private VALAR DOHAERIS ✧ Siltcloud

His paw pad aches when he puts weight on it. He’d shown it to Starlingheart, explaining he’d cut it on a sharp stone—and, mercifully, the medicine cat had not questioned him. He’d luckily made the incision jagged enough for the wound to be believable. But with every step now, he’s thinking of Sootstar, of the vow he made to the WindClan leader under the full moon—and he’s adrift, full of secret thoughts that have no outlet. He cannot confide in his mate—she is sworn to StarClan, to ShadowClan, and now…

Now, he is not. But he does not consider himself to be an ally to WindClan… he is an ally to Sootstar, and her alone. He cares little for the rabbit-eating savages she commands. His duty is separate. He will do what he must to please her, but his ambitions are still very much his own.

Granitepelt knows he wants Siltcloud by his side, though. His sister had a level head, a cool tongue, a colder heart. She could perhaps rationalize the strange new feelings that are stirring inside of him, awoken because of fangs put to paw pad, because of blood mixing and running wild in his veins.

I met with Sootstar.” He’s asked her to come hunting with him. It’s been some time since they’ve gotten the chance. With their new warrior duties, and with fatherhood (though this has changed his life very little), the two of them have been preoccupied with their own lives. Now, though, dappled by the faint sunlight that reaches their marshy forest floor, he turns to his littermate with a strange gleam in his eyes. “You weren’t at the Gathering, but I spoke with one of her daughters… and Sootstar threatened me with our mother’s name on her lips.” He grimaces, as he always does when Sandra is brought up. “But she told me something interesting when I went to her territory… about us.

He sits, beginning to groom the spiked-up white fur on his chest. “She didn’t want to tell me at first. I had to… appease her.” His eyes narrow, but he continues. “She told me our father had two mates, and she was one of them. He is the father to her oldest two kits.” He looks at Siltcloud with a strange smile. “We have a brother and a sister in WindClan, Siltcloud.


  • granitekit . granitepaw . granitepelt
    — he/him ; warrior of shadowclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Starlingheart
    — short-haired gray tom with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Meg
siltcloud | 14 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #905d5d
Siltcloud is a mess - well and truly so, her mind a jumble and heart all but a puddle beating within her chest. So when granitepelt leads her away from camp, away from the others, she thinks little of it - she's simply eager for the distraction. But his words leave her faltering, pausing in her steps - he'd met with who? Suddenly, his strange behavior upon the moorland border makes sense - his silence makes sense.

Green eyes widen, snapping up from the ground to meet her brothers in shock - as though to gauge if she's heard correctly, if he's truly been so foolish. But the words keep spilling from his mouth, that cursed name most unsettling of all. She wants nothing to with their mother - never wanted to hear her be so much as mentioned ever again, not now, but she feels paralyzed - helpless to do anything but listen.

Their mother was not their fathers only mate - no, they have siblings. It is no longer just her, just granite, just sparkkit lying cold in his grave beneath the marshland earth, not just the kits coiled against starlinghearts belly. no, they have windclan kin. Uncertainty flashes across her narrow features, the frail-framed girl shrinking in on herself as she's lost to her thoughts for a moment. "... we have... siblings?" she murmurs - half to herself, half to him.

She thinks she might be sick, so heady and overpowering is the wave of anxiety that crashes upon her, and she wobbles, nearly fainting before she can get a stranglehold on the unwanted emotions. "What- what else did she say?" she's so certain that cannot be the only thing they have spoken of - right? There must be more!

Granitepelt feels vindicated to see her surprise—to hear the breathless quality of her voice. “We do,” he confirms. There’s a haunted quality behind those dull green eyes, though—and he wonders if she’s thinking as he had, about Sandra, about the mother who’d left them alone in a place that did not want them. He has to, as always, suppress a surge of rage when he thinks of a pretty tabby pelt, a pair of leaf-soft eyes. In a rare display of affection for his sister, Granitepelt presses his white muzzle to her half-white one, hoping to comfort her in the face of memories best left buried. “There’s more. You’re right to think there’s more.

He draws away from her, beginning to pace, as he always does when his mind works faster than his mouth. What he’s about to speak into existence is treasonous… and it could mean his head, and hers too, depending on her reaction. But this is the one cat in the forest he knows he can trust with the burden of his secret. Siltcloud had helped him against all odds when Pitchstar had died.

I made a pact with Sootstar.” He lifts a slate-colored paw, shows her the throbbing, bitten-up pad. “She demanded fealty. But think about what she could give us in return!” Excitement flares in his green gaze, and his wicked smile comes unbidden. “WindClan has power ShadowClan could never achieve. No leader could lead us to greatness like Sootstar can. All she wants in exchange is a little… information.” He meets Siltcloud’s eyes and runs his tongue over his teeth. “Information I’m more than happy to give her.

  • granitekit . granitepaw . granitepelt
    — he/him ; warrior of shadowclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Starlingheart
    — short-haired gray tom with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Meg
siltcloud | 14 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #905d5d
Siltcloud lets their muzzles touch, all but leaning into it - a reminder of the times she'd taken for granted, back when she'd been content to be nothing more than a silent shadow - before she's had these feelings, these thoughts, these wants. Her brother had once been her whole world, and as her friends dwindle down to nothing, starclan taking them from her, she fears someday that might be true once more.

