private UNREAL UNEARTH [ owlpaw ]

() soft hums of song come from the pale throat of the blue tabby tom as he sits in a shaded part of camp, claws deftly weaving a bundle of wildflowers into a long braid. late afternoon sun warms his fur, turning amber eyes golden as they glow with good humor. he's making a gift for a cat he can't keep off his mind, a cat he misses dearly now that they aren't training together during the day and sleeping near each other at night. once she had weaved a flower braid similar to this, with her slender paws, and gifted it to him as a show of friendship. that braid had wilted over the moon, and now pebblepaw weaves a new one, to give to her.

as he hums to himself, he does not hear approaching paws, nor any spoken greetings. it is only when a shadow falls over his work that he glances up, and he will smile. "hey owlpaw," he greets, ember eyes twinkling. "what's up?" carefully, the tomcat moves his creative project over slightly, making room for his younger friend to sit. "care to join me?"

  • // @owlpaw. sorry for the crappy starter aa " #848DAE"
  • 84189003_LZ0oLRva90zRWKW.png

    a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblepaw's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.

He had intended to sneak upon his friend, and perform a surprise attack on him- making sure the tom was well prepared for if Riverclan got attacked. But he realized rather quickly there was a pile of flowers beside him. Focus drove across the older toms features, and the chocolate tabby instead got curious.

Mismatched gaze peered over his shoulder, looking down at... A flower thing that he was meticulously weaving together. And then, Pebblepaw noticed him, and he offered a grin in greeting. "Whatcha making? It looks really pretty," he commented, sitting where the grey Tom offered. "No I don't think I'm busy right now, my chores are done," he said.

A tail pulled over his paws as he settled in, a silent answer that he would indeed join. "Do you need help or do you have extra flowers?" He asked, also content with just talking with the other as well. He knew Splashdance and him were awfully close, so it must've been different for him to no longer share a den with his friend. Like when pebblepaw became 'paw, and left him in the nursery for the remainder of his imprisonment.

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() a contented purr will fill the air as owlpaw settles in, and pebblepaw will grin at his friend, absentmindedly counting the flowers he has left until he’s out. he’s gathered quite a lot, mostly in the meadows that line the riverbank. deep blue forget-me-nots and twilight-hued asters, snowy colored wood geraniums and pale purple phlox, a gathering of cool tinted flowers litters the ground by his paws, their soft green stems slowly added to the growing braid of blooms. as his friend watches, pebblepaw adds more to his craft, eyes twinkling as he’s asked about it. “oh this? it’s just a gift for spla-uhm,” his cheeks heat, ember eyes darting away for a second. “for splashdance, because she got her new warrior name, and won that competition and all.”

quietly, he prepares himself for a bit of teasing from his younger friend, and should it occur, he’ll take it with a laugh. owlpaw asks if he needs help, and the striped head tips, thinking, before he grins again. “not with this one, buuut i do have extra flowers.” gesturing with his tail, the tom points to a small pile of blossoms. these are more brightly colored, a collection of yellows and oranges. small flame-colored poppies bundle close to verdant stalks dripping with jewelweed and honeysuckle. “i gathered some more while i was out. haven’t figured out what to do with them yet, but if you want, i can show you how to braid them!”

he vaguely remembers a scene a few days ago, of his sister teasing owlpaw for his companionship with sunpaw. he’d tried to turn the tide towards twinklepaw, but sunpaw had not been pleased, owlpaw distraught. guilt surges within his own stomach at the thought that he might’ve accidentally made his two friends’ own friendship strained. “you could wear it on your tail, like how i wear this one splash made me, or you could give it to, i dunno, sunpaw, or someone.” he keeps his tone casual, paws still working on the river-hued flower braid. ”it’s kinda relaxing to do,” he’ll add, as if coaxing his friend into taking the offer.

  • // " #848DAE"
  • 84189003_LZ0oLRva90zRWKW.png

    a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblepaw's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.

"Aren't flowers for- padding after," the tease of course would occur, because why couldn't he? He was beyond stressed. And hurt. But that couldn't affect him, sunpaw couldnt hurt him- right? But if this was the truth, why did each glare send claws through his heart, and each morning greeting gone ignored made his stomach drop to his paws. "But that sounds like she deserves something to wear with pride. To show off just like her new name. You're very kind to do that for her. "

He was sure she seen it. Or maybe she chose to ignore it, like he ignored how what he said may affect her. So stupid, he cursed himself. But a soft smile plastered across his face, eyes curious as he watched Pebblepaw add more into his work. And then he offered to help him learn and after a few seconds thought, and pebblepaws wise words, he nodded. "Yeah, you can show me! It looks super fun," he agreed, pulling closer the orange and yellow flowers. She'd like these ... It would compliment her eyes .. golden orange hues much like her namesake. and she had mentioned yellow was one of her favorite colours... He was quite surprised to have remembered that-

"She wont- talk to me. So, maybe- maybe this might convince her .." he said softly, grimacing before suddenly shrugging as if the words rolled off his shoulders. "I just can't say anything stupid this time." He laughed again, though something flickered in his mismatched gaze, before disappearing back deep down. He'd shift them to the flowers, separating them gently and watching pebblepaw weave the flowers intently- focused.
() his friend nudges him, teasing, and the young man dips his head, a small smile on his face as he chuckles. "pfft, n-no," he rebukes, argument weak. "they're for... for showing off her new name, yeah!" thankfully owlpaw understands, although a sly smile still lingers on the other boy's face. "oh, shush, you." pebblepaw shoves his friend lightly.

owlpaw's dual-hued gaze flits to the collection of yellow and orange flowers, lighting up as he thinks. his paws pull the flowers to him, gently filtering through them. pebblepaw swivels his ears, tail flicking as his friend agrees to learn. "lovely!" he remarks, a half-smile on his own maw. foxtail's other apprentice is a feisty one, rebellious and hot-headed, but not a bad cat to train with. he is not close with her, but knows owlpaw enjoys her company more than most. watching her and him fall out over a tease from pebblepaw's sister had been rough - the blue tom can't stop thinking about how betrayed his fellow apprentice had looked. perhaps this is a way to make it up to the both of them. "i think she'll like it."

he starts, picking up a new flower. "you're gonna take three of the flowers, and start braiding, like how we do for the nests and dens." deft claws show the process, gently weaving delicate stems down to the end of the first. "then, take another flower and add it as the first ones are ending. like this, see?" he holds up his blossoms, hoping he is explaining right.

  • // " #848DAE"
  • 84189003_LZ0oLRva90zRWKW.png

    a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblepaw's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.