private UNTIL THE GLASS BE SHATTERED | mallowtail

This is their first encounter with DuskClan they'd escaped unscathed. There had been nothing of worth to escape from, so it hadn't been very hard to avoid injuring themself on the way out.

Mostly, they pity the DuskClanner. They seem to end up pitying a lot of them, actually: this Mizzlepaw, Thriftfeather, even Junco. Three didn't seem like a lot, but that was far more than they'd assumed seasons ago. Still, they were supposed to hate most of them, and those feelings weren't hard to reach when they were needed.

They walk side-by-side with Mallowtail instead of in the earth beneath her, dragging a rabbit between their legs and across the frost-laced grasses. She'd seemed more receptive than other WindClanners they could name. Maybe receptive was a weird word for it. Encountering DuskClan didn't happen on every patrol. "Mallowtail," the smaller cat meows, setting down their rabbit. Casually, they ask, "What did you think of Mizzlepaw?"

ooc: takes places right after they leave from meeting mizzlepaw @Mallowtail
In contrast to their typical encounters with Duskclan, their encounter with Mizzlepaw had been intriguing. The black-and-white Duskclanner's appearance suggested that they were having difficulty, and their questions gave the impression that they did not truly want to be there. There was obviously more happening at Duskclanner than it appeared to be, a former shell of the group that gathered as Sootstar's supporters. The fact that they went to such lengths, including forcing young cats to fight, as was the case prior to the code being created to stop such things, was, to be honest, a little depressing. As they walk alongside Downyfur, a cat she had not known well due to their different roles—Dowy was frequently in the tunnels while she ran the moors with the sun luring her soft coat—a honeyed gaze observes the moors. Their words catch her from her thoughts as she glances over with a raised eyebrow. "Ah, yeah?"

What did she think of Mizzlepaw? She takes a deep breath followed by a sigh before shaking her head in response. "I think Mizzlepaw doesn't want to be there, honestly." Mallowtail would answer as she rubs a paw against her temple before looking back, deciding to see what Downyfur's opinion on the Duskclanner was. "What about you? What did you think of the kid?" The young Duskclanner looked a lot like Rumblerain, but it's been moons since she's last seen the sibling of Scorchstorm, and the thought is quickly brushed away.
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    𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒍・she/her・moor–runner of windclan
    short-haired cream sepia with high white and honey brown eyes.
    warrior of windclan | mentoring wasppaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by yeomna ↛ @yeomnaa on discord