ternstar & 27 moons & female & she/her & leader of shadowclan

—— ─ ─ Stealing drom their neighbors is a tactic Ternstar had wished to avoid as long as possible. Shadowclan has so few cats remaining, most of them ill, and their herb supply seems to be ever dwindling - they cannot afford more battles. And yet... she cannot let her clan starve.

Carrionplace offers pitifully little sustenance- none of it any more appetizing or safe then the rest of their wretched prey. But this... pwrhaps this can be a solution. She brings only a small patrol of warriors, uninterested in bringing along the weight of inexperienced paws, and sets out as dusk nears. It is perhaps risky to move while light still touches the forest, but night hunting can only offer so much. The cats are not the only ones to return to their nests at night, and they need every scrap they can get.

" Spread out... see ehat we can find. With any luck thunderclans prey will not be so cursed. " she says, voice scarcely more then a breath. Stealth is dhadowclans greatest trait after all - she will not be the one to lead all eyes and ears to them.

And uet - jaws part, and she can find nothing. Stale scent trails mingle with thunderclan musk, and nose wrinkles. She had never been a great tracker, and unfortunately her senses fail her tonight. She can only hope her clanmates are more lucky.

actions & " speech " & 'thoughts / qoutes'

. ݁₊ ⊹ Ternstar is a massive blue-silver tabby she-cat with an all white head and striking vibrant blue eyes. She is far from the kindest of cats, often cold and aloof - with a notable soft-spot for kits, and a rather dark streak for mischief. She is parent to Rainbowpaw, Cornflowerpaw, and Ivorypaw. She is gifted in battle, and still maintains all nine of her star-given lives.
// Rolled a 3 </3

Shadowclan Patrol
@Swansong @jitterbug @Halfsun — apprentices are notably absent

Thunderclan Patrol
@ROARINGSUN @Flurryjump @Dayfern @nightbird

Shadowclan will be rolling for success using 1d20. Battles can be worked out independently, and do not need to use dice unless it's user preference.

Rolls are skewed as follows:
1-7 — fails to locate prey
8-10 — finds prey but misses their catch
11-13 — finds and catches prey, but loses it in the skirmish
14-20 — successfully finds, catches, and keeps prey ​

Jitterbug moves like a loose spring, eir paws pressing light against the forest floor as ey weaves between roots and underbrush. Ey hums under eir breath—a sharp, staccato note, followed by a clicking of teeth. It's constant, a rhythm to eir motion as ey stalks forward. Eir ears twitch at every shift in the trees, every whisper of wind through the leaves, but no sound carries the promise of prey. Ey parts eir jaws, breathing deep, but the air offers nothing useful. Just the thick scent of ThunderClan—earthy, sharp, too strong to parse through. Jitterbug's nose wrinkles. This was a stupid idea. Ey jerks eir head once, twice, frustration prickling under eir pelt.

Ey moves forward anyway, determined, scanning the undergrowth with sharp, darting eyes. Nothing. Not a rustle, not a flash of fur. Just old trails, stale and useless, as if the prey itself has caught wind of their intentions and fled before they even arrived. Jitterbug grits eir teeth, tail flicking sharply before ey exhales through eir nose in an irritated huff.


Eir claws flex against damp earth, itching for something to show for eir time, but there's nothing to grasp onto. The emptiness grates against em, and ey lets out another quiet hum, a series of rapid blinks following in its wake. This isn't working. But ey knows better than to go back empty-pawed so quickly. So ey keeps moving, keeps searching, keeps listening. Even if the only thing ey finds is more disappointment.

[ rolled a 7 ]​


The forest didn't feel cursed—not on this side of the border, not the way it did at home. The air was clearer, crisper. No sour scent of rot curled beneath her tongue when she tasted the breeze. No lingering stench of decay clinging to the undergrowth. Just ThunderClan scent, thick and earthy and smug as ever.

Still—no prey.

Halfsun crouched low behind a bramble thicket, ears flicking at every shift in the branches, every creak of wind. She'd followed a scent trail earlier, faint but promising, only for it to vanish into nothing like so many others before it. Her claws flexed against the cold ground, jaw tight with frustration.

There should be something here.

There had to be.

Their own territory had turned barren and foul beneath their paws. One by one, prey had started to spoil before it could even reach the fresh-kill pile. The sickness spreading in camp was only getting worse. And now, even crossing into ThunderClan's shadow didn't seem to make a difference.

She parted her jaws again, searching for a scent, any sign of life—but there was nothing but moss and pine needles and bitter disappointment.

Her tail lashed once behind her.

So much for hope.

She glanced sideways through the bramble's gaps, searching for movement from the others. Jitterbug had vanished into the underbrush, and Ternstar was somewhere deeper still. Maybe someone else would have better luck.

