camp UNFAZED HERE, TOO ✧ mar meeting

"Let all SkyClanners old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath Highbranch for a Clan meeting!" Orangestar doesn't overthink it this time, her yowl loosing into the camp as soon as her paws have found purchase on the bough. It's incredibly early for a meeting: Blazestar often hadn't chosen dawn to host his, either. But she wants these words to be spoken before the patrols are sent out for the day. As sleepy SkyClanners gather in various states of attention, her paws shuffle against the sturdy ledge of Highbranch.

"Before I get to ceremonies today, I want to reiterate the rule of respect. Do not undermine lead warriors' orders, and do not be needlessly aggressive to your Clanmates. If you have concerns about a ruling that a lead warrior has made, bring it to Twitchbolt or myself. Do not argue a punishment, unless that punishment places you or a Clanmate in danger." Lead warriors are lead warriors for a reason, she wants to continue, but she chooses to keep those words sealed for now.

"I am also introducing a new rule to our Clan." Her tongue swipes over her jaws. "From now, no SkyClanner will insult or discriminate against a Clanmate for their origin. We are all SkyClanners: whether we were born here, or are daylight warriors, or are former loners." She hopes this will have a twofold effect: to nip anything new in the bud, and to wither the thorns that have been choking their Clan. She waits a moment to let that sink in.

"Softpaw." Orangestar calls, searching for a familiar young she-cat in the crowd. Once found, she nods next towards a dark tabby sitting among the Clan. "For the remainder of your training, you will be reassigned to Beetleback." He has been eager to please for some time now, a constant source of optimism among the warriors even if he is a little overboard. Hopefully this would teach him a bit more responsibility.

"Blazingpaw." Next she seeks Howlfire's son in the clustered Clan, left mentorless in Bobbie's departure to the nursery. Not for long, and Orangestar answer's his father's request with a nod towards the cream-furred warrior. "Your new mentor will be Coyotecrest."

"Circe, step forward." Orangestar beckons a slender shape towards the front of the congregation with a flick of her tail. The first rays of morning light begin to filter through the forest as she does, and the sun-patched leader feels a small mote of excitement thrum through her.

"As leader of SkyClan, I call upon my warrior ancestors to look upon this cat. She has trained hard and learned your code, and I commend her to you in turn." As she had done the moon prior, Orangestar glances up towards the dimming stars. After a heartbeat, the leader's attention returns to rest upon the other she-cat. This has been a long time coming. "Circe. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend SkyClan, even at the cost of your life?"

  • ceremonies: @SOFTPAW ♡ assigned to @BEETLEBACK & @BLAZINGPAW assigned to @Coyotecrest ; warrior ceremony for @Circe

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    tags | art by pin
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𓆝 . ° ✦ Oh. It was happening. This was... Blue eyes flicked around the clearing. Shadows matched. All of the cat's faces were normal, if not ... happy. This was real.
Was her fur on straight? Of course, it is you can't take it off.
The seemingly perpetual outsider sat next to her brother as she often did during any gathering. His larger build gave her a consent, reassuring shadow to rely on and bathe in. It was safe there, it smelled like home. Circe, the name she'd been charged with since birth, was going to change. Ears perked, heart racing, the molly took a deep breath. No longer would she be reminded of her past it was just a bit too harsh to relate to daylight warriors and others with that history. No longer would she be reminded that she was not one with the clan she so desperately loved. No longer would her name feel like claws in her throat and teeth on her ears. No longer would she have to endure. Now she could live.
She stared, wide-eyed at the other molly, she resisted the urge to nod vigorously like a kit. Wasn't there a ceremony part to this? Oh, fox dung...
Her fur itched as her mind blanked. Right, uh. Right, yes.
She swallowed heavily, puffing her chest out and venturing forth a bit beyond her brother's shadow. She had changed much in her time with the clan. Her pelt had begun to even out and she no longer needed to groom herself constantly. She had grown accustomed to the wild, her build filling out more than it ever had. Muscle and strength had blossomed from empty, hungry, and ragged parts of her. She had even done the unthinkable - she had killed a rogue taking back the camp. A thing that was much more... A thing that was more noble when she thought of the safe kits and the clan cats that had found home here in the clearing. Other clan cats. She was a clan cat now. Then she fully pushed out of the safety of her brother's shadow, paws shaking in the wide open but head held high.
"I do." With pride. She wanted to add, but didn't dare, to be afraid of breaking tradition. They knew, or at least, Duskpool knew. And Shadowfire. And Smokefang. She glanced upwards at the fading stars. I'd do it all for you. For our family. For our clan. And that's all that matters.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • Untitled5_20231116211051.png
    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang
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‎‧₊˚✧[ Birchbranch bounded over to the meeting place, her orangish-amber eyes narrowing slightly. Sitting down, the warrior tipped her head to the side for a brief moment, interest flashing in her eyes.

