up 2 something | flutterpaw


New member
Aug 1, 2023

Squishpaw's tail tip tapped a staccato rhythm as she stared hard at the reeds surrounding the camp. Apprentices were forbidden to leave camp unescorted, which meant all of the fun stuff had to wait until she had her warrior name. She didn't leave the nursery just to be stuck in camp all her life! She didn't think about how she was learning to be a warrior and all the responsibilities that went along with that because that would detract from her mission:

Explore the gorge.

She wanted to see what all the fuss was about! Squishpaw knew she was a strong swimmer and felt confident enough in her gracefulness to catch herself if she started to fall. She wanted to hear the rushing water and see the moor stretch out across the other side. It was a strong enough deterrent against invasion she felt comfortable risking a WindClan patrol. And just in case...

"Hey! Flutterpaw!" Squishpaw hissed and reached over to poke the apprentice. Her wide, dilated eyes beckoned Flutterpaw to come on an adventure. "You should come with me!" she continued, though she didn't say anything more for risk of being heard. Instead, the she-cat bounced up and trotted towards the back of the apprentice den, looking over her shoulder meaningfully.​