the nights grew colder with each passing sunrise. frost clings to the fresh weaving of their dens and gorse wall, tall and imposing where the land gave way to the hollow they call home, and freckleflame stares out at it through still - wide eyes. the night is dark, lit only by a slit of the moon above and a smattering of stars to return her wandering gaze. the moss beneath her body feels too cold, tonight — most nights. had her nest felt right, since her return? when they’d come back, things had been in disarray ; she’d had to pull a whole bed of fresh moss, they all had. what remained had reeked, has beeen tattered and soiled with fleas. contaminated. when they’d returned, freckleflame had helped empty the scraps of their warrior den and placed her own nest just as she had when she’d first graduated. it was just slightly off from where she’d slept before. off - center. there was a draft coming from.. somewhere. we’re there twigs in this moss? no — she’d scraped it herself.

the tortoiseshell releases a frustrated sound, lifts and drops herself huffily to her other side to no avail. her tail plaps against the ground, ears coming to pin against her skull ; dawn would be upon them soon, and sleep was not so much a shadow in her sight. so she turns, and she jostles and she sniffs, tucks her limbs beneath her and untucks them to stretch out again to full length. sleep was.. hard, but since their return, it had become — unmanageable. her eyes sting. her muscles ache, her mind grows sluggish. her heart, however, never seemed to get the memo. it thrums, faster and faster the more she tries to relax. the tighter she curls in on herself, the longer her lids stay drifted to a neat close. impossible. it was impossible. they’d been here, in her home, in her best. her family had been resting, hadn’t they? the kits — exhaustion consumes her and yet she bolts upright.

she exits the warriors den without a word.

a slow stop alongside the dirt slope that makes up the walls of their camp and freckleflame settles her rump against the edge, leans back — the fur beneath her shoulders bunch, jutting dark fur upward to tangle with twine and soil. her breath still feels too quick, too rapidfire from her maw. what was wrong with her? moonhigh and here she sat, leaning, panting like a sun bleached badger. her chest beats an unsteady rise - fall - rise, but the air is crisp out this way, easier to breathe, to calm her pitter - patter heart. away from resting bodies and accumulated heat, the sound of gentle snoring in the dark night, she slides down the dirt path until she lies near fully upon her back, forepaws lifted and tucked against the bulk of her maned chest. paw steps sound, and blue - green eyes do not sway from where they stare upwards. had she woken them? she doesn’t feel the need to ask — they would surely tell her anyway.

” you know.. “ she starts, quiet breath of a murmur, ” if ya look real close at the stars, if ya look reeeal close, you can make somethin’ out sometimes. shapes. like.. like just there! “ a paw lifts. a single, lazily shed claw glints in low moonlight. her features light in a smile, regardless of the pit in her gaze, ” you can see a.. squirrel. kind of. if you.. squint, and turn your head like this..

  • i.
  • IMG_3106.png

    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. fire - forged, smoldering ; shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a well - toned form.
    in warriorhood she has grown to full, hulking height ; unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. freckleflame is broad shouldered and square - jawed, wild cheek fur like the blazing edges of a red sun — a hulking, thick - furred thunderclan warrior, forever blaze - kissed. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while bearing a wide, bright - eyed grin.

    ——— ˙⋆ — prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.

.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
The cold had followed them out of the mountains.

Batwing wasn't sure what to think of that- well, he knew. He had lived through a few seasons of leaffall, and he knew what came. Rest would be more important, especially to those with shorter pelts. The cold would chase into their fur, nestle in their bones, and slowly kill them if they weren't careful. Despite knowing this, despite the knowledge that the cold could easily shock his system into death, he still remained outside under the stars.

He wasn't there on a night vigil, or guard. He was there because he could never sleep in times like this. He wasn't at peace, nor was he upset- he was existing, still haunted by the traces of things that happened in the mountain. The river. The cave-in. The field of lungwort, distrust coating everyone's throat then. No one could decide on how to work together. When they made it through the snow-capped hills and left a black-pelted body behind. Gray fur, soft like the ebb of a pond, was still at the forefront of these tangled thoughs.

When they made it into the twisted forest, where the Thunderclanners made sure that those going hungry ate. The dogs, snapping down their necks. Flamewhisker rooted to the spot- Stormfeather. His eyes squeezed shut. Why had he been present for all of those things? Visions danced in his memory. Hailstorm's potent grief was something that still haunted him. He turned his head to look up towards the medicine den now, vision piercing in the ink of night when he caught sight of someone else emerging from the warrior's den.

