he offered the kitten a small but tangible smile of returned acknowledgement, and a dip of the head. Speckles was soon to swoop in and make an attempt to lift the kitten out of the situation; perhaps it was for the best, while he was unsure what was ailing their sibling. Dull green eyes flicked back up to Nifty as the red tom explained- and soon, a tiny voice followed.

Sniffles, a sore throat... it was mildly concerning in someone so young, but was thankfully something he had learned to deal with. Many caught colds and coughs, but that did not make them pleasant to deal with- such was his duty. He nodded. "One moment," he murmured, poking his head inside his den. Diligently kept, it was not difficult to find his resources. Feverfew and honey-drizzle glazed upon an ivy leaf was brought back into the open, and pushed with a snow-splashed muzzle toward the child.

"Please eat this." The honey would make it more palatable to kitten-teeth, he hoped. "And stay with your father for the rest of today." Green eyes lifted to Nifty, once again. "I'll checkup tomorrow."

there is a crowd growing outside of berryheart’s den, but it’s the streaks of bursting red that draws her eye — sunfreckle, sparkwing. her tufted ears perk forward curiously, briefly stopping by to drop her squirrel haphazardly stop the freshkill pile. quietly, the woman takes her place alongside her silent brother, a quiet murmur of, ” everyone okay? " but berryheart is speaking, and lapsing into the same silence befallen her family, she can hear him assign herbs.. herbs to a small, pale - patterned kitten. phantom memories of dovekit flash in her mind, almost - glimpses of a distraught sunfreckle the ginger - kissed molly isn't sure she remembered or fabricated in her sister's absence. she hates the smell of the medicine den, its sickly - bitter scent overturning her mind, placebo fear settling deep into her marrow. sunshinekit wasn't feeling well.. but they would be fine. they would be fine, their little family had faced enough tragedy in their time. starclan had mercy, right?

my back - mouth hurts, they say, and seconds later their paws give. they slide to their fragile chest, and freckleflame's heart plummets, ” oh, sunnyshine. “ she breathes, ears coming to tilt back sympathetically. she crouches down onto cream - patterned forelimbs, can only hope the scent of familiarity was some comfort against the illness, " eat them herbs for berryheart 'n i'll bring you the biggest mossball i can find back from dusk patrol. " she aims a flick of her thick tail over their spine, flicking seaglass eyes up towards their tortoiseshell medicine cat gratefully. but what was wrong with them? would this really help?

  • i.
  • FRECKLEFLAME ——————— of thunderclan ⠀ 𓍊𓋼 ⠀ . ׁ
    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, cream patched tortoiseshell she - cat with pale green eyes. fire - forged, smoldering ; shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a well - toned form. in warriorhood she has grown to full, hulking height ; unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. freckleflame is broad shouldered and square - jawed, wild cheek fur like the blazing edges of a red sun — a hulking, thick - furred thunderclan warrior, forever blaze - kissed. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while beating a lazy, heavy - eyed grin.

  • IMG_1436.png

Their sibling is sneezy. Sneezy and wheezy with twitches in their nose and Rainbowkit is tilting his head inquisitively at them, tail lifted high as he trots beside Emberkit. Rainbowkit is getting plenty old, and as a kit that's plenty old he knows lots about the sounds cats could make and why that happens. Rainbowkit knows they yawn when they're sleepy. Their tummy makes rumbles when they're hungry. They haven't quite figured out sneezes yet. They blink at their sibling with wide blue eyes.

Well, let's go see Berryheart then shall we? Our medicine cat will know what to do. He knows Berryheart. He thinks Berryheart's very nice. Rainbowkit's always thought that he was important, but they weren't sure why. They can find out now though. Rainbowkit perks up. He follows his father's lead, but is a little bit slow. They're slow cause they need to think. They blink up at a grey warrior. Rainbowkit doesn't feel sniffly or sneezy. Sickness was bad, Rainbowkit discovers. When their big sister appears behind Emberkit, Rainbowkit would go to catch um, squishing themself between their big sister's paws " Berryheart and... Lichenpaw... are very important, " They infer, looking up at Mousepaw. They peer toward Berryheart, who supposedly knew what to do. " Is... Sunshinekit not okay? "

