private USE SOMEBODY ♥ Aspenhaze


Petalnose stretched her limbs carefully when she had arose, a yawn stretching her jaws along with it. She had not slept in the warrior's den since the move of territories. The warrior had known she had in her past but all the feline knew was their temporary camp since her memory loss. At first she was quite uncomfortable being in an unfamiliar place, spending most of the night staring at the stars at the entrance in hopes her unease fell into ability to sleep. Eventually she had decided to curl up in her nest and she was pleasantly surprised to not be bombarded by debris and twigs flying at her from midnight winds in result of a poorly made warriors den. She had slept well.

Mix-matched eyes stared at the rising sun, pink and gold mixing beautifully together in the sky, clouds putting the masterpiece together. She had remembered she was commanded to take on a hunting patrol with someone of her choice. Of course, the warrior would take someone she enjoyed being around. Someone who wouldn't outright annoy her as soon as they would leave camp. She turned her attention over her shoulder, checking if Aspenhaze was awake.

Silently, she carefully stepped over and weaved around the sleeping warriors. Not waking one up. If Aspenhaze was asleep she would aim to gently nose their cheek to wake them up, if they had been awake she would carefully stare down at them, trying her best not to startle them, "Hey. I was ordered to take someone on my hunting patrol. You're the top of my list, are you taken by any other duties? If not, let’s go… if.. you so please." She whispered, giving them a soft trill in greeting and bending down to softly sniff their face to check if they were okay. She wondered how they took the battle, Petalnose was quite jealous they didn't have to spend half a moon in the medic den. Although, she was grateful at the same time. She did not like the idea of her friend being injured, even if she would have enjoyed the company of Aspenhaze. It was nice being able to finally spend some time with them again, her paws ached to run in the forest or strike a big fish amongst the river. She'd happily run around like an idiot after being cooped up for so long. Her energy had still surged through her despite taking some of it out by bullying Pikesplash around and getting a hook to her lip the other night. She had hoped Aspenhaze had some energy, she would happily spend all day fishing or hunting land creatures. Night swimming was also a thought in her mind after her chores were completed. Although, she wouldn't invite them unless she saw they weren't tired.

// @Aspenhaze

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The tortoiseshell point looks very different while they are sleeping. Signature smirk not plastered on their face, they seemed truly serene as their light breaths escaped their mouth, seemingly resting quite well. You could almost imagine them telling you that they hate to been seen this vulnerable, but the comfort they were showing was a test of how must trust was between them and their clanmates.

Aspenhaze quickly stirs at the touch of her nose, blinking a few times as their mind awoke. They didn't seem startled in the very least, even as Petalnose prodded more. They seemed perfectly fine outwardly, and mentally not a mess like as they were after the battle, either.
"Ah...I don't mind at all. I would be happy to come with you." They get up, smile quickly back on their face. They're happy that the tabby seems to be in better shape, as well.

She had taken note of how they comfortable seemed, suddenly feeling guilty last minute she interrupted them. Her eyes softened towards them as they accepted her request, aiming to drag her tail lightly against their body in a well mannered gesture to follow her as she silently started to stride off. Normally she wouldn't invade others space as she was protective of hers around certain clanmates but she had felt comfortable enough to show a bit of touch to her friends. Besides, she had to show them somehow she meant well under her serious frown and stoic tone. As she had made her way to the exit, she looked over her shoulder once more and froze to wait for the tortiseshell point. Half her body ignited from the pink glow of dawn, staring into the dark den with eyes that held patience. It was something she didn't normally possess. Aspenhaze was patient with her, so she was happy to offer some in return despite her ache to stretch her legs.

When they had made it to her side she flashed them a light smile, "Things were quite dim in the medic den, I'm happy to be back and spending time with you again. Say, maybe we can take some energy out on some land creatures and then fish? My skills are probably rusty from being locked up. Maybe I can learn something from you." She breathed in the soothing Greenleaf air, then suddenly felt a harsh breeze hit her flank and she stumbled slightly nearly tumbling ontop of Aspenhaze before catching her paws. Her eyes closed and slowly blinked to recover, "Ah, yes, I forgot about the beautiful winds wrecking our lovely territory. Atleast it seems like it's going to be hot today. I'm going to take a dip in the water after our chores, if the wind decides not to topple me in the river without my consent just as I almost toppled onto you." She meowed, irritation in her tone for the stumble although there was a touch of humor and playfulness. She slowly smiled, "How did you spend your days while I was all locked up? Did the kits make target of you instead? My tail still aches from their toothy attacks."

