unreachable / private

The very nature of this discussion insists that the camp be full, that the leaders' den be undisturbed among the hubbub of an evening SkyClan. The dusk patrols have returned, but the daylight warriors have yet to depart for the night; word in camp is that a meeting may be to follow the conversation Orangestar has summoned Figfeather and Twitchbolt to have. Orangestar turns herself so that her back is to the camp threshold, intending to further obscure the three within her den, and turns to watch the two lead warriors with sharp ochre eyes.

"I need to choose a deputy." She meows, the rasp of her meow creaking under the weight of her words. She looks between the two, forcing her fur to lie flat, sweeping her tail around her paws. "I will be unable to complete my duties for a time. I ... believe ... I will choose one of you."

Figfeather's initiative and oversteps, Twitchbolt's promise that he would do better and the way he had failed her in the first place ... she weighs up the two merits and finds them equal. Her tongue touches the scars at her maw. "Tell me why I should choose you."

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | seven lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — (undisclosed) mate to slate ; mentoring ashpaw
    — speech is in #D2977D
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.



Figfeather stands antsy at the shoulder of Twitchbolt. As the last two council members it had been their duty the past moon and a half to guide Orangestar in areas the medicine cats did not expertise. She has no idea what Orangestar desires from them at this hour but she stands dutifully, ready to assist her leader in whatever trouble may be at paw.

Earthy eyes stare into hers sharply. Figfeather feels as though the leader can peer into her mind sometimes. What was she able to read from her with just a glance?

'I need to choose a deputy.' Figfeather's lungs turn to stone as her breath hitches. Her paws grow warm as she wiggles her toes against the floor of the den. 'I will be unable to complete my duties for a time' Why? 'I... believe... I will choose one of you."

The excitement that kindled in her heart turns into pure dread. One of them? Figfeather looks to Twitchbolt in surprise. She was not astonished she was in the running, no, but that he was. Twitchbolt had been SkyClan's deputy merely a season ago, after being near mortally wounded by a fox he had decided to step down as Orangestar's right paw. Why would she consider him again?

Figfeather had not thought Twitchbolt was a bad deputy, but she had thought his stepping down had been a dishonor to himself and SkyClan; cowardly too. How could Orangestar trust he would not leave her side again? Did he even want it?

She feels guilty for the words she is about to speak against her friend. Figfeather prays he will understand- or that maybe he won't care, not wanting to hold the title of deputy again.

"You should choose me because I want it. Because... I know I want it." A statement that was pointed no matter which way she could've tried to dull it. "Twitchbolt served you and SkyClan well as deputy but he made his choice." It was time for another cat to prove themselves. Forget Twitchbolt, forget Cherryblossom, Figfeather believed she was the deputy her leader was searching for. "Give me the chance- let me show you and SkyClan that I have what it takes and you won't regret it, Orangestar." A promise she would not break- she swore it!

Amber eyes almost plead. 'Orangestar, don't you see how much I want this?'

Orangestar should have known this sort of conversation would make him want to pull a tree on himself- he quivered with a snake-rattle of shock at the level toe of her voice. I need to choose a deputy. Unable to complete her duties for a time, she said- Twitchbolt's tail flicked at something unseen, his pupils darted to the side. Whatever, whatever, that wasn't important ...

Despite Figfeather's inner hopes, it was difficult for Twitchbolt to understand- she pounced on her opportunity immediately. Reminded of the thoughts that had whirred in his mind when he'd overheard the marmalade she-cat and Howlfire talking, his initial surprise wore away into something resigned. Her indirect insult- her direct claim he made his choice- dislodged the scab over the old wound of her turning away from him, crouched into the medicine den.

Unkindly, he felt a spark of rage. Toward both of them, in honesty. No one, not even a friend like Figfeather, had ever tried to understand. And- and he'd already talked to Orangestar. The flash of distaste on his face faded again into something stony, only little dithers spasming the taut muscles on his face.

A crooked tail twitched again. "I did make a choice." Twitchbolt straightened. He didn't look at Figfeather, didn't want to- felt old bitterness spitting up. "And it was the wrong one. Which I already told you a moon ago. You should know I want this, too."

That news would be a surprise to Figfeather, he was quite aware- but his wide gaze did not leave Orangestar's face. "I- I know what I'm doing, and I always did. It's... it's a unique blessing, but I know- n-no matter what, I would lay my life down for SkyClan. No matter what happens..." he cleared his voice, steadying the passion in his voice. "I will always want to p-preserve SkyClan as the fierce family that it's always been for me."
penned by pin ✧
Orangestar isn't surprised that Figfeather answers her first. The ginger she-cat has always tumbled paws-first into any situation that might benefit her ambition, always striving for more, keener than ever to prove herself since her injury seasons ago. She would be a good deputy, however ... I want it. Orangestar's eyes narrow slightly, hopefully interpreted as thoughtful, over the assertion. A kit's answer. Figfeather would grab the position with claws outstretched, but what would she pull down atop of them if those claws found purchase?

In comparison, Twitchbolt seems to seethe. She only sees a brief flash of the emotion, sunken behind wide eyes after a heartbeat, and her ear twitches with a more visible annoyance at his reiteration. Yes, she knows he had said he was sorry. He continues, however. He had nearly laid down his life for SkyClan against the foxes. Something close to frenzy in his eyes tells Orangestar that he would go that final step, should the bloodspill of Clan life call for it. Would a deputy so willing to die for their kin, blood related or not, be worthwhile to her?

"The two of you are dismissed." Orangestar's tone isn't as venomous as her words may make it seem. "Figfeather, assign two guards to escort the daylight warriors home for the evening. Twitchbolt, choose the night guards if you haven't yet. Inform the Clan we will have a meeting come dawn."

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | seven lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — (undisclosed) mate to slate ; mentoring ashpaw
    — speech is in #D2977D
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

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Figfeather’s eyes betray Orangestar to look at Twitchbolt in shock when he reveals he’s already spoken to Orangestar. ’I did make a choice… And it was the wrong one’. She can’t believe her ears, was he serious? He wanted the position back?

Figfeather’s lips tense with frustration, she had not been expecting to have Twitchbolt as her competition. Hadn’t been expecting him to be willing to put up a fight for it, to state his own case to Orangestar so confidently. Her breathing wavers as her nerves tighten, surely Orangestar would think his time has passed? …Yet if she had… why does she entertain him now? Again?

She searches Orangestar for a sign, anything that gave away what she was thinking. She resurfaces from the leader’s brown eyes with nothing, if she leaned either which way she hid it well.

Twitchbolt and Figfeather are dismissed with final orders for the night. Figfeather nods and dips her head dutifully before leaving the den semi-hurriedly, she’d rather not find herself alone with Twitchbolt until the dawn has come and went. It is then they’ll see who Orangestar finds worthy.
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