[ am i eternally desitined to ]
Apr 18, 2024

Life was too short they said so why waste it away by worrying over such pointless things like death for?. Everyone was going to die one day anyway so how come some lived in so much fear that they even forgot how to live?. Hah, he find it rather stupid...anyone who let themselves get hold back because of fear was dumb in his opinion, and his mentor was the dumbest of them all. Deathpaw smirked as he watched the mouse a bit away before his gaze lifted up to the sky there a hawk was circling around the same prey. Looked like he was not the only one who wanted that mouse!. Heh, of course, he had an idea which he for sure knew Twistbreeze wouldn't like. " I beat i can catch that mouse before that hawk do!." he said with a twisted grin, excitement already making its way inside his bones calling him to do it!, because what was the worst that could happen?. That he died?. Hah!. That alone just made him even more hyped to do it.

" What?, no!, you can absolutely not do that Deathpaw!. You hear me?!. You will stay right here!." Twistbreeze hissed from the tall grass they were hiding in so the hawk wouldn't spot them and make them their target instead. For a split second he considerd what his mentor said which was actually one second more then he usually did!. " Fine, fine, i won't - " he grinned still when Twistbreeze breathed out as he actually thought that his apprentice would listen to him for once!.

" Die, promise!." and before Twistbreeze even had a chance to react Deathpaw sprinted out from the grass to charge straight towards the mouse on the open field with his mentor yelling after him, jjust in time as well for the hawk to make a move!. Oh, looked like the tension was in the air now!. Deathpaw grinned widely as he locked his eyes on the prey with pinned ears and ran as quickly like the wind on his long tall legs. The hawk dived from the sky with deadly talons out and Deathpaw leapt for the mouse and with nothing but a fur scratch the hawk missed Deathpaw just by a straw length! and Deathpaw came skidding through the dirt with the mouse caught between his jaws and the hawk taking flight back up to the sky empty clawed!.

With a smug satisfied grin Deathpaw peeked up at the sky as he watched the hawk leave probably not thinking it was worth going against a cat who had snatched their prey right under their nose. " Deathpaw!! are you okay?!. H-How are you still alive?!." Twistbreeze called out as they carefully made their way out of the grass still being terrified that the hawk might come back for them. Deathpaw watched them with a curious title of his head. See?. This is what he meant. His mentor was scared of absolutely everything like they actually could avoid death!. Everyday they lived in fear never really living. It was funny to watch cats like that for him. Through a mouth full of fur the apprentice snickered. After dropping the mouse down he smirked carelessly. " I guess it's difficult to kill a cat who has already been dead before or maybe i have nine lives too." he joked but at the same time he didn't. Twistbreeze just stared at him all baffled with bemusement over his tasteless joke. Deathpaw just grinned completely unbothered over that he had just risked his own life. This was nothing new for him to do anyway. Deathpaw always did reckless stuff like this all of the time. Sooner or later Twistbreeze would get an heart attack because of it for sure.

// honestly, i'm a bit unsure if hawks belongs in skyclan's territory since they are not on the guide so it could have been any other bird predator or any bird really for all deathpaw knows! he does not really pay attention to it and twistbreeze are far to scared to really take a good look either lol

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Well, that's an example of what not to do. Before the patrol even started, the tom's confident attitude had already wormed it's way under Sorrelsong's pelt. Each word and remark prickled her pelt just a little bit more. She made sure to keep clear away from the tom and his mentor, being annoyed by an apprentice was not a good look and she knew that, but she couldn't help send the two loud-mouths an exasperated huff. Rolling her eyes, the molly turns to her apprentice, @weedpaw , "And that's why it's important not to be loud while hunting."
So far, Deathpaw and Twistbreeze had cost the two, two squirrels and a finch. The whole forest probably knows we're here by now - or their deaf.
She sighs, releasing the frustration in a tail flick before giving the small tom a soft smile. A small amount of shame clings to her pelt. Normally she's not so... snappy. Maybe the aftermath stress of the fox attack is getting to her. Hoping Deathpaw or his mentor didn't overhear her, she nods.
"Let's just... practice forum for now. Can I see your hunting crouch again?"
  • all opinion are ic! :)

