VALLEY OF KINGS // return w/ rogues

They return back to the sandy hollow as twilight settled over the moors. These rogues had costed Sootstar a pretty penny, so to say, so she prays to StarClan that they were worth her sacrifice and time. The bloodied blue smoke is the first to slip through the gorse tunnel, when she reveals herself on the other side the stars gently illuminate her fur. Again, she feels the stares, nothing she isn't use to.

There is a mixture of emotions around camp, she hears some pleased murmurs where on the other paw she sights gazes of fear and worry. Looks of disbelief that their once strictly closed border leader was now welcoming rogues known for their brutality and coldness into the camp walls. Dangerous, inconsiderate, some might say, but Sootstar argues otherwise... These rogues would not only protect them but would help her shape some of the weaker felines of her clan up. If WindClan was ever going to match her inner-visions perfectly, she needed cats like them.

Sootstar doesn't take a stance on the Tallrock, no, she's too tired to climb it and she doesn't want to stumble in front of... well anyone really. "The leader of the rogues is dead, and upon understanding the power that I behold and the strength of WindClan, of us, as an entirety, the rogues have pledged their allegiance to me. They join us! No longer are they rogues, but learning WindClan cats." She flicks her tail in the recruited groups direction, "All of us will help them learn the way of WindClan life. Everyone from child to elder. Once they have proven they understand our ways, proven they understand StarClan, then I will give them warrior names." A breeze runs through the camp, slightly stifled by the shelter of the gorse wall.

"So... what are we waiting for? Lets us share-tongues and get to know each other... we're family now." She bears a vague smile, wincing up a bit at the blaring pain in her neck. She knew far better than to go to Dandelionwish, so she merely sits herself down and puts on a strong face.

//the rogues can now begin to post ALL over the board!! and in this thread ofc


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 32 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to windpaw & sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to sootpaw & coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Course he heard the talk about enlisting rogues but he certainly didn't think they'd actually go about doing it and he felt his fur prickle with unease the moment he spotted the patrol coming back with countless cats in tow. Though both green and gold eyes widened he did not change his expression from the neutral frown it had settled upon moments before when he'd found out why they had left.
Dandelionwish stood stiffly in the entrance to his den without comment, watching the new cats filter in and finally, after what felt like alarmingly too long he had at least one thing to say, "That better not be all yer blood..."
Why didn't she do her usual spiel on the highrock, why did she look so breathless, did an actual fight break out? Stupid question-of course it did, she was more red than gray now and he felt his pulse fluttering anxiously in his throat as it often did when he spotted an injury.
The chocolate point gave a dismissive snort, glanced back into his den for a moment before taking a seat right where he was; not too inclined to go meeting their new 'clanmates' just yet.

She had been the first to verbalize her thoughts. It was terrifying but her brother spoke after her, and then the woman beneath her father revived. Fuck, she was glad the nine lives rule wasn’t a hoax because if she hadn’t revived then her father would have caused a war between them. She saw how her plaything reacted, and though shes a trained killer beaten down countless times for hopes of being emotionless it was relief she had felt. Relief she felt when she had killed him, her father. Now she just had to hope that he wasn’t tormenting Tonic, wherever he fucked off to in the afterlife. Their mother truly was too good for him.

She blinks a few times as Soot speaks and if only for a second did she see the pelt of her mother. Eyes soften and she didn’t feel as afraid anymore, just a bitter pang of betrayal that settled heavily in her chest and stomach. She wants to cry and curse these rogues for letting her attack her father, but she’d be hypocritical to do so. She hadn’t raised a single paw in his defense and … well… His death was a long time coming.

She presses close to Whisky. Learning Windclan cats she called them but she didn’t feel mighty at all, just a coward for feeling so relieved. “Sorry, for putting you on the spot like that.” she murmurs to her brother. She wanted to say she had been scared but was it really terror if she had done so to save her own ass? She shakes her fur out and fixes her gaze on the Windclanners.

