camp Unexpected Visitor || o. Bat (prompt)

A new type of prey has begun to flutter and dart about the skies, bats seem to have started flocking into the area more often and even getting into the camp itself!

You've wasted your life, but thanks for applying

Today was just like any other, a cool crisp morning with the dull grey colors, and frosty air that nipped at anyone's nose. Snowkit had just pushed her way out of the nursery, rather a way to get away from the loud squalls of a certain kit who demanded attention in his every wake with such noise and even going as far as disturbing some other's sleep. Tired eyes scanned the clearing while her tiny paws were quickly tucked underneath her chest while she watched as the older cats began their daily duties, knowing soon she would be joining that, and perhaps she could not wait, after all it would mean she was away from the wails and shouts of Singekit's voice every waking minute.

Of course, all that soon would change when something managed to slip its way into the Shadowclan camp, squeaking and clicking as it frantically fluttered about. Poor Snowkit hadn't been paying attention to the tiny creature until it smacked her right in the face, startling the orphan kit so much that she let out a loud screeching noise as she began attempting to shake the creature off, it's tiny claws digging into it's fur stubbornly not wishing to let go of the little kit's face.

Snowkit was indeed not amused by this at all as she continued her attempt to rid of the creature clinging to her face, pawing at it even before it finally decided to let go of her face and flutter off, maybe one of the apprentices or warriors would be more willing to catch the squalling creature but for Snowkit, she stood their all fluffed out while huffing a bit, glaring her pale yellow eyes at the fluttering...rat that stuck itself to her face for a good few seconds. "What is that thing" she asked with a huff.
Lately, it had been harder for the kit to rest since the disappearance of her siblings. Nests seemed colder than usual and each day that passed her heart ached with yearning. Most kits would be wandering or playing this time around but her heart just didn't feel it lately.

After a long night of staring up at the star aimlessly the youth had finally crashed. Nearby her downy frame was happily dozing off in the nursery. It was a big change from her usual woeful demeanor but any respite found was one she very much needed.

Soon enough the shrill cry of Snowkit threw her from pleasant dreams and an annoyed grimace played on the feline's mug. Whining lowly she haphazardly stumbled to all fours and out into camp clearing. Half opened eyes blinking away the confusion of sleep just as the strange creature fluttered away.

Shaking her head she answered with a dreary groan. "Uh. A bird or something... I dunno." Considering the circumstances most cats would be quizzical at least but all Thornkit wanted was to rest. Alas, she stood dutifully beside her disgruntled denmate. Watching the peculiar bird bumble about.
*+:。.。 "Whatever it is, you should chase after it Snowkit" Singekit is a bundle of fiery, mocking sneers as he pulls up behind the two mollies, "it clearly wants to be your mate" He grins, proud of his insult, alluding to the fact that the 'whatever' creature had chosen to smack Snowkit in the face much the same way mates affectionately touch each other's noses. "you're ugly enough to be the same species, a match made by starclan's paws!" he teases, elbowing Thornkit to convince her to joke along with him.

Still, his offensive yapping does come to an end as he squints his gaze after the dark, fluttering thing bouncing around in the skies above their head. "Is kinda looks like...a rat? But flying?" He'd heard the phrase growing up 'when hedgehogs fly', but never had he heard about rats flying! "Did it come from the carrion place? You think it tastes good to eat?" he asks, tilting his head to the side, unsure if he should be nervous or awed.

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    1 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    NPCx NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold ruddy
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently

˚⊹₊‧ 𖦹 A grey and cream splotched blur darts past the gaggle of gawking kits and leaps to snatch the bat from the air above. Claws find purchase in the rodent's flapping wings and it's pinned to the ground in another instant. Ashenpaw dispatches it neatly, flicking his tail with a prideful swish, and tries not to look too surprised at himself for pulling off the kill.

"It's a bat," he sniffs, "It's called that cause its a rat-Butwithwings... obviously... Taste's kinda ratty, too, kinda." Ashenpaw sits up to peer down at the prey in question, and then rolls his eyes performatively at the kids gathered, "Next time prey jumps directly into your face, maybe try catching it, yeah?"