Eyes flicking over to Circe, the SkyClanner dipped her head encouragingly to the she-cat, her gaze warm and friendly. Circe would make a wonderful SkyClan warrior, Birchbranch was sure. ]✧˚₊‧
  • Love
Reactions: keeekeeey
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 The rule of respect, Orangestar said, and Edenpaw already wants to crawl back to Hazelbeam's nest to sulk for another week. Needlessly aggressive, she crows, and the bob-tailed apprentice thinks to snap at her the same way they'd hissed at Howlfire for the same implication. What aggression? And why did this... vague nebulous 'reminder' come so conveniently now? Maybe Blazestar should've picked lead warriors that don't hate everything he stood for, they think with a needle-sharp stare, almost as if willing the orange and white molly to hear their thoughts.

How blatantly and painfully obvious it was that Slate was spared any real trouble because she was falling all over him in her nest every night? Keeping him like a pet at her door. Her introduction of a new rule is enough to make them want to roll their eyes, if not for the sureness that sits in their chest that says the two lead warriors wouldn't immediately go tattle and wail about it being a sign of disrespect or aggression. If they didn't respect the daylight warriors they shouldn't be here. Shouldn't be in a position of power to exert over others. They clearly didn't know how to keep their prejudice in check.

They wouldn't hold their breath until they got an apology for being ridiculed for the circumstances of their birth.

Acknowledging it in open air with no attempt at reconcile was not good enough.

They wonder, fleetingly, and with a smug sort of annoyance, that Orangestar probably doesn't even notice. That she is immune to the way they fawn after Cherrypaw, the tender touches of her daughter's tail wrapped comfortably around their flank. Maybe she'd care more then, if she knew. If it'd make her like Edenpaw a little more to know how well they tended to the garden of her daughter's feelings, watering them with tiny droplets of affection, speaking affirmations in gentle whispers. Maybe the only way to make her care was to wiggle into her family... Applefrost was probably better cared for and protected for the same reason, to sit snugly beside her as a sister with all its perks.

Circe deserves their attention more so... and they give it willingly, with great vigor and a cheek-splitting smile. You've got this.... Don't worry. I'll be next! Then no one could question their loyalty... not anymore. Just another moon. They search the crowd for Lupinepaw, for Falconpaw... Glimmerpaw. Their friends. Their den-mates. Soon they'd have new places to sleep at night too.​
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She isn't met with immediate and audible disdain for her announcements, and so Orangestar lets the matter rest. Good. Hopefully this would help to smooth things over. It wouldn't fix the problem immediately, of course, but it would be a start (she hopes). If only Blazestar were here to keep the tremulous peace between their full-time warriors and their daylighters.

Another glance is passed to the fading stars above their head as a tremulous but holding voice rings through her thoughts. It is kinder when her gaze returns to Circe. With her promise, Orangestar is satisfied. She's proven herself over a much greater time period than most of their probationary members, slipped through cracks that Orangestar hadn't quite known to seal until now. A Clan name, she hopes, would give her the freedom to stretch out fully and come into her own as a SkyClanner.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Circe, from this moment on you will be known as Sorrelsong." She allows the name to ring in the air for a heartbeat, testing it on her tongue. "StarClan honors your patience and your protectiveness, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan."

Orangestar descends from her perch to rest her chin atop the newly-named Sorrelsong's head - it's a stretch, the chocolate molly taller than she - as the Clan assumedly breaks out into cheers around them. As she pulls away, Orangestar adds her voice to the chorus: "Sorrelsong! Sorrelsong!"

┌── •✧• ──┐
└── •✧• ──┘
´´Sorrelsong! Sorrelsong!´´
Birchbranch got to her paws and chanted the new warrior´s name. The SkyClanner purred warmly, padding up to the newly-made warrior.

