He's lingering awkwardly in camp when he notices it, his head dipped over the gently lapping shore at which he'd played all those moons ago. Originally, he had been clocked out, heterochromatic eyes staring blankly into nothing, really, not taking note of the face staring back at him from the dark mirror of water. Avoiding reflections has become instinctive over all these moons, hiding from the plain simplicity of his ugliness, from the crawling sensation whenever he happened to look into his own eyes. The simple pressure of all that beauty around him had been uncanny, painful in its absence when he stared himself down in blackened waves.

A noice startles him and his eyes refocus. For the first time in StarClan only knows how long, he looks at himself, really looks.

A stranger stares back.

Cicadapaw startles to his paws, literally frightened of his own reflection, and leans closer to the mask in the water. He wrinkles his muzzle; the stranger wrinkles its own. He blinks and the mask blinks back. He grits his teeth and the ghost's jaw sets the same way. Ghost, yes, that feels right—because it's his father staring back at him in the dark water.

This isn't his own face. It can't be.

The face he knows from his first glances at it moons ago is not this porcelain mask, this walking ghost. The face he knows (and hates, hates, hates—and yet suddenly misses) has bulging eyes, appropriately bug - splayed and uncanny; the ghost's eyes are set low and heavy - lidded, trailing long lashes, looking tired but not ugly—set far apart, yes, but no longer an impassable distance. The face he knows has a muzzle that hangs too long and hooks too low, uncanny and overlong; the strange face's is as long and narrow, as gently curved as the one that had coaxed him from his nest in his youth, still hooked but somehow grown - into. The face he knows is drawn too - thin and hollow, uncanny in its caved cheeks and gaunt jaw; this one has traded creepiness for elegance, lending it a sudden structure, a definition to the high - sitting cheekbones and squared jaw.

Everything has changed, too, not a mask but a full - body costume, a draped skin. Batlike ears, drooping and too - large, seem to sit a little higher, tufted and crownlike, regal instead of bizarre. Shaggy, tangled curls no longer mat in front of his eyes and mask a split gaze—whether by his brief attempts at grooming or some inherent improvement, they settle into softer waves. The rest of his pelt looks the same, he realizes slowly, as he looks at himself—really looks at his whole self for the first time in moons. As tall as ever, but no longer quite so skinny, quite so disproportionate; muscled deer - legs suddenly look fitted to his frame, elegant and sure in gait instead of stumbling.

He sees all of this, but he does not think I look better. He does not think I look handsome. He does not think I look pretty like the rest of them. He thinks in a slow, drawn - out horror: I look like my father.

He will not look in the water like this again. He does not want to spent the rest of the life looking at everything taken from him. But he must, he can never escape it, because every time he tips a regal muzzle or ruffles a silken pelt, he knows who he will think of. He knows who he will see.

" I look like him. " is all he mutters.

// he's not ugly anymore, everyone clap

" speech "

She has always regarded her apprentice as odd, deer-legged, spindly, shadowy, too-tall and too-short, crouched and hunch-backed, his shoulders pushed forward an impossible self-conscious degree. It has never bothered her. She knows both Cicadastar and Smokestar would have nothing but pride for their son, regardless of his appearance, and so did she—despite it all, his warrior skills had been latent, burgeoning. She watches him creep to the water’s edge, and when he mutters the damning phrase, her ears flick forward to catch it.

“I look like him.”

Iciclefang heaves herself to her paws, abandoning the sprawl of kits outside the nursery. She nears the river’s edge and looks at her former apprentice, studying him, long and meaningfully. Ears that had seemed to large before are hefted with strength and nobility; a long muzzle tapers, streaked with white. One icy-blue eye searches it’s reflection in the water—and then she sees the amber, all fire, embers, smoke. She exhales softly.

Yes…” Her apprentice has blossomed seemingly overnight, the gangly becoming elegant, the ungainly becoming refined. Before her, she sees Cicadastar incarnated. “You do.” She budges him with her shoulder, a friendly gesture from a mentor stuck in another dimension.

  • ooc:
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 22 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.


This was a familiar sight. Catching your own eye in the water and seeing someone there, someone that was you by all accounts but was not the you in your head... yeah, he'd been here. Sometimes Ferngill still thought of himself as a bug-eyed runt, still smaller than his clanmates- but when he was fishing, he would catch a glimmer of bright green, or see the fire on his face where there had once been pallid peach.

For Ferngill, it had always been a good thing... that memory of seeing himself chenged had been a little nugget of light, a core that had glowed in his heart. There was a twinge, too, though- when he'd seen his adult face, there had been two eyes staring back at him, and no fox-claw mark marring a ravine across blood-filled blindness. It was not as complicated as the loss Cicadapaw felt, though. He could imagine it... carrying the name of your father, and then wearing his face.

