Jul 5, 2024
Tigerkit has a lot of brothers and sisters and there's not really space for all of them... It doesn't really help that there are like, a billion kits, and Coltkit especially doesn't help because he has the biggest paws she's ever seen and he's taking up way too much space. With all the paws he has, someone else could probably be there. Even Tigerkit, maybe. And Tigerkit's only looking at him because he has all those paws. And if she had all those paws, Coltkit would totally be looking at her instead. Something had to be done.

Tigerkit shuffles over to the kit in question... No, she stomps over, because that was assertive and things and Lightningkit and Stormkit and Bayingkit were always yelling over her and she wanted to be the one yelling over someone today. There's a tiny lash of a pinprick tail as she prepares to interrogate Coltkit. " Why do you get all the paws? " she demands.

OOC. interrogating @COLTKIT but no need to wait!
He's almost asleep . . . the world is attaining that pleasant swimmy quality it gets when he's nearly asleep, the sleepy contentedness that's almost better than the actual nap. Overlong milk - fangs jut wide in a drowsy yawn, a small pink tongue protruding between them as he sprawls out on the sun - warmed ground, overlong limbs spread ungraceful and starfish - like with a lump of blue - tabby tail bushed out behind him. The sun is so warm, and the ground is so comfortable . . .

" Huh? " Someone's thumping pawsteps jolt him from his reverie, and Tigerkit's yappy demand has him sighing what he thinks is a grown - up sigh and boosting himself up on his all the paws. Coltkit assumes his typical seated position—careless and without elegance, lengthy hind - legs splayed out before him and his large forepaws planted between in a posture altogether reminiscent of a new - to - the - world puppy.

Why do you get all the paws? Tigerkit demands, as if he'd know, and it takes him a minute to register her meaning. Blue eyes jerk almost painfully slowly from her normal - sized forepaws to his own, which have, like, twice as much paw on them . . . then back to hers, then back to his own. All sixteen front toes knead curiously at the ground . . . he thought everyone had this much paws, but apparently not . . . huh. It's not really interesting, but Tigerkit is kinda glaring at him, so he answers, " Umm . . . I 'unno, I've had them since, like . . . forever and ever. "

BUT I'M JUST SO OUT OF MY DEPTH — Coalkit was well aware that, from a young age, he had been larger than the rest of the nursery. Even at only a couple of moons old, he had been quite the lump curled up at Roeflame's side, though he had never thought about it much until they finally ventured out of the nursery. That was when he had begun to trip over and stumble about with his sizeable paws - simultaneously embarrassed of his own clumsiness and not wanting to hurt any of his peers around him. It was only after several moons that he had finally become acclimated to it all, his growth seeming to even out to the point where he was only a little larger than some of the youngest apprentices.

Now, he liked to think that he carried himself with a certain amount of grace.

Unlike Coltkit, whose every move somehow seemed calculated to get right underneath his pelt. Coalkit couldn't directly identify when his venedetta against the other tom had formed, but he supposed it had to be during one of the lectures on the warrior code. The ones that Coltkit seemed eager to sleep through, making the black smoke's pelt prickle with annoyance every time. His pelt was similarly spiked this time as he approached, though he wasn't sure if he was more irritated with Coltkit, or with Tigerkit for asking such a strange question. "Why did you get all the eye colors?" Okay, maybe that wasn't quite so scathing considering she only had two but that was more than he did! "Maybe he ate too much and just kept sprouting toes." Though, as Coalkit peered down at his own ample paws, he found that he still only had the "normal" number of toes. Had his size just gone everywhere, while Coltkit's was more focused?

  • 81641257_cc6OVDHQigHNM4a.png
    shorthaired black smoke with forest green eyes
    amab; goes by he/him pronouns
    5 moons old; ages the 5th every month
    homosexual; not yet interested in romance
    son of leopardtongue and batwing
    brother to bravepaw, cougarpaw, hazepaw, foxpaw, and hopekit
    extremely difficult to befriend; cold and blunt
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
    all opinions are ic
  • Wow
Reactions: TIGERKIT
”It's been told that if you have enormous paws, you're going to make a formidable warrior.” Myrtlekit would coo afterwards. Everyone finished talking, a soft purr rumbling from her in happiness. The girl's ivory tail curls neatly around her paws as she glances between the three kittens. Coalkit questions Tigerkit about why she has different eyes; even Colt has two different blue eyes. Compared to the three others, her eye colors had the least color, mimicking a doe's eyes and making her giggle softly. ”The three of you have beautiful eyes.” She responds after giving them a moment to respond to each other.

