ungrateful | bluepaw

The moon's pale light cloaks his back and muddles his shadow as the young warrior treads forward. His destination being that of his blue furred sister. Amber eyes trail over Sootstar's lookalike, deep vocals emitting a low chuff of wordless greeting if only to alert her of his presence. Addervenom's prowling eventually slows to a halt, leaving him to take a seat and resume a stately posture. "Embarrassing, isn't it? I loathe the thought of thunderclan doing us a favor. If it can even be called that." He grumbles, ivory hooks peeking from their sheathes momentarily before drifting back into hiding. When has windclan ever been in a position to ask for handouts? The notion was ridiculous in itself. "Perhaps the stars truly have forsaken us..." He thinks to himself, allowing a scowl to mar his features. (@BLUEPAW)
»»———- windclan warrior / nine moons old / he/him ———-««

XXXXXIn this foreign territory, where night’s shadows and sounds are all but alien to her, Addervenom’s presence is one she acknowledges gratefully, with the twitch of a bitten ear. Not for the first time, she reflects on their matching scar’s—both earned in folly, in her eyes. Addervenom had forced their mother’s paw with that Twoleg tag, and she had lost a bit of her own ear to a SkyClan warrior, a kittypet. Both of them in an ironic way had been marked by Twoleg trash. She says nothing of this, though, not wanting to reopen old wounds when it was not warranted.

XXXXXHer littermate’s voice is low, the threat of a snarl hidden at its core. Bluepaw trills her agreement. “A favor, this. We should have died with dignity rather than begged Howlingstar for her scraps.” Her teeth are bared, just a sliver—and though the gesture is unkind, it does not mar the beauty of her features. “This, my dear brother, is a slight. We are sent away like refuse. Like trash, while traitors like Brightshine frolic in safety.” She feels her pelt prickle with frustration. “If we make it through this, I will not forget Howlingstar’s hospitality.


His littermate's icy words match the fiery brimstone of his thoughts churning within his head. He would have preferred going out with honor, with dignity on the battlefield rather than turning tail. It was pitiful to say the least. The slightest narrowing of hellfire eyes illustrates his unspoken agreement. Another circumstance is stacked against them, while others who are less than deserving receive pampered treatment. "Not a matter of if, but when, Bluepaw." He corrects her gently, though the glare he pins across thunderclan's general direction with could set a cat ablaze. Windclan would make it out of this, they were not a group to buckle and give in.

His own pelt threatens to prickle while tufted ears drop a notch. "I grow tired of the way these peasants think they can treat us." A minor shake of his head is given, still stewing at the lack of respect. "But you are right." He muttered, expelling a force of air from his nostrils. "I believe a suitable form of gratitude is in order for Howlingstar's...kindness." He rolls the final word around as if lethal venom dribbled from his very lips.
»»———- windclan warrior / nine moons old / he/him ———-««

XXXXXBluepaw is almost comforted by her brother’s familiar ferocity. Here, in the strangeness of their enemy’s forests, she welcomes the baring of teeth and the baying for blood. “You were not there,” she murmurs to Addervenom, giving him a conspiratorial look through hazy-green eyes, “but this is not the first time ThunderClan has slighted WindClan.” She flexes her toes, feeling leaf litter break off into the spaces between her pads. She grits her teeth, the fluff bordering her cheeks moving with her halted breaths.

XXXXXMy first time visiting ThunderClan’s border, Sootstar requested an audience with Howlingstar.” She laughs, a quiet but rich sound, lovely but for the topic of conversation. “Sootstar wished to ally us with these annoying busybodies. Howlingstar refused her, while their Clan mocked us where we stood.” She bares her own teeth, and the moonlight glints ivory on their surface. “The second time I visited, they forbade us passage through their territory. We lost our mother because of Howlingstar.

XXXXXShe rises, iced emeralds meeting blood-stained copper eyes. “There will come a day when all of these kindnesses must be repaid.” Her tone is calm, deadly, flat. “Will you stand beside me when that time comes?

XXXXXOh, Sootstar would be proud of them—and Weaselclaw, surely—and Bluepaw does her best to assume her mother’s posture, to put the same venom in her voice. This is what she wants, she thinks—she wants to be ruthless, to be feared, like her.


His dear sister rolls into a series of stories. One painted around a denied alliance and he scoffs at the very notion. Brows knitting together as he pictured the harebrained leader daft enough to deny their mother. Windclan was strong, formidable. Any clan given the opportunity to ally with them should be licking their paws with adoration, or so he thought. The last story told reveals how Sootstar ended up dying in battle that night. A precious life lost because of a battle Howlingstar had no parts in. His lips lift, exposing the ivory daggers beneath. There was more to this clan than he knew. "All this time I thought they were just a bunch of passive, self righteous pansies." How could he have failed to see they were just another enemy to be crushed under paw?

Mismatched paws push the brute to stand, thickly corded muscle rippling with motion as he looks down upon his sister. A proposition is offered, one that he eagerly snatches with great haste. "I would love nothing more. Thunderclan will learn its place. If it is not beside us, then it will be beneath us." He was sure their parents would be proud as they worked to purge the forest of windclan's enemies.
»»———- windclan warrior / ten moons old / he/him ———-««