  • OOC: rolled a nat 20 for catching the bat lol
  • designfluffyneck2_by_jrentropy_dg93zrs-pre.png
  • ashenkit . ashenpaw
    — ftm transmasc. he/him. 8mo apprentice of shadowclan
    — longhaired muted blue torbie with heterochromatic pale blue and amber eyes
    — smells like rainsoaked ferns and swamp milkweed
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — fullbody by tropics sticker by saturnid
    — penned by eezy
    — currently in an era of grief and anger, approach with caution. all ic opinions!
"What are you little furballs doing out so early? Wanting to be assigned patrols?" Kittens never bothered him, he rather liked them, but he also thought Singekit could use a good cuff upside the head more than he got.

He eyes the dead thing at Ashenpaw's feet and his lips curl lightly in mild disdain. Rats with wings, horrible little vermin. He'd eaten one or two in his time during the colonies when food was hard to come by and one couldn't afford to be picky what prey they hunted down. ShadowClan still struggled to keep bellies full but not as much as before - it was still surprising to find any cat who turned their nose up at a bit of prey even if it was leathery and covered in coarse furs that tickled the tongue. He hated them, but he'd never say no to a meal.

"Ah, a bat, did you know..." He smiles, devilish and plotting, "...did you know this is what becomes of kits who stay out after dark on nights when the moon is full? If one bites you, you grow wings and begin to spin around in the sky like a fool. You forget you were a cat. Bat just means 'Bye Cat', after all." He nods to himself confidently, whiskers quivering as he restrains the urge to laugh at his own nonsensical lies.


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    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ SH Black & white tom w/spearmint green eyes


"A bat? I've heard of them... But is it a cat or a rat? Or both?" Chervilkit's shivering voice piped up through the forming crowd, like a mouse through the maelstrom, a spring of light through the ineffable storm of darkness. Curiosity marred the confusion, steeped and seeping into each word of Little Ghost's. Maybe Littlebird or another one of the queens had mentioned a bat before, but she couldn't remember... Somehow, she doubted both Ashenpaw's and Skunktail's expertise in the matter. It was an awfully dull way of looking at the wonders besides her, but she thought the bat must be its own thing, divorced from whatever elder's tale had taken ahold of a liar's tongue.

Dull olive eyes trained upon the leathery and winged animal, embers of dancing light swimming in trepidation as though they were to drown, and yet her gaze remained fixed on the bat. She stood a little ways behind the entourage of kittens - Singekit, Thornkit, and Snowkit all seemed to be much braver than she. The winged rat, or transformed cat, or whatever it was flailed in the grasp of the larger apprentice. It was a bit cruel to allow it to splash and splutter about as though a fish out of water, though her maw remained shut and words behind a fleece prison.

There was still so much of the world she had not seen from the confines of the nursery's maw. Holding her upon ivy ivories and soil tongue, she simply watched Shadowclan pass her by. An unwilling observer to the universe she was born into, yet the only role she was deigned to play. "Let's give it to the elders! I bet they would really appreciate it." Not a hint of sarcasm poisoned the young girl's tone, like she had abstained from the terrible alcohol that slurred the sentences of jaded adults. Not yet, at least.
A bat, now that is one piece of prey the skilled huntress has never caught. Aerial maneuvers aren’t exactly her forte. On the ground, she can listen to the scuttling of prey in mud, feel their vibrations through the ground, memorize the terrain so she knows exactly where she’s leaping. A bat flapping about, suspended in midair, that’s not for her talented paws. She’ll leave that to the likes of the seeing.

Forestshade lets loose a hearty laugh as she sits down nearby, smoothing her chest fur with a paw. “Oh yeah, they’ll love that!” She wants to be there to hear the disgruntled complaints of the clan’s elders at the prospect of being offered a disgusting bat of all things. Even rat is preferable. “No, seriously, go bring it to them, Ashenpaw,” She trills to the apprentice, voice still heavy with laughter. She waves a paw, as if to say go on!

Early, late. Screechpaw doesn't know which of the two can be considered as he slips back into camp, now, but he does know that he's never seen such a creature before, swooping down with jagged wings near the nursery. He doesn't get the pleasure of getting a good look at it, not before Ashenpaw swipes it out of the sky - a catch that, really, should've been Screechpaw's.

