UNOFFICIAL DUSKCLAN GUIDE / last updated oct 16

Nov 28, 2022

  • ☾ㅤ— Beyond the Thunderpath and hidden in the gorse close to Highstones slink the remnants of Sootstar's loyalists. DuskClan, as they are now called, currently have one goal: survive. Void of a ruthless leader, they are concerned with conserving their strength for the colder months, but with Leafbare on the horizon in a territory with little prey, they may look to the bountiful Clans for their resources instead.

    The typical DuskClanner is strong, swift and ruthless. While they do not have bloodline traits, a typical DuskClan cat is either agile or strong.

  • DuskClan lives in the scrublands near Highstones, on the far side of the Thunderpath. The grasses here are dry and sharp, making it difficult to find comfort. A few sparse trees provide small shelter from the rain, but most of the time the cats living here are exposed to the elements.

    Good quality prey is difficult to find, and patrols often come back empty-pawed. It's not uncommon for warriors to go hungry every other day.

    CAMPㅤ— Located in a small dip in the ground, the grasses flattened by paws. DuskClan has no official dens, though a couple of larger gorse plants provide the barest shelter from inclement weather.

  • ☾ㅤ— CULTURE
    — DuskClan does not mark their borders, and does not really care about trespassing over marked borders.
    — Newcomers are welcome provided they are able to hunt and fight, and are willing to be taught.
    — Kits are unlikely to be taken in due to food constraints, but may be accepted after OOC plotting.
    — Apprentices are made at four moons of age and become warriors at nine. There is no training period for adult newcomers.
    — Warrior names are optional, but will be given on request without virtues attached.

    — The group does not officially believe in StarClan, and the climate surrounding discussion of the Clans' ancestors is up to the current leader.

    ☾ㅤ— IC LAWS (under Rumblerain)
    — Discussion / belief in StarClan is not condemned, but not encouraged.
    — Do not leave camp without telling the leader or deputy, for safety's sake.
    — Do not steal kits. Talking them into coming with you, however, is a different story.
    — An approximation of the Warrior code is to be followed:

    1. Defend your clan, even with your life. You may have friendships in other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to DuskClan. Abandonment is treated as death.
    2. Do not trespass on Clan territory without intent.
    3. Feed the young and vulnerable first. The healthiest cats will eat last.
    4. Prey is to be killed only to be eaten.

  • WINTER 2024
    — When Sunstride and his rebels chase Sootstar's loyalists from WindClan camp, Sootstar announces that Granitepelt will be her successor. DuskClan is formed on February 1st.
    — At the Clan's first meeting, Juncoclaw is given her warrior name.
    — Granitepelt's daughter Ghostpaw joins DuskClan.
    — Ghostwail is killed by Thriftfeather.

    SPRING 2024
    — Juncoclaw goes missing, considered dead. She later surfaces as a barn cat.
    — Privetpaw, Berrysnap's son, is apprenticed to Rumblerain. In the same meeting, Rumblerain is named as Granitepelt's deputy.
    — DuskClan witnesses a solar eclipse.
    — Ebonylight brings a kit back to camp, naming her Gravelkit.
    — Possum joins, recruited by Hollowcreek.
    — Rumblerain, Privetpaw and Hollowcreek depart for Twolegplace to retrieve new recruits.

    SUMMER 2024
    — Ebonylight brings Hungerkit, a former barn cat, to DuskClan.
    — Snakehiss, Sootstar's deputy before Granitepelt, is chased off.
    — Ghostmask earns her warrior name. Gravelpaw is apprenticed to Thriftfeather.
    — DuskClan attacks WindClan camp during the Gathering. Sent home early by StarClan due to a skirmish, WindClan chases the intruders from their camp. Granitepelt kills Sunstar twice. Gravelpaw brings a WindClan kitten, Vulturekit, home with them. Rumblerain returns late.
    — Thriftfeather quietly returns Vulturekit to Bluefrost of WindClan. This goes unnoticed by DuskClan.
    — Granitepelt dies to his infected wounds, in ShadowClan lands. Ghostmask and Privetpaw inform DuskClan.
    — Rumblerain becomes DuskClan's second leader.
    — Possumscratch earns their warrior name. Thriftfeather is named as Rumblerain's deputy. Hungerpaw is apprenticed to Ghostmask.
    — Privetfrost earns his warrior name.
    — Rumblerain and Hollowcreek return to Twolegplace in search of more recruits.

    AUTUMN 2024
    — Thriftfeather goes missing.
    — A handful of rogues return with Rumblerain and Hollowcreek, alongside two kits of the former.
    — (to be continued)

    DuskClan's fall is currently slated for March 2025, but may be shifted by up to a month either way depending on how plot timelines work out in the end. Once they are scattered, DuskClan will not reform, but maybe Twolegplace will forge something new from the ashes ...

  • Backwritten characters are welcome to jump in, though please be aware of and abide by the Clan's history when backwriting a character into DuskClan.

    — As an 'unofficial' Clan, DuskClan will never have a medicine cat, and their leader will not receive nine lives. This Clan will not attend Gatherings. StarClan does not view this group as a Clan.

    — A DuskClanner's afterlife, provided they believe in one, is subject to case-by-case determination. It is likely that they will go to the Dark Forest, however they must be aware of and believe in the Clan afterlives to do so. All other deaths will go to limbo and the character will be removed from play.

    — No territory-changing plots, official events/badges, or large-scale plots involving the main Clans (unless ran by that Clan’s leader) will be allowed. DuskClan is intended as a temporary antagonist Clan, however, and may have main-Clan interactions with permission.


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MALE [ 05 ] | FEMALE [ 02 ] | OTHER [ 03 ]

While DuskClan is only a temporary plot group, it is large enough to warrant an informal census. Inactive characters will be removed upon request, but will otherwise stay. To be added, a DuskClan character must have proof of joining and a subaccount for organisational purposes.

[b]NAME[/b] [♀/♂/⚥] - rank - brief appearance @roleplayer


LEADERㅤ—RUMBLERAIN [⚥] ; a skinny seal point with distinctive white markings. @mercibun


HOLLOWCREEK [♂] ; a hulking brown tabby with a scruffy mane stretching down his spine @beatae
EBONYLIGHT [⚥] ; charcoal classic tabby with a striking smile and partial heterochromia @Antiigone
GHOSTMASK [♀] ; a small black and white she-cat with dark blue eyes. @dejavu
POSSUMSCRATCH [♂] ; tall black, white, and grey tom with bitemark scars on his neck and leg @Kitty-Kat-
PRIVETFROST [♂] ; a black tomcat with low white spotting and fern-green eyes. @tempest
DUSTWHISKER [♂] ; a ragged-furred, black / black tabby chimera tom with dull yellow eyes. @ABRI
VIXEN [♀] ; a skinny tortoiseshell with sharp green eyes. @vixen

GRAVELPAW [ ⚥ ] ; lanky, ivory-pelted feline with splashes of smoke @chuff
HUNGERPAW [♀] ; a large, fluffy russet molly with blue eyes. @SATURNID


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