They're quick to return the favor, brushing their own tail against her as they stretch their body in tandem. It's always nice to get out of the den, even if some days they'd much prefer to sleep it away. They're sure being in the medicine cat den is even worse, so they don't envy Petalnose in the least. At least now the two of them can share this sight, loving every second of being shaded in the pink light of early dawn. "Sounds good to me. I'll enjoy seeing more of your own skills, too. I could do to get some of my own energy expelled."

Aspenhaze also forgot about how strong the winds truly are as of late, and blink a few times as Petalnose topples into them. Neither of them fall over, thank StarClan, but they are still taken off guard. They hold a breath as the she-cat composes herself, and let it out with a hearty laugh at her response to it.
"Maybe we should hope we're blown in so we have an excuse to splash around for longer," they chuckle. "And nothing that interesting. Just my usual duties. And I think the kits are too afraid of me...ah well. Not that I would mind the little mites attacking my fur. I got a lot of it!"

Petalnose stretched a quiet and friendly purr as the other returned the gesture, her body loose and full of energy expressed through her strides as they left the den.

A tip of her head of interest reached her expression as the tortoiseshell point had responded, scoffing a bit with lighthearted mannerisms, "I think you'd see the best of my skills through sparring. I'm quite.. average per say in the hunting jest of things. Unless you want me to show how long I can hold my breath and scare the fish away with some dives." It normally stung like a bee to humble herself but she didn't mind showing humbleness in-front of her friend. "As I told you, patience isn't always my thing but dragging my claws into enemies sure is." She chuckled, flashing her claws in play with a devious smile.

"Sorry." Petalnose was quite flustered to show a bit of clumsiness towards them, shaking her pelt but keeping her posture confident. Although, she held back some laughter through her annoyance towards the brash element. She was unable to hold it back as Aspenhaze had broke into one, her sides heaving with laughter, "Ah well, I sure hope so, it looks like it's going to be hot today. I'm quite clumsy getting back on my hindlegs legs again. Maybe I'll take you down with me with these lanky legs." She aimed to lightly bump into their shoulder. It was a humiliating but a humorous image in her mind, she didn't want to topple in accidentally in reality. She knew her anger would come to curse the element and maybe the stars with it. She had already gotten a face littered of sand twice, two bloody noses and more so. Starclan just loved to embarrass her.

"Oh, really? My serious frown and sharp tongue don't seem to be a deterrent. Only seems to draw them in. I'm surprised I didn't make anyone cry yet." She groaned, eyes fluttering in annoyance as she thought back on all the times she cuffed kits ears and then she gave Silverkit a harsh talking to for biting her paw. Why didn't they leave her alone such as Smokethroat and Aspenhaze?

She lightened up as she heard the river nearby, her head raising as she took in the soothing sound fondly. "Its nice being back. This ache of energy is starting to feel like an ache of pain."

Petalnose suddenly left Aspenhaze's side to silently bound over towards the river bank a few paces away. She looked over her shoulder as she stopped at the water, tipping her head towards a spot beside her to invite them. "Come, sit." If they made it over beside her she would then settle after they had settled first, watching for fish below them.

"We can spar after we fish, if that's alright. I don't want you to use too much energy, you still need to heal. Though, I'm sure you've already heard that." Another lighthearted chuckle erupts from them. They're not sure if she would actually appreciate them trying to be too outwardly comforting, so they leave it at that as they purr from the bumping of their shoulder. All the physical attention was nice.

They comply immediately, sitting down next to her by the riverside. Aspenhaze has to agree, it's nice being outside, especially right now. They quietly watch for fish alongside Petalnose, wondering what kind of catches they'd get today. Maybe it'll be another good day for them.
"Let's see if StarClan blesses me today," they say as their eyes narrow, focus solely on the approaching prey.

// Rolled a 16!

Their paw is quick acting, and while it isn't a clean catch, they do manage to fish out a rainbow trout, same as their first catch in the competition. They give a small 'heh' as they dispatch of its life, amused immensely. "How appropriate, hmm?" Rainbow trout was easily one of their favorites, as well. The reddish pink on the side is beautiful, and they take great pleasure from the natural beauty of life.
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The woman lightened up at the offer, smirking and tipping her head towards her friend, "I'd love to. Don't let me beat you up to much." She teased, scrunching her nose.

