camp used to the darkness — symptoms

to be reborn , you have to die first .
The ghostly feline stared at the half-eaten mouse lying at his paws, expression conflicted. He half-heartedly wondered when he realized, but his head felt like it was filled with moss, squeezing until he felt himself tilt sideways, collapsing in a heap, pinkish optics dull, lidded with sickness.

He bit back a groan, shuffling until he pressed his helm into the cooling dirt, fur bristling along his spine at the repeated thumping, willing it to just go the hell away. He half-heartedly wondered if this was payback for commenting about there being more room, but life had never been the most favorable to him.

Spiderlily looked pitiful, curled up with scrunched eyelids, begging the dizziness to leave him be, but even being shrouded in the darkness seemed to make it all that worse. He’d forgotten what it was like to fall ill, not since he was a kit in search of half-dug-up skulls and a knack for seeing the worst of situations. He wondered just what Whitelion saw in him, as dreary as he was, short-tempered and not giving a damn if his words sparked anything but malice. He was mean, but he had every right to be if the cats continued to act like fools.

He shifted, feeling his skin prickle with fever, worry churning his stomach at the thought of what he was carrying inside his stomach, reaching a shaky paw to press against the mentioned area, brow crinkled. His muzzle crinkled, letting the first few tears fall from dark cheeks. An unnatural sight, watching the stoic, ghostly tom crumble from a plague that had ransacked their clan, but it wasn’t that, but his unborn kits.

He didn’t want to die.

He didn’t want to leave Whitelion. He didn’t want to leave. He might crave the freedom death offered like a mother’s comforting embrace, because what did Spiderlily have to lose? He lost everything. He was nothing more but a bitter soul with an unnatural hobby of collecting bones.

But that was then. He almost laughed if it wasn’t for the prickle of his sore throat, begging for some relief, but even swallowing made it hurt. Damn you. He thought, gaze half-lidded, wondering where Whitelion was. His helm shifted, dragging across the dirt with a wiry grin, expression contorted in illness and grief. He wanted Whitelion. He wasn’t aware he was mumbling the tom’s name until his throat twinged in pain, drawing a quiet whimper from the soon-to-be queen.

/ spiderlily has yellowcough ! and just realized he's pregnant so that's fun ^^ he's two weeks along starting this thread
thought speech

nightbird was on her way out of camp when she spotted spiderlily curled on the ground, writhing and mumbling. her ears flickered in annoyance, she had by now seen enough sick cats that the symptoms were recognizable. did yellowcough mean to take every one of them until the clans were distant memories?

a sharp sigh and she veered off towards berryheart's den, notably keeping her distance from the entrance. "it's spiderlily, think he's sick. i'll see if he's able to make it here." with a wave of her tail she was off to the aforementioned warrior, stopping a few foxlengths away.

"spiderlily, you can't stay there like that. can you make it to berryheart's den?" she questioned him, voice raised to try and cut through whatever delirium he was trapped in. if unable to move, she would need to find someone willing to guide him. the molly had done a good job avoiding contamination, she was not about to fall into it's ugly jaws now.


  • IMG_0032.png
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-five moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


His ear had flicked to the sound of mumbling, delirious in tone and only a name- chanting, almost. An uneven gaze peered from the darkness of his den, the inside again growing hot with fevered bodies, this time with no lungwort to cure them. It was a well-timed bout of curiosity, for soon Inky met concerned silver eyes with uneven, dull green. He dipped his head in silent thanks, quiet voice calling after her, "We will prepare a nest." His voice was hardened with concern, both for the health of yet another ill warrior and for the amount of moss they had left.

"We may run out of space, soon..." he muttered to his apprentice as he descended back into the depths. And moss, he thought. Perhaps he would have to make it very clear to the next patrol he was on that herbs were not his only priority... and, he would have to sacrifice some of his nest-making prowess in order to make sure there was enough.

His pawsteps stop on his way through camp to meet up with his mentor. Confusion contorted his face at the quiet repetition of Whitelion’s name and the collapsed form of a cat on the ground. Nightbird was handling it but he couldn’t help his curious paws creeping closer to join the smoke molly.

This is what yellowcough looked like, smelled like even. It knocked cats to their paws, leaving them in feverish sweats, delirious sometimes, and weak. Too many had fallen prey to its wickedness.

”It’s..Spiderlily,” Dreampaw would say as if stating the obvious as he fought back a hiss of dismay, ”Is he going to be alright?” The plague was slashing down able-body warriors left and right. Every sick clanmate meant another clanmate closer to death and the harder the still healthy would have to work. He wasn’t afriad of yellowcough. He had told himself it was impossible for the Dark Warrior to be infected but he still worried for those the sickness held in its dangerous clutches. He hoped Berryheart and Lichenpaw could handle another patient. But currently, it seemed just breaking Spiderlily from his illness-induced incoherence was hard enough.

