private UNDERCOVER ʚїɞ gentlestorm

Softpaw had hoped that with Dawnglare in ThunderClan, that she would have been able to glean something helpful from the off-putting tom – and though she couldn’t say that she hadn’t learned more than she had known, she hadn’t been enlightened in the way she’d expected to be. Softpaw liked to learn straightforwardly, and Dawnglare had been anything but, leaving Softpaw with answers that she didn’t know how to make sense of.

She’d told herself, that once Dawnglare was gone back to SkyClan, that she would approach Gentlestorm with her same questions – but when she’d made that decision, she’d thought Dawnglare would be more helpful in the literal sense than he had been. Now, she felt as if she was going to Gentlestorm with the same questions she’d gone to Dawnglare with, with a few additional ones that would garner odd looks from any other cat. She hoped not for Gentlestorm, though.

The girl’s resolved had only been strengthened the other day when Roaringpaw had fallen ill after returning from a patrol, and with a swish of her tail and a confidence in her step that she wondered if she was faking, Softpaw approached the medicine cat’s den, the same as she had so many days ago when she had made sure to have an audience with Dawnglare uninterrupted. The cacophony of herbal scents assaulted her senses as she pushed her way inside, and she cleared her throat, making her presence known.

Gentlestorm,” Softpaw spoke softly, characteristic of herself, “I was hoping to take a moment of your time, if you have nothing else to attend to.” The last thing she wanted was to distract the medicine cat from his important work, but she knew that a bit of her eagerness bled through in her voice. She only hoped that Gentlestorm wouldn’t think her childish for it.
  • !
  • 78702926_pKp9rsLXtiBg2Kr.png
  • SOFTPAW apprentice of thunderclan, seven moons
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.



‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. — Once he had made sure that Roaringpaw's comfortably resting in the nest or as much as he possibly could be, Gentlestorm has turned to his herbs to see what he lacked of and may need harvesting soon. The sound of approaching pawsteps is enough to make his ears twitch and he goes over a few possibilities of who it could be, he thinks it may be Copperfang checking up on his apprentice but he remains quiet. The gray speckled tom turns in the direction of Softpaw as she speaks up and she sounds eager... This alone makes one of his brows raise in the slightest before parting his jaws to speak his own greeting "Hello Softpaw." He's prepared to ask if she's here to visit and see how Roaringpaw felt or ask if his condition was improving or... Worsening.

The medicine cat briefly glances towards the younger tom only to lend his full attention to the pale molly as she speaks and says if she could take a moment of his time. A soft hmm slips from his throat before offering a small smile in her direction and opens his mouth to speak "Of course. What can I do for you?" With a snowy dipped paw, he motions for her to sit down as he shifts his position so that he still has access to his herbs and he's able to listen to Softpaw closely if need be. His golden gaze focusing on the smaller piles of herbs, a faint frown pulling at the sides of his mouth, and a soft hum slipping from his throat as he waits to hear what the apprentice will say to him.


    ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿❀❀❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿❀❀❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿✿✿✿❀❀❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿✿✿✿❀❀❀❀ BREATHING ISSUES
    ✿❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀ TRAVELING HERBS
    ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿❀❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 53DAF6v.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    56 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    demiromantic bisexual ; widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking

It wouldn't have been surprising if Softpaw had been there to visit Roaringpaw - the two apprentices were friendly, and Softpaw had been concerned for the tom when he'd gone down after returning from that patrol. But perhaps she would visit him a different time; now, she was there with a goal in mind, although she did manage a smile in Roaringpaw's direction before turning her attention back fully to Gentlestorm.

"I spoke with Dawnglare while he was here," she began, sitting down as directed by the medicine cat. How much she would say about her talk with Dawnglare was to be seen, as much of it depended on what Gentlestorm would have to say. As much as Softpaw wanted answers about just about everything SkyClan's medicine cat had said, Softpaw got the feeling that his rambling would prove to have some mystery to gentlestorm as well.

"I wanted to ask him why he became a medicine cat. And, I suppose, here I am, asking you the same question." Softpaw said decidedly, watching Gentlestorm's face closely for any change in expression. Far too late Softpaw wondered if there was a taboo to asking such a question of a medicine cat; but that line had already been crossed with Dawnglare, and again, now, with Gentlestorm. "Dawnglare said that he was called to his position. Were you?"

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