Petalnose let a soft smile of comfort pull onto her black lips as she felt the presence of Aspenhaze beside her, although her attention did not pull from the river. She was determined to show her friend her skills. Maybe.. just maybe she wouldn't be so average this roll around. Maybe she could impress them this time. Dear Starclan, please don't humiliate me again.

Silence crept unto the pair like a predator in the night, focus taking the place of conversation. Patience was hard to contain for the she-cat, ears slowly starting to pin as time went on. This wind is scaring the fish deeper. Her tail flicked in silent annoyance as the brash breeze ramed into her side.

Then she heard the familiar sound of water thrashing and a successful catch, her head pulled upward and looked down upon Aspenhaze and their catch. Petalnose gave a prideful and congratulating smile and nod their way, "I had no doubts for you. I bet you'll enjoy that later." There was clear admiration in her tone and eyes, briefly leaning her body against theirs lightly in quiet encouragement.

Then her expression changed as if lighting struck her emotions, a determined and serious frown fading onto her features. It could be mistaken for anger or annoyance, as the warrior was frequently sputtering those emotions. Her tall figure slowly crept lower to the ground as she saw a large fish heading her direction. She struck, swooping it up with all her might and sinking her teeth into it's neck.

//Rolled a 18!

Satisfaction and pride seeped into her just as the chub's blood seeped into her jaws and leaked down her white chest. She slowly looked to Aspenhaze with a smile through her catch, setting it beside their catch in a respectful manner. No cocky behavior or prideful words to speak. She respected her friend. She stayed silent, turning her head slowly to watch for more fish below.

An average fish made her way, at first pride had gotten in her way and she hesitated to catch it. If she had to catch something so large, she believed she could do it again. It was surely possible if she had just made it happen. However, she still struck.

"Wha-!" A harsh wind suddenly slammed into her body mid strike. Splash. She stood no chance against the wind, catching her balance would be impossible in that position.

Her body would try to flail mid fall to catch land, her startled front paws heading straight for Aspenhaze's front legs as she fell in desperate measures to reach land. A dodge was possible but if the fellow warrior hadn't paid enough attention it would be easy to get tangled in Petalnose's limbs.

"Thank you, thank you." They puff up their chest in a cartoonish fashion, then laugh at their own theatrics. It's nice to just...let loose sometimes. They're usually caught up in trying to appear sophisticated, or at least a cat worthy of attention. They're very used to the fact they're fake, but that doesn't mean they have to be that way with everyone. It's nice to let loose around Petalnose, at the very least.

Aspenhaze watches silently as Petalnose tries her own paw at fishing, and they give a happy purr as she manages to get a good catch as well. Maybe StarClan really is looking after the two of them today.
"Congrats! I had no doubts, either." It's true, too. They have full faith in her, even more so now.

Though, the happy times don't last that long. The wind comes back full force, and they can't do anything but watch as the other get blown into the river this time. Their eyes widen as their grim falters, confusion etching their face instead. Maybe they shouldn't have made the comment about getting blown in? Oh well, too late.

// Rolled a 5!

They try to reach out to help her, but instead, her paws cause them to stumble, and they're flung into the water themself. They yelp at the sudden contact with the liquid, and they try to get away. They're also laughing, though it comes off a bit worried in tone and not just from the position they both landed themselves in.

A purr left her body as Aspenhaze praised her, licking her maw and teeth of blood. "I think you're teaching me well." she joked, stifling a chuckle.

Weight crashed on top of the warrior and shoved her further into the water. Her eyes widened and she looked at Aspenhaze in a slight panic, however, she paused her thrashing to the surface. Petalnose carefully untangled her limbs from them so the feline could retreat, her fur feeling hot underneath the cooling water that flattened and soaked her fur. Flustered.. embarrassed.. humiliated. She would swim up after them, coughing up some inhaled ruminants of river water as she climbed back up to the surface. "I... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have fought it like that. It's.. an instinct at this point." she apologized, shaking her wet fur and then making it to their side again to make sure they were okay. They were laughing, which made her head raise again as she watched them. Laughter shook her sides and chest to match theirs, it was contagious. "We spoke it into existence, didn't we?" she asked through laughter and then controlled it to come to a stall. "At least we're cool for the day. We wouldn't want to get heatstroke." She would let her rubber black lips brighten into a smirk, teasingly aiming to brush her soaking fur against theirs, giving them a mischievous glance. "But I did probably scare the fish away.. so..." she suddenly turned in a flash and slashed the water with her paw in Aspenhaze's direction in an attempt to soak them once more, giving a playfully wicked cackle. "Think fast!"