´´Congratulations, Sorrelsong! You totally deserve it,´´ Birchbranch touched her nose to Sorrelsong´s ear tip.
[ mentions ]
@Orangestar // @Circe
𓆝 . ° ✦ The syllables wash over the brown molly like water. She could swear that her fur became less tangled each time a clan mate called her new name. The sun just a bit warmer, the colors just a touch brighter. Encouraged by Edenpaw's smile and Birchbranches' nod, a small, kit-like giggle escaped her.
Pride radiated from her chest, dusting her cheeks. She felt seen. Exposed. Away from her brother's shadow and soloy alone, but this was not like the nightmares. She almost felt whole now. Like Orangestar had given her something she'd lost a while ago. "StarClan honors your patience and your protectiveness," Did that imply that her brothers had seen her? Spoken and given council to Orangestar? Did this confirm that they knew she was here, protecting and protected by Duskpool? Were they still proud of her? Oh stars... she hoped so. Sorrelsong. That sounded like a brave name, a badge, an honor.
She'd carried 'Circe' as far as she could, but this one? She would carry 'Sorrelsong' to the grave.
"Thank you, Orangestar." She breathed, pelt on end with pride as the smaller molly's jaw brushed her head.
She glanced upwards, smile growing with each assumed cheer. Do you see me? She turned, looking shyly over her shoulder at her brother, Duskpool, and giving him a smile free from anxiety or uncertaintly. Just pure excitment and enjoyment.
"Thank you, Birchbranch," She purred, eyes flicking to the other molly with a wide smile. She blushed a bit under the praise, unsure of what to add to the other warrior's compliment but still wanting to compliment her back. Sorrelsong repeated the gesture, touching her nose to the skyclanner's ear.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • Untitled5_20231116211051.png
    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang

It's still a little jarring seeing Orangestar calling a meeting from the Highbranch. She seems more confident this time at least, and Howlfire is pleased that her own wariness at seeing the former deputy there is abating slightly. As time passes, she is certain the feeling will no longer persist.

Before ceremonies begin, Orangestar discusses the topic of respect in the clan, both towards the lead warriors, and the daylight warriors. A pang of guilt flairs in her chest recalling how she had spoken against Silversmoke's punishment for her son, but she is glad at least that the topic is being rehashed on both sides. Both parties were deserving of respect and Howlfire could only hope that the message would sink in with some of her more stubborn-minded clanmates. Next comes some reassignments, Softpaw is assigned Beetleback as a mentor to complete her training, and Blazingpaw would be mentored by Coyotecrest. At the mention of that, her gaze finds Coyotecrest's in the crowd and she flashes him a warm smile, pleased that his hopeful request had been seen and heard by Orangestar.

And then a new warrior is named. Well, new-ish. Circe had been around in the clan for some time, and the time had finally come for her to receive a true name. When Orangestar gives the new name, Howlfire joins her voice with those of her clanmates. "Sorrelsong! Sorrelsong!" She cheers.

Had Greeneyes not woken up early, Orangestar’s call would’ve risen the ginger tabby from his nest. Stronger and more confident than the last time — stars, he can hardly believe it’s time for another meeting under the new leader, can hardly believe Blazestar has been gone this long already — her words grab his attention still, and the lead warrior moves to join in the gathering crowd.

A reminder starts the meeting, one pointed to his clanmates that only reminds Greeneyes of where he stands in the clan’s ranks. Someone meant to be respected among his peers, though often he feels out of place among the council Blazestar promoted him to. When does this part of his life start to feel normal, start to feel right? He’s not sure.

It’s a thought quelled by a new rule, one of respect for all SkyClanners, whether daylight or fulltime, kittypet-born or clan-born. Greeneyes nods his head in agreement to the rule — it makes sense to him, after all. But his eyes find themself scanning for the reaction of others, for a split-gaze and patch-worked fur. It’s him, among others, that would have a problem with this, if anyone.

Reassignments come next — Softpaw to Beetleback, and Blazingpaw to Coyotecrest. A warrior ceremony follows. Circe’s been here for some time now, and Greeneyes’ thinks she’s more than deserving of a full-blown warrior name, now.

Sorrelsong! Sorrelsong! “ he chants with the crowd, voice faltering — if only for a split second — at the sudden realization that he’ll be cheering for his own apprentice, for Falconpaw’s friends and peers, come next moon. Stars above, it only feels like yesterday they’d all become apprentices!​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack
Having been awake and ready to start the day, his head picked up at the call to gather. As their curled whiskers twitched the Lead Warrior followed after the gathering crowd. He still wasn't quite used to the call of his friend, well at least not as leader. Sure they'd known the rally for patrols or civil discussions in times of disagreements. Yet, now her paws filled in the space which once held a massive tomcat's. One that he often sorely missed the sight of. Ghostly apparitions of eyes soft as the sea, and a coat downy with kissed streaks of gold, flickered within the recesses of Dogbite's memory.

