private VALLEY OF KINGS // gravelsnap


Though it pained her, Sootstar has handed off Bluepaw's training for the day. She was fiercely protective of her daughter's progress and training, she didn't need anyone leading her along to quickly into the tunnels or too slow- StarClan knows it'd bore her curious mind! Though unfortunately, some days she must be a leader before she is a mentor. She trots behind @GRAVELSNAP , using his shadow to shield her from the glaring sunlight. The patrol was unusually small, only consisting of the two of them, but when Sootstar was at borders she liked to be in and out, so this was ideal. The longer she stuck around the scent markings the more likely other clans would slither out, spitting and hissing insults with no grace. ...Not that she was afraid of them... she's just had her fill of border spats to last a life time.

"Badgermoon speaks well of you. You're always on your paws and ready for daily patrols. Anything to help your clan, right?" Sootstar would begin conversation, a slight smile settled on her maw. She only wishes all apprentices grew into cats as competent and loyal as Gravelsnap, Sootstar knew she could trust the young black and white tom to heed her call if she ever made it.

They arrive at a border and the blue molly gives the area a good sniff. Content with how the previous patrols had renewed the scent-lines she rubs against a boulder before padding away, minmal chatter continuing to be exchanged with Gravelsnap. Not too long after, something stops her in her tracks. "...Do you smell that?" Her face contorts in a grimace.
The cat who he walks ahead of is so much smaller than himself, but infinitely more powerful. She uses him to shield herself from the sun, and he is content to let her do so. It is an honor, in his eyes, to be called upon like this. To be trusted on a patrol of only himself and his leader—though, that’s not to say she couldn’t defend herself even if she had invited a cat she doesn’t trust along with her. Either way, Gravelsnap is glad, grateful even, to be handed such responsibility.

When Sootstar first speaks, the tom cannot suppress a surprised glance over his shoulder to the leader. She praises him for his dedication, even says that Badgermoon has spoken highly of him. He preens a bit beneath the praise, and answers his leader’s follow-up question with a smile in return. "Of course," he responds with a shrug. There is no need to think about it with nuance, or to consider that it may be rhetorical, because of course is the simplest answer and the most true. Gravelsnap would do anything for his clan. He can’t think of a line that he wouldn’t cross for the good of WindClan, for the good of the cats that he’s grown to care for.

As they continue along, the warrior keeps a steady eye on their surroundings. Yet another advantage of living on the most flat, treeless section of territory—threats are visible from much farther away. He sees nothing, and so he allows himself to be occupied with their continuing conversation. His full attention is brought back to the task of scanning the area, looking around, when Sootstar suddenly comes to a stop. "Smell what?"

He realizes as soon as the words leave his mouth what she means. The scent is somewhat muddled at first, but he bristles anyway. Either a predator is nearby or has passed by very recently. "Danger," he mutters. What a fitting conversation they’d been having, he thinks as he shifts on his paws, hoping to spot the danger before it’s right on top of them. He’s sure that Sootstar could take on any predator on her own, but he is also a warrior now, named by the leader herself. It is a part of his duty to fight for his clan, for his leader.