Vulturemask had made her a tempting offer, prey for herbs and knowledge. She doesn't even need to ask her brother what his thoughts are, she's certain they are the same. She would hand over whatever WindClan wanted in exchange for prey right now. ShadowClan was hurting and WindClan could be their salvation, even if only for a little bit. It was still better than the nothing they have now. "F-follow me" She murmurs quietly. If this was Dandelionwish she certainly would feel differently but as it stood right now this cat was a stranger and she wasn't too keen on a stranger being in her space, her den. But it was necessary if they were going to complete the deal. It was either this or leaving him in their territory unattended and she has no desire to do that. It was the lesser evil to have him accompany her and so she leads him through the territory, into the camp behind Sootstar and Chilledgaze, and into her den.

Once there, she gets straight down to business, pulling the requested herbs gently from their shelves and laying them out between them. "O-oak leaaaves oak leaves a-and ho-honey" she murmurs quietly, indicating each thing as she pulls them from their places. "Oak oak leaf issss good f-for infection che-chew it up and pl-place it place it on the wo-wo-wound" It was hard to talk like this, to talk so much, to a stranger and Starling finds herself wishing Granitepaw was medicine cat instead, that he knew what she knew and that she could use him as a translator so she doesn't have to exert herself quite so much but alas, it is all wishful thinking.

"Ho-honey is used fooor sore uh sore th-throats. We-we used it we used it a lot in-in the uh fire. I was- was too-too lit-little back then. Ba-barely barely 'member it" Involuntarily, she shudders. If not for the fire they would have never had to evacuate, her mother would have never ended up on that thunder path. She only allows herself to dwell for a moment before turning to get more herbs "Wha-what else what else d-d-did you uh did you neeed?"

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Vulturemask would follow the other medicine cat under silence as he returned back to the place he had been born in. It had been a such long time since he last had been here. It felt strange to be back here. He could tell not much had changed yet even so it felt like a complete different world to be back here again. Vulturemask made sure to take in the camp details, anything his eye could spot before he followed Starlingheart into the medicine den.

He would stop once inside not standing too close to the other medicine cat as he gave her personal space between herself and the herbs she had organized on the shelves. It didn't took long before he had what had been requested, although he only recognized the honey. What was the other for something?. It wasn't marigold...unless they looked different depending on what they grew. Vulturemask did not need to puzzle himself around this for long since Starlingheart enlighten him quickly on what was in front of him. Oak leaves. Aha, so that worked exactly like marigolds did?. Interesting. This was information he had to store away in the back of his head to remember.

It was pretty obivious to him though that Starlingheart did not feel comfortable during their conversation. She sounded nervous and struggled with her speech. Was he that intimating to her or was this more about a social issue?. Vulturemask thought back on Rosepaw, and Bumblebreeze both who could stutter and stammer over their words when they not were put in a comfortable situation. Couldn't be helped then. " I will make sure to remember it." he would say calmly, looking unbothered by the way she spoke and show no signs of being in any rush. Giving her the time that was needed for her to finish her sentences.

She shared a story when it came to explaining the honet to him, a knowledge he already knew of but said nothing about. You could never know enough in this world. A fire was mentioned and yes he remembered the gossips about it. How they had seen the smoke of the fire all the way from the moors. What he didn't know though was that honey could be used after a fire incident as well and not just for coughing. Hmh, he would make sure to use honey to anyone who had a sore throat then, no matter what had caused it. Who knew what else it could treat then. Would never hurt to try. " Hmh, fascinating...thanks for this information." he would give his gratitude.

Now, he was curious what else Starlingheart might have that not existed on the moors. What more new knowledge could he learn from this young medicine cat? who had fallen into the same misfortune like him when it come to their mentors. " Well...my clanmates are often foolish and get themselves hurt a lot. The healing process is a bit too slow. They get hurt faster than they heal. So i was wondering, do you happen to have something that could speed up the healing process?" Did something like that even exist..he wondered. It was worth asking because Dandelionwish didn't know and at this rate he might have to kill his own clanmates just to save space in the den. Of course not something he would do but...but.but, it really was like treating clumsy children and he wanted them out of his den as quickly as possibly.

// sorry for the wait <33


Hopefully, this would be over with soon, she is only doing this because she knows it is what her brother would want. The trade is a no-brainer. Knowledge and herbs for food for a clan that was withering away. She gives him her spiel, reciting words that her aunt had taught her only briefly before her she whisked herself away to River Clan's shores. She had always been so fond of the water-dwelling clan, it shouldn't have come as such a surprise that she would leave them for them but still, it was. When cats you love hurt you you never expect it. Starlingheart had learned as much as she could from the black and white she cat but sometimes it did not feel like enough. Perhaps it never would be.