Insomnia was far from an old-friend for Batwing- it was like a year long sickness. Ever since he had been given the gift of scars over his eyes, he had never rested the same. Freckleflame passes him. Something compelled him to push to his paws, following the far younger warrior. And when she began to speak, his head tilted. The stars? Batwing's head tilted back, all the way back, towards the ceiling high above. Ink filled, dotted with a thousand souls, and accompanied by what Batwing calls his father's shadow- the moon.

Slowly, the lead warrior lowers himself down similar to Freckleflame, a breath turned white curling from his nose as a tiny snort left him. "A squirrel, of all things?" Despite the amused disbelief in his voice, he cocked his head regardless, and he did see it. But he perhaps knows the mapped stars better then she- and his own claw lifted, tracing the pathing of souls just to the left of his father's shadow. "A pawprint, there. Akin to our own- but it's upside down." Batwing replied back in kind.

𓆝 . ° ✦ Softkit blinked, watching the camp from the holes in the nursery walls. She hated this.
Things were different now. They'd moved homes, and she wasn't sure why. No one was really talking to her, but she'd heard things. Scary things. And then! And then they had to move again! She had never really known the warm fur of her mother's belly like she had those days. The second they came to this place, a place other cats called 'home', her mother's belly wasn't so warm or close. Sleekpaw had always made sure Softkit was cared for, but it wasn't the same. No matter how much Softkit moved or squirmed or mewed, her mother remained far away. Maybe she'd done something wrong? Was that why they were in this home now?
She couldn't sleep with that thought running around. And honestly... outside seemed cool! Maybe she could wander and kill something to make her momma proud!
Softkit's plush paws pushed against the cold ground. The moss nest shuttered as the kitten moved as stealthily as she could toward the nursery opening. Her eyes flew to a nearby hole. There was movement outside! Another bad cat? Fear shot through the kit. She could do it though! She was big enough!
Ears flicked forward, the kit's eyes narrowed on the multicolored blur. She lowered herself to the ground clumsily, letting out a hiss as she tried to balance. Tail outstretched just a bit too wide to keep her from falling over, the kitten pressed towards the unknown cat. How would she protect the clan though? The question stumped her and she shook off the nursery walls. Her gaze settled on their tail with tiny curiosity. Yes.
Now... what would a warrior do? She squinted, mind racing. They'd say something cool! Like.. like...'I am Softkit! Be warned fowl, bad guy!! I've got your tail and will let you go as a friendly courtesy! Don't come near my home again or you'll get it!!' She tipped her head to the side, eyes flitting to the ground in front of her for a second. Softkit wasn't threatening. Stormscream!! She could tell them that was her name! That was much more scary! Yes! That's what she'd do.
But what if they didn't run away? What if their tail came off like that one lizard I caught that one time?
Gaze flicked back up to the cat's back, she envisioned herself climbing on it. Up their rump and behind their neck, her paws on either side of their shoulder blades. She could do that if they didn't run away! I'm so smart. If only momma could see me now!
She blinked. Frozen.
"Oh." She breathed, looking down at her paws. In all her super-smart thinking, she'd forgotten to be sneaky. She pursed her lips. Maybe the other cat hadn't noticed me? They hadn't moved.
" you know. " They started. Hot determination shot through her. It was now or never!
"For Thunder Clan!" She mewed with all her might, shoving her body weight onto the cat's tail in a failed attempt to pounce. "I am Softscream! Be warned fowl bad guy - Oh they kinda do."
She blinked, following the other cat's gaze upwards. She squinted, head tilting this way and that. The other cat smelled nice. Kinda musty, though.
"That one... looks like a bear." She mewed, pointing at a bunch of stars clustered together. She had no idea what a bear looked like, she just wanted to join in on the conversation. She glanced at the enemy cat with the kinda nice smelling fur. Quick, I need to scare them! Think of something, Softscream! Think!
"I killed one. Once."
When the other cat started speaking, Softkit jumped. "Hello there." She nearly screamed. "Hi. I uh, yeah that does look like an upside down paw. But only if you do this." She then rolled over on her back, holding her paw up to the sky, searching for the cluster of stars he'd mentioned.
"I'm Soft..scream by the way. The most fearsome warrior in the clan." She introduced herself. Best to be polite! Even to scary cats.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: — OOP batwing posted 8 mintues b4 I did. Also, apologuises for any weird spelling or anything. I woke up and wanted to post her so bad lmao
    A long furred silver tortoiseshell-tabby with high white and green eyes. Named for her soft fur that is often wild and unkempt. Sometimes she looks like a walking fur-ball. She is often looked after by her sister, Sleekpaw.
    — physically easy && mentally easy
    — blossoming clan gossip
    — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Sleekpaw
Last edited:

