until I found you - howl

They weren't quite sure what to do with himself other than work. Patrol, hunt, organize, patch up dens, clean out nests, and sleep. Maybe eat when his stomach didn't feel completely wretched. It was hard to stay optimistic even with the arrival of his sister. The warrior was trying his best to put on a happy face, if anything, to keep his siblings from worrying or seem as though he isn't fit to perform tasks. Having his one constant taken away would cause even further devastation. So he played the role to a functioning degree but hardly with as much enthusiasm. His already ragged coat even worse for wear, a fierce reminder of such neglect.

At least he felt useful when his paws moved at a numbing pace, and his head swam with empty thoughts and ingrained methods. However, it was evident the sleepless nights were taking a toll as his steps grew slower, his mind felt foggier, and his skills far less honed. While squeezing through the familiar bramble after a failed hunt, the tabby nearly collided with a familiar chocolate shoulder. Stumbling back on unsteady legs, he is snapped from his dream-like state. Blinking, they register Howlfire's face, and Dogbite nearly crumples. Swallowing the maelstrom of emotions, he croaks out a heavy apology. Tattered ears dropping as his scarred face scrunches.

"I-I'm sorry. I should be more careful." His tail nervously flicks as he stands before the she-cat, unsure of what to do or say now that he is back into the present reality. Yet, a part of him squeezes with worry for her, and a this time his voice comes off stronger. "How are you?" The awkwardness is evident but packed with a genuine lilt. They couldn't imagine the walls of grief she was going through. Dogbite himself had been so lost in his misery a part of him felt selfish for not reaching out to others sooner. Maybe, he could do right in the moment, and utilize this as a chance to keep tabs.

  • @Howlfire
    I was thinking for the story maybe they first agree to a meal together + Howl to keep herself distracted brings up a tale. They're both very bittersweet in the moment but it could devolve into something softer. If you're up for that?
  • image.png

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 32 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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Like Dogbite, Howlfire has done her best to keep herself busy as of late. With so much pressing on her mind - the rogues, her kits, her father - it's about the only thing she can do to retain some sense of normality in her life.

Howlfire had been helping around camp, trying to keep herself busy before a later patrol when Dogbite bumped into her. Although she initially seems annoyed, she can quickly see that it was an accident and that he had meant no harm. "It's alright, Dogbite, there was no harm done," Howlfire assured him, offering him a warm smile. When he asks how she is, her smile falters, threatening to crack under the weight of her grief. "I'm..." She goes to say she's alright, but cannot bring herself to say it knowing it would be a lie. "I've been struggling," Howlfire finally confesses. "But I'm lucky to have kin and friends to help me through it." Much of her grief was her own, but she was only one of many feeling the loss of Blazestar. "How are you holding up?" She asks, amber eyes narrowing at Dogbite as she takes in his form. "I don't think I've seen you take much of a break these past few days," She noted.