until they put me 6 feet under [puff/private]


New member
Nov 21, 2022


OOC- okay, so to give them a chance to better get to know each other, this thread takes place maybe 3-4 days after Nineteen and Ghost first joined up with the rogues. He and Puff probably interacted during various social activities like patrolling for coyotes and hunting parties, but this is the first time the two of them have gone off on their own to hang out :D

The whole 'having freedom' thing was a little over-rated in Nineteens opinion, something he knew Ghost didn't share his sentiment about. Don't get him wrong, it was fine and all, but that was about it; fine. Yes he could go where he wanted and do as he pleased, but all that really meant was that there wasn't anything to do. He and Ghost and just kept to themselves, wandering as a duo and looking after themselves. It was easier to feed and protect only two cats, but it didn't exactly leave you with much to occupy yourself with when your travelling companion was someone like Ghost. He loved the guy like a brother after everything they'd been through together, but he didn't exactly make for thrilling company, more prone to keeping to himself.

Joining the rogues had been a compromise, mostly on Ghosts part. It gave Nineteen the structure he craved while allowing his brother to keep a bit of that freedom he was so fond of, and so far things were going okay. Cats were stressed over the coyotes but the shock of having to compete against canines had long since wore off for the inky tomcat, his life nothing but an account of skirmishes and close calls with the mutts. The many, many scars littering his body could attest to that.

"So, what do you want to do?" he asked, bright amber eyes shifting to land on Puff. He'd been a little surprised when the cat had asked him to go for a walk with them, but he wasn't against it. Backin the coalition they hadn't had much down time to just do random shit like this, and it was one of the few things Nineteen had grown fond of, being able to just hang out and goof around with the other cats. He still craved the workload, the purpose, but it was admittedly nice having some spare time to do other things too.


rogue - male - 24 months - single - a very tall, muscular black tomcat. heavily scarred with bright amber eyes
(=〃ﻌ〃=)ノ The streets hadn't been a place one would expect a lively, friendly cat to live; but yet some how they did it. There was just no where to go really, not a place that would take in someone so soft and naive. Perhaps that is why they had decided to join in on the rogue group, why they accepted Gin as their leader and everything that came with the streets. Even if coyotes have become rampent; it was still better than the home before this. That was no home; it was a nightmare every waking moment. The constant yelling of the humans, the hands that only ever seemed to cause harm and the amount of children birthed in a horrible place- it was unimaginable. When they got free- it was the most amazing day ever had. They rolled in the grass, ran through the streets and thusly ran into the rogue group. While they were personally invited to join- Puff just sort of stuck around anyway.

The rounded masculine cat shook out his fur for a moment to dislodge the debris that centered itself on his back, and then looked around the 'camp
of the group. Things were on edge, as they always where, and Puff wondered what there could be done today. They didn't have patrols, but he was hungry, so maybe a walk to his favorite human place was in order?

Pale baby blues moved around the clearing for a moment before spotting a heavily scarred tomcat; Nineteen. Puff didn't know much about him other than he came here with his brother Ghost, and they use to be soliders or something? Some cats spread a rumor of being assassains but he doubted that one for certain. Ghost- maybe could be a killer cause he was quiet, but Nineteen seemed- different than that? Puff couldn't place a paw on it to be fair but still he was the first cat he spotted! So the chunky cat had bounded over and invited him for a walk; for both food and protection from the streets.

"I was thinking we could grab some good from this human place! They throw about chicken and stuff, and it is really good," Puff had an issue with being a over-eater so when prey wasn't something he could have- this was the second best option. They waved their tail behind themselves with an excited glint to his pale gaze, "I think you'd like it and usually theres some like rough looking loners- they aren't very friendly," Puff wrinkled his nose at the thought and gave a small shrug in response to himself. — tags


If Nineteen had known the other toms senitments regarding he and Ghost and which of them was more likely to be a killer, Nineteen would have probably laughed- hard. There was no doubt that his brother was a dangerous and deadly cat, and when it came to vibes alone he could understand how it would be easy for someone to make that mistake. Ghost did himself no favors by acting so cold and aloof with those around him, but between him and Nineteen, there was no mistaking which one of them was the true killer- and it wasn't Ghost.