It was difficult to sleep through the night when ones dreams are plagued by shadows. Dark images that, at the time, frighten him beyond reason but when he wakes he cannot remember them. He is careful when he extracts himself from the nest he now shares with Roeflame, not wanting to wake her as he gets up and leaves the den. Originally, his plan is to head too the dirt place then see if he could convince his tired brain to fall back asleep but as he steps out of the warriors den, his golden eyes fall upon a small group of cats. Freckleflame and Batwing are sitting and looking up at the stars and while he watches, a kit sneaks out of the nursery, ambushing them.

His original mission forgotten, he pads over to them instead. "Softkit. You shouldn't be leaving the nursery without permission" he says, his voice flat, unscolding. How many times had he himself snuck from the nursery when he had been the same age? He would not hold it against her. He moves to sit next to Freckleflame, his gaze flickering upwards to the stars her and Batwing had been pointing at. "How are you able to do that?" he asks because no matter how hard he looks, he does not see any pictures. Only stars.


ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

As careful as he was, Burnstorms absence was more than enough to stir the silver-kissed tabby, though her optics only blink open just in time to catch him leaving the den.
Groggily, Roeflame raises her head with a hefty yawn, naturally curious.
Her paws hesitate to follow him, knowing what the tom is going through. Even with their shared nest and sweet whispers, Roeflame still found herself hesitant to call the ebony warrior her mate, no words were ever made official. Was that a requirement? Were they simply… still friends, who found comfort and love within another? The question had been hanging heavily in the tabby warriors mind since Shadowclan, there just could never seem to be a time to ask it.
The thought lingers for several heartbeats before Roeflame finally shifts herself to her paws, mate or not… she was nosey.
Poking her head out of the warriors den, Roeflame is surprised by what she watches transpire.
Softkit, a nursery escapee.
I killed once.
Amusement bubbles in the warriors chest, and perhaps a certain kind of deja-vu.
Freckleflame and Batwings conversation is only barely caught, but enough to fully draw Roeflame closer, settling beside Burnstorm with an adoring glance.
"Who couldn’t use a bit of stargazing once in awhile?" The more rebellious warrior chimes softly before her gaze shifts to the stars.
"See that cluster, right there? You just have to use your imagination." She nudges her chin to the more prominent grouping of stars in the sky. "I’m pretty sure I see a mouse, look! There’s its tail, and the ears…" she muses to the entire group, a forepaw lifted to point out what she was talking about.

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
It was hard to sleep when sighs were heaved and cats tossed and turned and multiple sets of paws left the den one after another. Blearily he cracked an eye open, gaze hot with hotter words already gearing up on his sleepy tongue. He was in time to see Burnstorm step past him, and watched for only a moment before he tucked his muzzle back under his paw.

What time is it? Lightstrike wondered to himself, eyelids heavy and head heavier. Maybe it was the dawn patrol leaving. Stars, he hoped not. He wanted to sleep longer. Maybe he could just go back to sleep until someone dragged him out. Yeah. Sounds like a plan.

Then Roeflame got up and followed after the dark tom, and if he were slightly less tired he would have groaned or said something decidedly unkind. Was the whole Clan going on the patrol? For fuck's sake.

Lightstrike lifted his head to half-glare-half-squint at the den's entrance. It was still dark out. No leak of sunlight or dawn-light or whatever else to be seen. Contemplation-filled silence stretched out, and no other cats seemed to be getting up to follow just yet. Outside, he could hear quiet conversation. He could also hear the far less quiet mewl of a kit. Why was a kit out and about so late? Early? He still didn't know which, but neither were kit time.

With his chance to fall back asleep slowly but surely slipping away with each moment, the tom's nose crinkled. Sleep, or finding out what was going on. Damn his curiosity.

Hauling himself upright, the golden tom snuck his sleep-rumpled self out of the den and into the camp. Freckleflame, Batwing, Burnstorm, Roeflame. Also the kit. The kit he didn't quite remember the name of at that moment. He didn't visit the nursery much.

Finally tuning into the conversation, the warrior belatedly realized they were talking about the stars. After all that? Lightstrike plodded forward a few more paces and squinted up at the sky. "Sleep is nice, y'know," he drawled after a moment. "Should try it sometime. Or let other cats do it instead. Also nice." It was monotone, clearly irritated, yet lacking the bite of true hostility.

