
strike first, strike hard, no mercy!
Jun 20, 2024


Dark was not going back.

Even though his small, sturdy frame shook from the cold and his nose felt like an icicle, the kitten refused to go back. Anger and fear drove him stubbornly onward into the unknown, small paws navigating the snow as best they could as his desperate, exhausted body did its best to leave twolegplace behind as a bad dream. He didn't want to be there anymore, didn't want to think about that place and what it'd taken from him.

"Stupid twolegs! S-stupid parents!" he growled in between sniffles, telling himself the blurry vision was just the cold stinging his eyes and not the grief ripping him apart inside.

When his paw was suddenly snagged on something beneath the snow, tripping him up, it was the final straw for the kit. He scrambled to his feet with a furious hiss, leaping at the root and clawing it with as much strength as his sharp little kitten claws could muster.

"Stupid tree! I hate you! I hate everything!" he cried angrily, unable to hold back his tears any farther as humiliation piled itself on top of everything else.

OOC- crying child throwing a temper tantrum in the forest. Send help. Also be warned; his bark is just as bad as his bite!

Darkkit - Four Months Old- Male (amab) - Skyclan Kit - Orphan (NPC x NPC)


Though he was no longer a kittypet, Chickbloom felt himself drawn to the twolegplace patrols. Besides the responsibility to keep Skyclan safe and secure, the Scottish fold found it an opportunity to reminisce on his old life, both the good and bad. It was relaxing in a way, shuffling through memories like a deck of cards.

Today, within that neat stack of 52, though, someone seemed to have shoved in an uno card. Chickbloom was brought out of the past by the sound of angry wailing. Confused (and he would be scared, if it weren't for the unmistakable squeaky kit voice), the warrior caught the patrol's attention before carefully padding beyond the border.

The anxiety-riddled tom was no good at dealing with cats, let alone strangers, but he'd spent enough time as a babysitter to think himself adequate at calming down a kit. "Um, i-it's okay" The baby bird stammered as the snow-specked kit came into view, trying his best to emulate Butterflytuft. "A-Are you lost? I - er - w-we can take you back to your t-twolegs." Amber eyes looked over the shivering kit, a small smile crossing egg-stained features at the clumps of frost still sticking to him. "It's no f-fun in the cold, huh?"

Head held high Florabreeze hums as the patrol edges closer towards Twolegplace. The snow crunching underpaw hadn't felt weird to her for a while, the blizzard made her used to the cold . It was funny, there was snow in Twolegplace but it never collected like it does in the forest. The Twolegs made sure to shovel it up when there was too much, so if anything she found it less slippery than the pavement and thunderpath within that place. She still stumbles though, playing it off with a flick of her tail and a continuous trot in her walk.

Citrine eyes glance at Chickbloom, part of her still searching for a collar that is no longer there. Seasons have passed since he made his choice yet it still feels so foreign to see. The squeak of a kit crying in anger tears her attention away, looking back to the treeline where the voice came from. Silently the patrol seems to come to a decision, seeking out a voice of someone way too young to be out here in the snowy forest by himself. She's had a paw in raising kits, so she can't lie and claim there is nothing parental in her tone when she addresses him.

"Are your paws okay?" She asks in a soft tone, crouching in the snow while keeping her distance. Figuring it would make it easier for him in case he looked her way, not wanting to impose her larger form and come across as threatening in any way. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" She figured something must have to upset the kitten in such a way. Once again she glances at Chickbloom before looking back to the angry child.

Oh! She's forgotten to introduce herself again, it's probably really scary to be around nameless strangers. "I'm Florabreeze, what's your name?" She thinks about also offering Flora as an option in the introduction, at the end of the day that isn't her when in the forest so she decides against it.

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 37 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw & Sfogliatella
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}


It hadn't even been a thought in his young mind that the forest might not be a smart place to go. His only thoughts had been getting away from that place, of hiding away from what he'd done. He'd been so stubbornly fixated on running away and becoming a wild cat, that he hadn't stopped to consider if anyone else had thought of the same plan before him.

So he nearly jumped out of his skin when a soft voice suddenly called out to him, causing the kit to leap up in a spikey ball of fur as he spun to face the stranger. His already racing heart began hammering in his chest at the realization that he wasn't alone out here, and he pretended it was anger rather than fear that caused his mottled pelt to fluff up at the sight of him.

"N-no!" he sniffled indignantly as he wiped the tears from his cheeks in embarrassment. " I'm not lost, and– and I don't have any stupid twolegs! he informed him hotly, insulted and enraged at the mere mention of those things.

Stubbornly, he glared at the stuttering cat, feeling emboldened by their apparently shy nature. This stranger- he wasn't going to make Dark leave!

"I live here, in the forest– and you can't make me leave, so don't try or you'll regret it!" he warned, giving a little hop toward the challenger and a spitting hiss so they knew he was being serious!

Another voice, and he whipped around to find another cat crouching in the snow. His eyes widened at the sight of her, because unlike the nervous looking tom, she seemed a lot bigger and stronger and more comfortable with the situation. Dark wasn't sure he could scare her away, but he could definitely still bite her if she tried encroaching on his territory!

His rising hostility only seemed to hesitate when the shecat offered up her name. Out of all the things either of them had said to the kit in the last few moments, that alone was the only question or statement that didn't make him want to yowl in frustration. The only thing that didn't remind him of his actual situation.

"My name's Dark!" he announced, puffing out his white splotched chest to try and look a little tougher as his eyes shifted between the two of them nervously.

He wished his parents were here.

"So whatdya want? These trees are all mine, so if you're thinking' of tryin' to take em' you can't!" he huffed, oblivious to the fact that the trees were already claimed.


Darkkit - Four Months Old- Male (amab) - Skyclan Kit - Orphan (NPC x NPC)