So she listens - she does not judge, though she cannot say she'd have made the same choice if she'd been faced with such a deal. He is not wrong - starclan have certainly made their displeasure known with shadowclan, one cat after another dead and gone. Ripping briarstars lives away so brutally, only to do the same with pitchstar - though they'd at least allowed her brother to have the final kill for himself. Perhaps chilledstar will even be next - it's only a matter of time, really.

Green eyes glitter as her mind spins dizzily, as she really thinks - claws dig into the earth underpaw, and she wants to chew them. She cares little for shadowclan these days, what was once her home filled with naught but burdensome memories. Starclan has cursed them, she thinks, but for how long? For what, and why? To many questions unanswered. To spy... for such an unconcreted promise, it doesn't sit quite right with her. "... and what of starlingheart - what of your kits?" certainly, he doesn't seem to coddle them, but they'd never needed a father to bring themselves to greatness either, had they? Not even a mother for that matter. 'and what of loampelt?' she wants to say, but she bites her tongue - she knows better, understands that the sentiments she feels toward graniteplets choice of... mate, is not that far off from what she sees in his face anytime she is with her chosen - even if he says they are not yet mates. (they will be. she'll make sure of it)

"Were any promises made, of this greatness - or is this all a matter of faith," she continues, voice sharpening, tail flicking. What has he gotten himself into? This could be everything he ever dreamed of, that she ever dreamed of - of they could end up just the same as the rest, left out to bleed. Has their bloodline not let them down once already?
Siltcloud is troubled. He knows his littermate well. Perhaps she wants to believe as Granitepelt does—but she’s always been a worrier, too analytical for her own good. She asks him, What of Starlingheart? What of your kits? The gray warrior attempts to press his nose to her dust-colored ear in a show of comfort. “Sister, all those we care about will be protected,” he says earnestly. “Starlingheart and her kits will be safe from WindClan as long as I have sworn fealty to her. I will make sure of it. And you, and…” He waves a paw disdainfully, reluctantly incriminating Loampelt, though he does not speak his wretched name. “This is for our benefit, don’t you see?

But she isn’t placated. “It’s not a matter of faith,” he purrs. “It’s give and take, Siltcloud. A partnership. That’s what a real alliance is, not… not Pitchstar cowering and swearing and demanding while Sootstar grins and bears his foolishness.” He begins to pace, his mind racing with possibilities. “So—so what do you think? Are you in? Or…” His green eyes narrow, and he pierces her with a look. “Are you merely sworn to secrecy?” There’s the dusting of a threat in his words, though it’s meant only for the illusive possibility that Siltcloud could betray him, not that he thinks she will.

  • granitekit . granitepaw . granitepelt
    — he/him ; warrior of shadowclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Starlingheart
    — short-haired gray tom with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Meg

siltcloud & 14 moons & female & she/her & shadowclan warrior

Words barely pass through her ears in a haze, so conflicted are her thoughts, even as she sinks gratefully into the gente touch. She cannot say she particularly disagrees with him, that what he says is untrue... and yet, she is still hesitant. Uncertain. Siltcloud has little need for a family - blood means little in the end, just look at briarstars line, traitors and weak-willed cowards the lot of them. She does, however, notice granite's begrudging acceptance of loam's importance to her, though he too avoids saying his name, and something softens - in her heart, in her gaze, in her will.

"I- alright," she sounds weary and defeated to her own ears, broken and bent beneath the weight of her beloved brothers expectations. "... I will help, but only you," she says slowly, speaking with a a delicate sort of caution. Head shakes back and forth as eyes close, as though she cannot believe what she is even speaking, what she is agreeing to. "I have no use for new siblings, no want for more kin - I will not meet them, but I will help you do what it is you must,"

Because how can she not? Hadn't she thought, just the other day as she looked so forlornly into hazel eyes, that she'd not only choose this same path again, but if faced with similar she'd do it again? (and again, and again, and again,) And here she was, standing face-to-face with such a decision once more. What a sick sense of humor the stars have, twisting her paws like this.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a dust hued cinnamon tabby with white markings and sage green eyes. her fur is dull and unkept, her figure frail and slight. she's usually quite passive, and rarely makes eye contact or speaks above a whisper. she has five toes upon all four paws.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#905d5d]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

Granitepelt’s ears flick, pleased by Siltcloud’s reluctant agreement. “I will not ask anything of you unless I must,” he promises. “Sootstar is not fond of our mother, and you look enough like her that I don’t want to chance bringing you to these meetings unless I have to.” He does not know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing that he so resembles the father who had also sired Sootstar’s kits, but he does not want to take chances with his littermate’s safety. “If you notice anything you think she would want to know… come to me. I will take that to her.

He brushes his tail tip against her pale tabby flank. “You are my only true sister. I have no need of these other siblings, but…” Green eyes narrow thoughtfully. “I can’t help but feel like… like we found this out for a reason, sister.” After a moment, he gives his gray fur a shake, offering her a small smile. “We’re already out here. Might as well see if we can bring back some prey. Starlingheart and the kits will be hungry…” His whiskers twitch, expression stony again, as if often is when he remembers the burden of his offspring.

  • granitekit . granitepaw . granitepelt
    — he/him ; warrior of shadowclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Starlingheart
    — short-haired gray tom with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Meg