Utopians rise 𓆝 asking for help


Snakeblink cuts through the Riverclan territory with single-minded focus, trusting his clanmates to follow through the reeds. Each aborted glance back to check that smaller paws are not struggling to keep up spurs him forward, a reminder of the cats trapped within the twoleg nests that have sprouted overnight, like blighted mushrooms. He remembers Robinpaw, Ashpaw — apprentices caught by twolegs, taken far beyond the bounds of the forests, and who returned only through sheer luck and tenacity. They still have an opportunity to help these abducted cats and he intends to make the most of it. Especially if there are cats there as they’ve heard, kittypets, willing to help, as kittypets helped Skyclan’s own kidnapees before.

Thanks to Mosspool’s report, he has an idea of what awaits them here, but he’s still taken aback by the sight: the sharp lines of the nests, bright like sunlight reflecting off the river, evidence of twoleg activity scattered around and stinking with their sharp, alien scent. ”Careful,” he hisses at his patrol, flattening himself to the ground. They are all exceedingly competent; he would have nothing less, not with lives on the line. Louder, but only a little, he calls out to unseen allies: ”Hello, are you there? We are Riverclan cats, come to ask for assistance.”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • patrol: @FOGSHORE @HOUNDSTRIDE. @SWAMPHOWL @willowroot
    And all camper kittypets are welcome and encouraged to reply!
    Fish tag: splake

  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 51 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Storm is used to these trips. Her housefolk often take her with them on their adventures into the wilds. While she enjoys seeing new places and exploring the wild, the constant travel makes her lonely. She has no friends and barely remembers her family. Don't get her wrong—Storm likes her housefolk. They take her to the vet when she gets sick, groom her, and give her a comfortable and safe place to live, but they don't understand what it is like to be alone. She tries to show them her life as they show her theirs, but they never understand. Her gifts go unappreciated, and Storm doesn't understand why they don't want the prey she brings them as gifts. Perhaps it was because they wanted to hunt for themselves, so she once tried to bring a live one for her housefolk. That had gone even worse.

It is with these thoughts in her head that Storm hears the call, almost too quiet for her to notice. She is allowed out because she never wanders far, but her housefolk worry if she is gone for too long. She has time now, though, and slips away from the dens and toward the voice. She blinks in surprise as she spots the cat flattened to the ground, blue eyes flickering back to the others behind him. Parting her jaws slightly, she allows their scent to wash over her tongue and realizes that they smell similar to the wild cats the Upwalkers have been bringing back to their nests. "Hello. What is a RiverClan?" Storm asks, tilting her head slightly. "Is that who the others are? The ones the Upwalkers have been bringing back?"

  • OOC: talking to @Snakeblink
  • 34027585_SQP3JkNbPNazXic.jpg
    low white blue tabby / chimera with blue eyes
    heterosexual ; single
    easy to befriend ; hard to upset
    will not start fights ; will sometimes end fights ; will flee
    easy in battle ; no formal training
    peaceful & healing powerplay permitted
  • text
    "Speech, #5772AF"
    Thoughts, #5772AF
    ‣ penned by Ian ; arsenicace on Discord

The call for an unrelenting knight to protect their housefolk's camper against the hordes of mice that would attempt to infiltrate for the sake of warmth and food was a noble one. Rosalia considered it one at least, it was what they were born to do, at least in this second life they were given.

A second life of different scenery, different faces compared to the stuffy compacted homes that she had grown up in. There were drawbacks to this sacred mission, the thankless hours, the lack of concern when they'd come back bearing scars from defending his housefolk’s camper from the larger antagonists that tried to breach those steel walls or that merely wander too close for her standards.

Sanctuary was sought by the mice that they slaughtered, they understand that. Yet, Rosalia is swift in divine judgment on the behalf of those they serve with reverence. Delivering no mercy unto those beasts, even if said divine judgment receives no appreciation, no acclamations, no affection.

Just a diligent soldier of the housefolk that housed them, sometimes they yearned for more. For a cause that would be appreciated, something for a populace that would understand the devotion they hold. It's another day of service, they hold no attention to anything other than the squeaks of mice that wander too close. That's until there's a mysterious call, one of RiverClan. The title holds no bearing to the flame point, yet it sounds important.

The strange cats of the wild stir a familiarity, they share scent with the rather miserable souls that had been confined within their own campers. Were they prisons rather than homes? She had considered it mere conjecture at first, now that more have arrived perhaps that wasn't the case.

“The title sounds noble, I'd like to know what a RiverClan is too.” They inquire as they stand beside Storm, he has seen her in fleeting moments. As such the young cat nods in greeting at the only familiar face thus far amongst the impromptu gathering. She stands tall, yet not hostile, just guarded curiosity. “What aid would something as grand sounding as RiverClan need?” Excitement thrust in her veins, could this be the call to action that he yearned for?