  • ooc : — ​

  • DREAMPAW / t a g s
    9 moons / ftm trans (he/him)
    thunderclan apprentice / small dark tortoiseshell cat with hazel eyes.
    primary character / played by yamitisane
    powerplay of healing & minor offensive actions (shoving, slapping, small cuts, etc) allowed

    dreampaw is a genius and eccentric cat whose sole focus is becoming stronger than he already is. he’s enthusiastic, entertaining, and loves pranks. however his looks can be deceiving as he is also aggressive and arrogant and frustratingly has the talent to make certain his words don’t go unfounded. he has a fiery and wicked gaze, speaks with a deeper voice than his appearance would suggest, has an evil laugh, and calls himself the ‘Dark Warrior.’


"they're making you a nest, come on." she prompted further, tail twitching uneasily. nightbird couldn't help him to the den, it wasn't a risk she was willing to take, but they couldn't all just sit here either. spiderlily had to be contained, one way or another.

more paws padded up behind her and a feathered tail hangs out to the side to act as a barrier, trying to halt dreampaw from treading too close. the tortoiseshell came with an impossible question, nobody could tell. but they were out of lungwort, and this disease seemed to take no prisoners. "berryheart will keep him comfortable."

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-five moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

to be reborn , you have to die first .
The ghostly tom could barely make out Nightbird’s voice, muddled as if his ears were filled with cobwebs. It hurt. Withering like a worm without a sense of dignity, muzzle crinkling, biting the inside of his cheek until it stung.

He stopped his blubbering whisper of Whitelion’s name, instead breaking out in raspy coughs, helm turned to cough into his fur, mindful of those around him. He might be a jerk, but Spiderlily wasn’t willing to give this to anyone if he could help it.

Suffocating didn’t seem too much of a bad idea now, but the echoing whispers of the growing life in his stomach made him think twice. He wouldn’t. He was stubborn, as much as Whitelion wrinkled his nose at the blatant refusal of help whenever the male woke up from another awful nightmare. He didn’t need help, damnit.

With a heated groan, the tom shifted, legs quivering to peer at the surrounding cats, pinkish hues squinting against the natural light. “Don’t need your help.” He muttered, voice hoarse, throat burning.

His gaze shifted to Berryheart, expression muddled with worry. “My … kits.” He mumbled, pulling himself onto wobbly paws, teeth-gritting with the painstaking effort to keep himself from collapsing, the world swaying. “Will they be … be okay?” Do not let me lose more. He wanted to pray to whatever unnatural being out there, but he wasn’t like that. He barely believed in StarClan, but for this, Spiderlily could swallow his pride and hope this illness didn’t send him into the ground, bones becoming one with the earth.
thought speech

He blinks as his eyes instinctively go to the dark, plumed tail that deliberately blocks his way. What? He was concerned. Was Nightbird saying she didn’t him around? The corners of his mouth immediately dip down and he barely represses a growl. For a moment he slowly leans forward and opens his mouth to reveal his shining fangs as if he was conflicted if he should bite her tail away or not.

He snaps his mouth closed as he decides to behave and grumbles at her response. Berryheart was a busy cat and now busier still, but he trusted the medicine cat to be able to to take care of Spiderlily. He is about to remark that ‘the Dark Warrior would be going somewhere else now,’ but it is then his confusion and irritation clears enough for a moment of clarity. Aha, She’s trying to keep me away! Worried I’ll get sick, huh? He thinks as he smiles with renewed intrigue at Nightbird’s tail that blocks him. He is touched somewhat by her complicated way of caring that he doesn’t even boast aloud that ‘worrying was foolish because the Dark Warrior didn’t get sick.’

When Spiderlily shifted and looked to those gathered around him, Dreampaw was still smiling. However when the ill warrior claimed he didn’t need their help, his smile would fall away. ”Well thanks a lot for making us worry! If you don’t need us then at least listen to Berryheart,” he’d say loudly. Spiderlily’s mention to the medicine cat about kits somehow makes him nervous but it doesn’t show on his face. Was Spiderlily ill and expecting? That was…less than ideal.

  • ooc : — ​

  • DREAMPAW / t a g s
    9 moons / ftm trans (he/him)
    thunderclan apprentice / small dark tortoiseshell cat with hazel eyes.
    primary character / played by yamitisane
    powerplay of healing & minor offensive actions (shoving, slapping, small cuts, etc) allowed

    dreampaw is a genius and eccentric cat whose sole focus is becoming stronger than he already is. he’s enthusiastic, entertaining, and loves pranks. however his looks can be deceiving as he is also aggressive and arrogant and frustratingly has the talent to make certain his words don’t go unfounded. he has a fiery and wicked gaze, speaks with a deeper voice than his appearance would suggest, has an evil laugh, and calls himself the ‘Dark Warrior.’