underneath shooting stars | patrol assignments

A chilly air greeted Flycatcher when he slid out of the warrior's den that morning. As his head popped outside, he felt the cool air against his fur and shivered, of half a mind to go back to his nest and curl up asleep for a while longer. Alas, he has assignments to give out, and that takes precedence over a longer rest. Padding out into the camp fully, Flycatcher says his usual pleasantries to his clanmates, before jumping straight to business. "ThunderClan!" His voice rings out around camp, summoning them to him. "Please gather for the daily assignments!"

"For the dawn patrol along the RiverClan and SkyClan borders I want Raccoonstripe to lead."
He finds the striped lead warrior in the crowd and gives him a nod of acknowledgement. "Lightstrike, Stormywing, the two of you will accompany him."

"Howlingstar herself has asked to lead the dawn patrol along our border with ShadowClan and WindClan. Sandthorn and Stagstrike will accompany her. It goes without saying but please be cautious around the WindClan border. After they claimed Highstones I don't doubt they would try their luck with border lines either."
Flycatcher frowned at the mere thought. Despite his annoyance, he pushes past it for now.

"Our dusk patrol along the border with RiverClan and SkyClan is to be led by Roeflame." Flycatcher smiles down at his younger apprentice. She had been carrying herself well as of late and deserved an opportunity to lead a patrol by herself. "Toadhop and Mousenose you are to join her."

"The dusk patrol to the border with ShadowClan and WindClan will be led by Flamewhisker today."
This would be her first proper patrol she got to lead since returning and he was hoping it would go well for her. "Burnstorm and Honeydapple I want the two of you to accompany her. As with the dawn patrol, please be careful when patrolling near the WindClan border."

Next came the hunting patrols. "Freckleflame, Moonwhisper, I am tasking the two of you with leading the hunting patrols today. Choose who you want to accompany you when you are ready." Hopefully, Freckleflame's lighter personality might temper Moonwhisper a bit today.

"For those left in camp, I will be hosting a small climbing lesson later if anyone wants to participate." It had been a while since Flycatcher had climbed just for the sake of it and even longer since he had given a lesson on climbing basics. "Shinepaw I expect to see you there," He added with a smirk aimed at his apprentice. With the assignments arranged for today, Flycatcher gave a curt nod. "Dismissed."

// patrols to make
dawn wind: @HOWLINGSTAR @sandthorn @Tybalt [Stagstrike]
dusk shadow: @Flamewhisker @BURNSTORM @honeydapple
hunting: @FRECKLEFLAME @Moonwhisper
The apprentice normally avoids his father’s patrol assignments, but now that his mentor is a lead warrior, he understands the expectation that he will follow along with Burnstorm wherever he patrols. So the boy trots over when Flycatcher announces each ThunderClanner’s patrol assignments, patiently awaiting his mentor’s name being spoken. Where will they be patrolling now—the border with RiverClan had been tense, but so had the border with SkyClan. Neither sounds a good option, and Falconpaw dreads conflict even if there is the divide of a clearly-marked border between himself and another clan.

He tries (and fails) to keep the grimace off of his face when he hears his mentor’s name called. ShadowClan and WindClan. The grass-dwelling clan sets him on edge, especially after they’ve laid claim to Highstones as an extension of their own territory—and Falconpaw hasn’t forgotten the way the clan had attacked other clans for their own greed. They are willing to take what is not theirs, and they have openly turned their backs on StarClan. WindClanners are unmistakably dangerous, and the tabby doesn’t look forward to potentially meeting a patrol of them at dusk, when shadows stretch and blend together. It would be the perfect time for an ambush, and after the fights against the rogues, Falconpaw isn’t certain he’ll make it through another battle. He looks to Burnstorm, hoping to gauge the other tom’s reaction—at least Flamewhisker is leading the patrol, but is Burnstorm worried at all?
[ find me way out there ]
ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago. When Roeflame makes her way over, auburn ears are already perked with interest. Patrols were a routine, completely unordinary- but they gave her busy paws something to do, her mind a chance to focus on something else.
When Flycatcher calls her name first, hazy hued optics widen in surprise. The cinnamon tabby had been put in charge of a border patrol, once. The authority was exciting, and Roeflame flashes her former mentor a radiant grin accompanied by a dutiful nod.
Not only that, but she gets to go on her first patrol with her brother as a warrior. Eager eyes search him out first, before finding Mousenose not long after. The calico was bound to make the outing interesting.
"Be ready, I’ll come find you when it’s time." The warrior called to the two before her gaze went searching for Burnstorm, hoping to find a familiar encouraging smile in the crowd. "speech"

sweet, sweet mercy. relinquished from the cold grasp of dawn patrol and into the glory of a normal, midday hunting patrol. despite being up early to hear his announcements, the molly seemed to perk just slightly as her name was called, thick tail lifting high enough to tilt squirrel - like over her back. she shakes her pelt out with a tinge of pride ; though it is a short - lived happiness. her eyes are dull still as they had been the last day or so, the hollow shape where her father’s abduction had carved out a piece of her ached more than anything she’d felt before. the woman plods forward with a sweep of her gaze over those accumulated, making mental note of those she’d like to pull along. the fox that had taken maple's life was still out there, and she wasnt going to be the one getting someone hurt. again. ” huntin’, got it. “

  • i.
  • IMG_3106.png

    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a thick, broad - shouldered figure.
    unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while bearing a wide, bright - eyed grin.