Orangestar was a much bolder coloration and her gaze a far more intense woody-brown than her predecessor. It was almost mesmerizing in a way how her uniform voice could easily sway others to silence.

Blazestar had held a similar power as well, and for a moment Dogbite wondered if it came with the title. Bemused by the thought he finds an open spot beside Greeneyes'. Resting on pale haunches as he listens to the meeting progress. Surprise lights up their scarred features at mention of respect and inclusion. He feels his chest swell with pride and gratitude. It was nice to know that she cared enough to make a statement in regards to the discrimination many former loners, ex-kittypets, and current daylight warriors had faced.

Though he was curious as to why there was a need to restate the importance of Lead's, he must have missed an important moment of sorts, and he would confide in Orangestar about it at a later time.

Next there were reassignments and his earlier elation sours - knowing the reason behind it. Thankfully, much brighter news colored the following news, and Cirice's warrior ceremony unfolded. This was always Dogbite's favorite part of meetings. Kindly, their good eye blinked and observed, flashes of his own ceremony playing back in their mind. Eagerly, they joined the surge of voices. "Sorrelsong! Sorrelsong!" His tone is airy and bright with a noticeable smile upon their scruffy mug. They always found it a pleasant site to see more cats find their place within Skyclan.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; ex-loner
    ✧ 33 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric

Orangestar calls for a meeting, leaving Coyotecrest to follow Howlfire to a comfortable spot. He remained silent as the topic of respect pops up in clan news. Green eyes cut briefly to the chocolate tortie at his side wondering how she felt about it. He knew of the little altercation between Silversmoke, herself, and their son but not all of the details since he trusted Hawkfire's judgement. Regardless, it seemed like both parties involved shared sore feelings. As reassignments come forth he diverts his attention back to Orangestar above. A smile covers his maw at the mention of his name and he instantly seeks Blazingpaw in the crowd. Rising to his paws the tom came to stand before his son with a nod. "I'll teach you everything I know." He promised, leaning over to touch his nose to his new apprentice's ear. Glancing back at Howlfire his smile grew slightly wider as he took a seat next to their son. She'd been the one to encourage him to ask Orangestar after all.

Next comes a proud moment for any cat, their warrior ceremony. Turning his attention towards Circe he watched as she rose to become a true warrior of the clan. "Sorrelsong! Sorrelsong!" He cheered alongside the rest of his clanmates, raising his voice in the crowd.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / twentyone moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  
Not that the thought had ever crossed her mind -- nor did she have any desire to live a comfy, plush life without being able to experience the wind in her fur again -- but if there ever was a reason she'd leave SkyClan to become a kittypet, she knew it would be for the meetings. She knew how important and informational they were every moon, but she hadn't felt excitement for a meeting since she earned her warrior name. But, it's not like she hated them either, though. After the meetings were adjourned she'd just end up brushing it all off and muttering to herself that next moon's would be just as fine. However, it seemed that the comfort was only temporary as a groan slipped past her slightly exposed canines at Orangestar's yowl across camp. The she-cat lay sprawled out on her bedding in the warriors' den, contemplating pretending to have overslept since it was just too early in the morning, but she knew that she couldn't talk her way out of that one. Everyone knew that she didn't sleep too much, and just too predictable as an excuse.

Duckleap felt as though she used every ounce of energy just into lifting a paw, sorely putting it on the ground as though she were throwing a fit. But, she was a warrior now and had been for a few moons -- if the chimera had only acted more her age, then maybe her clanmates wouldn't keep confusing her for an apprentice still... after five moons. The thought jolted her out of the moss that lay below her, clinging to her fur as she scurried into the clearing of camp. Seating herself near the center of the little group that was forming, the young warrior looked up to Orangestar with a tilt of her head with a trill of a purr. It seemed that their leader was getting adjusted to the power she now bestowed, and Duckleap buzzed with anticipation with her following words. Would anyone dare to speak up against her? She couldn't exactly imagine that happening, but if others in the clan were willing to harshly discuss the backgrounds of their clanmates then she couldn't exactly allow herself to be caught off-guard in any way.

Sighing after it seemed tensions were over and announcements of mentors were now being produced, Duckleap shook out her coat as though to shake off the nerves that had attached themselves to her muscles. The molly watched as Circe was beckoned and earned her warrior name before StarClan and SkyClan, a high-pitched cheer piercing through the other voices and into the morning. "Sorrelsong! Sorrelsong!" She didn't know the she-cat well personally, but Duckleap remembered how she felt after she received her warrior name. An unexplainable pride, filling your chest to the point that you think you're just going to burst with joy.​