Maybe that's why he and Nineteen had worked so well together. The cats in the coalition had always given Ghost a wide berth because they feared what they didn't understand and were wary of what he was capable of, but Nineteen? He could see right through him. Ghost was only a monster because he made himself out to be one, trapped in a cage of self-hatred and regret. Whatever the other tom was, he was that way because life had shaped him into it.

Nineteen though, he'd alwaysbeen a monster.

The difference was that he didn't care if he was seen to be one or not. He was content to do and act as he pleased, to live his life how he saw fit, and surprise, surprise; you didn't have to act like a psychopath 24/7 to be one. Nineteen definitely was in possession of more thana few of those traits, but because he didn't live his life in doom and gloom like his brother, cats often overlooked it. "Sure, he likes to fight and he's good at it, but c'mon, it's Nineteen! He's chill! He friendly! He's always got your back!"

Those were the kinds of things cats thought about him, and they weren't entirely wrong. Nineteen was a pretty laid back and outgoing individual. He liked spending time with other cats and didn't mind protecting them and helping them out.

He just also really liked the feeling of someone elses blood on his paws and the taste of copper on his tongue.

Ghost at least had enough humanity left to occasionally feel bad for the shit he did. There was no hope for Nineteen.

And that was okay, because quite frankly Nineteen didn't consider himself in need of any kind of help or pity. He was exactly fine as he was, completely happy with being a social monster.

"I was thinking we could grab some food from this human place! They throw about chicken and stuff, and it is really good. I think you'd like it and usually theres some like rough looking loners- they aren't very friendly,"

Fangs would flash as a grin settled onto the males dark lips. "Don't worry Puff, you'll get your chicken. Just leave any shit-starters to me." he replied, leaning over to give the tom a playful nudge.

He still trained and sparred daily with Ghost, neither one of them seemingly content to let their skills or physical prowess slip, but at this point in their lives it would have been difficult to rewire that out of themselves anyways. Besides, it was a good way toburn energy when you no longer had to do the kind of shit the coalition had demanded of them.

He wouldn't lie though; it would be nice to shed some real blood for once.

"Your lucky all you've got to contend with are cats out here. In the twoleg place me and Ghost come from there were dogs twice the size of those coyotes running around." he noted, not sounding even a bit bothered by the notion that he'd spent his entire life dealing with ravenous mutts.

rogue - male - 24 months - single - a very tall, muscular black tomcat. heavily scarred with bright amber eyes
(=〃ﻌ〃=)ノ Puff wasn't known by many around the group. He had just kind of showed up one day after being in a kitten mill most of his life and they hadn't batted an eye at him since then. There was a sense of belonging in the rogue group, or well now Windclan he supposed if that was the route they were going to take. Still, the silver tabby cat hardly ever talked about himself and kept up this front of being bright and happy. One wouldn't think that he came from a place of squaller, one were cats were kept in small cages for days on end and the mewl of kittens haunted his dream.

There was a part of him that wondered though; were did all those kittens go? Puff had had about five litters in his lifetime, back to back, and he never got to see them past that of weaning. Even then they were taken before that too and never to be seen again. It made him wonder if they remembered him. If they knew his name, or knew the name he had given some of them when he could. They had been such tiny bundles that brought him so much joy, so much reason to keep doing what he was doing, but at this point- Puff felt like they had forgotten him.

The tom that was the father of most of those litters was better for wear cause of being a tomcat, he got more privleges. His name had been Ruddy, he was a red tabby tomcat twice the size of Puff in bother size and height, and was one of the main sires of the mill. He was a kind cat, quiet but never really treated Puff horribly. There wasn't much known about him and Puff hoped that Ruddy had also gotten out during the raid like he had, but there was an inkling that said maybe he wasn't alive anymore. Still, Puff hoped that in Windclan he'd be able to find his kittens, find Ruddy, and continued with things.

Could say that Puff had loved Ruddy at some point. He was kind, and the father of his litters, but that was as far as the relationship went. It was painful to think about but he was one cat who shared in the hell of the mill with him.

Puff glanced towards Nineteen as he spoke and gave a soft smile in return, "Sounds like a plan to me," He agreed to that of getting his chicken while Nineteen handled the rough looking loners. Then those pale blue eyes widened a bit at the black tomcat stating that there had been dogs twice the size of the coyotes, "Wow! And you fought them? Thats pretty badass," Puff gave a little wave of his tail, depressing thoughts and remincing left behind. — tags