New clanmates, huh?
shoelace | 18 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold red

Quiet literally bouncing into the camp, Shoe gives a rather manic grin as she takes in her new surroundings. Theres many cats here - perhaps some of them will be interesting enough to become her friends! She doesn't care much that gin is dead - she didn't know him well, didnt care for him much. He had simply been a means to an end - a protector, a promise of safety. He'd been the most powerful, and now he wasn't. Sootstar was - this tiny runt of a thing had torn him right up. She wondered if coming back from the dead was commonplace for all these cats, or just their supposed queen, Hah, What a silly title. Rocking back and forth on her paws, she glances about and wonders who all will come entertain them. The one tom to speak up so far doesn't seem particularly interested in doing so.

—————————coalfoot | windclan | male————————
Rogues were joining their Clan. That was about the extent of what he knew. The thought of it made Coalfoot nervous. Sootstar truly trusted bringing in a large group of potentially dangerous outsiders? What if they were to turn on WindClan? They couldn't afford to. Not to mention the pressure it would surely put on Dandelionwish.

Coalfoot had been sleeping near the wall of the camp when his leader returned with the unfamiliar group in tow, the abrupt chatter stirring him and dark head lifting groggily. A moment passed, two, before he registered what he was looking at, eyes widening. His stare fell on Sootstar in particular, paling at the sight of her coated in blood. Was she hurt? Was there a fight? Oh, that was a lot of blood. Swallowing heavily, he looked away, although a white ear twitched when she spoke, listening.

For once, he wasn't sure if he could feel as optimistic as her about the whole ordeal. Coalfoot would... give them the benefit of the doubt. For now, however, as he warily looked at them one by one, he would stay put.

[penned by its_oliverr].

Look at this place. Not a single coyote in sight! Heaven, it must be. He looked at the gazes of each clan member that bore into him. Yeah, they were nervous. Good. He wasn't here to cause problems, but the more cats left him alone, the happier he would be.

He would have to get used to having only grass for cover, though. That would take time.

So......Now what? What does he do now?

"Well, you heard her, go make friends, if such a thing is capable for you." Spiderlily spoke beside him.

"That's a tall order there, Spiderlily. " Jasper replied.

"I know. It was worth a shot to get you to bother someone other than me for a change."

"But we're SUCH A good friends!"

Spiderlily looked at him with a disgusted frown and Jasper could only laugh.

Looming and dark, he is a dusty frame of muscle and scar tissue. A single eye of molten fire rages through the WindClan clearing, as starlight graces darkening skies to peer brightly upon the newly arrived group. Sootstar is still bloodied, but she is risen from the dead and appears as healthy as ever. Nathanos still struggles with the idea of it; he is wary, curious, and entirely mystified. How many lives did the smoky leader have? Perhaps she could not die at all, but whatever the case, she was surely worth his loyalty. After all, if Sootstar's resurrection meant one thing, it was that those stories of entities within the skies above was not merely tall-tale and rumor. No, it was real. If these spirits had sent Sootstar to the rogues, as if it were all some twine of fate itself, then who was Nathanos to question?

He hardly looks approachable, one-eyed and stone faced. Slowly but surely, he does pick his way through the camp, taking in the new sights and smells with inquisitive thoughts.

Whiskey — We watched him drink his pain away a little at a time
It couldn't have just been that easy.

Since one could think he had been plotting, ploying even, against his father to kill him. And this-this bitch did it all within minutes of coming back from the dead and slaughtering him right there in the alley. The place that had been home since he opened his eyes and now here he was; idly traveling alongside Sangria with an unreadable look to sage green eyes. How? How dare she! That was meant to be his moment, his source of justice for all that he put them through and she just took it like a spoiled kitten.

Those pale green hues stared down the smokey, limping body of this cat who claimed to be a queen. Whiskey lashed his long, dark tail back and forth with ears flicked back aginst his head, rage boiled inside him like a hot fire on a summers day. That chance would never come again cause only Gods could come back to life, and he hardly thought of Sootstar as a God. More like someone who would rue the day they murdered Gin.

Fur touched his and he had half a mind to lash out at any cat that dared touch him right then. Though it was a slight twitch of his right, front paw as he reailzed it was Sangria. His sister, his dear sister, she would also not know the justice of one of them ending his miserable life. This selfish, proclaimed God had ripped that feeling away from her as well, and it made his eyes narrow a bit with anger.

