private UNDER THE WILLOW (blazestar)


For a quarter-moon, she rested after the battle. Losing a life had been difficult on her body, especially with all of the other wounds she'd obtained, and she still isn't fully back to her best. She should still be resting, Berryheart has told her as much, but she knows what she said she'd do. It is today she is meeting Blazestar, seven nights from the battle, and she hopes he stands by his word to meet. There is still an enraged flame that burns within her at the thought of a rogue SkyClanner branding her kin, and if Blazestar is half the cat she thinks he is, she doesn't think he'll take too kindly to hearing what his clanmate - or, former clanmate, if the SkyClanners had told the truth - had done to his daughter.

At the border, where the oaks meet the pines, the tabby sits. Despite the cobwebs wrapped around her body to keep poultices in place, she keeps her head high. She'd never be caught appearing weak or anything less than noble. She is here for her clan, for her family, and she's prepared to represent properly.
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Blazestar pads wearily to the border, the border where he used to meet with his beloved, the border where his children had been born, where his daughter had died. A cursed border, a blessed border, where Howlingstar sits with her chin lifted. He can scent the poultices on her body; cobwebs are knotted tightly around wounds. Blazestar wearily but respectfully dips his head to the ThunderClan leader, sitting with his rose-gold tail curled about his paws.

"Howlingstar. I believe you've requested my audience." His tone is polite. He is sure she's come to ask about Sharpeye; he can hardly blame her for any confusion on that front. The former SkyClan cat might have caused trouble for ThunderClan at Sunningrocks, though he doesn't know the details. Cicadastar hasn't come to the border to ask for him despite SkyClan's absence during the territory dispute, and he's been expecting that confrontation as well.

"What is it you wish to speak with me about?" Blazestar meets her gaze levelly. It wouldn't be hard to see the shadows under his eyes, the way he carries himself as though the entire forest has fallen onto his shoulders, but he retains a glimmer of pride nonetheless.

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The fresh scent of SkyClan draws her attention to a spot in the shadowy pines, and before long the thick pelt of Blazestar can be seen approaching. Her chin tips up as he draws closer and she returns his nod with a respectful one of her own. "Blazestar," She greets, voice not unfriendly. She gets to her paws and gives him a look that almost looks like relief. "Thank you for coming. I thought it best if we could speak directly. My lead warrior reported that the warrior Sharpeye disobeyed your orders in order to fight against us. They were then attacked by one of your warriors on our territory while chasing him off. I need to better understand what happened." Of course, there's more she wishes to say. She wants to tell him about Moonpaw's wound inflicted upon her, wants to let him know she doesn't want SkyClan to be her enemy, but for now she waits to hear the story from Blazestar himself.
Howlingstar is equally cordial. Blazestar wishes this reassured him. As he anticipated, she'd come to discuss Sharpeye and his foolhardy part in a battle between two Clans not his own. His features stiffen visibly as he replies, "What your lead warrior reported is the truth. No SkyClanner fought ThunderClan under my orders."

There's bitterness creeping into his voice, and something worse -- shame. The shame of a leader who cannot control his warriors crawls over his pelt like spiders. It had been an uphill battle for a wayward kittypet to earn his Clan's respect, and in many ways, it is clear to Blazestar he has never earned it. Even those on his council -- even his deputy -- exude an air of impatience that he can feel down to the pads on his paws.

Sharpeye's betrayal is worse than anything one of his Clanmates has said to him. It's personal. It's like a splinter under his flesh, pulsing and infected, threatening to split him open body from soul. "SkyClan and RiverClan formed an official alliance after WindClan attacked us in our camp. You know this. They came to our aid to drive WindClan out of our home." He narrows his eyes. "A RiverClan apprentice came to my border requesting SkyClan fight ThunderClan. I told him we would not fight." He meets Howlingstar's green gaze. "Many of my warriors do not agree with that choice, but Sharpeye was the most vocal. He was given the choice to obey his leader's orders or to leave this Clan, and he chose the latter. I suspected he would end up in ThunderClan."

