sensitive topics unfair — confrontations


second chances 08/28/2023
Mar 1, 2023
don't rush something you want to last forever .
/ small mentions of mental / physical abuse !

He watched the sprinkle of stars painting the moonlit night, creating a dazzling piece that would have brought wonder into his eyes, now dull—lifeless to nature's wonders as he looked and looked. He wanted to know. He had to know, not for his peace of mind, but to feel reassured his kits hadn't been alone. He didn't want them to be alone. Not up there in the vast sky that loomed above them. Please take good care of them. He pleaded, chest quivering with inaudible whimpers, helm bowed to peer at his paws, ears drawn back. Please … Please take care of them. Because he no longer could, trapped in the verse of living as his kits remained ageless, trapped in the stars.

With a quivering breath, Yukio clambered onto shaky paws, picking his way through camp, passing through the entrance into the forest, drawing in a breath filled with pine and musk. He laughed, optics crinkling. He enjoyed being out in the forest, but camp would always be his home, even if it no longer felt safe after the loss. His helm swerved to peer at the brambles walls before turning, padding off, shoulders hiking up to his ears, frame shriveling to appear smaller ( he was already small, to begin with ) as he treaded through the undergrowth.

Oh, heavens. What was he doing? Searching for someone that—Yukio shook his helm, shrinking further into himself at the hoot of an owl some lengths away, He needed to do this. He wasn't sure what he needed, but seeing Kyungmin had become a prominent thought when he became coherent, although Yukio couldn't gather the strength to leave his nest until now, nose nuzzling along fallen twigs and broken stems, lulled by the sounds of nature.

The sound of twigs snapping broke him out of his daze, owlish optics blinking languidly. Huh? He peered up from where he crouched, pawing at a patch of flowers when Kyungmin made himself known. "K, Kyungmin!" Yukio chirped, scrambling forward, halting at the thunderous snarl that ripped out of the larger brute's throat. "Did they finally kick you out?" Kyungmin sneered, circling the other with calculative hues, helm swerving to nose at Yukio's stomach who jerked out of his grasp with a mewl. Kyungmin scoffed, squaring his shoulders to tower over the male. "Finally decided to come back, mhm?" He purred, wrapping himself around Yukio's frame, tugging the male closer to his side.

Kyungmin grumbled, nose pressing against Yukio's helm, breathing in the smell of cats, scowling as he peeled away with a rumble. "If you're going to stay—" He scoffed. "You'll need to get rid of the disgusting scent of vermin." He dragged a claw down Yukio's cheek with a quirk of his lips. "I would have expected you sooner." He sighed, waving a paw pathetically, lips down turned into a pout, optics crinkling in wicked glee at Yukio's lack of response, sinking further into himself as Kyungmin spoke.

"Awww. Pity. Pity. We can't have you going nonverbal! It would be such a shame." His gaze crinkled, drawing out beads of blood that would stain Yukio's cheek.

The cream-ticked tabby winced at the sharp pain against his cheek, but otherwise remained silent, heart palpitating as he wiggled out of Kyungmin's suffocating grip, lips pressed firm. "I, I—" Yukio kneaded the ground. "No." That's not why I'm here. "B, Blazestar said I h, had a h, home there." He mumbled. Kyungmin scoffed, jerking back as if Yukio had burned him, lips peeled in disgust. "A home? Oh! Don't be silly! Why would they keep a useless thing like you around?" He laughed, pressing a paw against his thick-furred chest. "You need me. Who would remind you of those ugly habits you have? I'm shocked they didn't turn you away when they realized!" He barked back a laugh, optics narrowing. "Do tell me. Why do they keep you around? To raise you for slaughter?" He pulled himself to his paws to slink closer to the queen. "Oh, my darling. They do not care about you. You silly little thing. Did you forget? Only I care for you. Only I can deal with your dreaded self because I love you." He tutted, shaking his helm as Yukio shuffled, kneading the ground, ignoring the burn behind his eyes, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks. No. No.

"Y, Your wrong—" He mumbled, voice quivering as he peered up through thick lashes, flinching at the sneer. He had cats that cared for him, even if he felt ashamed and unworthy.

Yukio flinched at the throbbing pain that ran down the bridge of his nose, the musky tang of ichor staining the heavy scent of twolegs and pine, blinding the queen, dual optics pinched tight, whining loudly as he rubbed while Kyungmin snarled, muscle rippling beneath blue tabby fur. "You've spent far too long with those wretched creatures! You've grown a backbone!" He laughed, pressing a paw against his face, optics crazed as he stalked towards the other. Yukio scrambled back, tripping over his paws in his haste to get away. No. No. He bit back a whine, tears threatening to spill. This! This wasn't how it was supposed to go! He just—He just wanted … What did he want? Oh. Oh. He was—Yukio flinched, curling into himself as Kyungmin drew near.

footnote : end game for the thread is holding a trail for kyungmin ! so feel free to power play him however you see fit ! actions are up for the imagination, so if you want your character getting injured by kyungmin + pinning him down / tackling / dragging him / etc, then go for it ! i give the okay to kick his ass as you see fit ! go ham on the guy - he very much deserves it.

@Johnnyflame @Dogskip
thought speech
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Dogskip had silently followed Yukio out of camp, figuring it likely he would get lost and forget his way back, or get into trouble. He stalked the other from a distance quietly, not too close, but not too far either. It was with a scowl and bare teeth that he watched a rogue confront him..... And it only grew when he realized this was the one who hurt him.

He laid low, prowling ever closer to his newfound target. He hated him. He wants to rip his throat, turn him to pulp. How dare he claim to love Yukio and then treat him in such a way. Fury and hatred boiled over, and it was with brutal murderous intent that his molten orange gaze locked on.

Closer and closer he crept until he could no longer remain silent.

"Oh, you hate it when they grow backbones, don't you? Weak little insect...." He spoke as he emerged from the bushes. "Look at you.... Nothing more than a parasite that latches onto a host until it is sucked dry... Yukio is smart to remove you from his side." He continues, circling.

He stands infront of Yukio, glaring into Kyungmin's own crazed glare. "You've bullied him enough, lets see how you fare against someone who can defend themselves." He hissed. "Parasites deserve to be crushed....And you are no different." He spat with venom and wrath.

He would draw black claws from their sheaths and seek to slash them across Kyungmin's face with brute strength.