"Don't be sorry, San, it'll be alright," Whiskey drawled with a little smirk across his face and a gesture of his paws, then glanced out at the camp. New clanmates. "speech"
The petite she-cat had undoubtedly died at Gin's paws... and yet, tonight she walked away as if nothing had ever occurred. Gin was the one who lay dead now, having underestimated Sootstar's power. At first, Slate was ready to turn around and stand up the offer that the haughty leader had made, which had been accompanied by a spiel that likened her to some sort of living deity. Now that he had witnessed her mighty return from the short-lived grave, there was no doubt that these clan cats had access to a miraculous power that street cats like him could only dream of.

He does not follow out of an undying sense of loyalty for Sootstar. No, he follows out of intrigue. Slate wanted to know more about how these wild cats harnessed these supernatural abilities and how he, too, could outlive his enemies. If all he had to do was carry out hunting and protection for this leader, and in exchange for food and shelter at that... then why wouldn't he? What did he have left to lose? Cowering in a corner and waiting for death by the jaws of a hungry coyote under Gin's "leadership" was no way to live.

This could be a new beginning.

So, Slate followed Sootstar down into the sandy hollow that the moor cats called home. Being one of the largest amongst the rogues, he knows for a fact that several pairs of eyes are glued to him and some of the other large-statured cats, which he doesn't necessarily enjoy. There are a plethora of reactions to their arrival in the WindClan camp; expected, sure, but Slate was still wary of the attention it brought him. Hopefully this did not last long and the rogues would integrate into "clan life" quickly.

Sootstar goes on another rambling about how high and mighty she and her clan were, to which Slate nearly rolls his eyes. She had defended her honor, which the tom could respect, but otherwise... He was certain that she would tread on his nerves quickly. He had enough confidence in his sense of self-control, though.... maybe.

"... Let us share-tongues and get to know each other... we're family now." Now, a period of engagement, conversation, and exploration appeared to commence between both WindClanners and rogues alike. Some cats were eager to meet their new clanmates, while others ( like him ) were a bit more hesitant at the idea.

Slate blinks, clearly hesitant to rush forward into anything and instead taking a moment to survey his surroundings and dissect just what is happening here. What was "sharing tongues"? As a tom who was raised in a colony, he understands the concept, though has never heard of the activity being referred to as such before. Shifting his amber gaze towards the individuals around him, he mutters a question, "... What are we supposed to be doing?"
In his immediate reaction to Sootstar's revival, he couldn't care less about Gin. Screw that guy, or whatever everyone else said. No, he was far more preoccupied with the moor-dweller coming back from certain death without barely batting an eye, much less proclaiming herself queen. With terrified wide eyes and a speechless demeanor, Sam only slunk after the WindClan cats after staying paralyzed in place for several long moments, presumably rethinking everything up to that point in his life.

So where's the food? Despite the gore he just witnessed, the tense trek over to the moorland left him with one thought on his mind: he was going to go absolutely rabid if he didn't get something to eat within the next hour of arriving. Well, maybe not literally. That coyote didn't look mangy enough to infect him with that bite, though he pointedly walked slower than the rest of the cat parade. While not as raw as before, his back hip was still an angry wound, barely beginning to scab. Mismatched eyes studied the Windclanners, noting how equally uncertain many seemed to be as well. Would it be rude to immediately ask for a meal, even if all of their ribs jutted through grimy flanks? Probably. Sam bit down on his tongue, glancing aside at a voice he heard in his ear. Slate muttered something, a sentiment they all likely shared. Well, shit. Someone was gonna have to bite down, suck it up, and be a big grown cat now, weren't they? Socializing was by far the scariest threat Sam had ever encountered, no way it was gonna be him.

...No, it was gonna have to be him.