  • Love
Reactions: wolfie
Nutmeg has traveled for as long as she could remember. Her mother, whose face she cannot remember, was taken from her early, replaced by the kind faces of her Twoleg couple. They had a knack for seeing the wonders of the world, traveling two-and-fro in their camper with their dog and an older companion Nutmeg came to view as a foster-mother. It was.. all she knew.

But it never really satisfied her. All the new sights, they were fascinating at first, when she was young and energetic; but these days, all she could think about was how free she could be, out there in the wilds that they visited. It wasn't until the Twolegs began taking in strangers that she realized that.. she wasn't the only one with this desire.

In the past few days, she's heard from the other travelers in the campsite that they, too, had seen an influx of new roommates. They were curious things, bringing with them strange scents and terms she'd never heard, but there was no doubt that they were terrified.

Nutmeg knows that these strangers are linked to the call that is echoed into the warm air. It cannot be a coincidence. When she joins the other travelers out to meet the so-called 'RiverClanners', she greets them with a curious look and a concern-creased frown. "You must be here for them," she wonders aloud. She's seen stray cats before, of course, but never so many in a concentrated area. Perhaps, if she offers her aid, she can learn more about them, and what makes them so.. free. "What can we do for you?"
  • nutmeg-placeholder.png
    NUTMEG ━━ penned by ixora
    ━━ 26 MOONS,, ages every 16th
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none | MENTORED by none
    ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ | nutmeg is healthy.​
  • 65311066_EaZGFESBlJjiISx.png

  • speech is #d1a261

𓆝​ 𓆟 did don't do, don't you too, won't what we 𓆝​ 𓆟 He be Me, I be They, They be We

"fluffykins" & 18 moons & agender & they/them/it/its & kittypet

The creature is perched upon foldout chair, lounging comfortably in the newleaf sun. Harness glitters with each breath it takes, chest shifting and heaving. Despite the unfortunate situation it's newest denmates find themselves in, Fluffykins is - mostly - content to idle away. It is not very smart after all, and if it could not escape the clutches of the twolegs itself then how could it possibly save them? Still, mind wnaders absently, and they suppose they will at least try.

Voices ring out, and while the child of fire and ice does not immediately put name and face to voice, the familiar ring of riverclan sends them jolting. Tumbling from its perch with a thump, movements utterly graceless as it wobbles and toddles over to join the growing crowd. Amber eyes stare, wide and blinking, before it beams.

" Riverclan is being noble yes, and free, " it chitters in agreement, head bobbing furiously. " Hello hello~... Snakeblink. Willowroot. Friends Fluffykins no longer be knowing, " it greets, far less suspicious than the others. Because once these cats were kin - though truth be told, the creature would be hard pressed to return to such life, not now, not having seen so much adventure and wonder. Being beholden to twolegs is far worth the trade.
actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

H E Y - H O , - W H E R E - D I D - Y O U - G O ? - D I D - Y O U - W R I G G L E - O R - R O L L ?

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With each hesitant step forward, Houndstride's prepared to take another two back. Fleeing's a coward's way out but it's all they've left to afford. When they cannot fight. . . well, it's the only way he knows to protect his clanmates. Tension ripples across the full of his shoulders. The reeds tickle his fur. Snakeblink's a careful and cautious leader right up until he's calling out for attention. Body pitching low, the warrior crouches as if to hide himself. Twolegs are sure to come running. But they don't. Four cats tag in. His fur starts to bristle. "Snakeblink," he warns lowly. There must be somethin' here he's missed. The kittypets are allowed, then? StarClan, if SkyClan could see 'em now. Surely those tree-dwellers would be laughing at them now.

All that nonsense way back when. Kittypets intruding on their lands. The kittypet colony, weak and hungry. Compassion hadn't meant as much as pride. Maybe, as he looks out at them now, compassion is fed with a full belly. He's only ever seen it from cats who know softness. His eyes look down, away. Mechanical. He'll leave the talking here to Snakeblink as to what they want (pride's at war once more: he doesn't want to admit he needs anything from these strange cats, however useful they may be) but his open scoff rumbles out some words before he can stop himself. "We're a clan. A family out here, takin' care of one another. Protecting what's ours. This river's part'f that, and our clanmates too."

  • OOC.
  • 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄. HE - HIM - HIS. PRODIGAL WARRIOR OF RIVERCLAN. ————— mauled by a fox moons ago and has the scars to prove it. though his wounds are healed, nothing can rid him of that pain.   PENNED BY REVELATIONS

    a lean chocolate tabby with lime green eyes. the scars that had once been limited to the bridge of his nose now shatter and expand across that entire side of his face, up to a ripped ear and down to his shoulder and front right leg. it is somewhat difficult for him to put his weight on that paw at odd angles, and he gets grumpy after a long while of walking, but it does not inhibit him terribly.