Briefly, he wondered whether Cicadapaw felt like himself at all when he met his eye in the water.

To his sister's side he gravitated- as ever, he offered a grin of soft encouragement to the apprentice. "You just... notice it all of a sudden, don't you?" It was sympathy, understanding... to some degree. "I was about your age when I realised my eyes were green." Within his words were a peppering of humour... Cicadapaw's discovery was a bit more nuanced than that.
penned by pin
"I can see it but you're also entirely different from him as well." Troutsnout would respond as she nodded in agreement with the two lead warriors at the uncanny similarly that Cicadapaw had become, a perfect mixture of Cicadastar and Smokestar together. Sometimes, kits seemed to have a case of the puberty ugly and often seem unproportionable. Cicadapaw had been one of those cases: his body seemed to be too big or too long and as the moons slowly came to light so did his features slowly begin to take shape and fit together much like a jigsaw. Perhaps its a horror to look like someone and carry their name, an exact replicate and perhaps the expectations that follow with it.

Would Cicadapaw feel like himself instead of Cicadastar or would his life be a forever reminder that he looks like his father in appearance and name? The spotted tabby hums softly to herself as she peers down at the river's edge, his reflection staring back at her on the rippling shore of the water. She didn't look like her father nor mother, she had some qualities from both of them but she was strung from an entirely different cloth. Her paws shuffle on the sand allowing to feel the grain against the pads of her feet, realizing it had been a moment since she last looked at herself much like Cicadapaw.
━ "speech"​

Snakeblink has spent a lot of his life searching for ghosts in the reflection of his face, the line of his jaw and the slant of his eyes. Here, his mother’s pelt; there, the same large ear as one of his siblings, the same green irises as another. There’s just enough there to piece back some kinship.

Cicadapaw is much more striking than him, though, when it comes to family resemblance: looking at the apprentice -- nearly a warrior, now -- is like looking into the past. It’s fortunate, Snakeblink thinks, to have such a connection to a lost father, though the disturbed expression on that familiar face has him thinking this is not as much of a boon to Cicadapaw. A difficult legacy to bear, he supposes: another’s name and face to make one’s own.

”You wear it well,” he tries to says somewhat comfortingly.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

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    Snakeblink • he / him. 51 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Everyone'd know by now how intently Hound avoided Cicadapaw. He did it like it was second nature — never cruel, never hard, but he walked off when the apprentice walked too near, or kept his eyes steadfastly elsewhere.. Doesn't matter that he wasn't truly a clone. The shape of the kid. . . each time that shadow passes over him, his own heart seizes cold. Like living in a memory for a moment. Like he was expecting a splash of water from the cool riverbank or harsh words that wrapped sweetly 'round the air. He doesn't have his father's charisma, thankfully. Not yet, at least. Because for someone that avoided Cicadapaw so well– he sure did notice how he grew. Right past the bug-eyed phase, the fawn-like gracelessness, the gangly reed-whip in a harsh storm stumbling he remembered, distantly.

He knew it would come, 'course. He just hoped that maybe the apprentice would've clung a bit harder to his other father's face.

Snakeblink says he wears it well. Houndstride, meanwhile, wants to tear the mask right off. Like it's the apprentice's fault he never got to say goodbye. Like it was fixable, like it was cruel of him to grow out of his youth and mish-mashed pieces when he was forever stuck as this scarred monstrosity. Like Snakeblink (like Cicadapaw) he's stuck looking for the face of someone long gone in his reflection. Is that one amber eye the anchor that Hound's own scars are, now? A reminder that he's not wholly who he'd come from? It was no wonder Flint had struggled to look at him, some days. Maybe that's half the problem. Not who he resembles, but that he does. That he is. That Hound, foolish cat he's always been, sees a bit of himself in the complicated young cat he'd do most anything to stop fucking seeing everywhere.

Maybe it's meant to be a kindness, the way he leans into his path and slaps a heavy paw 'cross the water, sending ripples to ruin his reflection. Maybe he knows, in a way, or just thinks he does. "Not anymore," he huffs a dry laugh.

  • OOC.
  • 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄. HE - HIM - HIS. PRODIGAL WARRIOR OF RIVERCLAN. ————— mauled by a fox moons ago and has the scars to prove it. though his wounds are healed, nothing can rid him of that pain.   PENNED BY REVELATIONS

    a lean chocolate tabby with lime green eyes. the scars that had once been limited to the bridge of his nose now shatter and expand across that entire side of his face, up to a ripped ear and down to his shoulder and front right leg. it is somewhat difficult for him to put his weight on that paw at odd angles, and he gets grumpy after a long while of walking, but it does not inhibit him terribly.
He sees him everywhere still, not as blatant as before but still present in a way. Shadows stretched long across the ground like wire-frame limbs, haloed in the glow of the sun, the froth lapping alongside the river covered in bits of debris, stones polished smooth in the current of ebony and ivory streaks. Beepaw's single blue eye, salt ice and cold, Cricketpaw's awkward gait and sloping walk-a face narrow near the muzzle with large ears, Cicadapaw the whisper of a ghost in every way and even more so now as he grows into his too large body and too long legs.
Smokestar has not stop seeing Cicadastar since the tom died between his teeth, it has long since been an open wound that has only recently begun to close only for a sudden memory or recollection to cause it to seep back open and bleed him upon the pebbled ground.