The ginger tabby gnawed on his inner cheek, eyes locked on the ground in extreme concentration as an internal debate raged behind an otherwise empty face. What if he made a fool out of himself? What could he even say that wasn't entirely awkward? Hey, guys, nice to meetcha, we're gonna be leeching off all your resources now! Stupid, stupid ― no doubt he'd wanna claw his own ears off by the end of this horrible tormenting ordeal. Mechanically, Sam finally stepped just a little bit forward, cheeks puffing out before he nervously exhaled. A proper greeting would suffice, just to get off on the right paw. "Y'all should've... should've seen those coyotes where we just came from, hah ― it was insane," he blurted out, an odd laugh to relieve tension slipping from his snout.
( ) Lilith had felt nothing during the fight, nothing until the little windclan queen rose from the dead before them, skin pulling and healing right before her eyes.

Only at that moment when air re-entered Sootstars' lungs and the light returned to her eyes had Lilith felt anything at all. And that feeling was not awe, unease, or even respect. No, it was greed. Whatever this strange power the leader held within her small body, the fawn and chocolate chimera wanted it for herself. For the first time in a long time, something had truly piqued the she-cat's interest, much like how a cat would toy with a helpless mouse, Lilith wanted to play with the little windclan leader.

Just how much horror could the grey molly take? Was there a limit to what her power could heal? Lilith would have loved nothing more than to coax the leader into a secret place so that she could experiment with her own claws just how far that tiny body could be pushed.

Lilith would saunter into the Windclan camp behind the others, a charming smile that exuded nothing but friendly warmth and invitation as she took a seat with her companions, not a patch of fur out of place as Sootstar announced their joining. She would blink slowly, drinking in the forms of all those present as her mind went to work nitpicking what weaknesses she could find among them. The unease, the hesitation, the pure uncertainty that draped in the air like a suffocating blanket seemed to revitalize the molly and at Slates' question, a well-practiced giggle of amusement would slip from her maw as she took a few steps forward and meowed over her shoulder, "We act likable for once."

She would turn back and walk confidently into the crowd of Windclanners before stopping before one rather shy looking one and she cooed warmly, "Hello there, my name is Lilith. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Interacting with @SLATE and @coalfoot

I won't apologize for being who I am
Coyotepaw watched from the far end of windclan's camp as a stream of new individuals poured in. The bulk of the boy's head lowered a minuscule amount, mint colored eyes skimming over the group before pinging to Sootstar as she introduced the ragtag group as newly reformed rogues. His brow lifted as he internally questioned the blue smoke's reasoning in behind such a choice. He knew what rogues could do. Skyclan had just lost an apprentice not too much older than himself to one of their kind. His jaw tightened the longer the windclan queen spoke. No. He would not be sharing tongues with any of them, he was hardly comfortable conversing with the windclanners already here. What bothered him more was the fact Sootstar was slathered in copious amounts of crimson. Flattening his ears, the young tom finally pushed himself to his paws ad reluctantly approached, giving the clan's newest additions a wide breadth of space.

"What happened to you?" Coyote asked the blue tinted femme, before glancing over at a chuckling ginger tabby. He allowed a rather lengthy pause to linger before curiosity eventually got the best of him. Perhaps merely because the insane animal in question held his namesake. "Oh yeah, what were they like?" The spotted tabby murmured, deciding to humor the older tom for a little while.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you


Ghost had never seen a cat cheat death the way Sootstar had. He'd seen the near-misses, sure. Had watched as cats narrowly avoided losing their lives by the skin of their teeth- himself included- but he'd never watched a cats life drain from their eyes and fall limps in a pool of blood only to resurrect and slay their killer moments later. It left him intruiged and waryof Sootstar and her cats, but unlike so many of the other rogues, it hadn't been the deciding factor in him joining. Ghost was only here because Nineteen had decided to tag along, and if there was one cat left that had managed to win any credit ith the white-masked tomcat, it was his ink-stained brother.

"Keep your heads down and stay out of trouble." he muttered to the trio of cats standing nearest to him; Nineteen, Thirty-Two, and Puff. The latter he didn't so much consider his responsability as he did Nineteens, but it was second nature for him to take the lead on things and if Puff was going to hang around then it was something the cat would have to get used to.