Laying in an open window is a black tom, once a small kitten now grown into a slightly plump adult form. Fed just enough, full of treats and very comfortable. It was something he never imagined. When he first found himself in the situation, he was terrified, fearful of what the twolegs would do to him. But now? Oh now he enjoyed it. With a pinkish-red collar resting across his neck, he purrs loudly, enjoying his time in the sun.

They had named him a strange thing - Oreo they said - but he would only respond if it was rewarded with pets, kisses, and treats. To everyone else, he retained some form of his name. Rowan missed his old name, but he had learned it was strange to the others and instead opted for the start. Recently, he had been thinking of his old name once more. The origins of it had him thinking of where he was found, somewhere very close to here, he figured. This campsite's surroundings were uncannily familiar. The scents he picked up were familiar, the stray cats the twolegs had brought also smelled familiar; all of it like a childhood smell.

Rowan held onto the thoughts for a while. His resting form shifted, eyes opening to look out of the window and to the other kittypets wandering about. Ears were not listening to words that had been called out to them, but he could hear his acquaintances without any problem. RiverClan was the first word he focused onto from Storm. A small wave of excitement ran through him, fur standing up - that was familiar. It was a word synonymous with home in his mind. That was his home, his home before the twoleg owners who spoiled him. Without a second thought, he squeezed his way through the open window and onto the ground, a small holographic bell jingling as he lands. He speaks no words, only listening to and sitting further back from everyone else. His mind raced - there's no way anyone would remember him there, all except for his sister of course, he hoped. There's no way they'd take him back, not that he wanted to anyway. This life was perfect enough for him... And still, he seemed interested in whatever they needed help with. So long as it could (potentially) benefit him, he did not mind.

  • ooc ))

  • penned by doc . 13 moons . he/him

( ) willowroot finds themself back at the twoleg nests far too soon for their liking. still, this mission rings of importance, and they carry themself with dignified grace as they slink alongside snakeblink. mossy eyes flick from side to side, noting each shining bright den as it appears, and each faraway figure of monstrous danger. as their patrol leader stops, so too do they, pressing themself into the undergrowth in time with their friend. as houndstride, fogshore and swamphowl do the same, the patrol waits with baited breath as their leader makes himself known, and figures begin to approach. first to the scene is a slender storm hued tabby, who is joined in her questions by a sandy colored cat and a roundish brown and white one. willowroot takes in the forms silently, noting the plump stomachs, the unmarred skin, the jingling collars around their necks. never in their own time in companionship with twolegs were they made to wear one, and they cringe at the idea of it.

next to arrive is a small orange and white cat, who toddles over with a bright smile and cheerful words. willowroot's jaw drops open, eyes widening in surprise and relief. "oddfish?" she breathes, and unknowingly drifts closer, blinking as if she cannot believe it. "we looked everywhere for you!" she tells it, and glances over to meet snakeblink's viper gaze. all this time, the stolen feline had been right under their noses. looking back to the now-kittypet, she blinks. "it's good to see you alive," is what she'll end with, tail tip flicking to avoid speaking her mind. she'll let snakeblink take the charge on declaring their need- she's no longer a lead warrior, after all.

  • // "#91A26C"
  • 70579232_8S53CwfR3WpaY1R.png

    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smoky long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, cut through with dark ghost stripes. friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape, and her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.


Foreign, well-fed cats slip into view almost as soon as the call leaves Snakeblink’s mouth. He doesn’t allow himself to bristle the way Houndstride is, though he feels the same urge at the sight of strangers: the chocolate warrior will cut an impressive enough silhouette as it is without the patrol’s lead looking unwelcoming and edgy as well. ”Peace,” he whispers to Houndstride, though what he wishes he could say is Trust me.

The kittypets are welcoming enough, and seemingly both aware of what they might be here for and willing to help. One familiar face makes Snakeblink draw short, and he blinks owlishly for a second before gathering his wits to himself. ”Hello, Oddfish— or, Fluffykins? It is good to see you well, either way.” Clearing his throat, he focuses on the task at paws, though he agrees with Willowroot: the sight of a lost clanmate living and well (well-cared for by the twolegs—) is a balm on his bristling soul. ”Yes, we are here for our clanmates — the ones the… ‘upwalkers’ have been taking.”

