V is for Vendetta ❀ Valerianpaw

  • GeneralBite my tongue, bide my time
    valerianpaw valeriankit
    ↪ valerian for her mother’s love of flowers, paw for her rank
    afab, she/her
    ↪ undiscovered sexuality [likely demisexual] - too young to crush or be in a relationship
    4 moons, 17th of every month
    Shadowclan, apprentice
    penned by euphoria

  • AppearanceWearing a warning sign
    long-haired blue torbie with burnt amber, deep blue eyes, and low white.
    ↪ Valerian is almost noticeably a mirror reflection of Halfshade, from her dainty petiteness to her markings being reversed to Halfshade's along her body. Likely the smallest of the litter, Valerian, despite her petite size, is practically a clone of her mother, with her blue markings matching her father's. She is an almost stylistic mess of curls and tries her hardest to remain clean despite the grimy lands of her home. She noticeably has a splash of white around her neck and chest, and a splash that almost makes a heart shape around her freckled nose.
    smells like flowers, marsh, faint milk scent
    sounds like ???
    runt of her litter

    ↪ link to toyhouse!
  • PersonalityWait 'til the world is mine
    POSITIVE TRAITS: Calm, Charming, Conscientious, Dependable, Easy-going, Gentle, Passionate, Patient
    NEUTRAL TRAITS: Competitive, Determined, Meticulous, Protective, Proud, Quiet, Unpredictable, Vindictive
    NEGATIVE TRAITS: Conceited, Critical, Dangerous, Deceitful, Manipulative, Posessive, Selfish, Stubborn

    ↪ On the surface, when first meeting Valerianpaw, you’ll meet a silent, almost shy young girl who sticks close to her siblings, and watches her surroundings. She speaks very little, and it mostly carries a monotone and blunt tone when she does. However, she’s relaxed and often calm, and can be nice when approached. To most, she’s a simple but rather unimpressive feline. Yet, her mind is much more complex than she lets most see, with her family being the rare exception in moments of privacy. She is sharp with her constant observations, and cares closely about the opinions of those she respects. She soaks up her parents’ beliefs and opinions like a sponge, and builds her own conclusions off them. She capable of being manipulative as she often wears a mask, hiding her true thoughts in a much more subtle manner. She is very vain, taking pride in her heritage and family, and it can often show as her being over protective of her family members. Truthfully, she’s extremely possessive of her family, seeing them as above everyone else. She takes great, and often personal, offense to most who’d disagree with this thought. However, she’s also constantly suspicious of others, especially those who her parents would’ve warned her of. She is a child filled with unchecked loathing, vindictiveness, and envy. Her sharp vindicitiveness makes her a danger, though majority are completely unaware of this personality note as she’s often the docile child when with her siblings.Scorn her or her family, and she’ll make it a personal vendetta.
    has both ASPD & eidetich memory
    ↪ list MBTI type here...

    ↪ slytherin, fairy and poison type
  • RelationshipsVisions I vandalize
    Smogmaw x Halfshade
    Applepaw, Garlicpaw, Swanpaw
    mates with no one
    ↪ no offspring
    mentored by Foxflower
    ↪ currently mentoring...

    ↪ mentored...
    DISLIKES: Granitepelt, Chilledstar
    HATES: Ghostkit, Maggotpaw

  • InteractionsCold in my kingdom size
    what are they like in battle? difficulty level
    will not (seemingly) start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will (potentially) show mercy

    ↪ STRENGTH: ✿❀❀❀❀

    ↪ DEXTERITY: ✿✿❀❀❀

    ↪ SPEED: ✿✿✿❀❀

    ↪ STEALTH: ✿✿✿✿❀

    ↪ SWIMMING: ✿❀❀❀❀

    ↪ HUNTING: ✿❀❀❀❀
    Valerianpaw is often filled with negative or neutral perceptions with most of those she interacts with. IC opinions should be constantly noted.
    Valerianpaw doesn’t like holding conversations with most beyond her family, but she is rather easy to talk to if you get past her seemingly shy behavior and blunt words
    ↪ STRATEGY: ✿✿✿✿❀

    ↪ PERCEPTION: ✿✿✿✿❀

    ↪ MEMORY: ✿✿✿✿✿

    ↪ HEALING: ✿❀❀❀❀

    ↪ WISDOM: ✿✿✿❀❀

    ↪ MOTIVATION: ✿✿✿✿✿
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Haven't properly met yet
Fearful of
Suspicious of
Jealous of
Distrustful of
Annoyed by
Weirded out by
Confused / Unsure of
Complicated Feelings
Wishes to know better
Shy towards
Comfortable with
Finds Entertaining
Friends with
Close friends with
Safe around
Like family
Protective of
Platonic Love
Crushing on
Head-over-heels for
Romantic Love

Reply with your character(s) here to see how Valerianpaw feels about them!


"Mama is amazing and I love her very much. She knows a lot, and I want to be like her and Papa when I'm older."

Valerianpaw has an intense love and admiration for her mother, and respects everything she has to say.


"I really love Papa, and respect him a lot. He's smart too, and I like that he listens to me."

Similar to her mother, Valerian has intense love and admiration for her father, and wants to mirror him just as she does her mother.


"Applepaw can be a bit… haughty at times. But She's my sister and I love her. We don't see eye-to-eye on most things, and I never saw the reasoning in her interest with games, but I wouldn't change her for the world."

Despite them having different interests and not quite getting along on most cases, this doesn't diminish the fact that Valerian loves her just as intensely as their parents and is very protective of her.


"I'm very close to Swanpaw. As kits we often snuggled and napped together, and it was nice. I'm going to miss doing it as often but at least we'll still share a den."

Just like her sisters and parents, Valerian has nothing but intense love and even stronger protective instincts over her beloved drowsy brother.


"Garlicpaw is a little weird sometimes. She has an obsession with snails and frogs, and somehow has the ability to befriend really strange creatures. But she's still my sister, and I wouldn't change her for anything. Plus she makes me laugh."

Valerianpaw has an intense love for Garlicpaw, and while she doesn't quite understand her sister's silly antics, it doesn't diminish any of the love and protectiveness she feels for her.


write your character's opinion on them <3
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