Because Halfsun hadn't found a damn thing.
// rolled a 3 ):

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    A tall and well-toned she cat with a long half-and half pelt, one side being a dark blue tabby and the other a bright cream, split by a pool of white at her center and travelling up her face like flames she is fire and ice simultaneously swirling into one. Her eyes are a mismatched shade of blue, with one being bright like the daytime sky and the other dark like the depths of the river.
    Difficult in battle + a skilled fighter
His ears are pricked for any louder rustles of leaves, on the lookout for predators and trespassers alike. They'd found ShadowClan scent on their side of the border not many sunrises ago, the carrion-eaters getting too comfortable with stealing their prey once again; it hadn't been that long since ThunderClan triumphed over them to retake the territory, either.

He comes to a sudden stop when he hears it - hears them - walking around like they own the place. He recognizes their Leader's voice from hearing it so many times at the Gathering. "Ternstar has brought a patrol. The foxhearts are hunting on our land!" Roaringsun hisses to his patrol, lowering himself into a hunter's crouch to stalk closer to the invaders. His tail beckons for Berrypaw to follow him silently; they would defend ThunderClan's territory and prey together.

Blazing eyes settle on Ternstar's frame, his claws unsheathing. The Lead Warrior bares his teeth, his muzzle contorting into a snarl as he leaps from where he hid, aiming to barrel into ShadowClan's Leader, trying to hook his claws into her shoulders to drag her into the ground. "This is ThunderClan territory! Leave at once!" Glancing at the silvery she-cat, he noticed she looked nothing sort of pitiful. Still, he couldn't let them get comfortable with hunting in another Clan's land.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

ㅤmale (he / him)ㅤ/ㅤunsure of sexuality, single ; crushing on hawkspine
ㅤ18 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 14th of the month
ㅤlead warrior of thunderclan
npc x npcㅤ/ㅤbrother to brightfire + npcs
ㅤmentoring Berrypawㅤ/ㅤmentored by Copperfang and Leafhusk
"speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
ㅤpenned by nocthymiaㅤ/ㅤmessage hypmic on discord for plots!
lion-like in stature, roaringsun is characterized by his golden fur, cream 'mane' and strong legs. long-furred with longer strands on his cheeks, one cannot tell he once was a soft-born kittypet before joining thunderclan as an apprentice.

ooc: @Berrypaw. app tag. ATTACKING @Ternstar.

Berrypaw has found himself waking early these days, rising with the expectation that each day might be the day that the fight comes to him, for once. Having missed out on retaking their territory back from ShadowClan by just a sliver, he's sure he'll never feel entirely satisfied until he can sink his own claws into the flea-bitten hides of their enemies himself. He follows Roaringsun's teachings to the letter to be sure that he'll be ready for when the day does come that he can fight, and as he drags his paws after his mentor today, he feels a bolt of excitement rush through him when the older tom confirms the presence of ShadowClanners on ThunderClan territory.

Gleaming eyes slide over to where Nightbird is crouching with the rest of their patrol. Is his mother as eager as he is to fight off invaders from their territory, or is this just another routine day for her? He barely has time to give the thought much more credit, Roaringsun leaps from cover and throws himself at the ShadowClan leader, who has certainly seen better days. Berrypaw joins his mentor in revealing himself to the enemy, hair raising along his back as he faced off against the invaders.

When Flurryjump hears Roaringsun's shout, her first instinct is to turn and bolt for camp. Flamestar needed to know! What if there were more cats hidden where nobody could see?

But slowing down for a minute and assessing the situation, leaving now was not the optimal idea. So far only Roaringsun and Berrypaw had engaged, and three against two wasn't going to balance well. There was no doubt in her mind that Berrypaw was a competent apprentice with Roaringsun as his mentor, but it would be unfair to leave them to fight, especially against a leader with who knows how many lives to spare. Everyone on the Thunderclan side only had one.

"Prey stealing is low, even for Shadowclan!" Flurryjump yowled, moving to her clanmate's sides. If they wanted a fight, she'd do her best to give it her all.

OOC: Open for combat!​
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ nightbird's ears flatten at roaringsun's command, nostrils flaring as she caught the scent at the same time. there was no time to return for reinforcements. not when shadowclan's greed knew no bounds. they wanted to hunt in a piece of territory they couldn't defend, it was growing pathetic.

the patrol had scattered, likely searching for a shadowclanner to send running. nightbird follows suit, skirting through the undergrowth until she hears the rustle of misplaced steps in a strange territory. ears slotted forward, she pursues the shadowclanner until within leaping distance. "get out," the lead warrior growls, lips curled to flash pointed teeth. her warning wouldn't be repeated more than once, claws flexed and muscles coiled to spring.
  • OOC ─
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    a small, feathery black smoke molly with one white paw and pale silver eyes. she is mates with RACCOONSTRIPE and has recently left the nursery after raising their five kits; BAYINGPAW, TWILIGHTPAW, TIGERPAW, STORMPAW, and BERRYPAW. nightbird is currently mentoring HONEYPAW and TWILIGHTPAW. her former apprentices include LIGHTSTRIKE †, DUSKBIRD †, and PALEFIRE.​
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ battle info
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.