He nods towards Oddfish-Fluffykins and Houndstride in turns, silently echoing their explanation of what Riverclan is— a difficult concept to summarize to these cats. One could one explain the all-encompassing loyalty and love outside the bounds of blood connection to someone with such an isolated and easy life as a kittypet? Although he supposes if Skyclan could do it, so can they. ”Riverclan is— a colony, I think you would be familiar with? We live in these parts of the woods, caring for our own. This has been made… increasingly difficult, as the twolegs have been stealing our kin and bringing them back to your nests.”

It’s a relief that their missing clanmates have been seen by these cats: it means they know where they are, which makes things infinitely easier. ”We have had clanmates abducted from river territory by twolegs before, and we do not intend to let it happen again. Unfortunately, twolegs — those you call upwalkers — and their contraptions are unfamiliar to us, and we do not have access to the inside of their nests as you do.” Deep breathe, and then, in his most neutral voice — better than whatever disastrous attempt at ‘cajolling’ he could come up with — he asks, ”We would ask for your help in breaking our clanmates out of the nests so that we may bring them back home. Please.”

He gives one quick glance back towards his patrol, to the so far quiet Fogshore and Swamphowl, waiting a beat for anything they might add to his request. Then he adds, ”Of course, we offer what we can in return for your assistance — I understand this might be quite the quest to undertake.”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 51 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

A few other cats who Storm has seen around join the group at the call of the wild cat. She nods back to Rosalia, sparing a glance toward Nutmeg before surprise briefly overtakes her features. Fluffykins knows them? Or... is their name Oddfish? Storm is confused by the development, but pushes it aside in favor of listening to the explanations the so-called RiverClanners are giving. Houndstride's scoff causes her pelt to warm in embarrassment and Storm quickly turns her gaze to the one who was in charge. The explanation given causes a surge of compassion, and she immediately agrees to help.

"I will help. I know how the dens your kin are being kept in work. Do you already have a plan? I do not believe the upwalkers are being malicious, but if they see you they will try to take you as well." She is lucky enough that her housefolk have not taken one of these Clan cats. Or perhaps unlucky, but it is not worth consideration in the current moment. To have kin forcibly ripped from you cannot be a good feeling, and Storm will not sit by when she can do something about it. She only hopes that the other travelers who hear the plea feel the same.

  • OOC: -
  • 34027585_SQP3JkNbPNazXic.jpg
    low white blue tabby / chimera with blue eyes
    heterosexual ; single
    easy to befriend ; hard to upset
    will not start fights ; will sometimes end fights ; will flee
    easy in battle ; no formal training
    peaceful & healing powerplay permitted
  • text
    "Speech, #5772AF"
    Thoughts, #5772AF
    ‣ penned by Ian ; arsenicace on Discord

Oddfish is not a name known to Rosalia, they only knew of a Fluffykins, perhaps these poor wild cats were merely confused after dealing with such trauma? This did not pertain to their concerns or their abilities so this was not going to be a conversation to involve oneself in. The explanation of what RiverClan is, paying no heed to Houndstride's scoff and merely looking at the facts of what the clan meant to these wild cats. They nod attentively at Snakeblink’s words, drinking in from the fountain of knowledge that washed over him. Her maw parts in surprise, upwalkers have been stealing kin? How ignoble, how abhorrent! Surely Rosalia’s had naught taken part in such schemes. This was a gross miscarry of justice, if he could have any say in it then this would carry on for long.

A quest is what Snakeblink had described it as, a quest! There was a giddy excitement bubbling within at the phrase. This was a quest wasn’t it? Who would Rosalia be if she turned this down, he had always dreamed of undertaking a noble quest. “I will help as well!” They declare, voice bolstering a little too loud in their excitement.

“I shall offer you my aid, it should be easy enough for us to access the dens, though... As Storm stated you may be in danger of being taken as well.” Their lowered their voice this time. His face furrowing in thought, surely these RiverClan cats had a plan on what to do. Even if they didn’t she was willing to lend themself to the cause, it was relieving to hear that at least Storm agreed in the injustice of this. Hopefully the others did as well, it seemed like these cats could use all the help that they get.

So, this was what RiverClan was. A strongly knit community of family and friends, striving for honorable survival - a united front. Nutmeg recalls her talk with one of the stolen RiverClanners who shared her Upwalker den; Hazecloud, was it? She spoke so fondly of her kittens, of her home.. she knew from the start that it must have been very important. There was no hesitation in Nutmeg's half-step forward and dip of her head. "I will help, too. RiverClanners do not belong confined. I would see your friends and family home safely."

ooc // short response as a bit of a rta
  • nutmeg-placeholder.png
    NUTMEG ━━ penned by ixora
    ━━ 26 MOONS,, ages every 16th
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none | MENTORED by none
    ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ | nutmeg is healthy.​
  • 65311066_EaZGFESBlJjiISx.png

  • speech is #d1a261