private UNWILLING & UNYIELDING // juncoclaw

Seeking out souls that once followed her mother and wanted cats like her dead is... well, a death wish for lack of a better term. Some cats have been welcomed back into their midst despite their diversion, like Bluefrost and Snakehiss, whilst others maybe don't want to. She heard by word of mouth that an old friend of hers lives now with the barn cats, instead of assumedly Granitepelt and his parade of lackeys. Too much of her is curious, wanting to know just why the silver tabby abandoned those she supported - or at least, why she hadn't tried to return home.

Juncoclaw... wasn't all bad, was she?

Cottonpaw approaches the barn under the guise of wanting to search for herbs there. Wolfsong had done a well-off job securing enough marigold to last them a few seasons, but he didn't seemed bothered by the notion of having more (especially if they're extending their paws to help other Clans.) Even if she doesn't see Juncoclaw here, the blue smoke figures she can write off the venture as successful, just so long as she brings some sort of herb home. Maybe she can greet some of the other barn cats while she's around!

Her tail twitches as she nears the horseplace, sniffing the ground curiously.

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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Junco had gotten quite accustomed to barn life. It was the pampered life she had always sought under Sootstar's reign, without the added competition and quarrels. The Twolegs that stopped by occasionally weren't all that bad either - though she chose to avoid them, she could tell they were utterly harmless here. Even the dogs became none other than background noise to her ears.

Co-existing with the cats that lived here was easy enough. Some of them formed kinships with each other, but Junco was content to mind her own, only sharing tongues once in a while. Much like her seclusion in WindClan, she was comfortable - and none of it came with the same biting remarks of the loyalists. It was.. easy.

It was everything she hoped for; she truly had it all. But she still wasn't.. happy. She felt lazy, at times - and that guilt of failing Sootstar has never gone away. Though she never gotten along with the other loyalists, leaving DuskClan so soon after WindClan only expanded that hole in her heart, extinguishing her sense of belonging and purpose.

Even now, as she sat on the fence, her heart ached at the sight of the moors. If only the traitor filth didn't roam it now - if only Junco could have been there, with Sootstar, with the name she would have given her.

The loner's mournful trance is disrupted by the approach of a grey molly, familiar but long lost to her. Junco is startled - she had known the times that patrols usually come by, and has done decently well at keeping herself hidden. She hadn't expected a visitor mid-day.. but at least she's alone. She lifts herself up half-way, but hesitates - if she saw Cottonpaw, there's no doubt the other saw her. It would be futile to hide now - she could at least see what the WindClanner wants. So, Junco lowers herself back down, letting her legs lazily dangle off the fence. A show of complete, unbothered contentment, despite her mind riddling with fear and discomfort.

"Lost?" she mused. Junco's voice is light but monotone, devoid of emotion. As was the best way to keep her guard up and show that she's not really looking for a fight. Not a physical one, anyway. Of course, she knows Cottonpaw isn't lost - she's clearly wanting something. Why else come here specifically, alone, sniffing about the grass as if tracking something? "Where's your little friends, Cottonfang?" A sneer slips through, but her lazy stature makes it clear she's all bark, no bite. As she always was.

  • juncopaw.png
  • JUNCOCLAW she/her, rogue of duskclan, 9 moons.
    a blue-silver tabby chimera she-cat with green eyes.
    n/a family // formerly mentored by mockinggrin
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.