He plopped himself down next to Burnstorm. "Stars," he eventually said, as if turning it over in his mind. "Don't see all that. I see a square over there, though." Mostly. It wasn't a perfect square or anything, but it was close enough. Lazily, he lifted a paw as if to point at it.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
to be reborn , you have to die first .
Spiderlily found himself situated outside the nursery, sitting perfectly still, watching the tiny flecks of stardust illuminate the sky, reflective within a glossy pinkish hue. He breathed, lungs expanding with the smell of the forest, taking in the nightly sounds that illuminated the ghoulish parts of his fluffy build.

It mattered little, nightmares haunting him day in and day out, relentless in their search for destruction, the chimera sighed, turning away from the talkative cats to search for his constellation, picturing craniums and femurs, but finding none, but silly rabbits and squirrels.

His lips quirked in muffled amusement, tucked away behind a searing, deadpan gaze when his attention drifted to a kit floundering about. He sighed, annoyance flickering across a haunting facade to turn, tail flickering towards the small child. “Come here.” He rumbled, tone leaving no room for arguments, but if refused, then well, Spiderlily wasn’t against scooping her up and dumping her inside. “You will catch a cold in this weather. It is time to sleep, not frolic about with the adults.” He added, pinkish hues narrowing.
thought speech

the paw steps turn out to be batwing — and she supposed that isn’t too surprising she could only imagine how restless a new father would be, on top of whatever he’d seen those days in the mountains. she gives a slow blink of hello as he settles aside her, welcomes him silently as he tips his silvery chin towards the sky and a squirrel, of all things? she grins wide despite the sleepy haze to her eyes, softer now than she was in the day. the cool of the night quells her fiery attitude enough for an ever - running mind to release its hold on her. no need for questionably honest confidence, the crow of her voice insisting things be brighter than they truly were. the stars were bright enough for both of them, “ this clan’s built on th’ squirrel. pa used to say those acorns they bury turn into great, big trees one day. plus, they’re big n’ fat and real good for eating.. “ she didn’t know about that first part, really. how could a tree burst from that little acorn? something so big and great from something so small.. and why would a squirrel plant a tree, anyway? in the brief silence, her belly rumbles. she plops a paw lazily on the fluff and scar tissue there, sheepish, “ .. or maybe i’m just hungry. “

in spite of herself, the sudden pounce on her slack tail causes her a jolt, the fluffy appendage wriggling in attempt to slip from the full - body grasp softkit had on it. softkit. the girl yowls with all her might, chest and fur puffed — and freckleflame gasps with a dramatic flare, jerking her head back as if wounded. she swipes with clawless paws towards her attacker, missing in wide strokes until she flops against the dirt again, “ stars save me and my poor, trapped tail from softk.. softscream! she slits open an eye briefly towards batwing, leaning in with a loud whisper, “ they call ‘er softscream, on account of that being the very last sound her enemies ever make. “ a brief wink. burnstorm and spiderlily both approach and her ears lower with guilt despite having little to purposefully do with the kit’s late night adventure — but roeflame takes the tom’s side, and the queen seemed calm enough about his missing kitten. if she should catch burnstorm’s eye as the molly looks up, she would waggle her eyebrow whiskers teasingly. how romantic.

lightstrike approaches amidst the growing group, grumbling halfheartedly with sleep before plopping unceremoniously aside burnstorm. freckleflame takes the moment to flick softkit against the nose with the fluff of her tail while distracted, playful, “ you’re gonna scare your pa’s fur white one of these days. and besides, “ a grin. mischief glows in meadow green eyes, “ i’m not a bad guy. now, lightstrike.. that’n right there. hes the one you gotta watch out for. “ and there — bait set. if it had been her siblings, she may as well have wound them up by the tail. boundless energy and wild, clambering paws.. with hope, she wouldn’t be the only one attacked tonight before spiderlily plops the kit back in bed himself.

  • i.
  • IMG_3106.png

    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a thick, broad - shouldered figure.
    unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while bearing a wide, bright - eyed grin.

