border UPHILL SLOPE ] mentor + apprentice

"... And this is Sunningrocks! We won them in a battle with RiverClan when I was still an apprentice," Mousenose purrs to the young ginger-and-white cat at her side. "There's prey hiding in the stones. Listen closely, see if you can hear anything." She bends her head down, colored ears flicked forward. She can hear faint scrabbling in the cracks of one of the stones, and when she tastes the air, the scent of vole coats her tongue. They smile, wondering if their apprentice will be able to notice. He hasn't had any formal hunting training yet, but there's no better place than the border with RiverClan, she thinks, to start with baby steps.

After a heartbeat, she sees the reeds across the river part. Sleek-pelted, strong, and well-fed, a RiverClan patrol emerges. Mousenose's attention diverts, and she mews, quiet, "Look! This is our border with RiverClan. They swim like otters and are very proud. Taste the air — that's their scent. Remember it well."

  • ooc: apprentice tag @shroudedpaw but no need to wait :]
  • Mousekit . Mousepaw . Mousenose, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 20 moons old, ages realistically on the 25th.
    — mentored by Silverlightning ; mentoring Shroudedpaw ; previously mentored Sunshinespot
    — thunderclan warrior. sunfreckle x rabbitnose, gen 2.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh messy-furred tortoiseshell with high white and bright green eyes. demanding, exuberant, selfish, sensitive, oblivious, obnoxious.

  • Love
Reactions: ixora

It’s hard to tell whether Snakeblink misses Sunningrock, the gentle evenings spent sprawled over warm stones, watching fireflies and lizards under the fading light, or if he misses the gentler times it represents: a time before the loss of two leaders and countless clanmates.

Perhaps it’s both, he muses as he slips out of the reeds and onto the shore opposite the contested territory. A mentor-apprentice pair stands on Thunderclan’s side, and stray words float across the quiet air towards him: proud and [/i]otter[/i], and the familiar tone of a mentor imparting a lesson. A first patrol on River’s border, perhaps.

”You would know about pride,” he throws casually across the water, not unkindly; Thunderclanners are not exactly known for their deep humility, but he is not here to pick a fight. ”How are things among the trees, Thunderclan?” He considers asking about Flamewhisker, but the last thing he heard of the molly responsible for the scars on his shoulder, she had lost her mate, and frankly he does not care to put his name back into her or her clanmate’s mind.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • apprentice tag @turtlepaw
  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 53 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Gladefrost found herself with @eveningpaw and @TWINKLEPAW , the voice of Snakeblink and the powerful scent of Thunderclan with unfamiliar voices caught her attention. It had been a while since Riverclan last owned the Sunningrocks, and perhaps that would change under Lichenstar's reign. She had no opinion on Thunderclan as they often kept their tails between their legs and didn't cause much mischief, unlike Windclan or the rogues. The tall warrior glances at her apprentices and flicks her tail, ” Memorize their scent, they typically smell of the pines of the forest. ” Her words were simple without hostility nor emotion behind them, an icy gaze flicking back towards the pine-dwelling duo. Gladefrost gives a simple nod in greeting and makes no conversation as she had no words to bear and the only necessary thing had been asked by their lead warrior.

When Eveningpaw skirts the edges of Sunningrocks, she lets her imagination run rampant with the context of nursery stories and warrior gossip. There is no way for her to tell when exactly ownership has changed; she had only ever listened for long enough to pick up necessary context for a fun game, nothing more. As the river keeps on splashing against bordering rocks and stones, she thinks she should have paid just a bit more attention. Her pelt would blend in nicely enough the rocky formations, allowing her to sunbathe and remain undetected in one fell swoop...

"How different is that from SkyClan?" Eveningpaw asks her mentor; it is a game of deception, or so she thinks, considering it is rather one-sided at the moment. She clearly sees the two ThunderClanners and hears Snakeblink make polite enough small talk, but Gladefrost doesn't possess much intent of joining him. Surely copying a more experienced warrior is what she should do.

There's a lull there — a moment when the currents die down and rival Clanners stare at one another. Then, the discussion continues, and it presents Eveningpaw with the perfect opportunity.

Soft-tufted head turns so she has an easier time looking at Gladefrost; golden eyes glimmer with something akin to mischief and curiosity. "And why don't we take this place back, anyway? It's not like they can swim." Her voice is at a surprising level, a never-before heard whisper. Eveningpaw manages to behave and not stir trouble where there is, apparently, none to be found. She focuses on avoiding tension so much that she misses her own disagreement with Lichenstar themself — the thought that maybe her mother doesn't want an unnecessary battle does not cross a mind that is too young to truly grasp the gravity of it.