until forever comes | sunpaw




sunpaw | he/him | 7 moons
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer non quam sed metus eleifend aliquet eu in tortor. Mauris ut consectetur quam, sagittis faucibus sapien. Proin a auctor mauris. Sed augue diam, cursus ac euismod vel, fermentum sed sem. Morbi tempor mauris finibus sodales maximus. Duis congue cursus dapibus.

Combat ○○○○○
Hunting ●●○○○
Swimming ○○○○○
Climbing ●●○○○
Speed ●○○○○
ECLIPSE (NPC) x KRONOS (NPC) | brother to moon (npc) | mentor tbd
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  • Sun Sunpaw; explaination
    ─ apprentice of skyclan; previously a loner
    ─ male, he/him; bisexual demiromantic, monogamist
    ─ created 01.01.23 at 7 moons / ages every 1st of the month
    ↳ penned by @kicksie

    ↳ ( Appearance ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    small, solid chocolate tomcat w/white markings & yellow eyes / / reference
    sunpaw is a little chocolate colored cat with a medium length, fluffy pelt. the brown color on his tall ears is slightly darker than the rest of his coat, and his nose and paw pads also carry the same shade. he has white splotches visible on his cheeks as well as above his nose, and his long, fluffy tail is also white, along with a single paw - his front left one. likely his most notable trait are his eyes, which are a bright yellow color.
    ↳ genetics stuff. gen / carrying / whatever​

    ↳ ( Mentality ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    Intelligence ●●●●●●●○○○
    Confidence ●●●●●○○○○○
    Charisma ●●●●●●○○○○
    Creativity ●●●○○○○○○○
    Empathy ●●●●●●○○○○
    Humor ●●●●●●●●○○
    lawful neutral, entp ❝ the debator ❞
    (+) energetic, intelligent, friendly, protective (/) secretive, witty, playful (-) cunning, dishonest, troublesome, untrusting elaborate
    ↳ mannerisms elaborate

    ↳ ( Relationships ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    ECLIPSE (NPC) x KRONOS (NPC) brother to moon (npc) | mentor tbd
    — Admires
    — Friends with
    — Likes
    — Dislikes
    — Loathes

    ↳ ( Interaction ) ╭──╯ . . . .
    strength ●○○○○○○○○○
    stamina ●●●●○○○○○○
    agility ●●●●●○○○○○
    hunting ●●●○○○○○○○
    swimming ○○○○○○○○○○
    climbing ●●○○○○○○○○
    grace ●●●●○○○○○○
    single; bisexual demiromantic, monogamist / no crushes
    blah blah how easy do they trust or something
    — physical health: [ 100% ] | mental health: [ 100% ]
    — may start fights if provoked | will not end fights | will not flee | will show mercy
    excels at
    poor at skill
    sounds like blah blah / voice claim if applicable
    smells like
    — healing & peaceful powerplay allowed, etc.
    — speech is #hexcode
  • ( Backstory / simplified history )
    blah blah blah

    ( Important Threads )
    ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
    Thread Name ──── brief description.
    Thread Name ──── brief description.
  • Code:
    [FONT=arial][color=#fceca9][b]☼ ——[/b][/color] TEXT HERE[/FONT][/justify]
    [slide=ooc ☼][justify][FONT=arial][/font][/justify]
    [slide=info ☼][justify][FONT=arial][color=#fceca9][b]Sun[/b][/color] ----> [s]Sunpaw[/s] ----> [s]Sunspirit[/s]
    [color=#fceca9][b]☼[/b][/color] amab . he/him
    [color=#fceca9][b]☼[/b][/color] apprentice of skyclan . 7 moons
    [color=#fceca9][b]☼[/b][/color] small, solid chocolate tomcat w/white markings & yellow eyes
    [color=#fceca9][b]☼[/b][/color] [color=#fceca9][b]"Speech"[/b][/color] . [color=#fceca9][i]Thoughts[/i][/color]
    [color=#fceca9][b]☼[/b][/color] easy difficulty / in training . attack in [color=#fceca9][b]bolded #fceca9[/b][/color][/font][/justify][/slide]
    [slide=ref ☼][justify][FONT=arial][img width=500px]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1059171107200049162/1059936848039907438/IMG_0110.png[/img][/font][/justify][/slide]
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☼ —— Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris facilisis sem quam, eu vestibulum sapien ullamcorper eu. Morbi tempus condimentum molestie. Pellentesque interdum metus eu bibendum sodales. Praesent sagittis sem libero, id finibus felis euismod eu. "Vestibulum imperdiet at leo eu blandit. Cras tortor dui, cursus at massa nec, congue accumsan ligula. Donec auctor diam vel libero vehicula, at mollis nunc iaculis. Curabitur gravida felis id semper suscipit. Maecenas consequat, velit non gravida congue, urna turpis varius nunc, at commodo nunc quam vitae metus. Donec vel accumsan augue.

In lectus risus, convallis sit amet vulputate in, commodo quis ante. Duis vel pulvinar enim. Nam id egestas dolor, sed cursus orci. Suspendisse pulvinar, odio ut efficitur varius, dui justo vehicula elit, vel ultrices augue mauris id dolor. "Curabitur porta enim ac aliquet rutrum." Sed aliquam quam vitae malesuada efficitur. Pellentesque a ipsum sagittis, porta magna non, pulvinar neque. Mauris vitae nisl at diam hendrerit luctus. Aenean vehicula porttitor urna vel euismod. Donec luctus, libero in sagittis rutrum, magna nibh tristique orci, id interdum est mi a augue. Phasellus posuere augue id egestas placerat. Vestibulum velit leo, efficitur eget feugiat non, pharetra vitae quam. Mauris lorem eros, elementum ut ante sit amet, luctus aliquam arcu. Quisque enim enim, lacinia nec hendrerit id, tristique vitae ligula. Vestibulum sem quam, tincidunt ut nunc sit amet, tincidunt porttitor odio.

  • Sun ----> Sunpaw ----> Sunspirit
    amab . he/him
    apprentice of skyclan . 7 moons
    small, solid chocolate tomcat w/white markings & yellow eyes
    "Speech" . Thoughts
    easy difficulty / in training . attack in bolded #fceca9
  • IMG_0110.png
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