@Nineteen @Nut @Puff

rogue - male - 25 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes

(=〃ﻌ〃=)ノ Everything felt so- uncertain. Was this a good idea? Would this blow up in their faces? Did Windclan intend to keep its promises they made? The fluffy cat swished his feathery tail behind him and glanced towards the group he had been following for the last few days. Nineteen, a friend, his brother Ghost and this other coalition member named Thirty-two. It made Puff feel out of place as he had been a sheltered cat before all of this, and these three grew up together. Worked together in a way and were a unit, while Puff was an outsider. Now even more so as they stepped through the gorse tunnel into Windclan camp.

Puff moved to press into Nineteens' side, a sense of comfort amongst all the stares, and Sootstar announced their arrival. Inviting that of sharing tongues amongst the rogues and the Windclanners who were here before them. Pale blue eyes looked up at the inky black tom beside him before towards the group of cats; should they indulge? They didn't look super friendly that was for sure. "I am unsure of this," He muttered softly to Nineteen and glanced up at him. — tags
❖ Windclan. A wild concept really; five groups of cats just living in the forest? Seemed like a recipe for disaster if one were to ask him. A ceasepool of constant skirmishes, rules and regulations- but then again he had agreed to said rules. Though they seemed easier to deal with than that of the coalitions ever changing rule basis. Pale green eyes looked up at Ghost as he spoke about keeping their heads down and not starting trouble, then to Puff as he muttered he didn't know about this. Nut though found it to be rather- interesting. A place for safety in the winter and as far from the coalition as possible- just up his alley really. Plus he wasn't alone here, he had Nineteen and Eighteen. Puff was more so an accessory to Nineteen, a little baggage over a cute, plump cat.

"This is mighty strange," Thirty-two commented with a small shrug of his shoulders, flicking a flopped over ear, "Five groups living in one area? Sounds like a whole bakery of issues," He gave a gesture with a front paw and then looked around the clearing for a moment. ​

Everyone seemed weary of their position, of their leaders decision, and didn't seem as keen on grooming one another like Sootstar believed. Thirty-two padded a bit into the clearing for a moment before looking back at Eighteen and Nineteen, "What do yous think?" That accent flatering a bit as he tried to speak without slurring his words too much. Thirty-two was rather hard to understand just like Eighteen with his own accent.

—————————coalfoot | windclan | male————————
They seemed to share the feeling of uncertainty and unease, based on the hesitance and confusion. It was enough to ease his own nerves, if only a little. That's right, Coalfoot had to remind himself. It was all new and foreign to them too. He let out a sigh, drawing in a breath to push down his feelings, only for it to catch in his throat when one of them approached him specifically.

The marbled tom blinked dumbly, all thoughts coming to a hard stop in his mind for a moment. "Oh- I-I- I mean..." A smile crept over his features, and he let out a breathy laugh of embarrassment. "Hi. My uh, my name's Coalfoot. Welcome to WindClan." An awkward pause. What else was he supposed to say? How much did she know about Clan life? Had Sootstar told them anything? No, of course she had. They wouldn't have gone with her otherwise, right? "I'm a moor runner, a warrior," he added weakly.

// interacting w/ @Lilith

[penned by its_oliverr].
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His time as one of Gin's disciples is over. Maggot shall now be a warrior of WindClan, pledge himself to Sootstar's power.

He follows the rest of his lost group's members to the moorlands, their new home under the all-powerful stars. Those that greet them upon their arrival are sad scraps of fur, sorry little things. Perhaps WindClan needed their strength, after all. Maggot scans this new home of his, looks for their promised resources. Food, healing. Where was it?

Family, she claims them as. Sootstar couldn't be more wrong, could she? The rogues, they were their own sort of family. These WindClanners? No. No way they were his family. Rather, the ones that would bring him their food, their nests. Though they may both bow to the same leader, there was no way Maggot would claim them as his own.

His ears twitch at Lilith's words, meant for Slate but hitting his own ears all the same: act likeable.

Likeable? Ha, he could do that.

A smaller scrap of fur asks about the coyotes. A snort from Maggot follows. "They would have eaten you." he tells him, though he'd made a narrow escape from them himself - hardly-healed wounds on his shoulder to prove that, "It's a good thing you weren't near them."
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