He thinks of naming his son one day, knowing that Cicadastar never had a warrior name and pondering over what it might have been had fate not star blessed him with the shine of the heavens at the rise of the clans. With Beepaw and Cricketpaw, he has several ideas that might change depending on circumstances but with Cicadapaw he has none. He is only afraid of the chance that one day he too would carry a star on his crown, he wishes deeply it will never come to pass. Some cats, like Howlingstar, might be inclined to name a successor of theirs as family-most of her council was kin after all but he...perhaps it is because of what he knew, of how he had risen to this place, that he dreads the very notion of it. Lichentail was an easy choice, at the time they weren't as close and he had chosen based on logic alone but now he wishe he could spare her what might come. How did you decide the cat who would suffer nine times over and shatter at your paws.
"You've always looked like him. It's why he named you after himself." Is all he says, tone light and a smile on his maw but he can not hide the flicker of pain in that lone amber eye.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.


I HEARD, I HEARD ACROSS THE MOONLIT SEA — Cicadastar's a ghost that lingered despite how long ago it had been when Smokethroat brought his body to Shadowclan camp when they were hiding from the rogues. How the stilled, llimp form of the river king had been rolled onto the marshlands while everyone had gathered to mourn the loss of their king. She believes that it's still unfair yet she's grateful to still have one of her parents left, the thought of losing him instilled fear into her, and her littermates... How she cares for them despite the way Cicadapaw seemed unpleased with her but she doesn't know the reason for it, she gives him space for now knowing that she would confront him soon enough. She's more focused on her training, Moonpaw, and making sure that there wasn't any other rogues that were lurking near their territory yet she finds herself free for a heartbeat. This is when she spots Cicadapaw thinking that she'll talk to him now but the idea subsides when Iciclefang approaches giving him a shoulder bump.

Large ears prick forward wondering what Cicadapaw had seen in the water and begins to approach, her narrowed pupils focusing on his reflection. She finds herself face to face with a ghost, her mouth grows dry as she feels the slightest bit uncomfortable. Bee's careful to not let that convey into her expression or eyes as she keeps on a more stoic look and finally catches on what her brother had said. "I look like him." Cicadapaw had always resembled their late father but in a more gangly, awkward way of a newborn fawn compared to the proud, graceful creature that Cicadastar had been. Her brother carried the name of someone who had died long ago and fates cruel enough to make the middle child of the litter bare the face of their sire. Mismatched eyes focusing on her own reflection and holds her breath not wanting to see a ghost of her own, thankfully, she does not and her eyes shut close.

Houndstride splashing the water and distorting the reflection brings her quiet relief, her eyes focusing on Smokestar as he approaches mentioning how Cicadapaw always looked like him and its why her late father had named her brother. She takes a step back so she brushes against the pelt of her mentor and parent, icy eyes and molten gold eyes, turning to her younger littermate once more as she tries to find her voice... To say something yet she's not sure what to say without upsetting the tom. "Yeah..." She barely manages to breathe out.


  • bKn8fx1.png
    shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    10 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    sexuality unknown; currently interested in no one
    currently being mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadapaw and cricketpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Eveningkit spots the shadow by the camp's outskirts even before Iciclefang approaches it. Cicadapaw is a strange one for her; barely seen enough for his form to become familiar to her, or maybe he's always there, lurking and using the shade as his second skin, wrapping himself up in it so no one can get to him. That's the impression she gets, anyway. He's always been a bit intimidating if she's being honest, but she can't quite tell if it's for any particular reason, or just out of principle — a free apprentice in contrast to the caged-in kitten.

The shadow talks, and Eveningkit just so happens to be close enough (definitely not because she's been stalking closer and closer to him, nooo) to hear. It's like his call is answered, because more of RiverClan starts to gather around him, echoing his statement like a broken record.

Striped forehead shifts as Eveningkit pulls her face into something contemplative. This whole ordeal leaves her feeling left out from a secret that is only secret to her. "Look like who?" The last word tumbles out of her, high-pitched and similar to an owl at night.


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    ────── SHE/HER ✦ PENNED BY KARMEN ✦ 04/15