CARDINALKITCARDINALPAW ; ic thoughts on name
short blurb about the character. I like to copy and paste the basic description from their tags onto here! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut bibendum lobortis hendrerit. Donec lacinia fermentum maximus. Vestibulum at cursus libero. Praesent non enim rhoncus, egestas sem vel, tristique justo.
— nonbinary; he/him, others are ok mixed in & masc terms only; undiscovered sexuality
— apprentice of thunderclan ; not altogether very fond of other clans
— created 5.25.2024 at 6 moons / ages every last day of the month
SH black/black smoke tolly chimera with rosette ghost stripes & orange eyes / TOYHOUSE / REF
Elaborate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut bibendum lobortis hendrerit. Donec lacinia fermentum maximus. Vestibulum at cursus libero. Praesent non enim rhoncus, egestas sem vel, tristique justo. Vestibulum nec pulvinar nisi, eu dictum erat. Proin mollis magna non nunc rutrum, quis vestibulum libero sollicitudin. Aliquam tellus augue, feugiat efficitur leo quis, congue semper ligula. Vivamus efficitur, elit et tempus tristique, nisi enim laoreet nulla, vitae scelerisque erat augue sit amet nibh. -
critical / demanding / moody / stubborn / loyal / diligent / skeptical / argumentative / cautious
Etiam facilisis urna nec tristique facilisis. Proin tincidunt, elit sit amet pharetra eleifend, orci mi euismod eros, nec dictum justo sem ac risus. Ut condimentum metus enim, sed vehicula velit pulvinar sit amet. Proin efficitur dui sed lorem tincidunt efficitur. Phasellus finibus, eros eu congue tincidunt, nunc mauris commodo libero, et consequat erat sem nec nisl. Sed tincidunt bibendum tellus, id lobortis sem ultricies id. Curabitur non congue diam, tincidunt accumsan nunc.
mannerisms blah blah blah -
talk about how easily they trust or whatever blah blah blah
SOUNDS LIKE: description. voiceclaim if you have one
SMELLS LIKE: description.
speech is #d84f2d
BATWINGxxLEOPARDTONGUEsibling to bravepaw, hazepaw, hopekit. coalkit | mentoring who , mentored by who
Mate to who | Parent to who
► SONG NAME - artist
SONG NAME - artist
SONG NAME - artist
SONG NAME - artist
●●●●○○○○○○ HUNTING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.●●○○○○○○○○ CLAN SKILL: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
●●●○○○○○○○ TRACKING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.●●●○○○○○○○ COMBAT: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge. -
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