He grits his teeth, thinking about Bluejay and her idiotic stunt. "Sharpeye was chased from our territory. The warrior you're referring to who attacked your cat is a fool who will be dealt with accordingly." He still has not decided how, but that is not for Howlingstar to know. StarClan knew she should not be trusted with anything more than picking fleas from elder's neck folds.

Blazestar flicks an ear, signifying he's finished explaining. "Does that answer your questions?" The bitterness has bled away to weariness.

With ears pricked, the woman calmly listens as her neighbor tells the full story. She nods along slowly in understanding, and selfishly, with relief. One can almost see the way her muscles relax as he points out he would not fight ThunderClan. Letting out a soft exhale, she meets his gaze evenly. "Yes, it does....thank you, Blazestar." Looking at him, she can see the exhaustion in his features, the weight he carries. She feels it similarly; it's something only another clan leader can understand. Every choice, every decision impacts their clans, and it's up to them to decide right. It's terrifying and draining, but she wouldn't trade it. Who can love her clan more than she does?

After a few heartbeats, she shifts her gaze to the pine forest beyond the large tom. "I don't want our clans to be enemies, ever...Howlpaw and Fireflypaw, and even're family. I never want harm to come to SkyClan, I want you to know that." And she means every word. She may not have agreed with the relationship her daughter had with Blazestar, nor does she agree with the way SkyClan does things. Daylight warriors, collars...she could never understand why they allow such things. But that doesn't mean Howlingstar doesn't want them to remain healthy and safe, for her kin and for the father of her grandchildren. She meets his gaze again, her own expression betraying solemnity yet subtle warmth.
Blazestar sees the relief reflected in Howlingstar's eyes, and he lets some of the tension leave his body. His expression softens at her words. "I don't want our Clans to be enemies, ever. Howlpaw and Fireflypaw, and even you... you're family." The Ragdoll's blue gaze shimmers with an unreadable emotion and he murmurs, "I cannot pit myself against ThunderClan, Howlingstar. My alliance with RiverClan is still in place right now, but I cannot knowingly send my warriors into a battle where my kits could be harmed... or Little Wolf..."

He can see the warmth in her green gaze. He's never felt that from Howlingstar before, in all the seasons he's known her, but he relishes it now. "I'll never not love her. I wish no harm to come to her kin, or her Clan." He sighs at his own admission, but he brushes past it, unwilling to dwell on all it means. "Are they alright? I imagine Little Wolf did not fight in that battle, but Burnpaw and Moonpaw... were they badly hurt?" He's sure Howlingstar would have led with the news if either had been seriously injured, but a father will always worry.

Dammit. This kittypet knows how to pull at her heartstrings. She dips her head slightly, gaze falling to the ground as she mews, "I know." His love for her daughter had been pure, unconditional. At the time, Howlingstar hadn't been impressed by the mate Little Wolf had chosen, but that has faded into the past. Before her sits the one leader in the forest she can honestly say she trusts. He's not cruel like Sootstar, nor crazed like Cicadastar, nor apathetic like Chilledstar. If there's one leader, one clan she wants in her corner, it's Blazestar and SkyClan. She's not one for alliances like the other leaders, but she wants a friend in this mad forest. She's glad to hear the desire for peace is mutual.

He asks if they're alright and the tabby falters, jaws parting without words for a moment as she thinks. Finally, she admits, "They're...fine. Burnpaw and Moonpaw only suffered some scratches, they'll heal up in no time, but....your warrior. Former warrior. He fought Moonpaw, and-" Her teeth grit, voice becoming tight with anger. Green eyes flash back towards Blazestar. "He tried to carve something reminiscent of the five leaves on a Blazing Star on her shoulder." What a sick tom.
Blazestar's profession of love for Howlingstar's daughter sends her gaze to the ground, her voice low - "I know." He nods. He knows she does. She had accompanied Little Wolf when she had told Blazestar he would be a father. She had been there for the birth of their kits. No matter what Howlingstar thinks of him, or of SkyClan, he has faith that she believes in the strength of his devotion to Little Wolf.

Even now.