    ——— ˙⋆ — prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.

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It had taken her quite some time to decompress after returning from the journey, far longer than she had expected before she had left. With each day that passed, the camp felt less crowded, the forest felt more welcoming, and the strong presence of her clanmates everywhere was beginning to not bother her as much. The feeling had been similar to when she was first getting used to clan life, when the smell of being a loner was still fresh on her pelt.

At Flycatcher's call, she silently padded over to join her clanmates, and listened to see if her mate had anything for her to do today. To her delete, a dusk patrol was given to her, with Burnstorm and Honeydapple. She turned to the pair, offering them each a nod. Two sensible cats, she wouldn't have to worry too much. Next she picked out her son in the crowd. If Burnstorm was coming, that meant Falconpaw would be as well. Her tail lifted, happy to spend some time with him. So much had happened since the group had returned, that she hadn't been able to spend as much time with him as she would have liked.
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 26 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse

Stormywing slips from the warrior's den just in time to hear she'd been called for a dawn patrol. She fights the urge to groan - she's too sleepy for a dawn patrol, but she plods along to find Raccoonstripe anyway. He is the least tasteful of the lead warriors, in her eyes, but she supposes she has to prove herself to him anyhow if she ever wants to be a lead warrior herself. At least Lightstrike will be there. After growing quite close with him on the journey, she's grateful for any time she gets to hang out with the tom. A yawn splits her jaws as she approaches the dark tabby, tail swinging low. Perhaps the only thing giving her a little bit of energy is the possibility of seeing a certain RiverClanner, if she is on patrol, too.

Surprise comes in the form of his name - his warrior name - called among the string of patrol assignments, a sound that drives a brown tabby face to lift and a cerulean gaze to blink at the deputy. With border patrols being a dwindling concept in his apprenticeship, he hadn't expected Flycatcher to rattle off his name, much less so under his sister's lead.

Nonetheless, a dusk patrol along RiverClan and SkyClan's border sounds decent enough for his first proper patrol as a warrior, and he finds himself meeting his adoptive sister's gaze within the crowd in his growing excitement. He hopes he does well, hopes he doesn't fail his sister in her patrol. Toadhop nods, an eager, warm smile shared with Roeflame. "Will do," he calls back with a swift nod.
Howlingstar pads to her deputy's shoulder with a content smile, nodding in response to his words. Another patrol is what she wants to keep her mind and paws busy. Her friend assigns her Sandthorn, and promising young warrior, and Stagstrike, a cat she still can't quite seem to figure out. She beckons them with her tail, nodding towards the bramble tunnel as she trills, "We will eat after we return. Let me just get Skypaw and we'll head out." Leaving them, she immediately begins to search for her grandson, wondering if he may still be in the apprentice's den.
. ° ✦ Hot air puffed from the kittens maw as she tumbled his way forward. Wide, deep blue eyes stared brightly up at the striped tom while the cold autumn sun shined on his pelt. To Bravekit, Flycatcher looked like he held the suns glow in that moment. Addressing his Clan with natural power and authority as the warriors gathered around him. As the tom wrapped up his orders Bravekit jumped out from the crowd to shout- not in anger or frustration but pure excitement.

"HI FLYCATCHER. CAN I HAVE A JOB??" A squeaky voice burst from such small lungs it might be a surprise he could even speak at such volumes. But his enthusiasm came out in a burst, unable to be controlled.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that tangles easily. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Wide fuzzy satellite ears.

As his clanmates began to disperse, some of the warriors gathering up their patrol partners, Flycatcher is startled when young Bravekit makes a sudden appearance. It's a surprise to see him here but Flycatcher can't fault his enthusiasm and good cheer as he asks for a job. "You want an assignment too, hmm?" Flycatcher mewed, looking down at the young tom with kind eyes. He was far too young to be going out of camp, so Flycatcher knew he would have to restrict it to camp but also make it fun. "Okay, Bravekit, I want you to stand guard in front of the nursery for me. Make sure that nobody gets in that should be there. If they try to get in, you have to shoo them away and let me know."