    ——— ˙⋆ — prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.

thrushberry didn't blame freckleflame for her restlessness; much less did he blame her for waking him up. with all the recent happenings, the young warrior wasn't ready to sleep vulnerably. most nights he awoke at the slightest movement, the smallest noise: the wind rustling through the trees, the pawsteps of a wayward warrior roaming restlessly roaming about camp. tonight was no different.

he was already awake after the first rustle from the tortoiseshell molly, and from that point, keenly aware of the way she tossed and turned like her mind was running circles and wouldn't give up. much as he wanted to offer comfort, he lay still in his nest, almost too still: if you were to glance over you could tell he was trying, by the stiffness of his body and the way he held his breath every time his denmate stirred, as to not disturb her with his sudden presence. pretending to sleep, pretending to ignore the distress that radiated off of her. it wasn't working.

a sigh of relief as the molly finally stood and stormed out of the den, exasperated; he counted to five, and then rolled onto his paws and followed. thrushberry was certainly one to offer comfort when needed, but when it came to an agitated acquaintance, he was notably wary. did she want comfort? would she reject his company? would she think he was strange for trying? so, wordlessly, he followed her instead, flicking his ear in acknowledgement to batwing as the two passed him. truthfully, silently following the molly out of the den was no less stranger than rolling over in his nest and striking up a conversation in the middle of the night. but he wouldn't know. he wasn't one to think before acting.

thankfully, she seemed to have noticed his presence soon enough, and took to it kindly. thrushberry took a set a couple tail-lengths away, casting his gaze to the sky as she spoke of the stars. he remained silent for quite some time, but followed her paw to the stars she was looking at. he tilted his head, and sure enough, they did look like a squirrel.

as if starclan willed for someone to ease his awkwardness, more cats stirred from their rest and followed the forming group to gaze at the stars. much like freckleflame, he only knew most of these cats as acquaintances: he's only been in a den with the warriors for less than a moon since his ceremony, and having moved so much in that time put a strain on his sociability with them. maybe now was his chance to finally settle and get to know his denmates?

he listened to the speculations of the cats: a squirrel, a paw, a bear, a.. square. how creative. even the young kit, softscream, managed to put a small smile on his face. but still yet he didn't really speak until he felt he had a turn - better that than interrupt.

his gaze turned to the squirrel again, and gradually traveled across the vast midnight sky. it didn't take much focus for his imaginative mind to put together the stars, drawing lines between each one to form a picture. "what if we named them?" he mumbled out, finally. "the shapes. not like, you know.. squirrel, bear, whatever, but like.. cool names. so we can remember them and tell others about them. like a.. like a story." stupid idea, he mused to himself silently, pressing a canine tooth against his lip as if to shush himself.

relax, take it easy, lay down next to me
𓆝 . ° ✦ Victory! This is was success was like! Maybe she would make it as a warrior!
Giggles erupted from the small kit at Freckleflame's dramatics. She squealed in delight as the warrior rared back and rolled on the ground. "Yeah! That's whatcha get big baddy! N' make sure you tell Momma that! That I gotchu!" Pride fillled her chest so much that it was hard to breathe. The world looked whiter with pride, but the kit didn't stop laughing. At Freckleflame's advice, Softkit jumped of her tail, nodding with wide eyes.
"Oh! Okay. Thank you not-bad guy. My bad, I won't be living up to my name today - I will - I have spared you." She said in her best grown up voice. Her stern and serious character was only broken when the molly flicked her on the nose.
She only processed the arrival of the other cats when one very familar voice rang out from above her. Spiderlily! or as she liked to call the tom - Spider-'I swear I didn't do anything wrong I'm allowed to be out here right now, actually'-lily.
Excuses loaded onto her tongue and armed to the tooth with confidence, Softkit opened her mouth. "Nu-uh! Wrong." She then lifted her little muzzle in defience. "I'm- actually - I'm Softscream. I'm not a kit. They call me that because that's the last thing my enemies hear. Why do they call you Spiderlily? Is it cos you give 'em lilies when they - when they see you the last time? That doesn't sound very impressive to me. You want to see something impressive?"
She leaned in close for dramatic effect, eyebrows raised. "I'mma beat up the bad guy that only sees squares when there's clearly squirrels."
Leaning back and rocking off her back feet, Softkit would attempt to evade @SPIDERLILY 's attempts to pick her up and make a jump, attempting to hit @LIGHTSTRIKE . 's front paws. If she makes contact, she will attempt to bite the tom.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A long furred silver tortoiseshell-tabby with high white and green eyes. Named for her soft fur that is often wild and unkempt. Sometimes she looks like a walking fur-ball. She is often looked after by her sister, Sleekpaw. — physically easy && mentally easy — blossoming clan gossip — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Sleekpaw
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