They prick the points of their ears toward their father, learning. Sunshinekit was hurting– the realizaiton makes them a little bit sad. Berryheart could fix it though, they say. Rainbowkit can't see very well, but Berryheart is doing very important thinks. All their older siblings are here, and Rainbowkit thinks that's very good. Rainbowkit blink sup at the older cats. He doesn't want to be a loud kit and be distracting. " Someone tell Berryheart... um, he's very good. And Lichenpaw too. And thank you for helping Sunshinekit, puh-lease. " Rainbowkit would shuffle between his sisters paws and try to nudge closer to Emberkit. " Let's play. Sunshinekit will play when they're better... "

  • OOC: sorry this is so late!
  • rainbowkit & [ raine ] [ bow ] : sunfreckle xx rabbitnose 2nd litter. littermate to sunshinekit & emberkit. younger brother to mousepaw, sparkpaw & frecklepaw.
    —— amab. they / he ; fine with gendered terms ( tom / boy / brother / etc . . . )
    —— currently 2 moons old.

    a typical size for their age. warm - faced and bright - eyed, rainbowkit sports boyish features and an easygoing smile. early signs of a thick ruff to come can be seen in plush cheeks and a thickening tail. sports long curling whickers and a dip of sun - red down the length of their neck.
  • this is for cute purposes begone.

☼—— sunfreckle tells him that this is berryheart and lichenpaw, that he should come here if he ever feels bad. emberkit nods obediently, encourages him to stop distracting the important cats and run along to play with mousepaw, who offers to let him and rainbowkit paint her with berries and mud. he wants to accept immediately, but .... the faces of the cats who gather around, the way sunshinekit buckles to the ground, pull him close to this spot as though a great tree grew through his chest. usually-silly sparkpaw's face is creased in alarm, and while berryheart offers him a small smile before the tortie retreats into the medicinne den and returns with some weird plants for sunshinekit to eat.

frecklepaw is worrying over them too, the she-cat usually so fiery seeming muted by sunshinekit's distress, and fear twinges his golden heart, a feeling unknown and unwelcome. sunshinekit is still keeled over on the gorund, whining and sneezing and complaining of their aching mouth. he wants to wrap his fluffy too-big tail around them and hug them close until they sleep away the pain, nestle his small golden paws around them and snuggle his sibling until they feel better, but for some reason nobody wants him to, everyone wants him to go play. even sleepy rainbowkit, normally so mellow, nudges him to go and play with him and mousepaw, and emberkit sighs and dips his head, acquiesces.

"i'll come back and make sure you f-feel better, okay?" he mewls desperately to sunshinekit before he pads away to "play"—though his sick sibling will no doubt weigh down his usual energy.

  • ooc: out!
  • ☼ emberkit — for his bright pelt & in honor of emberstar
    he/him ; amab, will come out as genderfluid ICly — thunderclan — kit — 2 ☾s
    —— emberkit is a young kit with a radiant white-splashed cream pelt and soft blue eyes. the adopted son of thunderclan's lead warrior sunfreckle and his mate rabbitnose, he is sweet, honest, and as bright as his namesake, if somewhat lacking in an attention span.
    —— smells like winter air & sweet smoke ; sounds like young bran stark ; speech in #A7CAEB, thoughts in #e98b27
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim (kitten)
    —— too young for romance ; open to friendships, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to romance, battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

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Reactions: & RAINBOWPAW
Sunshinekit watches as the mottled feline slips away from them. Lazy green eyes close for a second, and though they just woke up, they feel sleepy again. They blame it on the overwhelming smells coming from (who was it? Berryheart and... Lichenpaw, they think,) den. They don't want to stay here for much longer, but Sunfreckle is insistent on them befriending the two knowledgeable cats.

It doesn't take long for the tom to return with something for them to munch on. At least the smell of the honey is enticing, though the idea of chewing on leaves and petals is just as appetizing as when they weaned for the first time - meaning not at all. The child passively stares at the remedies offered, wondering if they could survive forever with the pain in their throat. It's when they look up towards their family - their older siblings, littermates, parents, each staring at them in turn with unprecedented levels of fear - that they decide chewing on a leaf isn't too bad. Besides, Frecklepaw promises them a mossball if they eat up. That should be enough.

"Mmm," they hum, lazily lifting a paw and dropping it on the honey slicked leaf briefly. They pull it towards their face and lick the substance off of their paw. "Mmm, okay," Sunshinekit then agrees, though they're still apprehensive. They start chewing on the feverfew when Emberkit speaks to them. They attempt a smile, though a cough shakes it from their expression. Sunshinekit doesn't watch as Emberkit and the others leave, simply focusing on the herbs given to them. Only when they finally manage to finish do they bid a quiet, "Thank you," to the medicine cats, backing towards their father again and settling against his flank for his warmth.​