Howlingstar seems to hesitate when Blazestar asks after his kits' welfare. He tenses, prepared for the worst. But she only says at worst, they'd suffered some scratches. He deflates with relief, until Howlingstar finishes, "But... your warrior. Former warrior. He fought Moonpaw."

Blazestar's jaw drops. "He what?" Had Sharpeye deliberately sought out his apprentice-aged daughter? The sandy tom had known her since her birth, had shared prey with her and watched her toddle about camp during her mother's trips to SkyClan. Sharpeye knew Moonpaw as well as he knew any of his kits. "He must have sought her out deliberately." It's said with a sweeping bitterness. He is deeply wounded, betrayal seeping fresh from his sorrow like blood.

Howlingstar confirms this. "He tried to carve something reminiscent of the five leaves on a Blazing Star on her shoulder." The fur on Blazestar's neck rises with fear, and his throat closes up, tight with anger. "What?" His mouth, now, is dry as ash. "He tried to mark her, because he was upset with me?"

All hopes he'd had that Sharpeye could have ever been a true ally of his vanishes like smoke in a strong wind. Blazestar has to accept this betrayal is coming from somewhere deep within the former SkyClanner, somewhere poisonous and hateful. He'd known Blazestar had lost two daughters, and Sharpeye would have gravely injured a third -- for what? Because he had not sent his cats into a battle not their own?

Blazestar does not know what to say. "I should never have let him go. He is a danger to the forest." The realization is hollow.

His reaction is nothing less than what she expected. He's furious, and she knows that fury well. It's the rage of a parent when their young is threatened. Another thing she can respect him for, and something they at least have in common among a forest of differences. "The important thing is he's gone from the clan territories. My clan knows to chase him out, and believe me, they won't show mercy. The others will not either, if you tell them at the Gathering." She can see the distress clearly written across his face and she leans forward slightly, attempting to lock eyes with the large tom. "She really is okay. It won't scar; Berryheart's made sure of that." Within a few sunrises and some dressing changes, she'd look good as new and the evidence that Sharpeye had ever touched her would be gone.

There's been something else itching at her mind, though. They'd discussed all she had wanted to discuss, but before she could leave there was something she'd been wanting to tell him. "Blazestar," She mews suddenly as she gets to her paws, as if she's preparing to leave but won't just yet. She hesitates, jaws parted for a moment while she searches for the words. "I didn't know." And it's true. "If it's true...I didn't know about Emberstar breaking the Code. I want you to know that." None of them knew. Of course, there is still doubt in her mind that ShadowClan's leader was even telling the truth. It could just as easily be a ploy to get the other clans to turn on ThunderClan. To get ThunderClan to turn on ThunderClan. Even still, he must know that she'd never be okay with such a thing, not after their families had lost Morningpaw. She would never allow a cat to have split loyalties ever again.
Howlingstar is reassuring. "My Clan knows to chase him out, and believe me, they won't show mercy. The others will not either, if you tell them at the Gathering." He wishes he could share her faith, but he does not know that he has faith in his own Clanmates to chase Sharpeye away. He's seen how some of them curl their lips when RiverClan is mentioned, and Bluejay -- StarClan damn her -- had even outright attacked Thistleback and the ThunderClan warriors for trying to drive him off.

He exhales. "I'm glad it won't scar. And that she's okay." He doesn't want to discuss Sharpeye anymore. It's a failure on his part, one of many, and it still stings no matter how he tries to harden his heart against the slack-jawed tom.

It's clear the ThunderClan leader wishes to take her leave, but before she does, she hesitates. "I didn't know." Blazestar looks up, puzzled. Didn't know? Understanding dawns on him, and his jaw tightens. "I believe you," he says after a few heartbeats. "She was your granddaughter. It must have been... a betrayal, to hear that, to you as well." He hesitates, remembering the hatred glinting in Pitchstar's eyes as he'd condemned both his lead warrior and Emberstar. "Do you... believe it?" He'd considered Emberstar a friend, but Howlingstar had been her deputy. Few cats know their leader better than a faithful deputy, and he can't help but look at her curiously now. He does believe Howlingstar would tell him if she had any suspicions.