camp underachiever ⚘ cured

"...lungwort huh..." He pauses, gives a soft cough that does not rattle as it had before, the breath in his lungs does not struggle to escape either and he finds he can even inhale through his nostrils at long last; a gift he had not realized was so enjoyable until it had been taken away. Dandelionwish gives a light laugh, rises to stand with a stretch that is still a little unsteady but otherwise he feels...alright. Not perfect by any means, but the weight on his back has lessened and his head feels clear as the crisp leaf-fall day outside at long last. "...I almost asked you to repeat that for me so I could memorize it but..." His whiskers quiver as he sits upright and yawns, "'s not for me to know. I'm glad Berryheart was kind enough to share..."
He liked the ThunderClan healer a great deal, one of the few kind souls among the medicine cats of his day - Dawnglare obviously not included - and he was grateful that the forest clan had not witheld the information as WindClan might have. He does not know their new medicine cat well, but if Sootstar had her way they'd be required to beg and give up land in exchange for it.
The chocolate limbed tom dances in place eagerly before scooting to the mouth of the den to poke his head out, a glance back expectantly as he waited to be dismissed by what he was sure to be the most impatient flick of a paw he'd ever seen. It was a wonder the red tom had even bothered curing him given his dislike of the former WindClanner but while Dandelionwish had adapted the grouchy velvet diva had not. Ah well, some things never changed...
- @DAWNGLARE but not a PAFP! Also @butterflytuft (he is looking around to see if she's nearby <3 )
⭒✧ "You're out?" Surprise was bright in the Chalk's eyes, relief plain in a way tom often wasn't. He had just deposited a robin onto the prey pile, intent on going back out and finding another, when he had spotted Dandelionwish at the mouth of the medicine den. The memory of the cedar-nosed warrior's collapse was often the first thing to well up at the thought of the sickness, his torn breaths and crumpled form hard to forget.

Pale face snaking slightly to catch a glimpse of Dawnglare sequestered deeper into the hazel bush, he strayed closer. "It'll be good to see you around camp again." As bland as the comment was, Chalk meant it genuinely- though the daylight warrior's featureless intonation made it difficult to tell.
⭒ ———————————— ✧⭒



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
”Must be.” Figfeather meows assumingly as she comes to stand next to the pale furred warrior. Dandelionwish looked a lot better than the last time Figfeather had peaked at him. His fur seemed to have restored some of his shine and the typical cruddy symptoms of illness gone.

Orange eyes look expectantly at the masked tom to confirm, and that’s when she sees his eyes wandering.

Figfeather can’t help but playfully smirk, ”She’s over there.” A matching marmalde tail flicks in the direction of the elders den. Nettlefoot was complaining of a draft. Should’ve been a chore saved for the apprentices but… you know her.” Light-heartedly she jests.
  • (Blitz, lmk if the ‘assumption’ powerplay needed to be removed :3)
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Dandelionwish!” Greeneyes chirps in greeting as he approaches the scene, that of the pointed warrior’s emergence, a freckled face peeking out of the den. “It’s good to see you up! How’re you feeling?

If this plague were to happen moons ago, Greeneyes doesn’t know if such an earnest sentiment would be shared towards the former moor-healer, but his eldest sister’s mate has found a space among those the orange tabby worries about the most - an entrance marked by Yellowcough itself. Still, Greeneyes is relieved to see Dandelionwish looking much better off than the last time he’d seen him, relieved that lungwort has worked to save another clanmate.

He notices Dandelionwish peer past the small group that gathers around him, and he doesn't have to follow the tom's mismatched gaze to know why. Immediately, he knows who the tom is looking for, just as Figfeather does. The warrior smiles, nodding his head at his littermate’s words.

She’ll be so happy to see you,” he adds, looking off in the direction Figfeather motions towards. Dandelionwish gets to see another day, gets to see Butterflytuft again - and for that, Greeneyes thanks the stars.
With Dandelionwish on the mend, the tortoiseshell no longer spends her days fitfully waiting outside of Dawnglare's den, pacing and begging him to let her in. The cure is working, and she hears that her mate is getting better every day. With that comfort in mind, she has been able to take on other tasks to keep her paws busy. Today, like most days, it is den repair.

Her paws dutifully weave spare bramble strands into the den wall, a soft hum on her lips when she hears voices near the medicine den. Idly, she casts a smiling glance in the den's direction, surprised to see that familiar chocolate face poking out. Figfeather, Greeneyes, and Chalk stand by him, the two former looking in her direction. A gasp of alarm leaves her as she quickly abandons her work and bounds over to them.

"Dandelionwish!" She squeals happily, slowly just enough to delicately slide against his chest. She purrs loudly and nuzzles his cheek, glee radiating off of her. "Oh my goodness, you look so much better! How are you feeling? Can you come back to the warrior's den yet?"
Any attempt at conversation to be made is too much. Claws tap neurotically at Mother’s flesh, heavy with the weight of what he has done. The medicine cat cannot meet him in face. He looks aimlessly elsewhere, face trained on an imaginary something. Though one pinprick of blue would seek out this bane of his existence — unfortunately mismatched eyes and a freckled maw that breathed plague. The cough Dandelionwish bellows is not as harsh as it should’ve been. He had gotten more than he ever deserved. Dawnglare sniffs in reply, his tail curled tightly to him.

This face has been one impossible to forget, so easily settling into this place. Dawnglare has lain eyes on it in situations peaceful and precarious. Head bowed in the fur of someone undeserving. Pert with attention – apparently, a warrior on any old patrol. Amongst the clouds of dreamsleep as well, his face burning – or his insides turned outsides. Dawnglare had thought it an omen – and one that he could not wait to come to fruition.

When he had fallen ill, Dawnglare had not been displeased. Here, now, a death far from the gory piece he had once imagined, but a death nonetheless. Despite this, inexplicably, he could not find it in himself to smile at that. He supposes it was that the innocent had to fall alongside him — even though this was ridiculous. No one was truly innocent with a single exception, perhaps two. He ponders if his own imperfection is slipping, given the sprig of Lungwort that had made its way to Dandelionwish’s maw. This was no accident. No, it was not.

Others cared for him. …This was not his problem. And yet…

" Your presence among us is not missed, " he tells the other mildly, with less bite than he may have given a moon ago. His body — wrapped in velvet — twists strangely to meet him, as if only parts of him were committed to facing someone so wholly him. He does not care, if the heretic hears him or not. He wonders if Mallowlark will be pleased with him. With the glance given to him, Dawnglare huffs, and then acquiesces with a flick of his tail.

Dawnglare would spare a glance through the entrance of his den, catching the sight of Figfeather branded yellow in the sun. Any curiosity is shortlived. With the approach of red fur and cursed set of eyes, he is all too quick to retreat, returning to mumble at his count of Lungwort.

  • OOC: apologies for the late reply! TL;DR Dandelionwish is dismissed and he skitters away when he sees Greeneyes <3
  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    —— He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    —— Currently 56 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    You may find him kinder to others than is typical, exhausted from the yellowcough blight and heart heavy in a way he has never felt.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important thread
  • Love