The strange tom thanks her for the information and she gives a nod of her head in acknowledgment. Perhaps one day he could return the favor and teach her things that he knew that perhaps she did not. She would not say the words out loud though. She did not want Wind Clan to think the prey was not enough because it certainly was and more.

She can relate to the bit he says next, about his clanmates being foolish. The corners of her mouth lift up in a slight smile and a snort of air blows through her nose in a half-laugh "T-trust mee I kn-know a bit about-about foo-foolish clanmates" she says, thinking of Betonyfrost and Halfshade's scrap, of how often she is treating wounds not caused by an enemy but a friend. "W-wood wood sorrel is g-good for for speeding up h-healing" she says and turns, reaching a paw up to one of her shelves and taking the mentioned herb out of its place "Y-you can you can have so-some of this too I-I have pl-plenty" she says, adding it to the small growing bundle of herbs "I-is there is there anything else y-you need?" She silently wonders if she gave him more herbs would they give them more prey? That would be nice. Her stomach growls at the mere thought of the food they had already brought with them, the idea of more nearly makes her salivate.

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Hmh?, was she...laughting right now?. Even a smile was present on her maw. Had what he said really been that funny he wondered. Still he saw this as a good sign. Even if he not was one who laughted himself an attempt of a smile was being dared on his maw. It was a brief one since he had just tried to explore unfamiliar territory...Not even his own clanmates had seen him smile before. But maybe through practise he could learn to master this unpleasant grimace. " Hah, is that so...looks like we have stories to share then." he would muse, thinking how he not had been a medicine cat for long and already having to deal with his clanmates stupidy.

" No...i think this much is fair enough for that rabbit unless of course you have something you wouldn't mind giving me. I will always appreciate anything that helps with wounds or infection." this is what he mostly used anyway so something he did not wanted to run short in. Of course he could probably have demanded more, Starlingheart looked like someone he easily could take advantage of but he wouldn't. Sootstar would probably not agree with him but when it come to this he didn't really take mind to what his leader would think. He was the medicine cat now so would do as he pleased with his new job, and he was not gonna take advantage of someone who he believed to be useful to have in a long run.

But there was one problem he suddenly come to discover as he glanced down at the pile of herbs Starlingheart had been so kind to give him. The medicine cat twitched a ear, eyes slightly narrowed. " Aha, i didn't think about how to get this back home..." he mumbled to himself. Hmh. He probably would have to get Tigerfrost in here along with Noutsprout to help get this herbs back to the clan. Wonderful. He didn't like the idea of their filthy mouths touching his herbs.


The smile on the toms face is a surprise to her, she hadnt expected his lips capable of such a feat but she is glad Wind Clan’s new medicine cat is not as scary as she had first assumed. Still, she worries for the safety of her friend. Knowing what she knows about Wind Clan, it was likely she wasn’t seeing Dandelionwish again. The thought saddens her but she quickly pushes it from her mind. Right now she needed to be all business, to prove that she was just as good as any adult, better even. It was her that held the knowledge in her paws in this situation, after all.

Pitch would tell her she’s being too generous, she knows it. But she hopes maybe one day Wind Clans medicine cat would return the favor. She is thinking ahead, trying to build a friendly relationship so that maybe one day if she had to call upon him he would answer. Besides, it was a firm belief of hers that medicine cats should help one another out. Not like what Dawnglare had done to the cat that had occupied Vulture’s position prior.

She nods and turns to grab more herbs from her shelves."G-goldenrod does uh the s-same as w-wood so-sorrel I have ple-plenty so uh yooouu you can ha-ha-have some of thaaat" she explains. The next thing she pulls of the shelf is something she is not quite sure of. "a-and I uh I have thi-this but uh I don’t don’t know wha-wha-what it does" she admits with a small shrug of her shoulder. "I- I know it’s ca-called it’s called rush. P-perhaps if if you f—find find out yuh-you cuh-cuh-could let me uh let me know?" she hopes that in the future they could share knowledge with one another, communicate like how she wishes the other medicine cats would with her instead of jealously hoarding knowledge to themselves.

"oh!" she says suddenly, almost startling herself with how loud her voice is. "I uh I have so- something for that" with that she turns and pulls an Ivy leaf from her stores. "This this is this is an Ivy leaf" she explains. "its-its only r-really good for uh for ca-carrying herbs yuh-you can uh you can use it to to t-t-take these hooome with you" she takes the small bundle of herbs and piles them neatly on top of the leaf, tying it together with some cobwebs for good measure. She is certain he has plenty already, stars knows she did, but a little extra wouldn’t hurt right? "H-here you go!" she says, reaching out with one frost tipped paw to nudge the bundle closer to him.