It's a bat he learns, as he approaches the conversation the kill offers, a freckled ear twitching at the tale Skunktail concocts. That's never happened to me, Screechpaw almost says, almost makes a kill of his own in the form of the illusion the warrior creates. Instead, a glint in his own eye appears, a nod following, as he tries to appear as serious as possible.

"Oh, that's almost happened to me before," he says in agreement, before turning a pointed, two-toned gaze toward the lingering kits, "I almost turned into a... a Bye Cat! But I fought'em off, and I'm still here. You have to be real quick with those things. Or you'll never see camp again, and if you do, well... certainly not for long --" He tilts his head toward Ashenpaw's kill, an attempt at a solemn look on his face, despite the corners of his mouth threatening to pull into a grin, his form threatening to break into laughter.

"I wonder which kit this was," he adds on with a sad sigh, before his mother's laugh reaches his ears, his attention turning to the rare accompaniment nearby. He moves to greet her with a nudge at her side, a quiet "Have you caught one of those?" following suit. Surely, ShadowClan's greatest hunter must have, and someday, he will too.
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    SCREECHKITSCREECHPAW, Apprentice of ShadowClan
    — Forestshade x Vulturemask
    — AMAB; He/Him
    — A black/red tabby chimera tom with mismatched green eyes.
    — Mentored by Chilledstar
    — "Speech"; Attack

    : * — His loud entrance into the world bestows upon him a name apt for the path the tom forges. As the troublemaker of his unknowingly half-clan litter, Screechpaw is bound to be known for his curiosity-led escapes and poor attendance as he steps foot into his apprenticeship.

You've wasted your life, but thanks for applying

Many cats began to appear, the first being the form of Thornkit who expressed she had no idea what the creature was, and then the creature appeared implying it wanted to be Snowkit's "mate" which made a shrewd look of disgust appear on her face at the mere thought of such things. Of course, he asked if the thing even tasted good and she shrugged "Why not try it, Singekit" she snapped at the other kit. Yet before that attempt could happen, Ashenpaw had already quickly taken the weird flying rat down with simple ease. Surprising for as far as Snowkit was aware, Ashenpaw hardly brought back pray, well when she saw him come back from patrols that is... But, he gave an answer, a bat.

A bat had smacked Snowkit in her face and she blinked her yellow eyes a bit. Next, Skunktail explained that it was a kit who did play past their bedtime, and for a minute, she wondered if that was even true. It sounds plausible but she didn't fully believe it, even Chervilkit approaches the scene, asking what exactly could the creature truly be and even suggesting to give the creature to the elders to eat. She shook her head, but before she could even respond to the suggestion, Forestshade came into the picture and began to encourage Ashenpaw to take it to the elders.

Screechpaw then prompted to say he was almost turned into a bat and a shock look tumbled on her face while she stared at the apprentice "Y-you must be fast then... and... uh...Singekit said he wanted to try it" she quickly placed in while a grin slowly grew on her maw at the thought of seeing Singekit taking a bite of the icky-looking creature, and to see his face grow in disgust from the taste. "Besides, I'm sure the elders would rather have a frog instead or...a rat even, not a flying rat...sorry Chervilkit..." she said softly while gently nudging the other with a soft smile on her lips. "Perhaps when we're apprentices we can catch the elders something better" she whispered to Chervilkit.

swallowkit 01 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan kit

"- Try what? " swallowkit, with his ever impeccable timing, arrives late to the party. Of course, it's only to be expected - the child of earth and flame need his beauty sleep after all. Eyes are still bleary with sleep as he leans against singekit -- all but draping his weight against his brother. And then he see's it - the horrible monstrosity that lies at ashenpaw's feet - and eyes go wide. The hair on his pelt stands up, but instead of horror or shock, a vicious grin snakes its way onto his features. " That's so gross looking - we should put it in yellowkits nest, " he says as he pokes it, paying absolutely no mind to the fact there are adults present - he only knows the other kit had put bugs in their nest once, and it'd been annoying. He hadn't liked getting woken so rudely - surely, a little revenge was fine... right?

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'