Coltkit may have extra toes, but he had eyes reflecting the rippling waters and the skies. Tigerkit's heterochromatic gaze reflected the coppers of ores and a mimic of her mother's pale blues that seemed silver. Coalkit's eyes were the embodiment of Greenleaf itself, a color of the brightest leaves on trees and the stems of flowers. Myrtlekit hums softly to herself as a gentle smile graced her lips, content with the state of the nursery currently. Tigerkit attempted to mimic her sibling's mannerisms but came off more docile compared to the pair. Coltkit already got enough weird looks from the kittens or others for being a former kittypet (nothing was wrong with that). ”You are perfect the way you are and don't let others convince you otherwise.”

Although her words seemed directed towards the dark blue-tabby, she meant them for all of them. Why allow others to have the power to change you to someone you weren't? The process couldn't be comprehended in her small head.
  • Wow
Reactions: TIGERKIT
*+:。.。 "Well that gives me a ton of hope!" Wrathpaw would purr, overhearing the gathering of kittens as he passed them by. Speaking, unfortunately, results in him losing his grip on the ball of moss in his teeth, which - with a small yelp - he watches tumble to the ground. Hoping to save himself from the embarrassment, he paws at the ball, batting it between each front limb before lightly tossing it towards the nearest kit. It's old moss, what harm was it to play around with it before he threw it out? "I've got pretty big paws myself, 'though I think I'm still just growing into them" he flexes his digits as he speaks, admiring the way his wrists are steadily widening to catch up to the width of his thicker paws. If Myrtlekit is right, then he hopes he'll be as great of a fighter as Skyclaw and Raccoonstripe!

"And so do you, Myrtlekit, your dark brown eyes are so cool! It looks like Starclan took a piece of the great sycamore tree and used it to make you, you!" he adds, smile soft with appreciation. Myrtlekit was shaping up to be quite a sweet girl, Thunderclan was lucky to have her! Although...she wasn't entirely correct about one thing.
Differences, Wrathpaw believed, ought to be celebrated...but histories should still be acknowledged. Wrathpaw's dark blue eyes would glow a little less soft when he glanced at Coltkit. Although now wasn't the time to call the boy out on his heritage, Wrathpaw wondered if being a kitty pet led to his malformed paws. Wrathpaw wasn't one to talk, but warriors have been born without legs before - like their souls had fought a war in the stars and came to the living world with the battle wounds of honor...what sort of honor was there in having extra toes? All the more to be greedy with, probably Wrathpaw thinks with a twitch in his lip.

"It's always important to be grateful for what you have, rather than envy what you don't" Wrathpaw vocalizes, nodding sagely to himself. Sitting down, he extends his missing back limb for the kits to see, "After all, everyone's gonna have something someone else doesn't, but seeing how differently everyone walks the same path can be pretty cool! I wouldn't change anything about myself, even if I leave behind a pretty funny set of paw steps compared to most cats" he finishes with a giggle.

    DMAB— He/Him
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently

stagpaw cares not for the shenanigans of the kits being envious of one another. it would make them a hypocrite, as they grew up being jealous. anger stews into their veins so deeply, that it would simply be weird to not have it. jealousy is second nature, even when they insist that they're not jealous at all. why would they be, they say, when the real question is why wouldn't they be? most cats have what they want. what they deserve. but they'll never have it. even now, they watch their parents with their mentors, and a certain amount of anger stews within them before they turn back to the kits, grunting as they weave a nest for the elders. nest duty. of course they got nest duty.

"maybe you'd have better luck getting extra toes if you ask starclan. though as far as i know, from orangepaw, they don't do much of anything but make him clumsy. say, coalkit, do you think that's true?"

she pauses ad she speaks, taking a moment to look up at the kit.

"you seem pretty steady on your paws so maybe it's just that mousebrain."