  • pagedoll-png.1774

    A chocolate point tabby molly with icy blue eyes and a slightly uneven pelt. She has small scars on her back, her shoulders and a slightly crocked tail.
    44 moons old; ages the 1st of every month
    aro/ace. ; currently not looking
    child of NPC and NPC :: sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang
    Mentoring Weedpaw
    Sky Clan; warrior since 3/11/24 ; loyal to Orangestar, Flora, and Duskpool
    Not hard to befriend ; trusts easily
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Chrysaliswing wove through the shadows of the pine forest, as though his time within the patrol was a mere pass of the time, a clockwork routine that the warrior followed along with the clinking minutehands. Tick, tick, tick. Whiskers twitched as he ducked along the whistling wildgrasses. In fact, a ribbon of a scent trail had laid itself right at his feet, and gunmetal-grey nose leaned down to sniff at it. A small songbird of some kind, perhaps still on the earth and plucking at fallen seeds. Not too far away. He followed it duly. That was, until he heard a loud thud against the ground, of a body being dropped by the hostile force of gravity itself. The chimaeric tomcat had only noted the brown blurred figure of the hawk and the collapsing pelage of Deathpaw. "What's wrong with you!? Do you want to die or something? If you're so incensed with meeting your ancestors early, I advise you to do it on your own time and not in the middle of a goddamn patrol." Vitriolic voice rumbled from his toothed maw, and any semblance of calmness seemed to dissipate from half-toned countnance, as anger flowed quick and leaden into his veins. The longhaired cat pushed past Twistbreeze, scorn flooding a marbled countenance. Heterochromatic eyes shot a glare at Jaypaw, as if to silently shout at her not to do anything nearly as idiotic as Deathpaw had, brief reprieve lilting upon his focus on the apprentice. Knowing her, it was likely that she would attempt something just as stupid, and that she would not heed the strongly-sharpened stare that rested on her.

  • Apprentice tag @Jaypaw ! / IC opinions!
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 24 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

You take notes... on the ones you love. Notice tiny details about them, pick up on hints of things they'd rather hide from surface level attention. SkyClan held a lot of their affection, in small ways and big... certain members far more than others. They hoped it to be cyclical in a way that meant it would pour back into their cup what they spilt out of it willingly- it isn't consistent, isn't always balanced but they insist it is far easier to choose kindness over spite. A lot of that dribbling stream cascaded like a gentle waterfall down Cherryblossom's back... laced in tiny moments where they could afford to stay a little later, sneak a little closer to her nest and help groom down duty-knotted fur. It was in this practice of domestic adoration that they had noticed jagged skin that hid away a memory she'd probably rather forget.

It's the shrill, circling cry overhead that reminds them of her... in a way that quickens the beating of their heart in empathetic fear. Unlike them, it was not a cat whose claws had sunk into her shoulders- "A hawk," they breathe softly to anyone near enough to hear it. Most of the patrol had fanned out in an effort to catch something to bring back to feed the clan but-

Deathpaw shoots through the tall grass with too much confidence... or maybe it was just stupidity. Their face pinches into a worried stare, eyes trailing after the young tom and listening to a very exasperated mentor shouting to stop him. And it seems... none of the other warriors are too pleased either. Chrysaliswing is unenjoyable enough when he isn't pissed off... and he makes it very clear, very loudly that he is infuriated by this remarkable display of foolishness. Sorrelsong chooses a more.. passive aggressive route which is somehow worse than just telling Deathpaw what he did was inappropriate and a great risk.

For Chrysaliswing to be mad, it had to mean he cared, in some small way.

"That was a very reckless thing to do," they add, voice far softer but still stern, "That hawk could've easily taken both you and that mouse if it was greedy enough..."

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 12 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69​