pafp UNLOCKED // private for now!

Oct 16, 2023

Sprucepaw rolls her shoulders back, tail twitching as she prepares for the little battle between herself and Flintpaw. Her opponent is nearly her age - a moon older, however apprenticed at the same time. Their skills should match up, she thinks, though she has no qualms with losing to the other kitten. It'll be fun and at worse, she'll get scuffed and the training will be over. If anything the dark furred she-cat hopes that the other will be happy to befriend her by the brawl's end - though she's unsure if she should do well or let Flintpaw win in order to obtain that.

"Let's make this fun!" she chirps to her friend (surely, that's what they'll be by day's end,) "Winner catches loser a whole host of frogs for the next week. After the kits and everyone's fed, of course," Sprucepaw adds the following tidbit quickly, just so that everyone who watches knows she's a rule follower, even in her unbridled excitement. "You get first swipe!" she then encourages Flintpaw, waiting for her to ready-up and claim her first attack. Sprucepaw anticipates a grapple, or a fake out, or maybe the other will act like a snake and dart towards her... oh, she isn't sure! But she is excited.​
Sprucepaw is excited, and Flintpaw feels the most normal she's felt in a while. Sparring with another apprentice was normal, and she's doing it, and though the wound on her shoulder is only just healing over she has little concern about opening it back up. He's really just glad that someone agreed. That Sprucepaw could look at him and not see a blight upon her Clan; a drain down which the lives of her better clanmates emptied. Sprucepaw doesn't judge him the same way the rest of ShadowClan does. The way Granitepelt does; the way Ashenpaw does; the way Smogmaw does. This glimpse of sun-bright normalcy is almost enough to make the eclipsing shame easier to bear.

Let's make this fun! she chirps, and Flintpaw smiles, ears twitching as she offers her gamble. "Sure, that sounds good," he agrees, tail flicking. He's getting better in his hunting, anyway; Scalejaw has been patient enough with him to make sure of that. But he doesn't anticipate losing. Granitepelt had taught him a lot in their last training session– more than just the sting of claws against flesh. When Sprucepaw offers her the first swipe, Flintpaw finally feels half-prepared for it.

He darts forward, aiming to use his momentum to strike Sprucepaw across the face, hoping to unbalance her. Granitepelt had pulled a similar move on him just a few days before; his jaw is still sore from the force of the impact, even with sheathed claws.

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    flintkit . flintpaw
    — he / they / she ; apprentice of shadowclan
    — short-haired solid blue tom with low white and blue/green heterochromatic eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — headshot by me, signature by dreamydoggo
    — penned by meghan