Normally, Petalnose wouldn't worry about any actions she decided upon, however, she did worry if it was too much for Aspenhaze last minute. Hopefully, they were happy enough to take it with a grain of salt. Maybe they would even join in on her little jest of delinquent actions. It was the right timing in her eyes, they would either have to sit there and wait for the fish to become active again or move further ways down the bank. It surely had to scare the scaled creatures away, so what is wrong with a brief moment of mischievous play?

“Guess we did.” They stop their awkward laughing, but chuckle again at how embarrassed she seemed after the situation they landed themselves into. Of course, they didn’t mind the coolness on their pelt in the slightest. Anything to beat the heat, even if it cost a few moments of panic in both of them. "No worries about freaking out, either. It's to be expected. Not in a bad way, of course." Great, now they're getting flustered and slipping up, too. They get even more flustered as Petalnose brushes up against them, their face actually showing surprise. "Y-You're right...heatstroke would not be amazing..."

When they're splashed with water, they're taken aback, though they probably could have seen it coming if they weren't out of sorts. They try and recompose themself by smirking darkly, and then swiping their own paw to splash Petalnose back. The splash they produce is large, and it could easily cover the entire she-cat's body, even with how tall she is. They're ready for a water fight, feeling once again relaxed like they haven't in a long, long time.

Petalnose had noticed how Aspenhaze became flustered over her brushing her pelt against theirs, snickering underneath her own flustered feelings. Her brows still continued to furrow mischeviously, proudly lifting her chin and adding a prideful "hmph" to the touch in result of her successful water attack.

Petalnose's mistake was not to leave the bank's side, her paws still firmly planting in the water with the sand sinking in-between her toes. So when she saw Aspenhaze move to swipe, she was too late to pull her paws from the river's dirt and sand.

A wave of water flashed over her, one that made hers seem puny. Her eyes widened out of suprise at the size of it easily overwhelming her body and resoaking every inch of her fur. She stood there for a moment, stunned as water trickled from her fur. She broke out into a laugh and then into one that was more wicked than the last, eyes glinting of evident plan. She aimed to rear up and slam all of her body weight into the water in their direction as she sprinted past her friend. "Catch me if you can!" Whether she was successful or not, she would keep bounding throughout the shallows.

All came to a quick end if Aspenhaze decided against or for her invitation, her front leg sinking into uneven sand. She attempted to rip it out within the quick moment which had been successful. Although, she flipped within the moment and roughly landed onto her back.

Uh oh, I'm screwed.

She looked up at Aspenhaze, blinking away river water that dowsed her face. "Well, hello again, Aspenhaze. How are you this fine morning?" She meowed, giving a light innocent smile as if she hadn't flipped. She wondered if her friend would spare her of another attack or take advantage of her vulernable state.

Why am I so stupidly clumsy around them?
Aspenhaze is also surprised at how effective their attack actually was, but their smirk is ever growing. There’s no way she wouldn’t strike back after that, and they get in a stance to block it.

// Rolled a 1! Crit failure!

Unfortunately, they’re not prepared at all, and as Petalnose rushes past them and bring on a wave they get hit hard, getting sent back alongside her. They luckily don’t hit her as they fly past, but they still get impacted hard. Their only thought however is that they hope she isn’t worried about them and doesn’t blame herself.

They shake their fur once more as they stumble up, making their way over to their friend.
“Hello again, Petalnose. I am doing fine, as you can see.” They laugh, but then wince in pain. “You know, maybe it’s my time to stay in the medicine den…” They don’t think they got hurt too bad, so they’ll most likely just sleep it off and hope for the best. “Don’t tell anyone. Also, maybe the fighting can wait? Let’s just bring back some more catches and hope we don’t get scolded…” Aspenhaze just smiles that comment off though, as per usual.

// OOC : Mobile post! I’ll format it in a hot second LOL
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